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Everything posted by SandyToes

  1. And wasn't Five Shots a FRESHMAN? Did I see that? Now I know freshmen come in all shapes, sizes and ages, but assuming she's a relative "youngster" - how does her credit get so bad, so soon? She must have really worked at it. Of course, when one moves/talks at the speed of light, I guess life does go by pretty fast. And yes, we did comment on those brilliant teeth here in the Toes household. I did appreciate how well she spaced out (ha!) her tickets - all over the state, it sounded like. No favoritism on her part, no sirree! You cannot know how despondent I am that I missed the first show. Sweeps. Durh. Got the DVR loaded for both tomorrow....
  2. Or, the zoo, or a book, or a job..... So glad they finally got to leave the country! Yea! Gad. I think the editors are having fun this season.
  3. I feel like I need a strong dose of "Yeah! Got 'em! On to the electric chair" to deal with the frustration after watching this episode. On second thought, maybe an episode ( or three) of The Care Bears... But I think one of the reasons Kelly brought up the "we are moms" thing was because we see them as fierce crime fighters. They DO sometimes express glee for finding evidence, and cheer and laugh when they get the goods on the suspect, and often there is lots of high-fiving. Some may find it troubling that they are so HAPPY in what they do. The reminder that they are moms, with babies (even grown) of their own, helps put in perspective the WHY behind the high fives. They can clearly see themselves in the spot, of say, the grandmother this week, and than resonates. It's far more than just doing a job. My mom was on a jury of Kelly's, and she said Kelly is beyond fierce. She DOES take every case personally, I think. But just my two cents.
  4. I thought about that, too, but Kelly and Yolanda made some comment that made me think there MIGHT be other reasons, at least for part of it. As mentioned, collection procedures were different then, and some of the DNA/fingerprints were probably from officers, family, etc. I choose to hope that. Her family may have had an inkling, if that makes sense. I admired the grandmother's courage and peace about having not let the little girl spend the night. I can't imagine ever being able to let that go, but she seemed to have made peace with it. No sense playing "What if." So very sad all the way around.
  5. Loved the Greenbox, and the couple. Cracked up at the multiple restarts - and loved that the sharks helped put them at ease. The Spousal Unit and I were all about the Greenbox - the two issues they brought up are exactly ours with a side-by-side fridge. Box won't fit in, and then we have to smush it up try and fit in a trashcan/bag. Kevin's argument that the "green" box he pitched before was a no-go: he wasn't comparing apples to apples in our view. This one serves, and then folds (so cool!) into a self-contained unit. We agreed that we'd pay an additional nickel for the box. (We usually order from whoever has the best coupon for the week, but we also love supporting Shark Tank products!)
  6. Just heartbreaking. I kept thinking, surely they won't show this episode if they can't solve it!, but no. I DID appreciate how Kelly stepped in and made them face that there won't be any resolution to this, ever, and even had to convince the officer of that. Hard to hear, but what they all needed. And the police officer looked just as devastated as the family, I thought.
  7. Dang, Toaster, baby, We are going to need a song thread, now! Thank you for getting this one stuck BACK in my head. Can't wait to see it!
  8. Is someone keeping a list of litigant-youngsters we expect to see BACK on JJ in the future? (or in "real" court?) I think little blondy girl today is a candidate. Giggling much? I got the feeling her mama was initially intent on getting as much air time as the aunt, but wisely backed off a bit.
  9. In my repertoire of swear words, I generally avoid "the f word." But this one will deservedly be added. A Gem. Thanks, Zaldamo! (It may have appeared before, but really strikes me today!) And the butt-kicking marrying trio is a favorite oldy of mine. JJ even loved that it was an "interesting" case. Wackadoodles. Am I the only one setting this to music? It just has that hoe/ho-down kind of ring to it. And the green grass grows all around, all around, the green grass grows all around...
  10. She bugged me a whole lot more than the dad. Maybe I missed something at the beginning, but she was a nasty piece of work with a nastier attitude. Surprised JJ didn't get on her for the hand-on-hip thing. And would really like to know what school. She did mention some $17,000 from the government, and I know school loans have a very low interest rate, but the $60 seems amazing. Count me in!!
  11. I'm hoping that between now and the time he actually goes to trial the prosecutors will have either found Timmy, or gotten a confession out of the piece of work hubby. My big question was what was she doing out in that remote area at that hour anyway? It seemed odd they didn't dig into that more. Phone records? I wondered if Timmy had called her out there and was the trigger man. She could have been meeting him for a drug deal - that's why she'd roll down the window. Then I thought she and hubby both went out and Timmy drove him back, but why would both parents be out there, leaving young children alone in the house? Lot of unanswered questions. I think having hubby in custody is a good start, and will hopefully get something out of him. Maybe he'll finger Timmy, and they can get him at least on conspiracy. It did look like he had been photo-shopped out of the family photos. How very sad. Sounds like her boys don't have relationships with grandparents, or the dad. (thankfully?!) But how sad to have no family.
  12. Why yes, AngelaHunter, you probably could collect a HO disability... ;-)
  13. I am so bummed. The spousal unit has decided to retire, thus curtailing a good portion of my daily guilty pleasure that is JJ. And the few episodes I decide to dvr end up being pit bull/loan vs. gift boringness. I wish the episode descriptions would highlight fashion and personal demographics - those seem to be far more interesting! Today's sounds like a good one. And it would be great if someone would start a fashion thread (with screen shots or videos of course). I am still enthralled with the woman a few months back with the matching clown red hair and foundation garments. So informative! And trendy, too! I do appreciate the recaps. The next best thing to being there.
  14. Okay, I too, missed the K-Mart Special Episode, and am dying to see it. If anyone has it, maybe we could arrange a group viewing. We could all meet under the blue light and go shopping afterwards. It sounds like a classic. The recaps have been great - and very visual. So thanks for that!! Re: Alan and the chair, the mom in me is feeling a little more kindly toward him after finding it difficult to offer a definition myself, but the teacher in me did enjoy the "like" smackdown. As for the cost, 3 years old for a recliner is still pretty new (at least in my house) and as mentioned, if part of a sectional/set nearly impossible to replace. But I was also surprised at being awarded (not to be confused with "awareded") the full amount. Sometimes her judgements seem odd, but that's her discretion, and who knows what other tidbits she has we don't know about. Loved the info about the closed circuit TV - that explains a lot!
  15. Um, I like, um, basically LIKED "She awared me", like, um, ya' know? Sheesh. I did feel a little tiny bit sorry for him, since he will be at school this week reliving this. heh. This morning's reruns also added to the lexicon - I learned (was awared? awareded? ) that having an open window might lead to "lo' monia." Watched it a couple times to read her lips. Yep. Lo' monia. Shut yer winders, y'all.
  16. No intent to offend, or paint with a broad brush, those requiring government assistance. Absolutely there are hard-working families who need the help. My sincere apologies to those who may have felt I was disparaging an entire population.
  17. This forum is just so cool. Legal learnin' and geography all in one! Yea, verily, QuinnM I am in Houston battening the hatches for the arctic freeze (down to the 50s tonight! Gadzooks!) I can not even imagine what it is like in Minnesota. Seriously. Stay warm and safe, my friend! (And all of you in between us!) The Pig case was just so dumb. She really thought her beef (heh) was with the kind, friendly, new pig parent? I realize not everyone on the planet can qualify for Mensa, but really, was she that dumb, or just delusional? If we had had "It's not your pig!" on the drinking game list, can you imagine the shape we'd all be in? (But QuinnM would be feeling warmer!) I must be getting old. The concert tickets case was another one I just could not keep up with. I understand the point of the case, but the questioning and answering, such as it was, just kept going 'round and 'round, and I had to keep backing things up to figure out what was going on. And the cat sitter did indeed appear to be suffering from too much catnip. Loved her description of her job. Hope she made it home okay. Plaintiff had an interest in getting her to the court; not so much in getting her home. O/T - circumstances are such that I don't get much adult conversation lately, so really love having y'all here! This is a great group of fans, and really funny. Hugs all around. <3
  18. Hey, QuinnM, I'll see your 200+ car crash and raise you a twin-engine plane trying to land with no wheels. JJ cut out right before the good stuff. Glad I at least got to see "Not my fault she don't know how to fight" in the previews. How'd the case end? (since QuinnM and I missed it!) And this: may be the funniest damn thing I've seen/read in a long, long time. Most excellent, 27Bored!. :-) Boatload of tenant/landlord messes in the old episodes today. ** I ** was hoping for a trap door! First woman (long black hair) was just a mess, and the stupid young girl with way older former boyfriend was an idiot. Don't pay rent, not on the lease, leave your stuff in the house (including rotting food) and then sue for FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS?? My blood pressure was through the roof. I understand JJ didn't award the landlord any money because renters have none, but what about all the other "poor" litigants who have their debts paid by the show? Why didn't he get what he was owed? And I was SOOOOOO glad that she said the GIRL has to pony up the $150 to get her stuff out of storage. Would have been really ticked off if the show had paid that. He was a saint to have hauled it all away and kept it safe. Been there, done that, and it's a total pain in the ass. And NEVER appreciated. Breathe in, breathe out. Take more blood pressure meds..... Argh!
  19. Toaster Strudel, that was magnificent. I knew you'd come through! The smoke shooting out of JJ's ears - I can see it so clearly! hee. It certainly sounds like it was a scam (on Mayra's mom's part). Love that the plaintiffs nearly admitted as much before getting thrown out. Of course, they'll be famous back home now, so I'm sure they feel like it was a win-win all around. (except for the not getting money to fix the cars, part.) Nice work. Thank you! Big round of applause for Toaster Strudel!! I sometimes wonder if we won't see some of these folks back on, in a defamation case. Some of 'em would be justified, and probably win.
  20. Could someone please recap the Taco Cabana Car Crash Caper? I actually had to have real life today, and missed that episode. It sounds like a doozie!!! I'm getting bits and pieces. Very intrigued by the possibility that JJ made a phone call to someone who had been tipped off?! Hmmmmm Bunny Eared Hell Hound (tm Toaster Strudel) - no kidding. Sadly, only got to watch that episode. Yick. Lucky his daughter didn't need stitches from falling, or knocking teeth out, etc. Watched a repeat today of a bunch of unlikeable teens who had a spitting and "obscene gesture" contest. Took up the whole half hour, and I couldn't even keep up. JJ earned her $$ for sitting through that one. Can't believe it made it through production to be shown. Snooze. Very tired of dog bite cases.
  21. Ugh, indeed. That's the pits. //quickly stomps on rose-colored glasses//
  22. Saw a gentle, kind side of JJ today on the repeat. Mr. Gouge, who had a daughter with skanky YOUNG thing, being raised by Mr. G's sister. He seemed a simple man, kept very good records,and was just trying to do right by his child and the child's mother. Loaned her money, and just wanted it repaid. She was a piece of work - claiming the money was a gift because he was in loooooove with her. Gag. Judy reamed her out for taking advantage of it, and then very gently explained to Mr. G not to give her any more money, not to give anyone any more money, and then awarded him the cash. I think she was going to go off on him, until she started asking questions and learned a little more about him. Very glad that she seemed to read things correctly. He seemed very sweet, and I wonder what the girl's plan was in starting up with him and getting pregnant. Just weird. Followed by one of my faves - the "best friend" who gladly took money because her friend was so well off, and it surely must have been a gift! JJ yelled at (baited?) her for having a gaggle of kids (5) without being able to afford them. She was doing okay, holding her own with JJ, until she lost it and said, "She loaned me the, er, um, gave me the money..." and JJ cut her off with a smirky "Judgement for the plaintiff." ha. Kinda like the book bag boys who said "There was no earpiece in the bag!" Love it when defendants lose the case for themselves. One of the things I love most about JJ - she seems able to ferret out the BS pretty well, and so very smoothly. "Tuwalla Goodnight." heh, Milz!!
  23. This! I heard they were the parents, who had helped her get the job, too! I kept waiting for JJ to ask them what the hell they were thinking! And on the defendant's side?! Yick and double yick. This would be a good live episode - let viewers submit questions for JJ to ask!! (and dadgum if I don't type "aks" every damn time....) Anyone remember the case last week about the bounced FEMA check? Guy pulled a Nigerian Prince type of scam with a recent acquaintance and surprisingly (ha!) after she gave him boat loads of cash, the check from FEMA bounced. "But I gave her the check! She got her money!" How the heck does a check from the govt. bounce? (politics not withstanding.) I hope the feds were watching that episode - it had professional scammer written all over it. Wonder how many times he's used that check. Agree with Intocats that the snark here is often better than the cases. hee. And teebax, "Pennsyltucky" has be wiping poptart crumbs off my keyboard... Too much hilarity this early in the morning!
  24. Can't believe I missed "priorly." Is that like "beforely?" Hard to tell without context. I've been enjoying the videos on the boob tube thread. Hoping we get some good crazies today. I'm just about tired of pitbulls and bail loan/repayments. I need Tupperware!
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