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Everything posted by SandyToes

  1. But she'll sure look good on whatever reality TV show she ends up on! I would be mortified to appear on TV in a case like that. And wasn't she like 19? I can only imagine she was auditioning for something. Vanessa on the early rerun, (she of the "waitress" at the strip club whose mom was evicted from student housing) had THE BEST EYEROLL EVER! Folks in the front row of the gallery should have brought baseball mitts, those eyes rolled so far back in her head. Dang, girl!
  2. i remember noting that even before the case was described! Kinda says it all. Fingers crossed for some great eps today! Rainy here, a good day to snuggle on the LaZBoy and watch educational programming.
  3. Cartegena, mud slide, gemstones. Would make a great movie. i appreciated how no one seemed to really get freaked out about the mud. Lots of shrieking, but not as much whining as I normally expect.
  4. Isn't February supposed to be sweeps? Honestly, the early reruns are more fun than the new stuff. Case in point - neon pink Emily and her STILL impaired ex. Did Emily have a "just for TV" hickey, or was it a tattoo? I'm watching more for the hair and fashion tips than the cases. Yawn.
  5. Oh, MY! Jiggling, tattooed titties! Honest to God, was coming here to post EXACTLY this!! ha! Get out of my head, Brattinella! My computer is so mucked up. Forced to use Internet Explorer today, and it won't let me quote. Argh. Lovely (not!) tenant squatters in the first case. Hallterview explained sooooo much. And the landlord will have to go back to court AGAIN to collect any $$ from these yahoos. Sorry he didn't do it here, because even if he wins, I bet he gets $0.00. Loved the return of the giant flyswatter in this morning's rerun. And what I at first thought was a tiara! But no, just a hairband. Darn.
  6. Nitwit Shiraaz schooling JJ on the law. "It's not legal!" "That's not fair!" What an entitled, obnoxious, rude, UNINSURED brat. I need to keep a supply of shoes at the ready to throw at the tv for cases like this.
  7. Oh, hell, yea!!! 'Specially since a goodly portion of the US thinks she already is on the bench! Thanks, lovesnark! It's unfortunate that for the ones who truly need assistance, there are so many who find ways to abuse it. But glad you got to lay the smack on at least a few of 'em!
  8. Little Spoon confirms it. We are watching too much Judge Judy. Wonder if there's a JJ Anonymous group nearby? (And I mean absolutely NO disrespect to the real groups - they do awesomee things!) Welcome to the craziness, LS and MuddyWaters! Hope to hear more from you! And what fortuitous timing, MW! Wow. I don't recall the case, so hope you'l share details.
  9. Maybe the show provides them since their teeth looked pretty good. I noticed one of the young men yesterday (I think) was wearing a nice, button-down shirt. But from the side, it was untucked and super wrinkled, like just out of the package. Think he even had shorts on. Made me wonder if he'd had on an "inappropriate" t-shirt and the costume dept. fixed him up. Stewedsquash, I'd caught the medical transport thing, too. Think you are spot on.
  10. Apparently. And when you lose your job, you also get unemployment. And that may be all fine and legit and necessary. (But when you also get $1400 a month for section 8 rent of a 4-bedroom house, food stamps, medicaid, and who knows what else, showing off weekly mani - pedis, a 60-inch TV in every fricking room, and the newest iphone for all the kids/grandkids, it gets a little irritating. Just a little.) AngelaHunter (and anyone else watching later on) you will need a score card for a couple of these. A rental car-a-palooza! Is it this week's gimic? And go ahead and make your hair appointment NOW. You'll have lots of cool ideas. I did kinda like the mom's (of the windshield cracking snowflake) hair. Dang - long, long, flowing locks, and a pretty color. Well-suited to her and her outfit! More wine! /Aramis
  11. Excellent hallteview! I loved how tickled Saganda was as they headed out. She watches every day!! But then the cynic in me wonders if this was all a ploy so she could meet her TV hero. Hmmm... The idea of Lakeisha owning a transportation /taxi company without a car left me dumbfounded. Appreciate her wanting to work, though. And good catch, DoctorK, on the Uber aspect. I don't know that I'd want her driving me, though. If the lights were a different color on the way back, I'm not sure she'd find her way home. And today will go down in history as one of the most spectacular hair days! Wow! Just a fiiiiine assortment!
  12. Hey, gang! I've got my travel app open so I can book our reservations to Patti's house! Grab the cheese balls and I'll see you there! We will of course be limited to ONLY two drinks per person. Of course. And ElleMo, I wish you would spell your name correctly. You meant EllEmEnOh, right? It's how I pronounce it. Make it so, please. ;-)
  13. I caught myself the other day trying to decide if "conversate" was the word I was looking for, or if it was the wrong word. It's become so familiar I was genuinely lost for a moment! Ack! Then I rallied and carried on with my proper Englishing. Or course, in this part of the south, "I seen" is almost as common as "theirselves" and both just make my skin crawl. ElleMo, I'll just take the cash off your hands right here and now since you obviously don't need it. And thanks! As for refund/return, I'm a little suspicious of these people getting anything for one of two reasons: (1) They don't know what the hell they are talking about and THINK the proper term is "tax return", having never filed one, or (2) they actually get a tax refund from a return WITHOUT having paid anything into the system in the first place. There are so many wonky run-arounds I wouldn't be surprised if some people actually do get money back based on their "income." Grrr. Thus endeth my daily rant. (yeah, right, I see you rolling your eyes!) But ElleMo I'll still take the money! And where the hell is Patricia Bean??
  14. Thanks for the update, Angela! Despicable, indeed. Just wow. There are stories like this in the news all the time. I just can't imagine saying that just to collect cash. But then again, like so many of the folks we see on just this show, people do an awful lot of things I can't imagine. I thought the exact same thing. Waiting on the insurance. Uh huh. They tend to be pretty slow to pay when you DON'T PAY ANY PREMIUMS! P.S. I hope you are doing well. I'm four years clear myself, and was really, really lucky. Big hugs to you!
  15. Ah, Shartrice, Shartrice. You should keep your mouth shut! Loved how JJ ferreted out that yea, verily, there was a MAN she was a'runnin' home to. And in the cutaway to the commercial, she mumbled she had to return to SC because she didn't get no "assistance" anywhere else. Must be one hellluva baby daddy (or just talkin' and bathin' friend) to want to live out of a car instead of bunking in with mama and her own children. Guess it could have been one helluva rental car. Hmmm... Hell's bells. You need a license to catch a fish here. I'm not sure Shartrice would qualify for one of those. Hope her kids got at least a little proper parenting while they were with Grandma. Me thinks Shartrice isn't so much of a mommy-type. Joyce the home health worker (blech, ick, belch) got on every one of my nerves. Can you imagine a court reporter trying to transcribe that mess? Pick a story that at least makes SOME sense. Needs a rental car so kids can have a play date. Never mind the frickety frack job! On second thought, maybe a good thing she couldn't work...
  16. Or, as we learned last week, 'Yeah, we been bathing." Y'all are in fine form, today! Did anyone catch the early episode with the fake/sick waaaaay over made-up gal with the IV? I caught the last 30 seconds ("There is something wrong with you!") and would love to know what the case was. Judy seemed disappointed she could ONLY award $5000. Thanks!
  17. Ah concur with stewedsquash! My name is "Slow on the Uptake" and I need to buy a vowel, please. Maybe two.
  18. I was clearing out the backlog today and lost count of the May-December nickel-digger (ha!) cases and they all ran together. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. But I did recall that the 52/26/20 case (boy, that looks odd) was pretty funny. 20-year old worked in a bar " a couple of years ago." And wasn't the 26-year old the one with kids who quit her job to be a "kept woman" by this guy? For whom they were only holding hands? Forever? I cracked up at the voice recording that confessed the "loan/gift" was for drug trouble. Hope CPS was a-listenin' to that one. Of course, it's possible I have the cases mixed up. Like I said, there was a pretty long list of those today. Viva la quotation marks! (and elipses...) Ha!!! Most excellent, GM! Lord knows we've seen enough DJs on this show that could fer shur set up some gigs!
  19. Is this where the "No Regrats" (or whatever) came from? I read y'all's posts on this, but don't recall the case, and certainly didn't see it!
  20. Haven't caught yesterday afternoon's eps, but man, I can't wait! Thanks for the valuable insight and "what to watch for"s. (Anyone else having trouble with the site? Would not let me join in the convo yesterday or even "like", no matter what browser I tried. Very slow this am.)
  21. Holy smokes, y'all! Mr. Galante today! (Didn't pay out his mom's will as per her wishes.) I don't recall ever seeing a litigant get up in JJ's face like this idiot. Wow. Kinda wish she'd tossed this one back to "real court" so he'd have to pony up the money himself. But at least this way the lovely friend got her money. Followed by the slimy, winky Mr. Dustin Moore. My TV needs a coat of Lysol after that. (And Ms. Tammy Jo - violates the "eye shadow should not weigh more than the eyes" rule! hee!)
  22. I think this scares me quite a lot... And thanks for the insight!
  23. Okay LAgator77, let's get this show on the road! (And thanks!) How real are the people and cases we are likely to see on these types of shows? I know some shows are reenactments, but for those that feature "real" people - are they?
  24. That thundering sound you hear is all of us zooming over to the small talk thread....
  25. Completely agree. I have no idea how much footage is actually shot on these cases, or how long they actually take, but if WE got "60" minutes for this case, one can only imagine how long it took in real time. ETA: Top of the page! Woo hoo! /TWOP.
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