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Cosign. I'm enjoying it. Of course, I absolutely love Denise and have for years. I hated how she was treated on RHOBH. She was the sweet girl who got ganged up on by the mean girl squad. One thing I will always, always, always respect Denise for was when Charlie and Brooke both went into rehab, she cared for their twins, Max and Bob (and Godzilla as well, apparently). She didn't do it for the publicity, she did it because she seems to be a genuinely kind and decent person. Sami is stunning but she seems to be very much like her father - wild and out of control. Not allowing Lola into her apartment is pretty low - especially when Denise and Eloise were permitted in. Lola seems like a very sweet girl - amazing, given that she's the child of two celebs. I'll credit Denise with that. Denise is an amazing mother to Eloise, very calm and patient and clearly devoted. I'll be tuning in every week. As someone else pointed out, it's a wonderful palette cleanser.
Why on earth wouldn't they have those dome covers to put over the dishes? All I could think of is that the charter guests are expected to arrive from their ride and eat food that has had flies all over it? Yuck. Loved the tortoise habitat. Would much rather have seen more of that than the drawn-out scenes of Wihan penning his love letter (cringe). Obviously, he forgot to include "Will you go with me?" at the bottom, along with a check box for yes, one for no, and one for maybe. I can't believe Adair isn't all over this gem. I am impressed with Johnny. Besides being physically my type, he was very respectful towards Alesia and didn't turn into an ass because she rejected him (and, in fact, apologized to her the next day) and when setting up the beach picnic with Bri, he told her to take the lighter stuff and he would take the heavier stuff. I agree about Harry. I find him adorkable. I get that it probably feels like this crew has known each other longer than - what - two weeks, three tops? since they work together, live together and go out together but they really haven't known each other long so I have zero problems with Harry wanting to move slowly with Bri. She should definitely appreciate that he's not like Wihan and looking for a hit and run hookup. I hope Harry doesn't feel like he has to be someone he's not in order to keep Bri interested - although he should definitely tell her he likes her and wants to move slowly out of respect.
I have wondered the same thing myself. Why are two women fighting over Wihan when Johnny is available? (Although I don't wish Tsarina on Johnny). Wihan is clearly inept as a bosun. How did he get hired? Production shenanigans? I hope the deck/stew (blanking on her name) is smart enough to steer clear. Given that the new sous chef is a female, how long before Wihan is horn dogging for her? (Which will then create an immediate conflict between Tsarina and her sous chef). So Brianna is freaking out because Harry said "maybe" he would take her to Australia? They've known each other - what? - a week or so now? Girl, slow it down. He was put on the spot with a question by a guest, it's not a big deal. "Maybe" seems like a safe, stock answer to an unexpected question like that. Is Brianna going to be a Stage 5 Clinger?
The Tudors (2007) - General Discussion
psychoticstate replied to GHScorpiosRule's topic in The Tudors (2007)
But of course! Just like Henry could order the execution of his wives for infidelity while he was cheating all over the place (although that was most definitely the times; apparently the king was expected to take a mistress or two or ten). Clearly! He definitely had a petty male ego. I think it would have behooved the show to have had JRM appear more so as the real Henry did by the time he married KH - around 50, overweight. It would make more sense why he would choose to marry a flighty child; she certainly inflated his ego. -
The Tudors (2007) - General Discussion
psychoticstate replied to GHScorpiosRule's topic in The Tudors (2007)
And because I forgot to mention this in my earlier post today, did Henry really think that KH was a virgin when they met? He claimed to have more animus toward Derehem than Culpepper because Derehem had "ruined" KH before Henry got there. Based on what the show indicated on their initial meeting(s), no way was KH innocent in the world and Henry wasn't THAT blind. She was supposed to be a distraction for him during his brief marriage to Anne of Cleves and never queen, I would assume. You would think Henry would have had more bitterness and anger toward Culpepper, seeing as Culpepper was sleeping with KH when she was his wife and while he was Henry's groom than Derehem, who had no connection to Henry at all and did not seem to touch KH while she was married. -
The Tudors (2007) - General Discussion
psychoticstate replied to GHScorpiosRule's topic in The Tudors (2007)
I decided to watch this show again last week via Amazon Prime and am now a few episodes towards the end in Season 4. All of my previous comments upthread stand. I like and appreciate JRM as Henry. Natalie Dormer's acting was absolutely superb. I don't think as a viewer you really get a full understanding that IRL Henry courted/lusted/obsessed over Anne for SEVEN YEARS. Even though she had little sympathy for Katherine of Aragon, and wished the Queen and Princess Mary dead, I had empathy towards Anne because her family was absolutely despicable. Her father was little more than a pimp, very willing to turn either of his daughters over to the highest bidder. Was George Boleyn really bisexual or was that creative liberties? And was he really that horrid to his wife? I know it was the "entertainment" of the times but it's really distressing to see so many families and children present to watch an execution. Hearing Brandon's son say he wanted to see someone die was a punch in the gut. As wonderful as Henry Cavill was, Brandon was pretty awful at times. Terrible husband to the King's sister, Margaret (who IRL was actually Mary). Terrible that he killed women and children, in addition to innocent men because he didn't want to lose the King's love, as he told his wife. As awful as Cromwell was, it was disgusting to participate in having his executioner get shitfaced the night before so that he would eff up the execution and cause Cromwell to suffer more and die a very painful death. Honestly, that makes him not much different than Cromwell. Not that it mattered much but I preferred the second actress portraying Jane Seymour. I found the first actress, while good, to come off more sneaky and deceptive versus the second, who seemed more regal and queenly. Maybe the real Jane Seymour was sneaky and deceptive; after all, she knew full well that Henry was married to Anne when they began their flirtation, at the very least. And while not as downright dirty and despicable as the Boleyns, the Seymours certainly seemed to have no concerns for Jane's fate at marrying Henry. What exactly was the purpose of the Lady Misseldon character in S3? To show that Henry wasn't faithful to Jane? Was he faithful to anyone really? Still love the Anne of Cleves character and wish we had gotten more with her. It didn't feel like she was married to Henry for six months or so; it felt more like six days or maybe six weeks. The show really should have intro'd Katherine Howard then, as she was one of Anne's ladies in waiting, I think. And add me to the list of people who HATED that the show had Anne and Henry hook up post-annulment. No. Just no. Katherine Howard still annoys me - although I try to remind myself that she was barely more than a child when she was noticed by Henry. Some of her behaviors can be written off but others, not so much. I don't think the real Katherine Howard would have been so brazen in her PDA with Henry. I also wonder if the real KH was that obvious and indiscreet with Culpepper (and was Culpepper really a rapist and murderer?). It seems that given who her family was, and what happened to her cousin, she would not have been. And what did Lady Rochford get out of all this? The show made it appear as though she and Culpepper were conspiring to trap KH, at least at first. In the end, it appeared that everyone turned on everyone else - except Derehem, who did tell the truth and suffered the worst death out of them IMO. Lady Rochford claimed innocence/played dumb, Culpepper claimed it was KH who wanted him and it was all her and KH claimed that Derehem had raped her. Oh well, I just ordered a book on KH so I can answer these questions myself. I know it's been said many times here but I really wish the show had continued on with Mary, Elizabeth and Edward. There was still so much left to tell - and I would have appreciated seeing Mary planning the funeral for Anne of Cleves, who was the only one of Henry's wives to truly get a funeral for a queen. -
S14.E10: Sweet Home Augusta
psychoticstate replied to ZettaK's topic in The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills
Good point!- 262 replies
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S14.E10: Sweet Home Augusta
psychoticstate replied to ZettaK's topic in The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills
As someone born and brought up in Georgia, I am downright embarrassed and mortified by Reba's actions toward Garcelle (and her actions in general). She should have thanked Garcelle for bringing her a gift and mentioned how lovely the scarf was (it was). Sutton's discomfort was radiating through my tv screen. A poster above mentioned therapy and I agree. Sutton probably needs to find a good therapist so that she can understand it's not her fault Reba is like this and although she deserves her mother's love and acceptance, she likely will never get it. She has got to accept that her mother is the way she is (unfortunately) and accept it or cut her mother out. I loved seeing Sutton, Garcelle and Kyle Take On Augusta, from arriving at LAX to arriving in Augusta to seeing Sutton's absolutely gorgeous house (which I actually prefer to her LA digs) to going out to dinner at the local Italian place. Can we please have more of that? I would happily watch Sutton, Garcelle and Kyle go on adventures throughout the country if it was all like this. Erika, the other Georgian, seemed very miffed that she wasn't included in the trip. While I understand that Sutton wanted to keep it small, it would have been interesting to see the interaction between Ice Queen Reba and self-proclaimed See You Next Tuesday Erika. Wonder why Jennifer didn't go along to Augusta? So Boz and her boyfriend are allegedly talking about marriage and having a baby but have never said "I love you"? Girl, bye. And WTH are you thinking, criticizing Kyle to Kathy? You and Kathy are castmates, not friends - of course she's going to defend her sister. Boz looked like an absolute Amazon next to emaciated Dorit in that first scene at Villa Doritos (or maybe Villa Debt-o). Has she really not spoken to an attorney yet? WTF? Maybe I was tired or whatever, but I did feel somewhat sad watching Kyle and Mo together. If they aren't getting back together, she really has no need for that big house.- 262 replies
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S03:E01: Seychelles, by the Seashore
psychoticstate replied to snarts's topic in Below Deck Down Under
Exactly! Tzarina is acting as though Anthony is the janitor. She is 100% wasting him. Why not let him handle breakfast so that she can get a little extra sleep? Makes no sense - other than the ego problems she insinuated to Andy are her ego problems. And yeah, that felt like a job interview she was giving Anthony, not asking him what he excelled at. Did Marina say she had been yachting for a long time and then say it had been two years? Sorry, sweetie - two years is not a long time. The interior looks to be strong - but the layout of the boat is clearly going to cause problems. Happy to see Harry back. Love that Captain Jason pitches in without being all up in everyone's business (looking at you, Captain Sandy). -
I have never been Team Daisy - I think she played Colin and Gary against each other last season and IMO there is no reason for her to give Gary a head's up about kissing Keith. It happened in front of the crew (camera and otherwise). I think she desperately wants Gary to declare his undying love and she's trying to push his buttons. Keith ran from Danni and her hyperactive hormones. He needs to do the same with Daisy. That said, I am absolutely on Daisy's side with regard to Danni. Danni is definitely a delusional Gen Z'er. She doesn't want to work, when she does work, she expects to be coddled and praised, and she wants to be the hottest girl in the room with all the attention. She's clearly stupid if she doesn't realize the basic hierarchy of the workplace. Daisy is her superior and it's not any supervisor's responsibility to "create" passion for your job. In the real world, she'd likely be fired by now. These guests were just terrible, like the last crew. I really cannot stand the high maintenance, super demanding guests that act as if they get a pass because they're charter guests.
True but honestly, if Dani didn't want Chase or anyone else to know that she had noshed on Gary and attempted to hook up with Keith then don't do it in front of the cameras and don't let others know. She has been pretty obvious. I mean, everyone knew she brought Anthony back to the boat and everyone knew she hooked up with him. This isn't a big secret. Of course it wasn't Daisy's place to do that - but she may have helped Chase to dodge a bullet. Dani is so obvious it would turn me off -- but I'm not a guy in his twenties. How did Daisy forget to order alcohol? What else does she do? Isn't it part of her job to make sure the boat has everything the guests put on their preference sheets? I've said it before and I'll say it again, she is a terrible chief stew. As far as her beef with Cloyce, I think she is just as much to blame. At least for now Cloyce seems to be on his game with his meals and timing so that's on Daisy if he's not being informed of when the guests are being seated and when plates are being cleared. Seems like we're being set up for an interior implosion between Diana being jealous of Dani over Chase and Dani being pissed with Daisy over outing her behavior. At least Keith and Chase are hard workers.
S14.E4: Twisted Sisterhood
psychoticstate replied to ZettaK's topic in The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills
Professional courtesy.- 102 replies
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S14.E3: Life's a Beach
psychoticstate replied to ZettaK's topic in The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills
Sean Penn is a spokeshole. Complete douchebag. I'll never forget that during Covid time, CNN actually interviewed this idiot to ask him his opinion on masks and quarantines, etc. Who cares what he thinks? What qualifies him on the subject? Nothing. If anything, Garcelle probably realized after ten minutes with him that he is insufferable and ran like hell. Watching Kathy deliver those suitcases, just joyriding around town, eating a banana with her 50 pillows and crazy hat was so Kathy Hilton. I just had to enjoy it. Kyle is an asshole for turning the thank you toast to Kathy into a rebuke to Dorit that they needed to talk. Leave it alone for the moment and then take Dorit aside privately later. Don't ruin the gorgeous beach setting and what will probably be an extravagant and tasty dinner for everyone else. I think Kyle thought that Mo would be desperately unhappy on his own but he's clearly not and that's not sitting well with Kyle. Mo looks happy and great; Kyle does not. Not sure why she has a bug up her butt about Mo only buying eight towels. How many does he need? Eight is more than enough for one person. Someone who can't figure out how to turn on the tv or change the temp on your thermostat really shouldn't weigh in on the number of towels. Mo buying furniture for his rented condo would sound like a pretty permanent statement for us plebes, but he makes so much money that it doesn't necessarily mean anything other than he found a place he liked to rent that was unfurnished. The viewers had no time for Teddi and clearly Dorit doesn't care to either. Since when is Kyle the Friend Patrol? Kyle keeps wanting to have a convo with Dorit but doesn't seem to want to admit that she was at fault at least as equally as Dorit, if not more. She said the final straw was Dorit showing everyone her text but she had been icing Dorit out long before that. We viewers watch the show. We remember hearing about the Umanskys and the Kemsleys celebrating Jewish holidays together, having date nights together and traveling together. Kyle needs to stop with the revisionist history of Dorit not really being a friend. I can buy that she may not see some of these ladies outside of filming but I do think she and Dorit were good friends at some point. This could be a great marketing deal for her with Yolanda, our former Lady of the Lemons. Together they could be Ladies of the Lemons. Or Squeeze the Day with Yo and EJ (or EJ and Yo). Yolanda's amazing refrigerator could make a guest appearance. I mean, the options could be endless.- 145 replies
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OF COURSE the crew would still be allowed to go to the beach club, which is probably what they mainly wanted to do anyhow. They will learn nothing. So WTH did Daisy have to send Glenn a text at 6 a.m. about the stains on the furniture and wake him up? Surely she could have continued trying to clean the upholstery and waited until he got up on his own. She talked a big game to Gary about his drinking but she admitted that she didn't want to deal with the damage when it happened because it was 1 am or 2 am and she was drunk. As I've watched this particular franchise of BD since the very first episode, I distinctly remember Daisy getting blackout drunk on every single crew night out. Sounds like Gary isn't the only one with a problem. Frankly, the fact that he could have seriously injured Davide's eye should scare him into stopping with the alcohol. Unfortunately, most of these crews drink like sailors who have been bone dry for six months and are on leave at the first port instead of a group who has worked two days, three tops, since their last day off. It sucks that Cloyce, Keith, Danni and Diana all had to pay for the drunken behavior/antics of Gary and Davide and Daisy's ineffectiveness as a chief stew. I wonder if Glenn had known about what exactly went down if he would have had those three stay back to clean while the others went on the cave exploration? So Danni finally gets laid and she's still just as oversexed as ever, making it clear that she is now going to go after Chase, even though Diana is apparently interested, and also saying that once she sets her sights on something she gets it (conveniently forgetting about Keith and Gary). Honestly, she's absolutely embarrassing at this point; she's a female Gary. Keith may have dodged a bullet there but based on the "later this season" reel at the conclusion of the episode, he's going after Daisy. Why? I think I've said this every season. I don't understand why Daisy has got the men/boys lining up. Does something she has in person just not translate to the screen because I don't get it. Gary and Daisy sharing a bunk - what could go wrong? 🙄 More proof that Daisy is not a great chief stew - there are three female crew members now. All three of them should have moved into the three-person cabin and then let Chase bunk up with Cloyce, Gary or Keith. Otherwise, this episode was a whole lot of nothing.
100%. It's not that Emma wasn't being properly managed or trained, it's that Emma didn't care to try. Or to work. Even when she was convinced she was going to be fired before she actually got fired, she didn't put forth the effort that most people would if they were aiming to save their jobs. Making mistakes isn't the problem (unless of course it could or does result in harm or injury to person or property); it's that she seemed utterly bored and uninterested when Gary was attempting to explain something to her. I mean, even if she hadn't been doing day dockings and Gary and Keith were normally throwing the lines to the dock (whatever it's officially called), you don't tell your boss or supervisor "well, you and Keith normally do it" and walk away. You can say I've never day docked before or I've never done this during a docking, can you show me very quickly and act like you actually want to learn and do it. Gary has a shit ton of faults but IMO being a capable bosun/lead deckhand is not one of them. And I do think he was legit upset that Emma was getting fired. That said, Emma should have been relieved because it seems she was doing everything to get fired. Glenn handled letting her go like a boss. Very calm, patient and stressing how she just needs more experience. That breakfast Cloyce made looked DELISH. I love breakfast foods and that spread was amazing. Someone should have gagged Danni with one of those lollipops instead of putting Davide's eye out. Can't believe all that shrieking she was doing when they got back on the boat didn't wake up Glenn. Honestly, at this point I wish someone would give her a poke; maybe she'd calm down. Obviously Daisy and the stews are set for an explosion. Daisy knows they have an issue with her but isn't going to press it. Diana doesn't want to say anything because she likes both Daisy and Danni. And Danni feels like Daisy picks on her because Daisy expects better time management. Poor Keith had to bang on that wayward boat's forward cabin (thank goodness he didn't get shot), slept through Emma's firing, was blamed by Emma as one of the reasons for her firing, and then was called a dick by Danni. He deserves better.