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Everything posted by AKA...CJ86

  1. Didn't Kim have a nose job "coming out" party? ETA: Breezy424 beat me to it...
  2. He was on at least once this season with Kenya.
  3. ...And then in Season 2...wasn't it a lost footage episode, she was still pushing for Adrienne to be the godmother...
  4. ...I still find Slade more repulsive on all levels. At least Brooks isn't trying to make that hobo-chic...or whatever you want to call that look...happen...
  5. I didn't mind the top 3 comment I guess since, IIRC, wasn't Penny using her best assets to score business in a previous ep?
  6. Much like the Manzoid's from NJ...there's always been a bit of speculation about Michael.
  7. I think I'll back up JacqaloonLaurita (love the name btw) on this...that's my recollection also. But it's interesting seeing everyone's perspective on these situations.
  8. December 1st "Merry Glitchmas"... Missed the last few, but I've checked around this time...hopefully this ones the right date... ETA: Still haven't seen "Face-Off"...don't mind any spoilers at this point...
  9. ...I know in Season 2 she won some type of award? Wasn't it business related? Or was it domestic abuse/charity work related? I always thought it was some type of "Women in Business" type of award, but I remember recently in one of the threads I thought somebody mentioned it was for her charity related work...IIRC? All this Taylor business talk is conjuring memories of a HW I don't usually like to think about...
  10. ...from the pit of my stomach to the porcelain of the bowl...forever scarred by the image that story conjured...
  11. I haven't seen Season One probably since it was originally one...but what was Taylor's role in the issue? Her beef with Kim was her being accused of stirring the pot with Camille, which Lisa also suspected something happened between Taylor and Camille? Taylor was never my favorite...but I'll love her a tad for "I'll take you out back and go Oklahoma on your ass..."
  12. I think it's supposed to be a show/family page covering everyone/anything going on in the fam/show although June is the "voice" of the page... ...I hope that made sense...I have a headache and just reread the above a few times...and I'm like...WTF did I just type...
  13. ...I think...IIRC...it was a property they were selling but used it for filming...I thought I heard it was old after filming?
  14. ...I watched the episode with Joyce meeting up with Carlton to explain her husband's mystery illness...Carlton couldn't hide her disgust...
  15. Now I just need a shot of Ramonja snarking over Mario's profile over a glass of pinot... ...I don't ask much for Christmas...
  16. ...IIRC, when Marlo was introduced wasn't rumored she was going to take Nene down over this guy? I remember "insider's"...gotta love em'...but wasn't the fact they supposedly dated the due the reason Marlo was supposedly going to take down Nene?...Before they were bests of course...
  17. The season and reunion didn't work. I think the cast retool didn't help...I think the first big HW overhaul was Season Five of NY...while it started slow, it found it's footing and built up to Aviva losing her shit and taking names...the new NJ cast came out of the gate swinging, but it was meaningless...no attachment, why do I care so early about these yahoo's going at it... SIDENOTE: I don't know which twin is which...but the twin in the white will forever be the fun bags twin...because that's all I saw...the fun bags...
  18. ...drats, wrong again. I need to verify my source before posting. Haven't watched the episode yet, but as always, don't mind spoilers.
  19. ...sudden flashbacks to the Mexico Trip (IIRC?) and Greg mounting the bed last season...UGH!
  20. "We are an evolved species..." - Linda Thompson
  21. As much as I love the litigants for the snark...you can't help but get a little sympathetic with some of them. I particularly felt bad for the guy being sued by his Jabba The Hutt mother...the guy seemed decent, had some issues and worked through them--I think the mom helped pay for medical bills...with the kicker being the slug of a mom had some type of settlement or maybe money left to her and blew through it... I think the second one...if somebody could find it I'd appreciate it, I remember it back on TWOP, but I think it was a roommate case and the guy being sued was obviously having issues...I think the guy had drug issues, which were noticeable...but you know when JJ's going soft on someone, shit just got real.
  22. Best part of the reunion Jim's "Calm down Joseph"...the entire "Joseph"...I actually like Jim...*waits for stones to be hurled...
  23. I always quote Al's reaction when he gets glasses and see's Peg's picture..."What the hell is this?"
  24. I felt the new episodes feel a little..."off"... The Klaus story was fun...seems like he usually gets the shaft... ...The Steve/Snot story wasn't interesting until Roger showed up...IMO...I did enjoy Steve thinking his "training" was really something though...got a good giggle...
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