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Everything posted by SandyToes

  1. Boy, I wish today's custody case Dad had sued for the whole $5000! He certainly deserved it, based on her attitude/actions. He may or may not be a great dad, but with more money, he could have sued her again. She was just a pain. Mascara case: Agree, she was especially mean. But I can also see the point - if the eye is so damaged - it's your EYE!, get thee to the doctor ASAP. Sounds like it was several days later. Regarding the mascara, my mom has glaucoma, so takes drops, and they give her the most amazing eyelashes. She hasn't had to wear mascara in many years, because her real lashes are so long, dark, and lush. Bad disease, good drops! I was out with my dog this morning, and started thinking about last week's "It's what dogs do!" pet owner. You know one day someone's dog/child will be seriously maimed/killed and she probably also won't have the insurance to cover it. And it made my blood boil. That, and the "your dog is out of your control" diatribe Judy gives us every time. We were walking out in the wide open spaces, my pup is off leash. I see another dog walker about 50-100 yards ahead, so I call mine, leash her up, and slog through the mud and muck to get off the sidewalk, away from the other dog. Mine is a sweetie, and pays NO attention to other dogs, just squirrels, but dogs are dogs and I try to be responsible. This other gal shoots me daggers, as her dog drags HER down the sidewalk, because it is so intent on barking and lunging at my dog. Guess it's a good thing I took my pup way off the path, huh? Mine never even looked back at her dog. I have as much right to be on the sidewalk, but could tell it wouldn't be wise to be in the same space. Just reminded me of all the harangue about "being in control." Just made me angry, on top of last week's case. Thanks for letting me vent. "On a leash" doesn't always mean in control, and I've seen enough dogs jerk themselves out of an owner's hand. "Trained" is a much better option. Sigh. @AngelaHunter is it time for wine yet?
  2. Boy, isn't that the truth! Scary broad.
  3. @Toaster Strudel did an awesome, 5-gavel recap of PB case. Miss those days..... We've had some great recaps by others, too! Y'all make my day. Every day. Big hugs.
  4. I know today was a dog bite/fight case, but very satisfying outcome. I gathered from the Plaintiff's astonished look that she wasn't suing for the $5000, but won it anyway. (Did they ever say?) Ms. Defendant can go on the list of most odious liti-testants. "That's what dogs do! They fight!" There you go. In the other case, Cornell needs a neckbrace to keep himself upright. I got dizzy just leaning over trying to look at him. And little Bryson was pretty cute, but obviously not well-coached enough. When you look over and essentially ask, "What did you want me to say?" it kind takes the ooomph out of one's testimony.
  5. Oooooh, you brave soul! Can't wait for the response! When I saw it, I wondered if she had some true "issues." Maybe someone (or she) decided, in the spirit of not taking advantage of her circumstances, to pull it from the rotation. Just an idear. But I loved Curl MD and the gal who flounced past Byrd into the coffee lounge/makeup room/men's restroom/alleyway. Could see that one over and over. That and Bike Guy, and of course, Baby Boy!
  6. Two great reruns! The dingbat who broke into the house, and Curl MD. Memorable, to say the least. Hope dingbat did have the local cops called on her, but I doubt it.
  7. I think it's all of the above! And as has been mentioned before, winning in small claims does not mean you actually ever see any cash. And some of these cases are so small ($800-ish) that the loser never pays, and it's not worth it to the winner to have to split the judgement with whatever entity actually DOES collect the cash. We've won judgements over the years from tenants, and sometimes don't see much, if any, of the cash. The award shows as a debt owed on their credit reports, but often it's not worth the extra trouble to us (after eviction, small claims, etc) to farm it out to be collected. So coming on the show, if you've got a good chance of winning, often at least gets you the cash in hand. On the other hand, the wacky cases full of baloney are certainly more entertaining! This show is kind of like Super Nanny (or whatever it was called) for me. With that one, I'd watch, and think, "Dang! I'm a GREAT parent after all!" Same thing here. "I'm not as big a wacko/deadbeat/loser as I thought I was!" That and the smackdowns... And I agree, too, that she seems crankier than before. Sometimes the old shows are more fun to watch.
  8. Amen to that a thousand times. I think JJ was so hard on the plaintiffs because she had a pretty good idea this was a case that essentially had already been tried, or that at least the merits of it had been. Suing for something you didn't get AFTER you move out? Really? So, for the bazillionth time, can someone please refresh me on the payouts of this show? $5000 pool they "split" based on decision? Or $5000 each, or does one side only win the award and the other side nothing? Folks always seem so pissed off when they "lose" - but don't they still get a pile of cash?
  9. Didn't see this, but it sounds like he's also they type to be the ONLY one caught - that's why his "buddies" keep him around. The alpha-bullyers are often smart enough to not get caught.
  10. I really need to remember to set the DVR. Sounds like a couple of classic cases in the making!
  11. And the fact that she says SOOOOO many things to so many people that I wish I could say!
  12. Ha! I made sure to set the DVR, just to see exactly what's going on. Chicken.... BTW: Whallop! Hee!
  13. Or, move into your car!! This cracked me up. I think we need to create a better collective noun for "a slew of [Judge Judy Show] women." The competition is open! Too bad "murder" (of crows) is already taken. A "groan" of women? Hmmm...
  14. I'll help you dodge the rocks! My daughter moved out, with a "only had it for 24-hour" fast food job, to move in with boyfriend because someone told her she could do whatever she wanted at age 21. She had zero dollars, he had about the same, and both quit their jobs in a couple of months because they didn't like them. Fortunately, for them, they moved in with HIS parents, after finding out that "Playing grownup" isn't all it's cracked up to be. Yes, these two JJ kids are living in a car, but I'm guessing they had other options somewhere, and somehow those blew up. But good that the are at least working. And I agree, "part time," these days especially, OFTEN means 30+ hours a week. My son has one of those. But he also has an 8-12 hour-a-week PT job. Thinks he wants to move out. But after hearing how much his car ins. will be, is rethinking things. Earning money = spending money, and he hasn't yet figured out it doesn't have to be that way. Now get off my lawn...
  15. I think the whole case was about the cats! But because the defs had every right to defend their own pets from wildlife, plaintiffs didn't have a case for the vet bills or whatever they might have sued for. So they pulled this mess together. Could/did she have a bad reaction to the spray? Sure. But that doesn't make it the neighbors' fault, and she certainly didn't prove the defs did anything wrong. People on our street spray their roses, but we never get an advance warning. "But the HazMat guys came!" does not mean there was a hazard. Another case of, "It's true because I say so." Would have liked to hear more about the counter-suit - looked like the def. had a video or something. But whatever they claimed in their response, JJ was having none of it. Flower pot gal? Sheesh. There was also a case today (rerun? new?) where the defendant had been too drunk to remember anything that had happened at a party, so he was "excused" from even opening his mouth. He sounded pretty stoned in the hallterview, so probably just as well.
  16. I have actually had LIFE to deal with the last two weeks, and have missed all these juicy cases! At least they sound juicy! Other than the Little Debbie case (hee!) I'm totally out of the loop. But the commentary, as always, is spot on. My mom was a CFO at a junior college and used to complain about Pell grants all the time. Not sure what all was involved, but she never griped about anything other than those. And that was back in the olden days. I'd set the DVR but then I'd have some 'splainin' to do.
  17. I LOVE those cases!!!! Today's "Literary Agent" case had me cracking up. "My memoir!" Heh. I actually believe the "agent" didn't have much to work with, however, she didn't deliver the goods.
  18. I want the first copy! Too funny. I missed LaTrae's case - what the heck was HE suing for??? He was the PLAINTIFF? I agree, Angela, that we need better litigants. Sometimes it's fun to laugh and snark on these weirdos, but every now and then, it's almost horrifying. Maybe we should start perusing our own local small claims court and submitting our own suggestions!
  19. Holey moley. That's just, I don't even know. I feel sorry for her - that must be awful. But an unfortunate wardrobe choice, to boot. But Fashion! Woo hoo! Thanks for finding that. Or, maybe not. Wow.
  20. Okay, someone's gotta find a photo for me now. This sounds too impressive to have missed. Bummer. Parking cars. Ha!
  21. Didn't see this one, but I can imagine. We've seen so many. Not so much in the fabulous fashions department lately, though. I caught the moped/caddy case. Despicable woman, indeed. I was gobsmacked.
  22. Or the gal who wanted to "visit" the murder-scene car because it, too, held such sweet sentiments. @funky-rat, just bit ol' hugs for you and Mr. Funky. More than anyone should deal with - especially as a child/young adult. Skip the cheeseballs and wine and head straight to the chocolate!
  23. Sorry I missed this! These are my favorite cases - where one side says nothing at all, and still wins. heh.
  24. As I read this, I am helping plan my daughter's wedding. <shudders> Judy has made this a far more nerve-wracking experience than it should be.
  25. Don't throw any shoes, but for SOME folks, this is normal in the South. I taught with several well-educated, polite, conversationally-blessed people who said this all the time. Drove me nuts, as it is still wrong. (But worse was "theirselves" used by the English teachers. Sigh. ) But "token" is in a whole 'nother category. Could be a double post. I'm about two pages behind. Ooops.
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