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Biggie B

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Everything posted by Biggie B

  1. When Beth and Randall went to the park, at night, to continue discussing the adoption situation, who was watching their children? Since this show is a soap opera (a fancy one), the adoption is going to turn the family upside down. I'm not really looking forward to that. But no one wants to watch a happy family, makes for poor ratings. I have no idea if the actress playing Kate is a good singer or not, but certainly the character Kate, at that audition, was not good (so clearly, if the actress herself is an amazing singer, she made it sound bad as per the script). And I'm glad the guy running the audition gave it to her straight up as to why he cut her off so quickly. Pretty much nothing about Toby is appealing to me. If Kate likes him ("The sexiest thing about you is that you make me feel sexy."), that's fine, but if he disappeared tomorrow, I wouldn't be sad. He and Kate need to live together and figure out a rhythm and comfort with each other before actually getting married. They're still such strangers to each other. I don't really appreciate the cause/timing of Jack's death being dragged out over two or more seasons. He's dead. His death devastated his family and still reverberates two decades later. I'd rather see the characters move forward and learn how to deal with their dad's death, which isn't a simple process, but if I, as a viewer, still have no idea what happened, why should I be invested in these characters? They have this big, horrible secret and it's wearing thin. I think Beth's new hairstyle is unbecoming, but I get that it's a device to show the passage of time and to differentiate between the present and flashbacks (even if those flashbacks are fairly recent). I realize I just complained about many things and stated nothing positive. I really do like this show and am in it for the long haul. There is some stellar acting and I appreciate that the characters are deeply flawed yet still have other aspects that make them worthy of our empathy and support.
  2. Am I the only one who kept thinking of Dubonnet the aperitif every time one of the Redcoats said "Dun Bonnet"?
  3. Isn't that funny, I saw it as exactly the opposite, that she was reaching for her Daddy's face. I read the books so long ago that it's hard to remember with clarity, but didn't Bree love Frank very much? Didn't she, as a young adult, consider him a good father? I truly can't remember. At any rate, that baby (or babies, I assume they have multiple babies playing Bree) is adorable. I agree, too, with those who've given kudos to the actress playing Jenny. She's really so good. I always liked Jenny in the books, sometimes even more than Claire, and this actress is pretty much how I imagined her in my head.
  4. I'm not sure if you mean had her regular doctor shown up, there would be a problem, or if you mean you knew there'd be a problem as soon as this jerkwad of a doctor showed up and told Claire that she would be put under and to have a nice sleep. Because he wasn't her doctor. Her regular doctor was Dr. Bell, I think. Eeek, my bad - in my original post, it should have read "...as soon as it was established that the doctor WASN'T her usual doctor..." Meaning, as soon as I saw and heard the jerkwad doctor, I knew things wouldn't go well (which, all things considered, they actually did, as little baby Bree ended up arriving just fine, and Claire, too, seemed to be OK).
  5. Here is a goldfinch. The bird Claire saw was just a plain brown sparrow, although female goldfinches are a bit duller yellow than the male. I guess I'm in the minority in that I've always known that women were "knocked out" or at least quite doped up for childbirth back in the day. I assumed that Claire would be, and knew as soon as it was established that the doctor was her usual doctor, that there'd be a problem. Very predictable, given the heavy-handed scene with Frank's boorish boss. I thought that scene was horribly written. Frank's boss was a caricature and while yes, it was all to make a point that women of the time had little to no independence, rights, etc., it was so completely un-subtle as to almost be comical. And really, what did Claire expect? Yes, she is an incredibly intelligent, opinionated, self-sufficient person, but she was born in the 1920's...then spent time in the 18th century, where she was spanked by her husband, practically raped a number of times, disrespected and/or ignored, etc. What is her frame of reference as to women's equality? She's not yet ever really experienced women holding political positions, running global corporations, playing professional sports, fighting fires, flying planes, enlisting in the military, enforcing the law, and so on. Not that we are exactly a nirvana of equality in the 21st century, but how much of that has Claire really experienced? Certainly during WWII, women had the chance to do everything (almost) that men were doing, short of fighting in combat (I think!). Claire as a combat nurse certainly had many opportunities to be a strong and forceful person. And yes, men were a bit loathe to let them continue in those roles once the war ended. So why is Claire so horrified by Frank's awful boss? Of course she knows how awful the things he's saying are, but why is she so surprised by it? Alternatively, I thought a Harvard professor might not be so ridiculously close-minded and condescendingly paternalistic, but I blame on that poor writing (same with the neighbor who helped Claire bring in the firewood - please! A total stranger is talking to Claire as if they're BFF's? Ugh!). Anyway, I guess what I'm trying to convey is that if Claire was a 21st century woman transported back to 1948, I'd buy her outrage at the professor's and neighbor's remarks much more easily. And by no means do I think she should agree with that jerk, of course not. But get a grip - equality and enlightenment are a looooong way off from 1948 (and we're not there yet!), so I felt the writing should've reflected that. Claire is not quite yet a "modern" women by our standards at that point. Despite her extreme intelligence and strength and all of her other incredible attributes and experiences, she hasn't yet lived in a time where no one thinks twice about a woman reading the paper and commenting on it.
  6. It was funny, but I think British folks use the word 'nappy' instead of 'diaper,' or at least, my British friends currently. Still a fun moment, regardless. // I see others above pointed out the same thing, sorry for the duplication.
  7. I abhor Barbara and was ECSTATIC that she was electrocuted. The smoke coming out of her head was an excellent added touch. I do so hope she is never seen again. She is boring and one-dimensional. All she does is sneer or shout or make threats. Every single scene is the same with her - the sarcastic remarks, the scowl, the narrowed eyes and curled lip. She's about as deep as a puddle. No nuances, no layers, no nothing. Goodbye and good riddance, and yes, "NOW we can move forward." Loved Alfred all the way through. He's amazing in his steadfast loyalty to Bruce, when so many other characters are completely untrustworthy and constantly realign themselves with the highest bidder of the moment. I've mentioned before that Fish as a character grew on me as time went by. I think the turning point was when she took out her own eye! I was sorry to see her go, but I thought Oswald's reaction was well done and heartfelt. Selena - I like her pairing up with Tabitha and am happy to see how it goes. Don't care about Lee, never really have. Perhaps she'll come back but I hope not. I think she ran her course. I'm glad Oswald "won" this round of the Penguin-Riddler matchup but surely the tables will turn at some point next season. Butch - I'm not familiar with the Cyrus Gold/Solomon Grundy character and knew nothing about him until I Googled it, so I have no opinion. I was glad he said what he said to Barbara about Tabitha. Harvey's always great and yes, he should be used more. I love his earthiness and how disheveled he is. Sometimes I don't think Jim deserves his friendship.
  8. Michael said he gave T-Bag the hand in order to show kindness to someone who's never known kindness, with the hope that he (T-Bag) would return the favor. But agreed, it was probably overkill.
  9. Jim was using a short-wave radio or walkie-talkie, which had a very limited range of a mile. So they figured out that, within a mile's radius, the Park was a likely spot to bury someone/something.
  10. Well, even though most of the characters use cell phones (albeit mostly flip phones), the cars, TVs, rudimentary computers, and even some of the clothing all look pretty vintage. I know this is a live-action cartoon/comic, and there's no definitive year, but it certainly doesn't have much of a 21st century vibe. Using radar would've seemed too...sophisticated for the rag-tag GCPD. I'm so done with Lee. I truly hope she's either killed in the finale, or at the very, very least, cured of the virus and taken away for good (but not to Arkham, because that place is no more secure than CTU on '24'). I'm also completely bored with Barbara and Tabitha; both characters can leave the show, I'd never really notice their absence since they don't do much but squabble with each other (yawn). I'm growing weary of evil female characters, they've become a dime a dozen. I know this show centers on two male characters - Bruce and Jim, with Alfred and Harvey as their sidekicks - but it would be nice to have at least one strong, intelligent, and "good" female character. I haven't forgotten about Selena - I really do like her character very much - but she's quite a pill much of the time. She deserved getting yelled at by Alfred last week. OTOH, I admire her loyalty to Bridget and Ivy, and I can appreciate how crushed she was by her mother's actions. But still - she's basically a child. So she doesn't quite fit the bill for me, for what I'm looking for in a female character, even if that character was secondary. I wasn't a big Fish fan initially but ever since her various deaths, she has grown on me, and last night's entrance was great! A little Fish goes a long way.
  11. There's an old soap opera trick regarding amnesia: sometimes, a character who's suffered amnesia recovers his/her memory, but purposely doesn't let on that it's returned. Keeping it a secret in turn allows other characters to tell the supposed amnesiac all sorts of things they wouldn't normally divulge, or do things they wouldn't do otherwise. This might not have relevance in Lucious' situation, and I do assume that he'll get his memory back in due course - but not after a lot of grief and aggravation beforehand!
  12. This was a great episode. I loved the scene in which Lucious handed over control to Andre. I totally bought it, hook, line, and sinker. Maybe it's because I'm about the same age as Lucious and Cookie (well, a little older) and my husband and I are talking about retirement. No, we can't travel around the world or buy our own island, but...life really is short and there comes a point, for many people, when you re-prioritize. I do agree with everyone who's said that Lucious and Cookie have a toxic past - of that there's no doubt. And Lucious has done some truly vile things to his own children. And in turn, the brothers have hurt each other, too. But I think everything Lucious said was heartfelt. I wasn't sure, for a moment, if Andre was going to try to stop the plan, and I am very glad he did. He has suffered greatly - and that suffering has gone unacknowledged. I really didn't want him to kill Lucious, so I'm glad he had a change of heart. OMG - Charlotte's husband's name - Mitt! And the son's name - Brigham. How very Morman! That was hilarious. Loved Barry...and Michelle!!! How great was that? So, what do you think was done with Tariq's body? I'm sure Thirsty had it all taken care of. Will anyone notice he's gone? I gotta say...I don't like Grandma Leah. I just don't. She's way too mean, almost bordering on evil. OTOH, Boo Boo Kitty isn't exactly a good girl either. I'm nervous as to what Hakeem is going to have to do for the DuBois family. This won't be good...but for heaven's sake, I hope he has told or will tell Thirsty what happened. Tell someone!!! Poor Jamal. Maybe somehow Handsome Twin (I didn't catch his name) will truly fall in love with Jamal and not be able to go through with the plan to destroy the Lyons one by one. Well, they left us with a lot of cliffhangers, and I'll be happy to pick it right back up come fall.
  13. Thanks, Soothing Dave. I have no recollection of that and was struggling to understand how Mike got from her house back to Poseidon/Jacob. Guess she's dead.
  14. I've kind of lost track of what is actually going on - I mean, I know what's happening, but most of the details are going right over my head. Like Sarah's friend, what happened to her? How was that left? All I can remember is that she went to get Mike Jr. Did anything else happen with her after that? I agree that the male assassin is going to turn on his blonde partner somehow. He may not live much longer but I do think he'll screw things up for her. Which is fine. What the hell was in that jar that Whip retrieved off the buoy? Yuck. I really like Sheba! I want to see her at least a little bit more before the show ends, please! She's smart and brave.
  15. Same here. Remember when Riggs first came on the show? He and Owen were at each other's throats, literally. So here we go again. Been there, done that. How can they make Megan's return even remotely interesting and compelling for us viewers? And if Megan has amnesia, I will scream - the oldest soap opera trick in the book. So they'd better not go down THAT road. Or, if Megan was pregnant when she was taken hostage and there's a 10 year child of Riggs' out there somewhere - that would be absurd as well. I'm hard pressed to think of how Megan's return could be made interesting. All it's going to do is wreak havoc on Riggs, Owen, and Amelia. I'm not looking forward to it. Maggie should be thanking her lucky stars that she didn't get involved with Riggs!
  16. OMG, this show is going to drive us all to drink, if it hasn't already. We were shown Katerina walking herself into the ocean to drown, which would indeed not jive with her body/bones being available to dig up...unless SOMEHOW SOMEONE fetched her body from the sea? If that's even how she died??? And now the excellent point made by ally about elderly Dom? For crying out loud. The writers' right hands need to meet their left hands.
  17. I do recall the scene in which Lizzie was taken away by Red's folks, and I'm quite sure she said that both the nanny and Agnes were at the safe house. It really jumped out at me for that very reason - she actually mentioned a nanny! I commented to that effect in the other thread pertaining to Part I, that we finally knew Agnes had someone watching her, which was a good thing, what with Liz and Tom running all over the country and facing death every day.
  18. I, too, must disagree about Liz's hair - it looked horrendous. Greasy, flat, unkempt. Really bad. Run a brush through it once, please! As for Agnes, Liz did actually mention in the prior episode that Agnes had a nanny. We haven't seen him/her but at least there was actually confirmation of a nanny!! As for the rest of Lunula's post - agree!! I totally don't get whose bones those are in the suitcase. And as pointed out, if they're Katerina's bones, so what? She's dead, she's been dead for a while. If it's the true Reddington, well...whatever...I find the whole real/fake Reddingtion theory hard to follow, so I'm not really paying it much mind unless or until it is substantiated (and the way this show goes, that will likely never happen). I want to think that Kate's not dead. She may be gone but...hey, she's dodged death at least once, why not this time as well? Her character was fascinating - truly and utterly compelling. The actress has done a stellar job with that role, so kudos to her for making Mr. Kaplan so riveting.
  19. That may be 100% true. But she said she would do it. And then she didn't. So whether or not it was her job...she committed to taking care of that task and then didn't. She's on the hook for it.
  20. Dying of laughter over here.
  21. No, Ben has never been a firefighter. He was an anesthesiologist. The burned-beyond-recognition body they found was the rapist, of course. Perhaps some folks did not watch last week's episode. I think Mer was truly happy for Riggs that his fiancée is alive (she's not his ex-wife, as someone posted much further back). And maybe even a teeny tiny bit relieved. She was so resistant about getting into a committed relationship and even though she was beginning to come around to the concept, now she's off the hook! At least for the time being; this is a soap opera after all, and it won't be long before another potential love interest appears for her. But with regard to that particular scene, when Riggs rushes off, I thought that was fairly well done. And also - kudos to Meredith for directly and clearly telling Riggs the big news. No hemming and hawing, no waiting, just clearly and calmly said it. I always, always appreciate when characters on soapy dramas actually communicate in a rational manner. It eliminates the chance for misunderstandings, crossed wires, etc. WTH with Owen's catatonia regarding his sister's reappearance? Of course he's stunned - she has virtually risen from the dead and yes, that is mind-boggling. But why not even one split second of positivity? Even the hint of a smile on his lips - or his eyes welling up with tears - just SOMETHING to show that her being alive is a GOOD thing. Unless it's not? Is Megan harboring some harmful info that may now be divulged? I'm not sure I even care. Meredith's, Maggie's, and Jackson's lisps are so noticeable to me that I do sometimes mute their scenes. It is not their fault, of course - but it is akin to nails on a chalkboard sometimes. Minnick is a monster, pure and simple - what a wretched individual. If someone else had "forgotten" to alert the firefighters that Stephanie was missing, Minnick would have ripped that person a new one. But when she makes that almost-deadly blunder? She deflects it onto Richard. Horrible. Hey, maybe April's pregnant again! The liaison she and Jackson had out in Montana or wherever it was has never been mentioned...but perhaps it'll have repercussions? As another poster mentioned, nothing really happened this season, which is a shame. There was some good meat on the bone for some good stories, yet we got a whole lot of nothing.
  22. The flashback scene of Hannah and Jason's first meeting was sad. When Jason asked, semi-kiddingly, "Am I going to regret working with you?" or words to that effect, I yelled at the TV, "You sure are gonna regret it! Your son's gonna be kidnapped and killed, your wife will leave you, and you'll be killed as well!" Poor Jason... So I guess the President is going to let Hannah loose again to go hunt down Lloyd? Maybe this time around, she'll wear more sensible shoes, although those high heels didn't seem to slow her down much. And I suppose the First Children will move back into the White House now. Ugh!! I agree that Kirkman's speech was hokey yet decent. but provided absolutely no details. If I were an average citizen sitting at home watching the speech, I'd be screaming for more info! A bunch of domestic nutjobs tried to overthrow the US government?? Ay yi yi!!! Tell me more!! I guess I have to imagine that all the facts will be spelled out for the public in due course. Perhaps the President will grant an exclusive to Abe Leonard. Glad the show is coming back, as I'm curious enough to see where it goes next. I hope good use is made of Seth, Emily, and Aaron - they are a good team. Let's see if Emily and Aaron rekindle their romance.
  23. You should be able to see it On Demand today or tomorrow, shirazplease.
  24. I am confused. Michael Jr. is playing with his toy outside. The toy goes in the bushes. He goes to retrieve the toy and is snatched. Later, we then see Michael Jr. talking to Jacob/Poseidon, asking if that was his mom on the phone. And then he's at a friend's house for a sleepover, as if nothing happened in the bushes. Who snatched him? Was that an editing error? What in the heck was that all about?
  25. I didn't know Alex had another name. What is it? And why does he use an alias?
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