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Everything posted by SandyToes

  1. I hear ya, 27bored. There are for sure times where I feel a little mean. But I've analyzed things very carefully (!) and think folks here come in two types. Those who see this as their ONLY way to get some compensation (the good landlords and crummy tenants who will never, ever cough up any money, and the loan/gift cases, for example), and those that can't wait to be on TV! That second group gets very little mercy, in my book. You put yourself out there, better make sure you can handle it. That said, sometimes there are people who are sad and have "issues." I try to cut them some slack, but sometimes, funny is just funny. :-/ Of course, as I write this, I'm watching a mom sue a former daughter-in-law for travel expenses to her son's funeral or something. May have to add a third type of litigant: "Batshit Crazy."
  2. Ms. Malingerer/Crotch Pointer seems like a professional grifter to me. Always someone else's fault. Wonder what was behind her "annuities" ? I do indeed think there are issues. A little bit sad. But just a little. Are travelers' checks still available? I can't imagine anywhere I shop even knowing what to do with one. Agree with Toaster and CoolWhip about this one. What a load of creepy people today. (And an even creepier one coming tomorrow, if the previews are correct!)
  3. Best non-witness ever! Rodolfo Dezza. Hilarious. Byrd really got to shine today. Litigants not so interesting, but Mr. Dezza was great. "Push!" Ha! What a maroon.
  4. So I'm watching this afternoon's episode and realize I must be seeing something different from what ToasterStrudel sees. DUI? Teeth? Huh? But wait! There's more! At last, after a looooong case, I see it is! It IS the same case Toaster saw! What a wreck. Couple of weeks ago, JJ referenced all the jumping through hoops landlords (the good ones) have to go through to get rid of squatters. Soooo true! And the defendant Just. Never. Got. It. You say you are going to move out in two months? Then get out! (We've only had a couple of times where the sheriff has had to come and move people out. And still, she claimed, "If you'd only told me you wanted me to move, I would have!" Grrrrrr.) I had two additional new shows this morning. Nothing memorable, apparently.
  5. I agree. think a lot of these shows have numerous hurdles; that's what makes them cold cases to start with. But I also think maybe this show is doing a public service in showing that not all cases are like CSI/Law and Order TV shows, where everything lines out easily and the bad guy always confesses. I've heard that many juries don't convict because the evidence presented isn't neat and tidy like on the TV shows. So maybe Kelly and Yolanda are helping to educate the general jury population that "evidence" comes in lots of forms. That said, I think prosecutors are still reluctant to take a case to court that they aren't pretty convinced they will win. Once a suspect is acquitted, it's over. No point going forward unless they've got enough to really get a conviction.
  6. This is a most excellent wrap-up - complete with lisp! Nice job. I hope ToasterStrudel taped this. I'd still like to hear how many "purple gavelths" this one gets. I don't often throw things at the TV, but April Stevens just about caught a couple of shoes in the teefs. Purple hair, blank checks, quickly changing stories ("Never seen her before in my life." "Oh, wait, yeah, I have seen her at my house"), correcting Judge Judy (Tapped!). Holy crap. Worse, she almost had me convinthed that Helan was indeed running a con! How amazing that one can instantly look at a car and accurately assess the total cost of the damage. Dang. That's impressive. The Brother/Sister combo - holy smokes. Ears bleeding, indeed. Rarely that a plaintiff drives me this crazy. I sure hope JJ didn't have to film both these episodes on the same day. Hard enough to watch them! Oh - and some couple named Clusterbutt or something to that effect? What a day.
  7. And on that note, I'm off to the grocery!
  8. I think JJ goes off on the ones who seemed so PLEASED that they have figured this out. She's had some on the show that have received compassion (a few, at least), but I think it's the ones like the single gal this week who was just so proud about it. I deal with a lot of "these types" in my non-JJ life, and it drives me crazy. I'm also a former special ed teacher, so have seen the other side as well. And people like my mom, who applied for disability and was denied, and really needed it when she was no longer able to work. But anyway - I watch JJ to feel better about my own life: Good to know I'm not as wacko as I sometimes feel! And I recorded goofball Jasmine this week for when I need a laugh. Anyway. Anyone have details on the "cheese ball" case, in case someone wanted to find it? Sounds like another "can't miss" episode. Lordy, I need to get a life....
  9. Ha!! No kidding. Has anyone figured out what that weird (creepy?) relationship was? The halterview, "She normally drives us around when we're drunk" ?!? Taylor didn't look old enough to be hanging out at bars to start with, and to be palling around with Jerry? yick yick yick. And this is the first time I've ever seen a litigant told to switch sides of the courtroom! I love how Toaster tucks little Easter Eggs in the recaps. I couldn't imagine what the Christmas reference was going to be about in the cable case (although I probably should have.) Just great!
  10. Welcome Curt Fuffle! Since "kerfuffle" is part of the drinking game, do we have to "drink!" every time Curt posts??? I'm in. Just sayin'. Watching a repeat "Sober Living" where the plaintiff just keeps digging and digging and the hole just gets deeper and deeper...
  11. Finally got to see this 5gaveler. Wow. ToasterStrudel had it spot on. What a mess. I love when folks really, really get what's coming to them. Satisfying, indeed. Another family whose children will probably one day be back on this show.
  12. So for those of you watching this episode later in the day or on the weekend, my recommendation is to watch it with no sound first, and just enjoy the visual show that is the loverly Miss Jasmine. No subtitles, no captions, just enjoy the show. Even funnier to know she's 21, not 9. Real life is always funnier than the stuff people try to make up! Plaintiff got bonus money! And we get an "It is what it is" from sweet young idiot. Perfect recap, ToasterStrudel! And I love that the plaintiff's hair in the music/car case matched the defendant's shirt! How cool is that?! Dang!
  13. I LOVE LOVE LOVE these! Home long enough to set the DVR. Can NOT miss a 5-gaveler!! From what's included in the description, it sounds like a 60-minute case.
  14. Did you catch the time stamp on the letter? It looked like he had insurance as of 2:49 am. Time of accident? 2:14 am. Sorry to have missed the hockey case, but I'm guessing they'll be back on a future episode. Yikes. ("maroon". hee!)
  15. We were howling at this one - if you listen closely, after the defendant's snazzy witness testifies as to who was where when, you can hear the def's surprise at the testimony. Wish we'd gotten to see his reaction! We came in halfway through the lingerie episode - just as Byrd was tidying up the place. Didn't take long to figure that one out. I agree with Toaster's gavels, but also agreed with JJ's award of the dinner money. Pay him and be done. She's a player too, for taking all that in during a 3-day fling? I am for sure going to have to start DVRing JJ this month. Missing too many fun ones! (and not a dog in the bunch today!)
  16. AngelaHunter, did you mean to leave off Crystal Methhead, or whatever her name was? And Patti - too hysterical with the "teefies" and Yahtzee!! OMG. So very sorry I missed that episode! (Screencap, anyone?) Love coming here for a daily dose of laughter.
  17. Several good points brought up here. It DID look like a whole lot of info on the white board wasn't discussed, and that the wife was crossed off in spite of what we all saw and heard as fairly convincing evidence of involvement. I know we've covered before that (hopefully) there is a lot more evidence not shown on TV that is saved for the future trial. And I got to wondering if maybe these "unresolved" cases are intended to be just that - so once a little community pressure sets in after the show airs, perhaps additional folks will come forward? Or in this case, Tanya will think, "Hey, I'm off their list, so maybe I can cut a deal." It would seem reasonable that someone would see the show and recall hearing or seeing something that before seemed unrelated or unimportant. And was it just me, or did the beginning of the show make it sound like they might be investigating a shady pastor at one some fly-by-night church? Just different than the usual set up. Could just be me. Hard to explain. I hope there are updates at the end of the season for all of these cases that will be heading to the DA "soon."
  18. Good point. Maybe it's the secret piece of evidence they sometimes hold back until the trial. It's been 24 hours. Where's my update?!?!
  19. Gotta wonder if Larry and Latarsha were watching tonight. (Or any of the suspects from any episodes, for that matter.) What's running through their minds? Two policies is nuts. And she was paying $400 a month?? Admittedly, only a couple of months, but still. Poor man. I hope Latarsha sings and they both end up in jail. It's a special place for former cops... I was disappointed that the case hadn't even made it to the DA yet. Looks pretty tight to me.
  20. I think she was the "strong female singer" on the cast list since Hayden P was not as available. But the story was pretty big for it to just be over in a blink. Daphne is becoming like a Where's Waldo game: What cool, mature insight will she bring to THIS scene? Somebody's got to be the grownup! I liked the episode. Cracked up at crazy Juliette being back. Nice to see something other than the snooze she's been of late (even if understandably). I'm hoping we get a week or two of more awesome lullabies (thanks, show!!), and then baby no longer is part of the story line. Hate all the baby name choices. Was glad to see the Teddy and Deacon exchange, and the one dad to another. And I agree with poster upthread who speculated hooker gal is setting him up. $100,000? Where the heck is she going?? I didn't even realize we were missing Will, Layla and Jeff. Tho I do enjoy Jeff/Snidely Whiplash.
  21. Boshawks, were you flipping back and forth with The Voice, too?? hee. I'm not a true watcher - I watch the first few episodes for the train wrecks and fun factor (and former travel porn!) and of course the commentary here, but the end of the season always bores me. But I liked Whitney and Kelsey (I know, I know...), and was spoiled, so kind of popped in from time to time. I think the reason she talked so much last night is because her farmer, um, doesn't. Lots of sighing from that one, right? I figure their chances of making it are about like any other couple's. My spouse is from a farm town of about 300, and while moving there as a 22-year old newlywed might have scared me to death, as an older, more mature bride, it might not have. (Would love to be in the middle of nowhere now!) So I'll polish up my rose-colored glasses and hope they live happily ever after. As for the dueling B'ettes, they looked pretty chummy on Kimmel last night. And who knows, maybe the guys will be able to tell that Kaitlyn might actually be a FUN gal with some personality and keep her around.
  22. Best part of the entire season was Jimmy Kimmel introducing the cow. "His name is Juan Pablo and he doesn't speak English." Chris Harrison: "Eees Okay!" We died in the Toes household - even those with only a cursory knowledge of the show. Rewound and rewatched several times. Just awesome. Er, I mean, AMAZING! Not even slightly interested in watching The Bachelorette. Ick and double ick. Thought it funny that the crowd in the audience was so far and away on Kaitlyn's team, and then brought both of them out. heh. But agree that viewers will be stuck with Britt. Kimmel's "amazing" bit is hysterical!
  23. Yeah, would hate to be the closed-captioner on that one!
  24. Hi, Karl, Thanks for joining us and sharing what must be painful information. Know that many people are saying prayers for your family. I certainly hope the DA is able to develop something and get this to trial. I do know that many times, prosecutors wait until they feel they have a 100% winnable case, because if there's an acquittal, then it's all over. Hopefully you will all get the justice your family (and Paul's children) deserve very soon.
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