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Everything posted by funnygirl

  1. Best part of the episode. And Derek, why not KNOCK? What the hell is jiggling the doorknob going to do if he doesn't have his keys? Did he think it was going to magically unlock itself? The moment went on two seconds too long and crossed the line into ridiculous for me.
  2. Derek is not cheating on Meredith. Shonda's done a lot of messed up things, but I believe that's the one thing she won't do. I'm still curious as to what the ultimate goal for MerDer is, though. I hope it doesn't turn into Ellis/Thatcher 2.0 but so far there have been many comparisons. That would bug the crap out of me as throughout the whole series they've been trying to show how Meredith is not like Ellis at all. Boring episode. But can Lance Gross stay? He's a cutie!
  3. If the just happened, maybe the kid couldn't get through to 911? I don't know, I feel like this concept of Owen dramatically talking a kid through procedure is already ridiculous enough. He's the Chief of Surgery, he should pass that call onto someone else and maintain order in the hospital what with his staff being trapped in elevators and such (according to the episode description). Looks like we've reached the mid season slump.
  4. I'm just glad this arc is over. If it wasn't for Geena Davis, this entire tumor, fetal surgery, mentoring, superhero arc would have been incredibly boring and taxing.
  5. Good on her for recognizing the position her arrogance has got her in, but way to wait until the patient is open on your table to come around.
  6. I enjoy Arizona and Herman's working relationship and friendship, and I think Jessica Capshaw did a nice job in the episode. But she is, without a doubt, one of the worst criers on the show. The scene I'm mainly referring to is when Herman tells her to stop crying, I was completely taken out of the moment because the execution was not believable.
  7. I don't mind Amelia, but if she thinks she isn't as smug as Derek then she is blind. Her bravado and arrogance in this episode was at a 10, and because she couldn't put her pride aside and fixated so much on not wanting to be "The Other Shepherd", I won't have sympathy for her if she fails this surgery. Also, since next week is billed "Amelia-centric", she's most likely doing the voice over.
  8. I'd love it if Derek shows up because Callie or Owen or Meredith called him, however I don't think PD will be back so soon. Amelia is in way over her head, and though she is not untalented by any means, she's definitely being negligent by insisting on tackling this by herself. Swallow your pride and get your brother in there for the benefit of your patient. Or at least Shadow Shepherd. Dr. Herman is toast and she knows it. Between Amelia constantly declaring that she's going to save her life, Arizona trying to convince herself that Amelia has it under control, and Herman telling Arizona when to pull the plug and her burial requests, it basically comes down to if she's going to die on the table or post-surgery due to a clot or some other complication.
  9. Grey's isn't always good at building up a character without breaking down another. And I've felt like they've been doing that with Meredith and Maggie since the beginning of the season. Like in order to make Maggie more appealing and accepted, they have Meredith behaving extra weird. It's not enough of a contrast that Maggie and Meredith are almost nothing alike, but all of the good and endearing parts of Meredith are being stomped on and flipped and for what? I don't know, it makes no sense to me but I've just been thinking about this for 11 episodes now.
  10. The ratings for this week are down to a 7.81, a drop from last week's 7.98. While I don't pay attention much to the show's ratings, I'm wondering if this is a new series low? The past couple episodes have been pretty boring. Sarah Drew and Jesse Williams held their own with Japril's story, but the rest has felt disjointed since it's return from hiatus. Maybe it's just the middle of the season slump.
  11. I don't care to see Maggie's dating life. I don't care much about her personally at all. I'd be perfectly fine with her just being a doctor who's stories revolve around medical cases, mentoring, and just making friends. In my opinion, not everyone needs to be coupled up all the time, and the last thing this show needs is even more characters. I realize I won't get my wish because this is Grey's where they feel the need to have everyone hooked up at some point or another.
  12. An "emotional affair"? That's pushing it. How many times is Alex going to have to tell Jo that Meredith is family? The Alex and Jo pairing is so vanilla that they have to manufacture this non-threatening situation just to generate tension between them.
  13. If Maggie happens to be into the ladies, that's great more power to her. However, I have absolutely no interest in seeing Arizona or Callie romantically linked to her. Not even a little bit.
  14. I find it ridiculous that Maggie outranks Derek. I know she's the department head, though I still find that a stretch, but it just doesn't seem right ya know? Having said that, I do think Meredith and Maggie handled the patient accordingly, while Derek and then Richard were trying to strong arm the situation. And speaking of being a douche bag, Owen needs to chill out. I seem to recall him being in the room, too, and yet he blames Callie for all of it. Does he not have a voice? Or is it only used to demean and yell at the female surgeons? I'm over his moody crap. Bailey and her kale was funny. I like seeing the lighter side of her, but I do miss "the Nazi" too.
  15. Well she didn't like it that one time Mark was in her bed with her and Callie, so here's hoping she won't be hypocritical!
  16. How does Derek or Amelia not catch wind about Dr. Herman's inoperable tumor? First of all, wouldn't Herman want to see the best of the best (Derek), or at least seek treatment at her own hospital, therefore news running through their department and one of the Shepherd's finding out that "one of their own" is really sick?? Maybe it's just that Arizona's choice not to tell Owen and the board won't be made to be that big of a deal, because I don't see how Derek or Derek-via-Amelia wouldn't know about this. And Derek is on the board after all. Or maybe this is just another one of Grey's inconsistencies.
  17. I wouldn't mind if Callie were to be with a guy, either. Or another girl, whatever. She's attracted to both, and so long as the chemistry is there it could work. (Although I do believe that eventually, maybe the end of the season, maybe the end of the show, Callie and Arizona will ultimately end up together. And that's fine with me, too!) Callie's bisexual, attracted to the PERSON, and so if she's unattached and PERSON comes by that catches her eye, then she is well within her right to pursue something with them. Do I think that person should be Owen? Hell no. Just because he's single doesn't mean he automatically warrants as a proper partner for Callie. Just because they both like families and kids doesn't mean they'd be a good fit. They were a joke of a couple in the If/Then episode for a reason. Not to mention, Owen was a big love for Cristina, you remember her? Callie's roomate/good friend/the godmother of Sofia? Why they heck would Callie tread on her territory like that? Why would anyone want her too? Furthermore, just because Owen gave Callie a hug in episode 3 doesn't mean a million anvils dropped and they're going to end up making out. I know Grey's can be heavy-handed with their stuff, and I also know the show has had some big Fails (Gizzie, DeadDenny...), but I think even Shonda is aware that Callie and Owen just wouldn't work like that. If the point of this breakup is for Arizona and Callie to find themselves again, then neither of them should be hooking up with anyone anytime soon. Or else what the heck is the point? There are new head writers running the show, hopefully they have a better sense of direction and story planning than the previous guys, because it got downright sloppy at the end of their tenure.
  18. Callie didn't know at the time that it was a "farewell f*ck", as you call it. She didn't know she was going to break it off until she got to therapy, and with Arizona saying all of the things she usually says when the rest of her world (work) is falling a part, Callie noticed the continuous pattern that she/they are in and made the decision there. Sara even says as much in one of the interviews. And for the last time, Callie and Owen aren't going to hook up! Sara was adament about their relationship/friendship being a professional one in the post episode interviews.
  19. Callie specifically said at the end of the episode that while they should take the time to love themselves separately, they will love Sofia together. There's not going to be a custody battle. Callie has always believed that Sofia was just as much Arizona's as hers. She may have doubted Arizona's commitment to wanting to be a mom, but she's indicated on a few occasions that Sofia is Arizona's and she'd never take her from her.
  20. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaang! These two need to let it all out. And I'm looking forward to it.
  21. It's been 4 episodes and I'm at the point where I find Maggie extremely needy. Don't get me wrong, all of those docs have their moments for sure, but she's brand spankin' new and she's barged in there, consequences be damned, expecting to be treated like the second coming. However, the end with Meredith and Maggie was nice. Mostly because I hope they're wrapping up that "feud" so Meredith's story can expand to other stuff. Let Richard deal with his daughter.
  22. Arizona seems overwhelmed with the fellowship and her Peds workload, and Jackson made a throwaway comment about how Arizona's trying to give up Peds surgery, so I think she is going to hire him back on to fill the Peds gap so she can dedicate herself fully to Dr. Herman (Geena Davis).
  23. HA! Seriously... Maggie was a jerk to Richard. If I'm supposed to still be feeling for Maggie and being pissed at Meredith and side-eyeing Richard, those writers are doing it wrong. If Maggie "solved the puzzle" days ago (because remember, it's only been a week since the season 10 finale), then why didn't Ms. "I already have a family I don't need another one" pipe up instead? Couldn't she stop and think for just a second how Richard might be feeling with all of this, whether or not she believed he was aware of her existence? And what the hell, Derek! Meredith didn't make him do anything, he made that choice all on his own. And his behavior is exactly why Meredith wasn't thrilled about his decision, because she knows her man and she knew his behavior would come to this. I'm okay with Alex not getting the board seat, because with Arizona being wrapped up in her fellowship that's going to allow him to step back into Peds and take over a lot of her workload. Alex is a man of action, he doesn't need to be weighed down by those meetings that none of the current board members even seem to want to go to.
  24. Maggie constantly flubbing Jo's name was pretty stupid and used for cheap/non-existent laughs. She's supposed to be this super-genius that skipped all these grades to become a 31 year old Department Head, and she can't remember her resident's name? Dumb. The show seems to be integrating Amelia just fine. Now granted, she's an established character in the universe as Derek's sister and was on Private Practice, but as someone who didn't watch PP, she's newer to me. What I know of her is what I've seen from the few times she's crossed over, and at least they aren't forcing her down our throats or making Meredith look especially bitchy for the sake of pumping up the character.
  25. "You did what Dr. Yang couldn't." Dear Shondaland, Do not, I repeat, DO NOT insult us viewers with even remotely comparing the talents of Mary-Sue Maggie to Cristina Yang. Just don't. If you think any real fan would applaud or even agree with that sentiment, you're off your damn rocker. Seriously, it's like the show wants me to dislike Maggie. The more they push her "look how great I am and opposite of Meredith" agenda, the more turned off I get. The only reason I can think of as to why they thought it'd be a good idea to give us her character-centered episode the 2nd episode of the season is because they wanted to give the core cast a little extra time off (they did shoot 11.02 before 11.01). I still find the whole thin unnecessary, though.
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