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Everything posted by SandyToes

  1. Repeats today: Trip to Puerto Rico gone bad: I wish our good Judge had found a way to fine or punish Miss Emily-Earlie for being such a lying idiot. Ick Ick Ick. There needs to be a trip wire or something at the gate, so Byrd can spring it when the most obnoxious litigants cross the threshold. Splat. Public humiliation doesn't seem to be enough. And I don't even know where to begin about Felicia Freeman - her mom sued Felicia's baby daddy for bail money to get Felicia out of jail for attacking him. Yes, that confusing. Mom and daughter deserve each other. Poor little baby boy. My guess is it won't be long before Dad has sole custody. Hope it is a better situation. Disappointed in today's "new" episodes. Toaster's recaps better than the shows. I wish I'd noted the spa lady's name/business. It would be interesting to see an update. Angie's List, anyone? "Fully staffed that day" meaning herself, a tech (maybe), and a maid. Giggle giggle! I do love how Judy often just sweetly doles out the rope, longer and longer, until the "bad guy" eventually hangs him/herself. She can read enough between the lines of the complaints and responses to get the hidden details. I get a perverse pleasure in watching the trap being laid, and then snapping shut. Ha! I thought the same thing! If only...
  2. Oh, Slo-mo Poleface Joe is hysterical. The slo-mo just makes it funnier. OMG. "Nooooo, Maaa'aaaam." And yes, Olive Oyl, indeed.
  3. I nominate Toaster Strudel to recap all JJ episodes. Hilarious, and so accurate! I can't add much to the ep recaps here (She Prince! ha!) but the math teacher in me feels compelled to point out the pitbull's dogsitter lets the dog off leash to go play 300 YARDS away. That's three football fields! Even 300 feet is a pretty long way to let your 'pet' be away from you. Butt kicking couple deserves each other. Imagine if Santa brings them both steel-toed boots. Then things could get real interesting. And hey, Toaster, I won't report you for overuse of italics (though they were very well-placed, incidentally) if you don't report my overuse of exclamation points and smiley faces. Deal?! :-) You guys make my day.
  4. After seeing the comments on Seara, I taped and saw that ep. Wow. Just sad all around. So clueless, and now another generation of 'em. I do think JJ was a little heavy-handed with berating her for being a pregnant teen. The horse was out of the barn at that point, and it obviously had no effect. Admittedly, I wanted to smack her, too. I hope the video of that case is long gone before her child is old enough to see it. It was nice to see JJ award extra money. That was a lot of grief for the plaintiff for $220. I thought the renter case afterwards was interesting, too. The one with Jim Carrey? "We took the trash out sometimes." Gee. And there was a police report? That was new.
  5. The man who got hit while on a bicycle, and the chicken farmer were both so sweet; two guys just trying to do right. I need to look up Einstein! That may be a problem with this thread - all these wonderful people that some of us have never seen - but now really, really want to!
  6. For the rare few we'd love to hear updates on, or start a GoFundMe site for, or that just make us smile. Mr. Obi, the caregiver can start us off. Next?
  7. A lot of government aid takes months to process. When we've had Section 8 renters (never again!) it was often 3-4 months before the first rent check came in. So Mr. Obi probably did NOT get paid those first few months, but knew that. That's why he had to be loaned money for the background check, gas, etc. But he seemed one of the compassionate few (gasp, desinging1!) who would be in for the long haul, had he not had a jerk of a client. How did Mr. Wheelchair expect him to pay him back without a paycheck??? Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out. Thanks for the additional info, teebax. I checked out the wikipedia stuff, and it mentions how she will sometimes throw the cases back to the home courts just so a particularly offensive defendant will be stuck with additional court costs. heh. She threw one back this week, and both sides looked so aghast! I'm just glad to know that the "losers" don't walk out with a pile of cash. A trip to LA to be humiliated on TV - not problem with that one. From a plaintiff's standpoint, it is most likely the only way they will ever get the cash they are awarded. Litigants We Love is up and running! Really, I do have a life outside Judge Judy. But mostly I sleep through that part. :-/
  8. I always enjoy the Halloween shows - I especially like when the cast is all related somehow to a theme of sorts. (Some years moreso than others.) Well thought out. Willie and Tameron were great. Al was great. I was never a fan of "Pat," but the rest were great. It took me a few minutes to realize KLG and Hoda were Wayne and Garth! Wow! Fun stuff. It was a nice start to my day.
  9. Some guy this week complained he was being used as an "Escape Goat." I think just "Goat" may have been more accurate.
  10. Oh, this will make me a happy camper. Thanks, AH. I knew that sometimes she did the whole $5000, so was hoping that was how it worked. I've got no qualms with Mr. Wheelchair man having his relatives EARN their salaries for his care - it might be more comfortable for him-, but it becomes pretty blatant when the outsider does not get paid. And I think when JJ first asked him who else took care of him, he said the nephew, and was listing others, but she stopped him. Wonder how many other hands are in that cookie jar? Grrr. Hope Obi has landed well, and is working for a respectful employer. Add him to the Bicycle and Chicken Men "Litigants we Love" group.
  11. AngelaHunter, you are sooo in my head! I hope someone from the govt saw Mr. wheelchair's case, but I doubt anything would change. Glad Obi won. I came in late to the nurse case, and couldn't figure it out. The nurse was the plaintiff, but the episode description said the daughter and patient were suing the nurse. I couldn't figure out why that wasn't in criminal court. But after seeing the end - nurse was suing them for slander?! Defendant's comments at the end were exactly right - you have to be an advocate for your loved ones. Even "good professions" have bad eggs. Question: Do we have definitive info on how payments are made? Is there a $5000 pool of funds? Do they each get up to $5000, less any judgements? Or is it no money, and production just pays any judgements up to $5000? It would drive me nuts if even the loser-iest losers still make money off this. Maybe PopTart16 can use her connections with Sweater Girl to find out?!
  12. And then today, there is the case where the plaintiff said not a single word. Obviously a boring case, since I remember no details, other than I backed it up to verify that indeed, she said not a word. (Was it the truck that the new girlfriend repossessed? I recall Judy gave Plaintiff $5000.) The sheer white sweater wanting the ex roommate to keep paying rent was nuts. Did she really think that would work? Maybe she was one of those wanting her own tv show, since she came "dressed" for the part. I must say, though, that I am picking up quite a few fashion and makeup tips...
  13. I am soooooooo dying my hair to match my underwear. That is just awesome. Join me, won't you? The Sploding Gas Rental (tm Toaster Strudel) case was bizarro. That whole lawyer/legal services thing was weird. I thought the kids were horrible. "Get your stories straight!" indeed. In the halterviews, it sounded more like the whole thing was hinky. Again, I sometimes wish we got a less edited version. Me thinks there might have been more to this. Craigslist (drink!) car case - "Can I just say what an honor it is to be here!" "NO!" We laughed and laughed. And she was an idiot. This is not Chopped. You don't win because you have the most elaborate sob story. And I hope Party Bus Mom does get sued. Unbelievable. (My son perked up - wondering if he was the only one who noticed Mom was only 15 years older than the birthday boy. Nope,) Hey, Angela, that would be Tweedledum and TweedleDumber. ;-)
  14. Hey, Bratinella, thanks! I wonder if this was an episode of "Night" court? (wink, wink.) Still can't quit thinking about the Bicycle man and the chicken farmer. For all the nitwits that show up in her court, sometimes I ache for those for whom this really is the only way they will get something. Although, you'd think at least the bicycle guy may have had a good case in real court; but that would have taken attorney's fees, and even if he won, wouldn't ever collect. At least he got something from JJ. I loved her compassion toward him.
  15. "Right now?" "Yes, right now!" "You mean, now?" We need to hook her up with Mr. Basically. And Darling Imogen. Came to a "sudden aboreal stop" [/West Wing] but it was not her fault? Damn that tree!! She has a better head tilt than my dog. I'm not one to normally DVR or keep JJ episodes, but hit the record button on my way out for this one once I saw how the commune driving was shaping up. Mr. Morales in the first case - just eeew, eeeww, eeewww! Slimy. And we've had some slimy people on this show. Felt so badly for the cyclist and the chicken farmers. Wish the cyclist could have gotten more, but at least he's got something. Driver so full of BS. Yeah, the check hadn't cleared because you only sent it in AFTER the accident. Nice mix today - enough stuff to laugh at, and some appealing plaintiffs. So very disappointed to miss the Sparkle Glitter Fairy episode. Would love if someone found a link or clip!
  16. So I wasn't the only one! Just weird.
  17. What was the step mom suing for anyway?? Even IF the woman with whom the girls lived DID collect state/county money, it was for the care of the girls while in her care. What claim do the other people have? More entitlement - "I have kids and they earn me money, so I should get the money." Did I miss something else there? And correct me if I'm wrong, but kudos to the "foster mom" for not counter-suing for support. I think she'd have been entitled to it, but blood from a turnip and all that. Poor girls. Looks like the older one is learning how the system works. Younger one looked so sad. Maybe there is hope for her. Fingers crossed. Anyone from the drinking game still standing? Holy smokes. We hit them ALL today, didn't we?! Cracked up at "I borrowed her my laptop." (and yes, I agree about the dad and the spacy mom. Hope Grandma gets full and sole custody after JJ sends family court the tape.) And as landlords, if ONLY it was possible to have a 24-hour eviction! We recently had our first case where we had to have the constable get his movers to come and clear the house (a good four weeks after we'd told her to move), and idiot tenant was all, "Well, if you'd only told me you wanted me to move, I'd have moved!" Guess the repeated letters and postings, the court case (which she chose not to attend), the constable's posting and constable's phone calls didn't clue her in. Huh. These folks may have, in fact, had 24 hours to get out, but I guarantee they knew it was coming long before. (I think in our case, the constable posted a last-ditch notice that stated the movers were arriving at 8:00 the next day, or something. Also ignored.) Where's the wine?
  18. Sigh. Dear friends, I'm concerned we may have to remove "Craigslist" from the list. We may all die of liver poisoning....
  19. Man, so many times I wish we had just five more minutes for the case. Would have LOVED to hear what Judy said to this guy. Byrd was on him pretty quick, but man! Dueling protective orders, indeed. And loved the uninsured (surprise!) driver's response to, "When did you last drive the car?" "I took it to Taco Bell." She really was missing a few screws, I do believe. I still laughed. (Yes, I am a horrible person. Reserved seat on the Stagecoach to Hell.) I think the young man's case was hurt because he was inarticulate. It sounded like there was another car involved, and he was trying to explain, and Judy went all nutso on him. And didn't know what time 1 o'clock in the evening was. If it was 1 am, that's a weird time to get a call to come into work. But the gal just kept cracking me up. " I could drive, with another person in the car." "I got my learner's permit and promptly bought a car to sit in my driveway and wait." Great reaction shots in the gallery behind her.
  20. Good lord, we'd all be three sheets to the wind just on this one item!! And I love how she always jumps a little when she says it!
  21. I think the post upthread about the punters being caught in the currents, and then facing trouble when the current changed was spot on. I was surprised so many teams tried to use the punting pole as an oar. My mind went immediately to Mary Poppins. Admittedly, whether or not I would remember the punting scene (and that the pole can get stuck in the mud) in the middle of a task is an entirely different matter. That and the balancing thing... Really enjoy tasks that mix things up to where you don't know who will end up where. One of the best parts of this season is all the references to past seasons, both on the show, and here! Carissa Gaghan, Momily, Colin and his Ox, such great memories of teams, locations and tasks. Sheep whispering, zorb-ing, and cheese carrying/rolling my all-time favorite tasks. Can't wait to see what the Amazing Animals have in store for us this week! Not really a punting scene, but when Bert is talking Mary into joining him in a chalk painting, one of them is Punting on the Thames. He mimes the action, and pulls his pole out of the "mud" with a sticky popping sound. :-)
  22. I agreed with you, until today's Medical Marijuana guy showed up ! Holy smokes! (hee- unintentional!)
  23. I really enjoyed this episode. I liked that they didn't draw out the baby-daddy business. Thank you, show! Liked crazy Layla - what will she do next?! At least make the character interesting. LOVED the lighting for Scarlett this episode- really beautiful. I like when she and Gunnar sing together - wish we had more of that.( And Avery and Juliette singing.) As for Luke taking Deacon on tour - I think flat out it is keeping him away from Rayna. No point leaving those two together unsupervised, you know? Agree that Luke is giving the creepy vibe. And maybe Rayna is panicked about having to go out on tour because isn't she her label's only artist? You can't build a label without talent. Jeff getting the smackdown needs to happen more often. From any side, any angle, from anybody.
  24. Thank you for the Tupperware! Cracked me up. I'm new to JJ, so haven't seem many of the classics of which you all speak, but man, that was really cool. The "babies" mix was awesome. Saw that first, and was soooo glad to get to see the real case!
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