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Everything posted by SandyToes

  1. The idiot RV boyfriend who claims he's been through 22 phones last year?! HOW? Now admittedly, we are the types that actually purchase a phone, rather than "rent to own" or the $24 a month forever plans, but still! Thank goodness there were no children. Judy asked her if she was on anything, but it sure seemed like he was. Or, maybe I'm just too naturally mellow. And weepy motorcycle chick - agreed. Shut up. You chose him, and no body cares.
  2. Mr. Toes was all over this ^^ case. He was actually trying to, you know, like, basically, figure out the LAW. Silly man. Need to make sure he gets his wine BEFORE the show starts. $8000 a week. For someone around 6'4'' or 6'5'' - he wasn't sure. Yeah, give that man a nail gun! As for the car case, in complete agreement, Bratinella. Def knew exactly what the score was. But Plaintiff could have had it checked before she plunked down the money. Tough one, but I think it would be hard to PROVE that the def. knew. Zipline woman? Criminy. Not just her kids who are spoiled.
  3. Mustn't forget "borrowing/ed him some money." More of that today (with the STD baby case. No words.) New ep (?) today full of zipping through things without any facts. So much more I wish we'd seen!! It made JJ look senile(r) - random decisions, ignoring information, or refusing to consider it. Frustrating. As I write that, I'm wondering if it is even a word. Too much like conversating or altercating...
  4. Sometimes that's the best part when I'm feeling down on myself. "At least I'm not THAT bad!" Other times, of course, it nearly drives me to tears thinking that this represents the current state of humanity. That's what the wine is for. Cheers to Mom!
  5. You know, I kind of wondered about this myself. And maybe she handed the money right back to him. Mr. Toes watched today's cases with me. That may have to stop. :-/ He's not so tolerant of Cranky JJ. Neither of us was impressed with today's cases.
  6. Fencegate! Hee! Our behind-us neighbors wanted a new fence and asked us to go in half. Mr. Toes offered to build it, if they would buy materials. Please know that Mr. Toes is quite the handy man, and being an engineer, a fence he built 30 years ago is still in great shape, despite having been through at least six hurricanes, two of them biggies. And 30 years of wear and tear. The fence we replaced on one beside-us neighbor has two "front sides", so we both get a nice pretty side, because we designed it that way. Behind neighbors said no, they would prefer "professionals" to do it, and that's all fine, too. We get the "ugly" side, and they get the pretty side. No big deal to us - that's what shrubbery is for. Previews for today's show looked impressive, so have set the DVR. Of course, it is cold and raining here, so weather (or weather reports) will probably interrupt it.
  7. Cheeseballs? Do you have cheeseballs? Glad I missed yesterday's landlord case. We are having troubles with a tenant now and I may have gone over the edge with that ep. I shall console myself with thoughts of the funeral case. Sigh. "Hitler Hair." Gah!
  8. I think you answered your own question: And CPS allowed some kids to stay? The whole thing was stinky. Poor kids. I expect some or all may be in JJ's (or someone's) court in the future, with that kind of "rules don't apply to us" mentality.
  9. I really enjoyed, if that's the right word, the case today with the grieving mother and the funeral home. Something different, BOTH parties were very likeable, and the outcome was exactly on target. (Any producers out there listening!?)The plaintiff (the funeral home director) was just so gentle, so kind, and so patient. But trying to run a business, and deserved to be paid. The Bully dog ep: Up to $6000?? Really? Wow. Hard to tell, as SRTouch mentioned, if there was a single brain amongst 'em. Burned house tenant sounds may have been the biggest idiot of the day. It didn't sound like the defendant landlord got anything out of this case. Did she not have a countersuit?! Texas/ND custody dispute was all kinds of weird. Hope CPS in the relevant state(s) was also watching. Looked like another bun in the oven - same baby daddy? Lordy, he seemed to have the same amount of grey matter as the dog people. I did appreciate baby momma stepping in to translate for him. JJ usually doesn't allow that, but that case may have still been in progress had the woman not clarified things. Me, too. (And Judy, three!) But you don't leave things you love for a month, and then leave them again when you go to pick up your stuff.
  10. I, too, got sucked in one more time, just to see the opener. Criminy. Tuna and raspberry jam? Even if these people only cook Hamburger Helper, that requires you to read and follow a recipe of sorts. I agree, that they should also have to eat their creations. But then, that would entail this being some sort of real show, like it was back in the beginning. There must be some type of off-camera boot camp, because there were a few references to mis en place, and I can't imagine any of these yahoos having a clue what that meant. Take this bunch and hand them a "Chopped" basket, THEN come up with a "signature dish." Heh.
  11. I saw the explicated photo case and lasted about 10 seconds. Not one to repeat. And Spunkygal, you are correct. Wine has pretty much become de rigueur for watching JJ. Cheers!
  12. And, my personal fave, "Be careful who you breed with." It's holiday party time, y'all. I know you be "talkin' " to lots of folks. I came into the wedding episode during the video and had no idea what I'd stumbled into! Kept changing channels, thinking it was wrong, or that the station was running something else that day. Once the penny dropped, I wish I'd paid more attention to it. Wishing all my JJ besties a safe and happy holiday season!
  13. Perfect recap and perfect read on that case, SRTouch. Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dummer. Poor baby pups. Hope they are in good homes (did ANY of them really make it out, or are they still with these two wackos?)
  14. Today, on "Rode Hard and Put Away Wet..." Yeesh. Repeat case of repossessed Jeep but didn't pay the ticket - Another two-thrown-shoes-at-my-TV litigant! Gah, what a whiny, spoiled little witch. More made-up documents. And Jamoche! ha! No kidding! Maybe it IS the Twilight Zone!
  15. So it seems I was right in watching the news and napping during today's "regular" episodes? The early reruns are so much more fun these days. If JJ is going to rant and rail on people, why can't she throw them out just for being too stupid for words? Criminy.
  16. Oh, good heavens!! Anyone else getting the rerun with the "heart attack can't work but only makes more and more babies" case?? Goofy wife (another certified nursing assistant. Sigh.) won't let him sell car to pay child support (which he didn't know he owed?!) because it is tied to a murder?? Hit the record button because I'm going to have to go back and rewatch this. Man. You can't make this stuff up. I can't even think how to recap it for those of you who didn't see it, because it was just too flipping crazy.
  17. Missed the new shows today, but did see another "not married, therefore can't help you" case earlier. Woman just would not give it up! Credit cards in her name, baby daddy ran up expenses and skipped out. Gee. Guess who's on the hook. The only thing missing was, "You picked him!" The other case was a friend helping out another friend by cashing bogus checks. Def. had no ID. No visible means of support (in both senses of the word), and fiancée lived 10 states away. Cozy! Plaintiff in that case did get to work in the phrase "flim-flam" so that was fun. I think several of us would agree about her being harsh and judgmental and just plain wrong lately. I got all fired up again yesterday about the right turn on red case from last week. I was turning left (from my green-lighted left turn lane) and thought what if I had wanted to get into the gas station (burger joint/bar/grocery) located on the opposite corner? Since, according to JJ and "the rules" I'm not allowed to turn into the outside lane, and then into the parking lot. I must stay in the inside lane, and then make a series of U-turns? Or go down a block or two to switch lanes and then cut back through the neighborhood and/other parking lots? Yes, normally, one should turn into the inside lane. But she had a GREEN light and the defendant had a RED light. Argh. I do think sometimes she knows far more about the cases/litigants than we do. I'm guessing production staff often scopes out facebook pages, arrest records, etc.
  18. I have found my people! LOVED Cranford - just a few episodes, and I'm on second viewing because I missed so much the first time through. Much more humor, in very subtle places. Loving Lark Rise to Candleford - every character is charming and interesting. "Mar" and "Par" makes me smile every time I hear it. Minnie is just a joy (when not driving us nuts!) Also enjoyed Bletchley Circle. Wish there were more! Miss Fisher is a lot of fun. Will need to give North and South a try! Saw first ep of Poldark, and liked it. Just got sidetracked with Lark Rise. The Crown is wonderful. Nicely paced, beautifully acted, very interesting. Amazon Prime also has a good documentary on Prince Phillip, which I had seen first, and offers good insight.
  19. I think she was looking for HER payday. Very telling when she admitted that her daughter's funds from the lawsuit were put into a trust. Which I'm guessing mom has zero access to. Fishy all the way around. She did not prove the dog was out. You can't sue (and win) for walking past a barking dog. In my world.
  20. Both dog cases were wacko. I think the scared plaintiff was just going back to the well... The "registered" pit bull case? What a load of BS. Can't believe JJ gave her ANY money. Furious! Soooo glad to see the landlord with the houseful of non-renters got his full $5000. Dad was just as much an idiot.
  21. This is like the case earlier this week (?! I've had a lot of wine tonight...) where the woman turned right on red and crashed into someone, and the judge ruled wrongly. (IMO.)
  22. If this is the horse case I'm thinking of, maybe because the vet's statement was from three weeks AFTER the sale? Just like buying a car - you have it checked out prior to purchase. I was with JJ on this one - who knows what that woman did to the horse during the time she had it. No way to know for sure.
  23. If this is the horse case I'm thinking of, maybe because the vet's statement was from three weeks AFTER the sale? Just like buying a car - you have it checked out prior to purchase. I was with JJ on this one - who knows what that woman did to the horse during the time she had it. No way to know for sure.
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