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Everything posted by SandyToes

  1. I particularly enjoyed the discussion of "wife" and "kids". I know what he meant, but it was pretty funny.
  2. And to that end, if you are going to go out in public, not to mention be on TV, or (shudder) appear in court, put on a damn bra! Who was that witness, anyway? I understand being poor and not able to afford fancy clothes, but dang! Bizarro case. I got the impression there were lots of scammers today, in one fashion (ha!) or another.
  3. Huh?! Those sound pretty interesting. All we get here is "I'll get you JUSTICE"! "I'll fight for what you DESERVE!" "Call ME!" "I sue TRUCK DRIVERS" ads yelling at me over and over and over and over.... Although as I mentioned earlier, if I happen to catch a late-night version (watching one now about a non-permitted kitchen exploding thanks to the Barbie the "Contractor Coordinator") there are fair number of "Hello, lonely people, ooh, aaah" ads. Not sure which is worse. We had a tenant bring lawyer to small claims/eviction court once. Poor guy had no idea what he'd gotten himself into. Idiot entitled young (single!) mother and her wackadoodle parents kept blathering on about what the bank had told her, and judge asked lawyer if he was prepared to subpoena the bank teller, and he very weakly replied, "Yes?" Judge even kept reminding the woman and the lawyer about telling the truth. "Does your client understand?!" We just sat there and let them dig the hole deeper and deeper and deeper. Yeah, she lost. Hope the lawyer in the ill-fitting jacket got paid.
  4. Hey, Precious, if too much frozen food and coughing and yawning (holy smokes, woman!) are the biggest tenant problems you have, you are a helluva lucky landlord! Have you never seen this show?!?! This one is a keeper, for sure. An intervention for coughing. I was just about to skip through this one, then we got Precious' performance. Totally worth sticking around! I expect this to show up as a youtube montage, ala "tupperware woman". Oh, the teenagers. Yikes. I fear the three miscreants (white trash One Direction! ha!) will be local heroes. And Byrd speaks! "Shootin' fish in a barrel!" And this: Well put, my friend! Ah, the good old days. I may not agree with what someone else says (or thinks), but by golly I'll defend their right to say it. We don't have to all agree, but we can all be respectful. One of the great things about our gang here!
  5. Loved the hallterview repeat today: "He's been taking advantage of me for six years." Okay, sweetie? He's not the problem. But your hair looked way cool!
  6. And teebax, if you ever needed a loan/gift, you know we'd borrow you the money in a heartbeat. As for who the jailbird boyfriend looks like, my first thought was Herbie the Dentist/Elf. Or a little Matt Lauer-ish.
  7. So I'm watching the repeat episodes and what a disagreeable assortment of people! Each case features folks who get ickier and ickier. First we had the drunk who caused a car crash by grabbing the wheel of the car, and claimed she lied to the police. Always a smart thing to confess in front of 10 million of your closest friends. Then there's the woman who "takes care of her kids" via Byrd's tax dollars claiming that since she didn't know the $900+ money order was fake, she has no responsibility in the case. She was pretty quick to spend it, though! Glad the 18-year old who tried to befriend her got her money back. Then the squirrely woman and her loser hubby who decide they don't like the water pressure in the house so they quit paying rent. But still live there, of course. Plaintiff landlord won, but barely, because she was so insufferable JJ almost through her out. (Me, too.) Now we've got the scamming woman who claims her name is on a deadbeat friend's car title, but she wants the money back from the car that she had baby-daddy put his name on. Another one of those "I bought a thing, but don't want the thing, I just want the money" cases. Coupled with gift/loan/parking ticket/scam/scam etc, rinse and repeat. If anyone ever wanted an argument for teaching sex ed in the schools, this show is it. Once upon a time, people waited to have children until they could afford to raise them, as opposed to popping out more when money gets tight (or because they have no idea how it happens). /End rant. Just a personal pet peeve, and in no way should be taken as a generality across the board. But we sure seem to see some like that here.
  8. They goofball who brought the lawyer - the lawyer was almost as big an idiot. JJ has "basically" already declared she's dismissing the plaintiff's case, but the lawyer gets up and starts rambling. She cuts him off, and he STILL keeps on jabbering. Hey! You're winning! Shut up! Guess he had to say something to justify whatever "fee" he's collecting on this one. My guess is the def. was guilty of SOMETHING, so he brought the lawyer. No words for Mr. Bradford. Glad his 15 minutes are over! Stupid parking lot women? I'd bet my eye teeth that the plaintiff did NOT have insurance. Another case of "I have this paper." Uh huh. Glad Judy said they were equally responsible, because they were. I am amazed every day by the number of people who go zooming down the rows in parking lots. I really do creep when I back out - my son always complains since we have a backup camera. Doesn't matter. Idiots abound. Finally saw the muppets case from yesterday - Wow. Another one where you hope CPS was watching. Catching up on weekend eps - some case of more idiot driver defendants who cross 3 lanes of traffic to get gas, and claim they were hit, and did not crash into the plaintiff. Well, I guess the plaintiff must have some sort of nifty new "Back to the Future"-type car that moves sideways(!), since his car was hit on the drivers' side. Pretty cool trick to hit someone with the side of your car, huh?! Plaintiff wins, idiot defs. $5000 counter claim dismissed. Surprise! Side note: I could tell the car crash ep was a late night weekend one. "Feeling lonely?" ads instead of "We sue truck drivers!" ads.
  9. Or, Lady Gaga, who also appeared frequently. What was up with that? I thought Shelby looked gorgeous. Underwhelmed by all the songs. Jordan's the only one I might consider buying. I thought Stevie Wonder-song guy did a much better job this week, but I didn't like the song. And again with the "will we see the artist or won't we" lighting. I get the show is called "The Voice", but it would nice to be able to see "The Face" from time to time!
  10. I'm really enjoying the race, because for the most part, I really enjoy the teams. Each grates on my nerves at different times, but (for me) there isn't any team that I am wishing away. Chris and Logan probably bug me the most, but even then, they seem to pull it together after the blowup. It will be interesting to see what happens the next leg. We thought KF was a problem in the Netherlands! I'm not normally a fan of bunching, but I do hope there is some opportunity for more shuffling. I like Justin and Diana, but also like the suspense of wondering what the finishing order will be in each leg. I also kind of miss the airport/traveling drama. There's a lot of strategy that goes into transportation choices.
  11. Ms. ebay of Pigs is on display over in the Boob Tube thread. Enjoy! Mr. Quiche, anyone? I also missed out due to events in Paris. One day I didn't mind missing JJ.. Wow. (But I'd still like to see that one!) I did have the misfortune to see the green and grey dreadlocks. Those two looked like characters from Scooby Doo.
  12. I found Kelli Filkins. I don't recall seeing this one before. Hope she spent a long time in jail. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=c25_1336370275&comments=1
  13. Mr. Bitcoin: "It was fraudulent, but is wasn't FRAUDulent." Okay, then.
  14. Oh, my dog. That's too funny! Right on ALL points! I sort of dozed off before the Lil Boosie story, so was startled when I woke up and saw those biggy eyes and super funk pigtails staring at me. I really needed June Cleaver here to help, since she speaks Jive, cause I was lost. Hallterview was excellent.
  15. OMG! In honor of teebax's big news, there's a wedding planner case on right this very minute! The powers that be must be reading!! But holy moley, what hair. Lily Munster is the bride. And now that your wedding is planned (whew!), it's time for the shower gifts! I offer you this (virtual) espresso machine, in honor of Shannon Five-Shots.
  16. Why, they are in charge of the entertainment, of course! Didn't mean to exclude anyone - I was just hungry. :-)
  17. Wishing you all the best, teebax! As for wedding advice, are your sure you don't want to hire your new boss' brother's best friend's wife to plan your shindig? You could find a dandy DJ and photog on craigslist, I'm sure, and buy case of beer for the "open bar." And we could help you with all the other details! Rick Kitchen could be in charge of the food - ToasterStrudel, stewedsquash, CoolWhipLite, WhineandCheese, why it's practically a buffet! Congrats, and I certainly hope wedded bliss will not be interfering with your Judge Judy watching duties. (You get a pass tonight.) We WILL be monitoring this closely. Hugs! P.S. Does she know you are LEFT-HANDED?!?!?!
  18. How did the song choices work? I feel l like I missed something along the way. Monday's group seemed to be more coaches saying, 'Here's the song I chose for you" and Tuesday's coaches were more ,"Oh, I like the song you chose." Do the coaches offer 2 or 3 and say pick one, or do some coaches really choose the song? Don't know if he was as surprised as he looked, but I loved how stunned Blake appeared when Zach came out and really let loose. What a great performance. I can't imagine what my reaction would be if I were a teenybopper! As noted above, Blake and Pharrell really do seem to work on building confidence, and then letting the performers "do their thing." I usually like the songs Adam chooses (or offers?) his group - usually a good mix for style and personality, and Gwen's always look great. I'm not sure that's enough to get her team a win, though. The blinds are still my favorite part.
  19. I appreciated that most of the performers tonight really appeared so confident, and generally seemed pleased with their song choices. Ivonne (farm girl?) looked SOOO confident, and sounded great to me, in contrast to last night where so many seemed to feel out of place, or at least, out of their comfort zones. Nadjah is another example. Her head was in a different place tonight, and she just oozed confidence. Same with Zach. Tonight just seemed to be full of folks who loved what they were doing, and did it well. Kind of a, "Go out and have a helluva time" rather than, "Oh, gosh, please don't let me mess up and be sent home!" mentality. I still don't know many of the songs, and don't feel the need to rush to buy any, but I really enjoyed watching and listening tonight. Not so much last night. Note to Gwen - Ivonne looked great out on stage tonight: glasses, "regular" hair, and similar outfits to what we've seen her in all along. She sang as herself, and was terrific. No need to turn her (or anyone else) into a more "marketable" property. YMMV, of course.
  20. Even I, as a redneck, laughed at him. Makes us all look bad! I don't think I've ever heard the words "moron" and "idiot" said by JJ that many times. Imagine if we'd been drinking game this ep! Did Judy fine each of the idiots $450 on top of the damage, or just as a way to make them pay? I got the impression she was adding to the award when she tossed the short one out. But then at the end it sounded like she just divided the award into $450 each. Bummer, if that's the case. Lottery girl with terminal illness was all kinds of messed up. Wow. And I cannot even put words together about the green car / $2 a month rent / new X-box case. Breathe in, breathe out... More wine!
  21. This, a thousand times! Korin just looked lost. She brings the quirk and she embraces the quirk. So why not let her do that? We've got the singers with wackadoodle hair, tattoos, piercings, and they all get to keep their "look." Why not Korin? I don't mind the approach of, "Here, let me show you what you COULD do/be." But not forcing it, to be more marketable. I think it backfired tonight. Sweet girl. And very pretty, too. Give her something weird to sing - Brand New Key? 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin' Groovy)? The Streak?! TV them songs? Yes, I'm old. That said, I don't mind Braiden's makeover. I think the disconnect between his mature voice and his boyish mop of hair is distracting in a way. But let him wear his glasses! Not impressed with anyone really tonight. I thought the song choices were odd, and the performances iffy. I would love to hear Amy do an album of lullabies. She's not much of a performer, to me, but I find her voice easy to listen to when she does well. I thought her song was a good fit, but didn't think she did well with it. Maybe Viktor can do the theme from The Love Boat. Kind of catches both the lounge singer and the cruise ship singer...
  22. This is sweeps?? Ugh. I missed today's old eps, and am sorry I did, based on nothing more than the "new" eps I did see. Just me?
  23. I really enjoyed the episode, lots of opportunities to mix things up, make decisions(!), and mental and physical challenges. I still mostly like all the teams. I always enjoy super fans, since I race vicariously through them, and teams who take time to actually experience the "Amazing" part of the race. When Team Texas went sight seeing, I too flashed back to early TAR days, but also appreciated that they took the time to experience what the race offers, rather than camping in the airport. Glad it didn't hurt them. When Mom and James Earl took a different train, we wondered over here if that was the right call. Back of the pack, my thought is to generally stay with the other team and hope for a foot or taxi race that would fall in my favor. Glad that this too, didn't hurt them. I think the TBC eps are an improvement over the non-elims. I also like that the locations recently have been wonderful places, and the tasks often positive experiences. I remember some previous seasons where all we heard were complaints about the hot, smelly, severely crowded, miserable trains, buses, cities, etc. Still chuckling over Team Texas looking for a horse to stomp out the answer.... :-)
  24. OMG! Dying here! Too funny. Son and I were commenting about the dumbest cast ever. Could be KF, but still. "The Hagoo" cracked me up. As for the Amsterdam/Rotterdam confusion, had they been in Belgium this might actually be a sort of an issue, where cities do have two names. But I think these were just idiot mistakes. Guess they really don't teach geography in school anymore!
  25. There was a lot missing from this one. No discussion of the car's value (or any of the stuff inside, although JJ did ask for a receipt for the price of the DOG), and I don't recall where the dollar amount came from. JJ even started proceedings by asking the dad why he bothered showing up, since he knew it was not going to be a good day for him. Maybe the puppy was rescued, and one of the impound guys took him home to his little boy. Yeah, I'm going with that. Oh, dear lord. Vaquel Lofton. GET OFF MY TV! Another fine example of "nothing is my fault." This may be one of the few times where Judy is as worked up as I've seen her. Me, too. Another one where I wish the defendant had counter sued. Loved the hallterview: "Guess you should just pay what you owe." Brilliant. Argh!!! And a word to lipstick wearers everywhere: Hot, baby pink lipstick looks good on no one. Doesn't matter your age, your skin color, your socio-economic status, your attitude. It does not look good. And I hope we get a chance to see what that butterfly tat looks like in 20 years.
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