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Everything posted by SandyToes

  1. No! Not flunking school, only a "few classes!" Apparently there's a big difference, doncha' know. This guy's a piece of work. Exactly one of those who, in kindergarten, would say "You didn't say I couldn't kick him. You only said not to touch him!" Every time he'd argue with JJ I'm sure it was because she paraphrased what he said, "No, I did not say that", etc. I really think he thought he was in the right, which is kinda sad (maybe too many lost brain cells) but he has "uh-zero" basis for anything dealing with that girl. I'm not even sure mom should. Hopefully she's straightened herself out. Gave her the phone in November for her birthday. In April. Okey doke. Any internet sleuths out there checking on Ms. Sessions? I skipped it today. Too sad.
  2. Ha! Yeah, Angela, it's worth watching just to see the "stars" (and there's a plethora of 'em!) in the show. There's a lot of cross talk going on, so you may have to watch a couple of times. Grab a beer or glass of wine! (or whatever floats your boat!)
  3. Which I TOTALLY believed. She claimed the defs were putting cat poop all over her property. I don't guess it could have been, you know, the CATS?! Slow news day at my house. Lots of time to digest this case. Still laughing at the red-haired sister. She seemed a little "blank." God, it's good to be perfect so I can comment on the rest of the world.
  4. I was just coming back to say Diana Ross is obviously the only one with half a brain, so was elected spokesperson for the group. What the heck were they all doing there?? (beside eatin' and drinkin' on JJ's dime.) Also kind of got a Richard Simmons vibe from the Plaintiff's table. I am a horrible person. See y'all on the stagecoach...
  5. Oh, my gosh, y'all!! The Feral Cat Case? Crackin' me up. I really, really, want to see the video! Mama Scoggins needs a little more help than she's getting. Love the commercial bump when they show My Other Sister Darryl's face. Hee! Just hit the record button so I can enjoy this one again. Maybe with an adult beverage. And just how many people came on this show? Can you say "vacation?"
  6. SHE?!?! Wow. Did not expect that. I'm sorry that happened to y'all. Glad she's gone! I'm looking forward to JJ today. Haven't seen any eps in several days. Even old retreads will be welcomed today! (#becarefulwhatyouwishfor)
  7. "I think we should go now." Hee! Nice bit of levity. Everything in this episode was unexpected for me. And Scaeva, I, too, found BPC a little likeable this week, although I can't put my finger exactly on why. Dougal saving Rupert, Rupert missing Angus, Murtaugh (le sigh), Hugh Munro, Mary, just a lot of nice bits form the supporting characters. Gaelic writing and grammar lessons had me cracking up. One of my favorite episodes (despite the gore) of the entire series.
  8. I'm glad to hear Pauline made good progress (and looks great in the photo!). I'm just catching her episode and if not for the updates I'm reading here, I would have a hard time finding any sympathy. Her poor son. He looks even larger at the end of the episode, and sadder. The doctor's comment that Pauline was looking for a "magic pill" was spot on - just give me the surgery, and I can then do whatever I want. Not that she's the only one to think that, for any number of reasons.
  9. I know! Loved Bongo Jet! I thought the protest signs and were peace sign pan were awful challenges to work around. I do like how Alton is now providing more hints about how to work around the sabotages, and how many contestants (appear) to think their way through the challenge, and stop bidding. I know the talking heads are all done after the fact, but I like that some of them don't necessarily run from challenges. Some even end up better off when they win those dig-through-the-jello-type sabotages. Just caught the dessert round of the 70's. Gal in the disco ball was so cute! Her spinning around and trying to open bottles, zest oranges over her head was hysterical. Guy who won did not impress me much, but again, I only saw dessert.
  10. We'd wondered the same thing! Unless it was during the blinding wind/snow/rain/sleep deprivation point in the schedule and the other deck hands were operating on auto-pilot. What goobers. Do they not understand (dumb question, I know) that if the pots aren't full they don't get any money?! Agree with everything else everyone was saying. Very impressed with Sean. Ninja skills, indeed.
  11. Home from work, flipping through the channels, and neon purple lipstick jumped out at me. Yep, Tregaye (and her siblings!) on Guy's Grocery Games. Air date of Jan 2015. Still manic, but with shorter hair. I missed the first episode or two here - are all of the contestants former FN "visitors?" I've seen y'all reference Erin being on a baking show. Yep. And I agree, that the chef voted off the island often seems rather arbitrary. And sometimes, they seem to be better when working with someone else. Almost like they'd be a better "star" if it were a duo.
  12. I remember that one, too. If money is so tight, spending that much on tennis shoes the boys will outgrow in 20 minutes made no sense. Isn't is sad that we even consider she is shopping/scamming around for a better TV deal? So today's repeat of the consignment deal - can someone explain it, again, to me please? I understand buyer's remorse, but for that many items? And that many pairs of shoes? And if money is so critical, why is she spending that much to begin with? The plaintiff made it sound like she was buying and selling to raise money. Did she buy knock-offs and try to pass them off as real for the resale? Defendant was another scammer. Drives me nuts when the defense is, "I needed the money." And then the comedy gold of Prom Dress Disappointment, as well as, "She has CHILDREN?!" Hilarious, if it weren't so frightening. Hope CPS or some family member stepped in on that one. Yikes.
  13. Couple of "rode hard, put up wet" gals today! Wow. Must have been today's theme. I was stunned Ms. "I love you, Miss Judy! I'm so happy to meet you!" was only 44. Wow. Guess getting evicted twice in one year will do that to you. Maybe I heard wrong. Maybe she said 64.
  14. Sometimes I miss the trainwrecks.... Kinda' liked the fighting ballerinas. The looks on the judges' faces was worth the price of admission. I missed the intro to mom and son dancing and was creeping out big time, but once I caught on, thought it was kind of neat. He was really good! His cute little 6-year old voice surprised me. Thought the Argentinian group was great - nice mix of drums, flamenco, river dance and whips! What's next? I love any act that isn't someone singing. As others have said numerous times, we've got too many singing shows for them to choose from. I also have trouble with gigantic singing and dancing groups. That said, the choir last night was very good. Nice to see kids working for a common goal and proud to be doing so. And talented! My son says he's seen hearing impaired comedian before; he recognized some of the jokes. "I love this guy!" Agree that the judge's banter was as good, if not better, than the prepared material. And I also am loving Simon. Nice blend of compassion and straight-shooting. Camera work seems to be better this season, although, too many audience reaction shots. Love this show!
  15. Exactly, Irlandesa. When your competition remarks that your food is the same thing over and over, it may be time to go. Especially with all of her "experience." She had the beauty and polish appeal, but a show would need food of some sort, I'm guessing. Gnocchi was an odd choice, to be sure, but it at least showed Domiano can cook. Loved Joy and Jennard's promo. It did look like a show already to go.
  16. CoolWhipLite did an especially great job yesterday! Thanks to those who provide such riveting commentary. 27bored does a good job, too! I've said for many years I will gladly hand over my tax dollars if I can assign implant birth control to those "in need." Lots and lots of people need assistance, and I'm happy to provide it (well, mostly happy), but it's too easy to scam, abuse, or just rely-on-too-long the system. We've seen a lot of wackos and losers on this show, but I think LaQuanza and her murderous fiancé/bd may be the couple that was just too much. We've had others that made ME crazier, but this one takes the cake. And her plea for funds - I was going to check to see if she'd earned any money, but then was afraid I'd find that she had - as if having a lawyer will get the guy out. Never mind he might actually be guilty - just get a lawyer and bingo! Freedom! I know the argument can be made that expensive lawyers may be more likely to get defendants off, but still. Hoping to see our in-house contestant soon!
  17. I was hoping there was more to Jaunita and Andre. How many times did JJ ask for the LETTER from the ins. company and Juanita danced all around that, waving insurance cards and other stuff. Since she got the money, I'm guessing she actually had a letter of some sort. She was blathering about cancelling the insurance (Attention! Attention!) but that got glossed over, too. And yea, JJ totally called it correctly on him driving. Texting someone driving, who has seizures, yeah, that screams "Safety!" to me, too. Andre's baby momma(s) better hang onto this tape. That will be some hefty child support payments on the way! Hoo-wee. (Not!)
  18. Well there you go. So much better. Ha! But did you forget the punctuation?! ;-)
  19. Disappointing that Baby Daddy, who is articulate, well-dressed, and seems to have it all together, is such a scumbag! "Don't have time" to file for visitation to see his son? JJ got it right - no interest there, since going to court would end up costing him child support. Can't even wrap my head around the STD business. Why don't people (who can't afford children) use birth control? I just am boggled by that. Guess I'm just old and from another era. As for why Shayna would go on TV, my guess is to either (a) shame Baby Daddy publicly (success!), or (b) to get whatever little money she can from the show's coffers. Not likely BD is every going to cough up much.
  20. AH, it goes back to "rules don't apply to me." I don't need a license, I don't need insurance, I don't need tags/registration for my vee-hickle, I don't even need to PAY for the vee-hickle! Most importantly, I don't need to follow rules, like speed limits, parking rules, stop signs, pedestrians, etc. I do appreciate (/scarcasm?) how most of the time these folks need the car to get to "work." And then subsequently lose their jobs because the car goes away. Of course, that is most fortunate, because now they don't have to go to work anymore! Win-Win!!
  21. Between the babysitting scammers (talk about smug - what about Grandma?! Eight hundred government dollars a month to babysit school age kids?!), the guy who sold a house and had his son paying off the "line of credit" mortgage, and then drunk tank roommates - what a horrible cross-section of society. The babysitting case really got to both JJ and me. As an adoptive parent, these yahoos who pop out babies with no way to pay for them and then demand someone ELSE be "accountable" (tm the 15-kid video woman) really, really send me over the edge. SmugMan - loved how Judy explained the case to Byrd before even speaking to the litigants, and then said, "Now you can tell your story, since I obviously have not made up my mind about this case." hahahahhahahaha! And then she gave him dog commands. "Sit!" hee. Some folks just really do deserve each other. They'll probably spawn a dozen as well. I thought the exact same thing. Me thinks she is not yet off the sauce. I've decided Patricia Bean part deux will never happen. The fates are aligned to punish us.
  22. Oh, good night. The impounded car repeat today? Thank all your lucky stars that idiot was not in an accident! No license, no insurance, and "a little bit intoxicated." Yowza. Her "mama" suing for $5K hoping to make a profit. No matter what JJ said, another excuse/variation of "not my fault." They should have both had to pay production back for bringing them out to the show.
  23. Favorite moments from today's cases: I SWEAR I thought they said he needed "birth control." THAT would be an interesting case! And then this one: JJ: You had the male dog? SiL: Yes. JJ: So were you paid, or did you get pick of the litter? SiL: Yes. I have pictures right here. Hahahahahahaha! I can't figure out why the Horse woman so was stunned - what had she been expecting? Even if she had won, it wouldn't have been for a fortune, right? I did like how during the "raise your right hand" part she had her hand waaaay up there!
  24. He is my new hero!! Loved that clip!!! Best defense ever: "Everyone else is doin' it!" Hope she enjoyed her new digs for the full 2 years.
  25. Dang! It sounds like I missed a "good hair" day! If only there was a way to see for myself.... (hint!)
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