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Everything posted by SandyToes

  1. Ms Shepard reminded me of those cat clocks with the wide, shifty eyes. Anyone taking bets on when they'll be back in court AGAIN? As for Ms. Jones - dramatic in spades! Surprised she didn't waltz out mid-case.
  2. I cannot quit laughing!! Primarily because both of those sound EXACTLY like me. Byrd's rat-killin' schoolin'. (Complete with rat! Neato!) Dang, y'all!
  3. Seriously?? My, that's very generous of wifey. blech Ha! Cracks me up. Another thing we've learned here! Off to scrub my face.... Oh, and they were like the purple-headed gal yesterday - having run this same scam multiple times. I'm glad JJ called them on it. Figured Plaintiff sued for rent separately due to the $5000 limit.
  4. Hee!! i thought this was a great case! Can't wait for the conclusion! Nice to see two presentable, well-dressed, articulate litigants! Agree she may be a nuts, but it was fun to watch! I thought she looked a little sick when Judy packed up to go make The Call. But that could be the editors messing with us... I also hope Mamma gets to speak. She was looking awfully antsy over there!
  5. All together now, boys and girls! " I DON'T KNOW!! " Ah. That feels better.
  6. We have a soon-to-be-not-a-teenager at home and we have discussed having him pay a small amount for rent, just to help him be a "grownup." We were all set to start, and the episode about "if your daughter pays rent she can do whatever she wants because she's now a tenant, not a daughter" episode aired. Hmmmmm... Rethinking the rent issue! Instead, he's going to put money in a designated savings account. So we can still set house rules. Whew! Bullet dodged... One of my favorite cases in the repeats today - blind horse damages idiot girl's car because she parked where she wasn't supposed to. In MY world, idiots who sue and lose need to pay court costs for the other party. But at least def. got a cool trip to LA!
  7. Ack! Just flipped the channel over to the Ellen Show it time to see a clip of our favorite judge slipping off her robe (mid-case!) to reveal a sexy little black number, shaking a martini, and holding a looooong cigarette holder! Didn't see the set up, but it was hysterical!
  8. Ugh. JJ: "You're not following my questions!" Oh, yes, she is. Completely. The fact that SHE called "code enforcement" herself and quoted the codes shows me she's a perfect example of using and abusing the system. And suing him for money when she owed rent? Typical. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt. And why we will never rent to anyone on government programs again. Some folks are wonderful and absolutely deserving of the assistance. But you can't always spot the scammers in advance and we've been burned more than once. Loved landlord's comment about "she cut the branch she was sitting on" by calling code enforcement herself. HA! And if the place was so horrible, why move in in the first place? Me thinks she's run this multiple times. Gah. I can feel my blood pressure going up and up and up. Wish he'd countersued for at least what he was owed. Thought the daughter was of interest. Wow.
  9. momtoall, where is this magical land? I want to move! I hope all of the people in your post are as fertile as the litigants we see - the world needs more people like this!
  10. CoolWhipLite, you forgot the best part! "We weren't dating." "We bathed together in the shower. We were together the whole time." How many times did she say they were a'washin'?? SRTouch is right - the countersuit was a hoot. ha!
  11. Ha! I guess when we are back to only boring reruns we should start a MadLibs thread! hee! We have some real sickos around here (AngelaHunter, we are ALL lookin' at you!) Our stories would be awesome. I'm really getting out of the house today. I mean it. Seriously.
  12. I think that also plays into what sometimes seems like she's being "two-faced" in her decisions. I used to wonder (and sometimes it irked me) why she'd toss/dismiss cases where it was clear there WAS a loan agreement (as opposed to the loan/gift BS) and the def refused to pay up. I've decided it goes back to the "what an idiot" argument. If the plaintiff enters a loan agreement with someone with no job, no money, and no assets, then the plaintiff is an idiot to expect payment back. Shouldn't have agreed in the first place! Yeah, the show could have paid, but that's almost like rewarding dumb behavior. And would probably unleash a stampede of similar cases. Free money! Kind of the same thing here. Her heart was broken (after a month? What was she? A former Bachelor contestant?!) and the guy was a jerk, but that isn't a violation of any legal code. Nor is it a crime to be an idiot. My mouth fell open when I heard the numbers. Yeah, like spending close to 50% of your total income on ANYTHING is a good plan. Any bets on the top-notch electronics, jewelry, shoes, kitchen products she has? Hope her kids have saved up for her retirement, because I doubt she has. /soapbox
  13. I have no words. I can not speak. Brilliant!
  14. Silly W&C! You are assuming the insurance had previously been PAID! Doncha know these folks just have that little slip of paper they got six months ago (after paying the first week or so) and that it is the paper that has expired. I'm guessing.... Either that or they are smart enough to not say, "I never bother with that cuz I'm such a great driver." Auntie Pam wins post of the day for "Cindy." Seriously. Enjoy your mirrored gavel!
  15. I'm glad Plaintiff won this one (duh), but it irks me that in a way, Dontray also won! No money out of his or Mom's pockets! Just keep on keepin' on, and someone else will foot the bills. Grrrrrr. But I also know that had this been tried in real court, even after winning, Plaintiff probably wouldn't have collected a dime, so good on him for at least getting the $$. I try to comfort myself with that thought. Lots of interesting hair treatments today, no? I kinda liked the blond and pink. Did she actually admit to putting sugar in the tank in the hallterview? Could she be tried in criminal court for that?
  16. Fun early reruns today, for the most part. The "Three's Company" roommate case - stoner dude was a real piece of work. Another great example of JJ feeding someone enough rope to hang themselves. Also interesting to note that production pays for "make overs" and "teeth", but wouldn't give the dude a new shirt - just turn your offensive garment inside out. Ha! What a maroon. Also liked the two college kids who hosted a for-profit party for a non-profit group. Defendant was either really dumber than a box of hair, or smart enough to act like it. People walk in with puppy dogs? Fast forward!
  17. I didn't see this episode, but that line has me dying! I LOVED those guys! It sounds like another one of those cases that should be featured on the "Behind the Scenes on Judge Judy!" documentary. Staff getting back at JJ with dreary cases? Ha! Getting back at US! What did we ever do, huh? Get off my lawn!
  18. Oh, Tristan, Tristan. Such a fine specimen of, um, well, hmmmmm. ( I did kind of gave a little squeak of joy when I saw him! At least we are getting some fun reruns.) And I did enjoy today's vocabulary lesson: both "coiffed" and "bum magnet." I also liked how Octavia asked to have the term defined. I kept waiting for her to say, "Can you use it in a sentence, please? May I have the language of origin?" I didn't catch much of the squatter case so don't know what her question about a 3-day notice is. That's what we have. Of course, no one is ever out in 3 days, but it starts the court-a-go-round and then about 4 weeks later before they actually hit the road. Fortunately, we don't go through it very often. Pretty telling that most of our discussion here is NOT about episodes. About the show, but not the new eps. Still waiting for Patricia Bean! Re: Snow and rain - for some of our local weatherpeople, ANY rain is such a huge opportunity for them to get to be on TV! And have more than a 30-second segment. They are always so excited to have something to talk about besides "90% humidity and 20% chance of rain. " Those of you in the path of The Storm - stock up on wine, chocolate and toilet paper and be safe. We'll catch you on the flip side. GiantM, hope you are doing well.
  19. We are expecting RAIN here today (gasp!), so I'm sure we'll be in the same boat/sled. (And why the heck to I need to hear what Joe Schmo has to say about rain? or snow? or anything? I DON'T CARE! RIDICULOUS!) We need to pick dates for our JJ appearances. If my hair and my lingerie are going to be the same color, I've got to get busy shoppin' and colorin'. I'm thinking turquoise... Patti cracks me up. Seriously.
  20. So here's the plan. Everybody find a partner, sue in small claims court, and we'll all go and BE on the show. I'll pick Bratinella, since we are both dog people. Let's see. Hmmmmm... We go to the dog park, remove leashes, and BAM! Lawsuit. Work for you? We can rock/paper/scissors to see who is Plaintiff and who is Defendant. No need for paperwork! We'll just take our trip, nice dinner, nice hotel and our ridiculous case can be dismissed. AngelaHunter and Toaster were there and "seen" the whole thing, right? You can come as witnesses. I'm packing already..
  21. I am loving the Vegas idea! Sign me up. And teebax can bring whoever floats her boat. Seriously - wouldn't this be a hoot?! Those of you with real jobs (gasp!) would just have to play hooky for a couple of days. We won't tell! Watching the old reruns today. Good heavens, these people are beyond idiots. Guy tells stooopid employee not to borrow the truck, she does anyway, blows it up (I missed - did she even have a drivers' license? She didn't know what the H and C meant on the temp gauge!) but is afraid to fire her. I'd think theft would be legitimate grounds. Me thinks there was something else hinky going on. Her continual excuses of "But I needed it." were mind boggling. She'd be one to google. Then the ep where the drugged/stoned girlfriend/not girlfriend owned/didn't own the old car - dumber than a box of hair. On a good day. Followed by the guy who rents a party house with 10 men and hires some girls from a bar to "come over and see the apartment." And cook breakfast. Bet the married guys had some 'splainin' to do when they got home. These people reproduce. Gad. Kill me now.
  22. Early repeat today was a good one. Idiot mother suing on behalf of her injured special snowflake's injuries, but of course, has no medical bills, no documents, and needs pain and suffering money to go to Disneyland. Wonder if she ever got the bank account set up. Then the case of the not-ocean-view, not-one-bedroom Florida condo, where JJ asked the plaintiffs if they had a history of "psychiatric issues" in order to show what a scammer the defendant was. (She of the unfortunate wig and more unfortunate undergarments.) I was a little nervous when she started grilling the plaintiffs about jobs and job histories and psychiatric illnesses, but in the end, as per usual, her line of questions leads to the right outcome and makes the def. look like an idiot. I LOVE those cases! Not overly excited about today's new eps. Maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised...
  23. I watched today's episodes a couple of hours ago and can't remember a thing. Recall a bit about the roommate/ICE business, but it was too boring to pay attention. What has happened to our show?! I did, however, enjoy the repeat of "She shrank my pants!" The best part was JJ repeatedly admonishing the boyfriend. Heh.
  24. And so did eeeeeeevrybody else! Daughter should have been mortified that this went so far, and shut it down. But then she didn't really look like that was something she'd be capable of. New episode? I don't even remember it. Blah. Meth-terpiece theater. Excellent!!
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