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Everything posted by funnygirl

  1. His funeral will probably be mentioned in one of episode 22's many(?) time jumps, robbing us of getting to see Cristina, Addison et al back for it. Aka, no way was Shonda going to get those actors to come back for it.
  2. This show is long passed being considered for Emmy's, let alone winning any. (Unless you are guest actor or the possibility of a writing or directing nod.)
  3. *raises hand* I'm sick of this show adding two, three, four more characters after someone leaves (assuming Derek is gone). The show has a hard enough time coming up with decent stories for most of the current crop, at this point I feel like more new interns are unnecessary. It's not like we're really seeing the doctors teach anymore. They can just put three random extras in scrubs, give them no lines, and make them stand around during rounds and surgery. Enough with the fresh blood. No one really cares and they don't fill the void left by other characters anyway.
  4. Thanks for the breakdown, windsprints. Man, IF Derek dies and this is how it goes down, how brutal. Of course Shonda would spend most of the hour with Derek being a hero and making us think all is well only to have him get in a car accident on his way home. The closer it gets to the episode, the more convinced I am that Derek is going to die. But, wait. No brain activity for 12 hours??? Why the hell does it take so long for them to ID him and get ahold of Meredith? Unless Derek's face is unrecognizable, you'd think World Renowned Dr. Derek Shepherd would be recognized by those in the medical field. Dr. Cohn, at least. Even though they come in late, you'd think once there was an ID they'd notify next of kin right away to let them know their loved one was in an accident. I'm superficially annoyed already and I don't even know if this is how the episode is going to play out.
  5. I also think Jesse getting hurt at that celebrity basketball game sidelined him on the show. He probably was unable to be standing and walking around all that much, which might explain why the last few eps we've seen him in it's been one or two scenes and he's sitting down.
  6. I just think it would be so lame if Derek does end up dying, if anything else because with the anvils leading up to this episode and the extra-hyped promo suggesting that "this is the episode America will never forget", TPTB aren't being subtle at all. They seem to be delivering Derek's fate on a silver platter, unless there is a twist and he doesn't die. Which I'm hoping, because even if Patrick is done I don't want Derek to go out like that.
  7. Nicole Sullivan plays the burn victim in episode 22. She tweeted a picture some weeks ago with her in full makeup on set.
  8. This, this, this! And the show will fizzle away, losing what little bit of magic it had left.
  9. What if it's as simple as Derek deciding to take a job at the hospital where the car crash victims get treated? There is that side mentioning how their neuro doc is 30 minutes away at a family function, so maybe Derek steps in after being a hero on the field and decides that this hospital could use him more than Grey Sloan and all of it's best-in-their-field doctors. Then throughout the remainder of the series we can just see him randomly at home from time to time, or Meredith will mention how he's doing or that he's coaching Zola's soccer team or whatever. lol This may be a stretch. I've just been wondering if there will be a misdirect and another character will end up seriously injured or dying. Maybe not in episode 21, but by the end of the season.
  10. The creepy hospital setting that Camilla/Jerrika were filming at is where they shoot the hospital basement scenes. And I think the ladies were filming for 20 or 21 at the time those pictures were taken. I think there are promotional photos with Jo and Stephanie hanging out down there.
  11. But she did write all of Cristina's parts for that episode (and also all the Burke/Cristina stuff in their episode). Nothing else is mentioned for the episode in the press release, so for all we know this episode pretty much revolves around him.
  12. Well the racing season just started for Patrick so they probably had to go big before the finale in order to accommodate his schedule. Just curious if anyone is going to jump ship should Derek be killed off?
  13. Derek told Meredith, "Don't move. Wait for me." at the end of season 4. And then in the season 5 premiere doesn't she have a nightmare that Derek was in an accident and she sees him all bloodied and crashing on the table? Take all of the anvils in episode 19, plus the parallel of Derek saying the exact same thing to Meredith before he leaves, and I wonder if we're going to see Meredith's same nightmare again but only this time it will be real. This is if Derek ends up dieing, which I don't think is happening. Then again, unfortunate things have happened on this show many times before.
  14. I know Amelia's little speech at the end was basically to tell Meredith to back up out of her love life, but who is Amelia to say that Meredith has never cried over a dead (or almost dead) loved one before? Like, Meredith witnessed Derek get shot! And Meredith was there when her sister was crushed by a plane. Amelia has tendency to be too much. And I just didn't appreciate how she came at Meredith like that even though, yes, I agree that Meredith needs to keep to her own business. But to accuse Meredith of all people that she hasn't experienced that level of heartache is the most ridiculous thing I've heard on this show in a long long time. Callie is pretty great surgeon and it's frustrating how her peers are constantly knocking her. If anything has been consistent throughout the series, it's been that. I'm glad her approach turned out to be the right one, if anything to shut all the "Gods" up.
  15. I've been seeing people already ruling Derek dead and being so sure about Patrick's departure even more so now that he's shooting a scene in Seattle. I don't think folks understand how much money the show garners and that ABC can afford to send Patrick to Seattle for a day of shooting. AnitaM86, the show is currently shooting episode 22. But speculation is that Derek in Seattle is somehow part of episode 21. We won't know until we know. But I don't understand, if this would be Patrick's last season, why Shonda wouldn't use him until the very end of 24. The idea that he dies or goes away before then just seems silly to me. And a waste.
  16. Meredith talking about how perfect her and Derek's life is is never a good sign... oh lordy, what is going to happen to her/him/them????
  17. Why would the show kill a major character, let alone Derek, in the 21st episode of the season? Why not save something that dramatic and emotional for the finale? I don't think any of the main players are going to die. But it could be possible that Derek's reckless driving, that he's known to do, causes the big accident. Or maybe he's on the road when it happens and stops to assist.
  18. You know what I don't like? When writers use the whole, "I'm so excited I could kiss you!" "She's so great, I think I love her!" Like, what the hell is that? Could you be any more obvious where this is going to go? Random Researcher did it last night and something like that happened around the time Arizona cheated, too. Be a little more creative is all I'm saying. I actually thought Evelyn Hunt and her young stud were cute and endearing. I mean they are faring way better than a lot of the couples on this show, anyway.
  19. Wow, I forgot about Thatcher and the younger woman. More recycled storytelling!
  20. Can Amelia/the writers give the whole "sibling rivalry" thing a rest already? Hopefully the promo is misleading, or else that is going to be super annoying. It is possible for Derek and Amelia to work at the same hospital and in the same department together. My goodness.
  21. I'm glad Amelia called Owen a jackass because he is. To the women at the hospital especially. Happy to see Debra Mooney back, though. I like when the parents show up! Bless that patient for slapping Jo. It was long overdue. Of course MerDer were going to be fine. However, I did not appreciate Derek kissing the woman, or the woman kissing him, whichever. Is that stuff really necessary on this show? Did Derek need that to realize how in love he is with Meredith and that he'll do anything to prove it to her? This show is running out of ideas as to how to drum up compelling drama and conflict. The mid season slump continues.
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