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Everything posted by SandyToes

  1. I never got the tire iron bit. Why did Martha/Pedro/whomever leave it there? My money was on one of the many baseball bats in the home. And it got taken away, never to be seen again. Wouldn't wound analysis give them an idea of the size of the weapon? A tire iron is very slim, compared to a bat. Metal fragments? Wood fragments? But then again, I may just watch too much CSI. And I'm with you, KHenry14. So hard on the kids. I was very glad they were not interviewed again.
  2. Grrrr. Another unresolved one. I wouldn't be surprised if Martha wasn't gone by now. Although, she hasn't left in the past 7 years, so maybe they'll still be able to get her.
  3. Now see, y'all thought I was crazy when I suggested a fashion thread!! Ha! will wait to see if this gal even comes close to the matching hair and lingerie lady a few months back. Glad to see you back, TS!
  4. I missed the start of this case, caught a woman making a statement, and then was floored when I found out she was the daughter! Hard livin' there, folks. The "I drove to Taco Bell" case was a repeat, but a gem. She sounded like she actually had TWO cars, hence her being able to loan to the cousin/friend/whoevertheheck that was. Cool. 'Specially with no insurance, and a learner's permit. Nice job on the recap, CoolWhipLite!
  5. In our experience, if the rent (dictated by Section 8, not fair market, by the way) was $1400, Section 8 pays a portion (for example $1350) directly to the landlord every month. The tenant is responsible for the remainder, and is expected to pay the landlord just like any other tenant. The amount Section 8 pays does change periodically, due to comings and goings of family members, changes in disability/unemployment benefits, etc., thus changing what the tenant is responsible for. We found dealing with them (Section 8) to not be worth the headaches. ymmv. I was wondering about the soup comment. Love those halterviews!! Glad to have you back, Toaster!
  6. Exactly what was shouted in the Toes household! Funny cases today. Hugs, Toaster Strudel.
  7. Finally got to see the Five Mistresses case. Wow. Another prime example of people who "are right" because they THINK they are right. And there ain't no arguing with 'em. I had to watch it twice to try and make sense of it. Was there any reason given as to why they thought they were entitled to the truck? Defendant bought it, it's in her name, they paid no money for it - huh?? One for the "Litigants we Loathe" file. On that basis alone, I wish the defendant had gotten a bunch of cash. Stupid to enter into the agreement in the first place, but man.
  8. Hot damn! Dismissing class early to make sure I'm home in time! Wow!
  9. I had the same questions. But I think rather than dropped balls, many times these are just cases of inexperienced law enforcement officials. It seems like many of the cases shown here are in very small towns, where "this kind of thing" really, truly never happens. (Was it this week's or a previous one, where law enforcement actually told Kelly this was their only murder case?) And I think especially in a small town, it would be hard to rattle a lot of cages, knowing you were direct neighbors with the suspect(s). Kids go to the same schools, the same church, shop at the same grocery, bowling leagues, etc. That said, however, after watching enough cop shows on TV, even I'd have thought to look for car cleaners, the yellow shirt, etc. It was interesting that the ex-wife suddenly had a flood of new information. What was she saving it for? Or had really, no one thought to ask her in the intervening years? Sad sad sad.
  10. I was surprised, too, that Kelly seemed so positive on this one. (I hardly remember Yolanda other than the recreation scene!) It seemed weak. I think KB knows exactly what happened. What an awful burden to carry - but I'm thinking it would be lighter if KB turned his son in. I'd always be wondering who sonny boy would turn on next - perhaps someone keeping his secret? Such a kind, gentle victim. I hope he's delivering the Heavenly News to all the other sweet souls. I hope next week we get a nail-in-the-coffin, send-him-up-the-river case. I need one.
  11. See, here is where I start to get confused. Maybe y'all can teach me again. Doesn't the show pay the judgements? There was a case this week (obviously a one gavel, since I recall zero details), where the defendant lost and was furious at having to pay up. Why? Why do some seem so outraged at having to cough up money, when they don't actually have to? (Or do they?!) Some are just angry at losing, money or not, and I get that. And then there are those times, like the one above, where JJ has asked the plaintiff why they expected to be paid back, when the def. clearly has no means to pay/repay. Isn't that why plaintiffs go on the show? To get SOME money? So if the def is too poor to repay, the debt/loan/rent/"gift" just is declared a bed debt, too bad - so sad, and the case gets dismissed? This is what happens when the cases are too icky to care about. I'm forced into thinking about the mechanics of the show itself. Ack. (But - hey - my windows look damn fine!)
  12. Well, Toaster, dear, it looks I'll be washing windows today. Thanks for clearing my day for me. :-/ Although, I may try and catch that last halterview. I could take a break then. Gang, we may have to take up a collection for Toaster Strudel to have a spa day or something. There's gotta be a payoff to keep the recaps coming with all the one gavelers.
  13. I loved the dog lady's hair yesterday. (And yes, teebax, it DID fill up the entire TV screen!) As a dishwater blond WASP, there's not much cool stuff I can do. Crazy wild hair, but she pulled it off. The teeth were a bit distracting, though. And the poor puppy -- yikes. As for the comforter, the plaintiff had offered an "on sale" replacement value, but the cleaner declined. And even if it is a year old, if it matches the curtains, the bedskirt, the pillow shams, (or in my case, the window seat cover), then she's going to have to pay for a brand new one. No problems with her getting the full amount. As for today's recaps, looks like a good day to clean out the gutters.
  14. What I love most about Toaster Strudel's excellent recaps is going back after the show to re-read them. Hysterical. I had missed the extra 0.5 gavel awarded (and why!) but it cracked me up. I wonder what show Cherise thought she was auditioning for? "It's juicy, girl!" Not something I'd ever THINK to say in court... But I'm, like, basically, you know, um, like, literate. Basically. You know. And my closed captioning captured Mr. Comegy's speech quite perfectly. Loved his complete candor of why he needed a laptop: "I watch porn." (but quickly backtracked) Wish we'd seen Byrd's face.
  15. Did my ears deceive me, or did Miracle call her sister "Malikala" at least once? Two scary girls. We were taking bets on when they'll be back in court again. My money's ($10!!) on within the year. Wish Cousin PeeWee had sued for more. Absolutely four gavels!
  16. Ah. I see the problem here. BHNH SHOULD have said: "Someone told me she PROCEEDED to observe...." Syntax, people! Get with the program. Sheesh. And this: Had me wondering which woman you meant, until I made it through your entire post. Don't worry. I already have a permanent seat reserved on the Stagecoach to Hell. Showing myself out...
  17. This is what got me started on JJ, and keeps me here. (And all of y'all, of course!) Just once I'd love the opportunity to let loose on some idiot in my life like she does. So I live vicariously.
  18. Recaps so amazing I'm not sure the actual cases can live up to this! Love the new horseshoe component. Good to know our Ace Recapper is flexible. One of the repeats today had daughter suing father. Cases with children suing parents (and vice versa) always make me sad. Bring on the wacky "entertainers," Sugar Babies, and horseshoes!
  19. Hey, knitorpurl, I don't think they'd put Scarlett in jail for a public service... too funny.
  20. I was trying to decide if Mistress HHN was rockin' yon studly dude's Sunday-go-to-meetin' clothes. Made me wonder if she showed up to court in her, um, working attire, and Beefy Boy Witness #2 said, "Wait! You can't go in there like that! Here - wear my suit!" Could just be me, though... And teebax, rest assured that the halterview is worth the 4 gavels. The case was a hot mess, and I kept waiting for the good part! Toaster did not disappoint.
  21. I was kinda hoping after she stormed out that she'd come back with a gun, shoot Beverly and Poof! Instant organ donor. That would have at least not been as overly obvious as where they are heading. I anticipate a season-ending cliffhanger with two people on operating tables, and at least one flat line, if only for the duration of the summer. Although the "Who shot Jeff?" would make a great cliffhanger, too! Would they dare TWO interesting storylines up in the air?! Very much looking forward to Juliette and Avery lullabies. I hope they get LOTS of screen time, and soon.
  22. Worth the wait! Loved the long-shot of them both "stranded" on the rocks. All kinds of awesome, that would be! I did wonder if the "no cocktail party" bit from last week came from Chris wanting to send them home right then and there, but production said, "No, wait - keep 'em and we'll do a two-fer! " Very entertaining bit. The girls celebrating when they saw Kelsey's bag go was great. Friends all around, again. Yea! I was a little disappointed, though. In the very beginning I was hoping Kelsey would go far - she looked more like a real person than some of the others. She's got some issues, I think. A viewing party? Uncomfortable, maybe? Yikes.
  23. So I stumbled on this episode tonight since nothing else was on. I saw the first season, and have caught bits and pieces since. But this group - has the show really given up on "worst cooks in America" and just gone instead to central casting? If this is who is left, I can only imagine who has been sent home. Bravo to those of you who've made it the entire season. How does someone grow up in a house with a restauranteur and know nothing about food? ("Cool" onions, as opposed to the nerdy ones?Just the way she said that! Rings of onions in the meatballs?) I guess the challenge for the "recruits" is to make enough mistakes to appear to be horrible cooks, but not give away their true abilities in the effort to make it to the end. Sigh.
  24. For that most excellent review, Toaster Strudel, I may swear off pop-tarts for good! Well done. Excellent use of gavels! Setting the DVR right now!
  25. Hey, teebax, we think alike! I so appreciate our Brave Little Toaster sitting through the episodes for us, and the recaps are pure gold. Now if we could only get a "gavels up!" or "gavels down!" to help us decide whether to watch or not.... I may decide to go weed the garden or clean a toilet or something instead. And JJ was absolutely on a "Case dismissed!" roll on this morning's repeats! People just would. not. shut. up!! Wow.
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