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  1. I am just now catching up with this show. And yeah, you don't zoom in on Deirdre's eye then zoom out on Rowan's eyes. That camera trope is meant to imply they're the same person at different ages, so I was confused that they turned out to be mother and daughter. Bad editing and camera decision.
  2. With a dash of Rosamund Pike and Elizabeth Mitchell too. Also, I don't know where the Dubai cancellation rumors are coming from, it was a hit and season 2 is definitely on the way. You don't throw away a breakout star like Chanel Ayan.
  3. She's my early favorite so far because she seems like a real person, plus I love her Jennifer Aniston/Rosamund Pike combo in looks. Plus, Brynn was a complete asshole to her on WWHL so I'm rooting for her.
  4. My first impression: she's completely annoying, trying too hard, appears to be on the wrong show, and I hope she's not asked back for season two. Also, she was a completely unnecessary bitch to Erin on WWHL, so yeah...trying way too hard. Ew.
  5. Dolores is the type of girl in high school who would just smile and stay quiet when her jock boyfriend would call me a f*gg*t. I can't stand women like her. Then, like now, her silence makes her complicit. She knows Teresa is full of shit but won't stand up for what's right. She doesn't deserve praise for that.
  6. Genius

    Caitlin Snow

    Why did Khione even have to exist? Why saddle us with this new, personality-free character wearing the face of someone we've loved for 8 years? What a disservice to Danielle Panabaker. Why did the writers feel the need to kill off both Caitlin and Frost in the first place? Did they honestly think we'd want to spend the final season of this beloved show watching this unnecessary new character when they could have given Caitlin and/or Frost an amazing finale that she/they deserved? With Joe mostly out of the picture, and the writers forcing characters we don't care about to the forefront (Cecile, Chester, Allegra and Marc), why not keep around one of the only 3 remaining original characters? It boggles my mind why they decided to use Danielle Panabaker this way for this final season. What a waste. No one cared about Khione and watching Danielle have to play her was sad and I was embarrassed for her.
  7. I don't care what anyone says, Melissa is a badass this season and I love that she's finally not taking any of Teresa's shit. Teresa has had this coming for YEARS. Shove it, T.
  8. This show has become a joke. "Welcome to your first individual immunity challenge! Except it's not individual! And even though 11 of you are in the game, only 4 of you will be eligible to be voted out, with only 5 of you voting, and one of those votes will be controlled by another." What a joke. Matt was right, the best person doesn't win Survivor anymore. I think the producers/editors were clearly addressing fan criticism by including Brandon's response of "oh, if you're good enough, there's always a way out." Bullshit. There is no way to strategize in this game anymore. It's all a pathetic crapshoot. If the show keeps throwing these unnecessary and unfair twists into the game, we will keep getting winners like Gabler. No thanks.
  9. Thank you so much @lasu, wow!!
  10. This is some bullshit. I am not a Loosey fan but even a blind man can see that she did not deserve bottom two or to go home. The judges bending over backward to nitpick her to death is so obvious and frustrating. I hope they are getting dragged for it.
  11. Oh my goodness. Then yes, my apologies. Her behavior was still weird though. LMAO! Yes! Me thinks you and I could be friends @Lantern7 :)
  12. Oh no worries! It's a miracle all you recappers had the time and energy back in the day for every episode. But what a legacy. If only all those old TWoP recaps were available somewhere.
  13. See, I am the opposite on TJ's glee during trivia challenges. At this point, it seems so over-the-top fake. Like, it's not THAT funny TJ. No one takes that much delight in something you see over and over and over again. It's dumb. And I will just say it - Kendal's behavior and skin issues screamed methy to me. If it's just nerves and a skin condition, I apologize.
  14. I finally got Paramount+ so am just now discovering this All Star Challenge and I have to say I am loving it. I don't know how Mark Long convinced some of these people to come back, but I am thrilled he did. And I absolutely love that they are playing into the nostalgia and giving us PLENTY of flashbacks to older challenges. What an awesome trip down memory lane. I have been a viewer of the Real World/Road Rules/Challenge universe since day one and haven't missed a beat, which I admittedly recognize sounds pathetic lol. But honestly it's a veritable soap opera for Gen X'ers, and it's always somewhat riveting to catch up on the continuing stories of the characters who've sprinkled the drama in our lives for decades. I used to love Ace. Glad to see he's still a hottie and still a simple country boy who only needs his dog. I do not remember Kendal. I had to look her up. Once I saw her younger self she was familiar. She does not look the same at all. I forgot her claim to fame was having a child by actor Josh Henderson which he denies. I remember you from the glorious TWoP days @Lantern7. I miss the old TWP gang, but I love your recap!! OMG you're adding to the wonderful nostalgia of it all.
  15. Just now catching up. So long, Salina EsTitties. I won't miss her. But can someone please fill me in on her drag name? Am I missing something clever? Is there a Spanish-language inside joke I'm not getting, or something? Or is it literally just as basic as Salina EsTitties? If so, that's one of the worst drag names in Drag Race herstory, in my opinion.
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