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Everything posted by SandyToes

  1. I so agree with this. I had always been in the "they are covering it up" camp - whether their son, or each believing the other parent did it, but now I just can't see it happening with the garrote. I don't recall having heard that before all this recent coverage. Covering up an accidental whack on the head, sure. Even faking a kidnapping. But wrapping a cord around a child's neck is just beyond the pale for me. I think this is one that we'll never know for sure, unless someone leaves a death-bed message. I do agree that is probably someone with contact with the family (disgruntled employee, neighbor, handyman), and am more in the "intruder" camp now. Sweet baby girl.
  2. Gah! The dog bite witness! Holy smokes. Why didn't she get thrown out?! I ran out of shoes to throw at the TV! I am soooo tired of this. Convenient "excuse" for doing whatever you want. Way to make real cases of racism meaningless. Two miserable, horrible, but well-dressed and articulate, women. They bug me more than some of the other losers we've seen. I wish Judy had given her the whole $5000 just because. Yick.
  3. So I'm watching Deadline Crime with Tamron Hall. The ads claim she wants to know "Why." Wish they would get into that! The ep with the serial rapist in Pheonix was just on. Very similar case to those on Criminal Minds - the old days. I was hoping they'd get into why the man started attacking women. Otherwise, this is just another "how they solved the crime" show. And I agree about wishing there was a single JonBenet thread. I'm dashing all over the place!
  4. Huge hugs, momtoall. My heart hurts for you. Your sister is in a better place, free of pain and strife. My belief is that one day you will be together again, with no "barriers." You have a wonderful attitude, and I hope it carries you through the coming days. <3
  5. I think she did too, and was not unsympathetic. But I wonder if our basketball player wasn't maybe a little full of her special snowflake-ness, and thought herself above reproach. She may find college coaches just as "challenging." Ahem... But I agree - nice to see decent people on both sides of the aisle.
  6. Sadly, the AC/DC reference was lost on me, so I had to look it up. The original post reminded me of an old nursery song, that included the phrase, 'Knick, knack, paddy whack, give a dog a bone" and the tat mentions hit me with that same cadence. I'm just old...... (but I've got a chocolate pound cake in the oven to go with my Judge Judy wine! So there!) Show?! New Episodes continue! Whoopee!
  7. Katt, this is one of my most favoritests episodes! I wonder what's up with the Curl Doctor these days. I hope the police really did get hold of her, but I doubt it. And where did Malibu Barbie go?! Much speculation about it last time she made an appearance. I hit the record button. This episode really was, "All that and a bag of chips." Ha! I crack myself up. And my DVR does the same - has since last year. Makes it hard to record new episodes!
  8. Well, dang! That explains soooo much! /snerk Not to mention "showering" with someone. Gah. I used to watch Super Nanny every now and then, to make myself feel better about being a parent. Sometimes this show has the same effect. Sometimes, though, it just makes me very, very nervous. And sad for humanity. But my future teachers student will continue to have grammar questions on their exams - even in the math classes! So there! I'm going to use "yogurtses" and "texteses" and "breasteses" in my math class on over-generalizing "rules." Yes, we add "-es" to show the plural of SOME words. Not every blasted one.
  9. Most excellent use of verbiage, there, Spunkygal! Cracked me up. As did Sillycat chasing grasshoppers. Whee! I have noticed that the editors seem to be carefully selecting cases to put together around a theme. Idiot dog breeder's comment today about, "Be careful who you breed with" was just all kinds of awesome. No shit, Sherlock! In all sorts of contexts!
  10. From today's guy who didn't pay the stud fee when the puppies died: "Be careful who you breed with!" Oh, so very, very true! This could be in the hallterview of nearly every JJ litigant we see.
  11. We've seen this before - hire a lawyer to accomplish a goal, and when he or she doesn't, sue for the money back. Hiring a lawyer doesn't guarantee winning a case, and some folks just don't get that. And I agree, I think Gma and Gpa are ultimately going to get to spend a lot of time with the kiddoes. Ha! Too funny. In other news, my spousal unit will be returning from his year away soon (yea!) but that means I may not get my daily JJ fix (boo!) Maybe I need to DVR and watch in the still of the night...
  12. The barbershop case? What the heck was that all about? Three guys wanting a trip to CA? Same with the grandparents suing over grandparents rights. I need to rewatch and turn on captioning, I guess, because the only thing I saw coming out of that case was Grandma and Grandpa taking sweet kids to Disneyland on JJ's dime. Did see a case earlier today where delusional/co-dependent mom didn't pay daughter's bail bondsman, and son-in-law who had cosigned for it repossessed mom's truck. Very cut and dried, for everyone on the planet. Except, of course, the mom. I understand not wanting to see one's child hurt, or in a bad spot. But you can't keep (literally!) bailing them out or they will never grow up. Even at age 35, or however old she was. And if you agree to pay the bondsman, well, gee, pay him! Crackin' up at Mr. Young suing his mom. He's a hoot. Nice to see a young man with some money sense. Some. Interesting that he was required to co-sign for her! Loved her calling him her YOUNG son. hahaha! Get it?! Glad I missed the puppy ears case.
  13. Seriously?! I am ALL about the hair and fashion on this show, and I missed it! Stupid doctor appt! This sounds pretty impressive, but my top vote-getter is still the woman whose hair color matched her very visible undergarments. Uber cool, that was. Regarding yesterday's tiny dog with the broken leg - my sweet Mom-in-law used to say, "The smaller the child, the bigger the dog." Little dogs don't have any defense against unruly kids except to bite (or jump off the bed), whereas a bulky boxer can just get up and walk away when he gets tired of playing dress up. Our poodle puppy broke her leg (many, many years ago) trying to jump in the bathtub. It happens.
  14. Was the grandma on the same ep as the driver? How did I miss that?! I hadn't drunk THAT much wine, yet...
  15. No idea what you are talking about! I saw completely different episodes! Although I will say that the litigants I saw today were among the most entitled, stupid, unrepentant lot we've ever seen. Girlfriend (or not) stayed at bf's house, paid rent for a couple of months, got hurt in car wreck, hospitalized for a couple of months, moved back in, awarded $$ judgement, spent it all, can't be bothered to go back to work, but doesn't believe she owes any rent. And then the gal who agreed to pay $150 for a custom wedding dress, didn't pay, boyfriend stole the dress, cops called, still no money changes hands, bride HAS to buy new dress, had allergic reaction to it (?!?!) spent wedding night in ER, lost a child (miscarriage?) blames all the drama on seamstress. Come to find out, she paid $110 for the FABRIC, so thinks she only owes $40 for the balance. Yeah, what a bargain. To top if off, idiot driver (who could have been 17 and could have been 40, hard to tell) with a 2-day old drivers license signals to turn right, starts to turn right, and then presto change-o decides to turn left! Bang! No insurance, of course, since daddy didn't add her to the policy. But it wasn't her fault! The other driver was driving on part of the road that was "lined-ed." "Lined-ed." Over and over and over. Muttered as the case is closed something about it being unfair, and not her fault. I could see where she may be impaired in some way, in which case, perhaps she should not be driving. Would have enjoyed the cases y'all saw! Although, AuntiePam, it looks like we both saw the car case.
  16. Is that Latin for, "'I don't give a rat's ass?" I'm guessing it has to do with "minimal value" but I like mine better. :-) The truck company/ driver/no license (again!)/ friend/partner/loan/not loan was tossed. "Go back to your home court."
  17. The dog case baffled me. What was she wanting the DNA to show/not show? What was she testing for? And why? Just weird.
  18. Ah, so. It all, sadly, makes sense. Infuriatingly so.
  19. And to me, that would be great drama/television! I can only imagine that this franchise has become so cartoonish that the only people we see are those vying for a future in reality TV. Does Ashley have any kind of job? This makes, what 2 years she's been employed by the BachelorNation? If some of these folks actually went out, made themselves useful, built a little confidence (and ego), who knows? They might meet real people. If that was, of course, their intent.... Ashley and Jared are a package deal. Any friend of hers will have to listen to her non-stop blathering lunacy, and any girl he is interested in, well, you know. It's one thing to play into stereotypes, or fulfill the "story" of the show, but another to be so bizarre as to make people question your sanity. But we are talking about the show, so does that mean it is a success? Oh, good heavens...
  20. My former junior high students acted that way. For a day or so, in the throes of heartbreak. Not years. Is she really 28?? I couldn't even watch it with the volume on. I get the show needs "drama" but I'm really missing Claire and the raccoon.
  21. HAVE YOU LEARNED NOTHING FROM THIS SHOW, JAMOCHE? Sheesh. Some JJ litigant you'd be. Christina gave you some really good advice. If you had just kept your mouth shut, no one would know! Bank? "We didn't use a bank." Criminy. It's almost like you two were raised by, um, you know, like, basically, parents or something... But now that you are flush with cash, we expect you to bring the cheese balls to all the parties! (And buy me a new cell phone, please. Then I won't have to shout at you!)
  22. OhioSb, bring the good stuff! Today's case - Eboni and Mr. No-License - anyone else get a vibe they were looking for more free money? Guy's been in the justice system often enough that he can't get a drivers' license, but can get a good enough job to afford two flat screen TVs, laptops, cars?? And the cell phone(s) case - $775 for a phone?! Seriously? Is that something that most "students" who work one day a week usually purchase? I totally get that my values and money appreciation are not the same as everyone else's, but honestly! We see soooo many people on this show who seem to have no idea how money works, savings works, or how "work" works! Where do they get the cash, or find the merchants who are willing to sell them things on credit? Wait. Never mind. I don't want to know. Our state curriculum standards now include Financial Responsibility. I laughed at first, but it seems to make a little more sense now. Guess our legislators watch a lot of JJ, too. It's like a whole 'nother world out there. Or I'm just old. The millennial/landlord case - I can see exactly where the money problem was, and why it should always, always, always be in writing. How do people not do that?!
  23. Heh. Today's first class meeting, and I have students do an ice breaker to get to know each other. Student A comes up, "Me and Bob...." and I stop, him, shocked, and say, "Mean Bob? He was mean to you!?" heh. Instant correction. :-) All in fun, and a good group, so no harm, no foul. Personal irritant - mixing "me" and "I." (Hence my correction above!) We try and teach against the "Me and Bob" but it gets over-generalized such that "me" is no longer an allowable word. "The stars were shining brightly on Bob and me." Today's grammar lesson brought to you by quotation marks! Show? Oh, yeah! Today's early rerun with the two money/drug guys. For being Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dumber, at least they were polite, well-spoken and respectful. New shows today! And I'm home alone, so I can indulge without anyone gettin' in my business. Bring on the wine!
  24. Absolutely agree. But when it starts affecting the father/son relationship, I think you'd want to stop and prioritize. Comments above about Zach working on a different boat may be right on. Maybe they have a good relationship, but from what we see, it just seems to be a way of stoking the fires.
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