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Everything posted by SandyToes

  1. Re: the puppy (it's a sad one, so you may need to skip this!) Daughter is moving, so loads up her car, including the 7-week old puppy. Dad takes car out, gets drunk with buddies, thrown in the clink for 90 days, and car is impounded. That's basically (!) all we heard. Some significant details were not revealed - like how did the daughter not know about the car for two weeks, and yes, did she intend to leave the puppy locked in the car all night. I think the less we know the better. This was one of the reruns some of us get earlier in the day.
  2. W&C, I get those, too. I can't record any of them, though, because their description is the same as the real new eps that air later in the day. Anyway, Today's repeats: Ms. Budney (suing her ex for $5000 in medical bills over a fight she started about a DVD. Best part of THAT was the JJ thought it was "an X-rated video."). Another one of those throw-my-shoe-at-the-TV cases. Holy smokes! What a brat! I found it interesting that the parts of her face she claims were injured were the same parts of her face with piercings. Hmmm. Very few plaintiffs have been this unlikable, IMO. Blech. I wish the def. had counter-sued! Side note - Ms. Budney had red hair, as does the second plaintiff. It IS a theme! Second case of the ep was so sad. Daughter suing DUI dad. I hope he gets help and the family can heal.
  3. CoolWhipLite, the one you missed (and what's up with that anyway, huh?! The nerve...) was a not-so-bad dog case. Snippy neighbor woman claims her special snowflake dog (and it was a cutey) was frightened, possibly injured by big, scary neighbor dogs. Trouble is, her baby was running amok in the neighborhood, darted into big scary dog's garage, and kerfuffling ensued. The kicker? The neighbors offered to pay for half the vet bills, but snippy woman preferred to take them to court instead. Well, when your special snowflake(s) run around off-leash, as proved by defendant's color photos, you lose all right to your claim. Case dismissed! Shoulda' taken the offer!
  4. Well, Squash, baby, I didn't hear back in time for my donut run, so just got one of everything. :-p Shut up. (We just got Krispy kreme back here in these parts this week (still 60 miles away, but here!) and I sooo agree with you.) Show? Um, yeah. I had to back the show up for Mr. Look recapping his current work situation so my son could hear. We got to the length of Mr. Look's current employ (don't want to spoil it for y'all!) and his mouth literally dropped open. Pretty funny. What a maroon. And what a great name - Biserka! Right up there with my good buddy Tashma. My son figured she'd pop out during the next case. Probably a break room for the crew. I can just see a bunch of guys munching on sandwiches and she blows through. Say, wha?! Welcome WhineandCheez! You've got some catching up to do. Hop to it!
  5. I was really surprised that Judy didn't smack not-stepfather down for being a NOT parent. Why wasn't mom part of the beef, other than standing there mopily? (new word! huzzah!) He was certainly well-versed in legalese, and that was in fact, very impressive. But he had no interest in the case from the get-go. Not his phone, not his daughter, not his rules. I think the income tax issue was a big flag and the final nail in the coffin. Hey stewedsquash - we've got a brand spankin' new Dunkin Donuts here and I have no idea what to order. I'm not a coffee drinker, so what else is on the "must try" list? It's all diet food, right? Whew. I need somethin' to do in between the old and new JJ cases today! Can't wait to hear about the generous tenant who so helpfully yanked out appliances. Guess I'll be having donuts AND wine today!
  6. The best part of the CURLMD license plate bit was that the plaintiffs (victims) thought she was a doctor, so they trolled area hospitals looking for the car. No, she's a hair dresser. But specializes in perms, or some nonsense. (And didn't she end up living across the street from them, or something?!) CoolWhip and 27bored you guys need to step up the recaps while Toaster's JJ station has her on late-in-the-day status. You both do a great job, even if they come in after the fact. Still loads of fun to read. I hereby bonk you on the noggins with gavels. Now get busy! ;-)
  7. Bummer. I have no idea when these originally aired, since my descriptions don't match anything. But TPTB are digging out some great cases from the vaults! The Step-father/not-step-father case was icky. I think everything JJ ferreted out was exactly what she expected to find. Mom looked like she may have "issues."
  8. Did anyone else have the case today of the red-dressed plaintiff with the bouncin' and behavin' hair (wig?) suing her ex? JJ basically told her she was an idiot and a loser (for not paying child support), and she stormed off THROUGH A DOOR behind Byrd!! Swooshed past the camera man and everything! WHERE DID SHE GO?!?!?! I must know! Loved Judy's aside to the defendant: "Her case is dismissed." Other great case featured Ms. Mooney who committed a litany of felonies when she parked her car in someone's driveway "by mistake" and the broke into the home, borrowed the car keys, moved the owner's car, and then locked them out of their own home. I may have to follow up on that one and see if the DA did in fact chase her down and charge her. Judgement for the plaintiff in the amount of $5000. Woo hoo! Sadly, no crime for being an idiot. Sometimes I think there should be. Speaking of which, the 29-year old nurse who loaned the 19-year old beauty pageant entrant close to $2000. They both drove me nuts. I'm not sure I'd loan my best friend that kind of cash, especially if I was living hand-to-mouth. Teenybopper giggled and smiled all through the trial, and then bawled giant crocodile tears during the hallterview. My son was cracking up. These older cases I'm getting are really good ones. Enjoying them more than the new ones. I have noticed lately more applause from the gallery. Good to know they are paying attention, and not just there for the giant paycheck.
  9. My favorite part of this show is still the blinds, but I've been trying to make it through the entire process. I was surprised by how many of last night's performances had pitch problems. And lots of them. I'm old enough that I never know many of the songs that are chosen, but I still listen for clarity, pitch, performance, and impact. Some really great things, but I agree, some of the contestants would have been well-served with a coach stepping in to say, "Um, no." I also think the coaches look at who will garner votes from the public as well as pure singing ability. Never once have I heard Blake or Adam talk about "my winning contestant." It's always "I won XYZ times." No, you didn't. One of the singers on your TEAM won. So I think as long as the coaches see themselves as the winners, they are going to choose people who could win. May or may not be the best singer.
  10. I think our dear Judge allowed the plaintiff to only show her insurance card because she knew the defendant was lying, was responsible, and the plaintiff was going to prevail, but that she still needed some sort of "demonstration" of insurance. The def. didn't file on the plaintiff's insurance was because she knew she was at fault, and that she wasn't insured (or licensed, I'm betting.) Had JJ really needed proof the plaintiff had insurance, she would have demanded the cancelled check, etc. As it was, she had way more "proof" than the def. had. I just don't understand how people can swear to tell the truth, even on a TV show, and still stand there and flat out lie. It makes me sad for humanity. Disappointing day in JJ land for me. (Is it obvious?) 27bored, you almost had me there for a minute. Whew!
  11. Honestly, though! It's gotten to where the wine needs to be right next to the DVR controller when I watch. And not just the glass - I need the whole jug, screw-top and all. Glad I've got my support group here. Christina, excellent explanation. However, you do not specify if you proceeded to have a verbal or a physical altercation. Be clear, please. And what is this mysterious word "lent" that you use? I have no recollection of that word. You must operate in another dimension if that is part of your vocabulary. hee! Patty1h, I'm all a-flutter waiting for this one! The cases that render us (nearly) speechless are usually doozies.
  12. Oh, good heavens. I had just simmered down! Where was this? We need to take out an ad and warn those poor people. Y'all are the bestest friends in the whole wide world. The snark, the "get out of my head"-sy-ness, the compassion, all of it. I do have a real life, and I do have real-live friends, but you all are so much more fun! Big hugs from down here in soggy Texas. And ToasterStrudel, if we didn't mention it before, virtual hugs and good thoughts that you have a donor match very, very soon. XOXO. Happy Halloween! I think I'm going to quaff a few cups of espresso and go out trick or treating as "Shannon Five-Shots." Should be able to cover the entire neighborhood in about four minutes. Unless I dye my hair magenta, and go out as Leopold-ina. Gotta hunt up my pepper spray...
  13. Auntie Pam, yes, that's the one! You forgot other sister, who while working at a salon (before cosmetology school), was able to send Grandma $400 every other week for the four kids' upkeep. Shoot, I worked full-time at a "real" job, and I don't know that I could have forked over that much money. (Not that I think she did.) I was holding it together until the hallterview. That sent me over the edge. I am fully medicated now, so am more able to proceed to conversate. And another thing. Was this "Magenta/pink/ginger hair-colored week" and I missed the memo? Just about every case featured another brilliant shade of red!
  14. The Curious Case of Camille Gregg. I am hyperventilating! Seriously. There are just no words.
  15. OMG, y'all. I'm watching the Gonzo the Dog case. My favorite kind - where Judy only talks to one party, and just keeps feeding them more and more rope until they hang themselves. Yippee! Love this kind of case. And when JJ pretty much calls a litigant "a moron", so much the better. Not to even mention another great example of hair matching one's clothing. Good times. Can't wait for a new case! And the new Dog Woman case! I think Judy was going to rule against her the minute she said her dogs were NOT on a leash. Another one that required a score card to keep track of the story. FYI, lady, "red mark" does not equal "black and blue." Really. Loved the police report. Ha!
  16. Exactly. Jeff was smarmy, evil and delicious, all at the same time. Nice to look at, too. Juliette used to kind of be a villain, too, when interacting with Rayna. The only person left to even be somewhat of an antagonist is Luke, and they had just turned him into a fairly good guy. And I see him bringing nothing to the canvas. I was really, really looking forward to Avery and Juliette and cutie baby times. Lots of playing, lots of songs, lots of happy. This has been awful, even for a "drama." Couple that with the real-life similarities makes it icky. I felt dirty watching last night - like I was spying on Hayden's personal pain. What about Rayna and Deacon frolicking in the meadow, writing amazing songs, and relishing their new-found relationship? We got to see what - one, maybe two episodes of happy times? Need a mix of happy and dramatic, good guys and bad guys, and MUSIC. It seems lately we only hear bits and pieces of songs. One of my faves was "Everything I Ever Need" - great Juliette and Avery, and a happy, fun song. We need to get Colgate to sponsor this show. Maybe if a toothpaste brand picked up the tab, we'd see TEETH and SMILES. One can hope. Still enjoying it, but will really miss Jeff.
  17. I figured Jeff was the one going over the wall, but I like how they at least TRIED to make me think it might be Will, or Luke's son, or for a very brief moment, Deacon (using the phone while driving). Of course it wouldn't be Juliette (or Deacon, I know) despite the promos, so appreciated that there was a little suspense. And I agree that "The Beverly" is not such a great name for a club. Sainthood tour, indeed. But I'm glad Scarlett got a little closure and peace. Maybe she can quit moping, for at least a while. I cannot imagine how difficult this was for Hayden to perform. Just wow.
  18. And really tried to explain that to the judge! Yeah, that always goes over well. Idiot Janae couldn't quit giggling in the hallterview, and even apologized. What a cretin. Loved how JJ awarded him the full amount - even though it was the same as the value of the what he'd paid for the car. She NEVER does that - unless she is really, really wanting to stick it to the defendant. Heh.
  19. Rick, she really got hammered in court, didn't she?! Loved the lipstick bit. Ha! And contributed so much to the proceedings. Bleh. One of the other older ones I got today about the mother/son repo'd car case. I thought it interesting the JJ didn't tell mom to either give the money back, or give the car back. I had to watch and rewatch bits because I couldn't figure out what was going on. Car in Mamma's name, Son paid deposit, but not the payments, so she takes the car back. That part I get. Plus, not wanting uninsured gf toodling around town causing mayhem. But why not give the deposit back to the son, if she has the car? No idea on the time frame - maybe he'd driven it for a year or two? It just seemed like a reversal from what she's done in the past. Almost needed a score card for this one, too, to keep up. Her whole situation was odd. Paying $3000 for a car worth $2400? And she seemed okay with that? "I didn't think the difference was too much." For someone who could only afford to put down $300 on a car, I would think $600 would be pretty significant. But good for her for making her agreed upon payments. I hope she followed through.
  20. Oh, Nadia Day. How I wonder what poor schmuck is footing her "rent" now. Few litigants get me crazier than Ms. Day. When JJ asked her how old she was, I wonder if she thought Ms. Day would answer "22" or something. 37? Yeah, principle is right. "I scam, and then sue you." Uh huh. I hope someone somewhere is keeping tabs on her. I need more wine.
  21. Good advice, teebax. And score one for the good guys! I needed that tonight!
  22. We really, really need an insider from this show! Any producers out there willing to tell all? I gotta wonder how much more info JJ has before the cameras start rolling. It's been mentioned she watches on closed circuit TV before the shows tape (in the green room? the alleyways?) and often seems to have more info. But i do agree that she seems to sometimes go against her own "rules" at times. I also admit that sometimes I snooze through the shows, but race to see what you guys are all buzzing about. The teenagers and the shoes? Criminy. None of that made sense to me at all, because my mind turned off after "$800 sneakers." Guess I'm in the wrong business.
  23. I think the Forum Word of the Day is "Kerfuffle." Will it appear in EVERYONE's post? We shall see. Gotta do something to jazz things up in the wake of so-so cases. Anyone have a date for the Patricia Bean kerfuffle? We are getting recent reruns down here, and the descriptions and dates actually match for those. Maybe I can catch it the second time around. Or have I already missed it?
  24. So in addition to "conversate" we can now add "condomindium" to the lexicon. And is "disrespected" really a word now? Old ep, no idea when, since the description is still all kerfuffled up. As usual, I am blown away by the number of youngsters (21-ish) suing each other. And how often it is just because someone thinks they deserve something.
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