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Everything posted by AKA...CJ86

  1. I'm largely thinking, if the season is 16 episodes, we only have a few episodes left and the Roman/Ryker stuff will be getting the focus. Who knows though, it is something I'd like to see revisited.
  2. And all is right in the world. Janet...keepin' it real.
  3. Finally Caught Home Sweet Home Really enjoyed the Caldera story...the Old Regime/Opposition seems like some pretty deep stuff to wrap up in one episode...but finally good to see the gang out of the apartment/basement...or alleys/tunnels... aside from that, basically a creep off of Oliver vs Chase...
  4. A little late to the party...finally saw the episode. Love...love...love the look of Ghost Rider. Not familiar with this particular Rider but I think the character was introduced well. Daisy...didn't love her/hate her past seasons, but not liking the direction they've taken her in. ...and love seeing Yo-Yo!
  5. I guess it's been going around that there are only 16 episodes this season. That along with no season two announcement makes me wonder? Totally Aaron Stone'ing it.
  6. Thanks the correction, not sure why I mentioned DVDs. You are correct.
  7. I'd believe so. The listings do say they're region free, I do think it would be fine. IIRC, the DVDs and Blu's I've purchased in the past that have been region free have always been fine.
  8. Appreciate the update. I may just go ahead and preorder.
  9. Finally caught "The Rock". It was fun. I think I enjoyed it more than "The Intruder". Didn't mind Bree getting new powers since Skylar does have similar powers, Chase at least has abilities that as far as I remember, Kaz, Oliver, and Skylar haven't displayed something similar. Show(s) still love tormenting Chase. AJ, don't mind the character or actor and I'd say AJ is a step above Spin/Bob.
  10. I started doing the iTunes downloads if I knew I'll be missing the episode, or something happens with the DVR, but then knowing probably the series wouldn't get DVDs releases...outside of the one DVD a few years back of a few episodes...I caved and bought the season downloads. I also remember when it was like, 1.99 per episode, don't recall the season prices, but I've seen the prices go up the last few years.
  11. This just reinforces Bethy isn't as original, witty, or humorous as she thinks she is or she'd know the Veev's already used this one wait, how many years ago, in her "It's for the children" tirade against Ramonja.
  12. Finally caught "The Intruder". Oliver's a stalker, Bree's...I feel just plain unlikable, and Skylar, I kinda go back and forth on... ...Basicallly, I think Kaz and Chase are the only likable characters. It was a fun episode and always good to see Douglas, and AJ could be a fun recurring addition and I always love photographic memory based characters. Anybody wanna take bets on AJ being somehow involved in a baddies plan...or not?
  13. I've been waiting for Tell It To My Heart to be used in a lip sync, and while Detox and Alyssa aren't my cup of tea...they did it justice...mostly. A sign of a good lip sync is the judges having fun and they certainly were...loved Carson singing to Ru's boob and Ru's following reaction...made the episode to me.
  14. October 1 - Sleep-Shifting October 8 - Game of Drones October 15 - They Grow Up So Fast October 22 - The Attack
  15. Haven't been in here too much, might have liked a post or two here and there and did more lurking, but alls I gotta say is...Beth ruined my favorite show in the franchise.
  16. I think the one flaw for the show, at least to me, for a show banking on the Lab Rats name...I think they maybe ventured too far into the Mighty Med side of things...
  17. You wanna kill a queen's chances just have me rooting for em. As always, my early favorite, the first one out the door.
  18. As far as we know, isn't this like the second time this has happened--not including HWs televised escapades? I mean, after her season wrapped up didn't this happen? I think I'm the one Carlton fan...(and Aviva...and Cindy...who are you to judge me)...here, so I'm hoping my walking SlimJim can pull through.
  19. Hey 88, I think both iTunes and Amazon do Season Passes and Individual episode sales.
  20. Sept 10 - The Intruder Sept 17 - The Rock Sept 24 - Home Sweet Home
  21. Any news on home media releases? Hate to think Season One will be sitting all by it's lonesome in my collection.
  22. So, from what little I've seen around, I guess no new episodes until September? Way to kill a show Disney...
  23. Watched the new episode. Filler, but again, anything for the Mighty Med crew to show off their Mighty Med-ness...I'm game. Didn't mind Bob and thought the Bree/Chase/Bob/Zoe Mini-Olympics story was pretty fun. More surprised summer has basically come and gone and no "special" episode... I think I'll adjust what I mentioned earlier...I'm fine with one season as long as they wrap up the Mighty Med destruction.
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