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Everything posted by EVS

  1. I looked at the picture of the purplish dress again, and the neckline seems low and kind of saggy to me. I do think it is probably at least a size or 2 too big for Jill. She definitely seems uncomfortable with properly fitted clothes. I hope it is just because of her fundie upbringing and not because of Josh. Unfortunately, I could see it being for both reasons. Eta: I just realized something. I’m short-waisted and have a couple jumpers. I had to have the top parts altered, basically pulled up at the shoulder. I know Jill is tall, but if her torso is short proportionally, maybe that is why the top of some of her one-piece outfits are saggy.
  2. @Nysha, I didn’t see the police report until I saw zoomama’s post. I read every word. I’m so sorry that your family’s suspicions were correct. I’m glad that the neighbor’s surveillance camera captured and retained her killer’s movements. I hope that video footage puts him away for the rest of his life and I hope that your sister is found soon.
  3. Add a prayer cap, and she could probably wear that dress to an Amish or Mennonite wedding and blend in.
  4. If I didn’t know better, I’d think that Jana made Jill a copy of the model’s dress from an extra large potato sack.
  5. I agree about the Duggar daughters. None of them have a clue, but none of them are rebels. Since they have to follow their headships, if Jeremy is a rebel than Jinger must be one too. (Similar to “Jeremy likes books..”) I like your title for Derrick much better than mine!
  6. Then Jinger could be the Rebel Without a Clue, although that could also work for Derick.
  7. @Churchhoney, I’m Greek, although I’ve never attended bible study, but I did know about the Bible being written in Ancient Greek. I guess I don’t understand how the fundies can acknowledge that but still disagree with the modern Theology which grew out of those ancient teachings. I’m curious about what kind of twisted logic they use to say that Orthodoxy and Catholism are less accurate or Christian than a relatively new religion like theirs or than the teachings of someone like Goddard. I love that you have insight into this that someone like me could not, and I appreciate your informative posts. MMV, but I still find it hypocritical to personalize his bible with Greek given their feelings about our Theology.
  8. I’m curious about the Greek writing on the cover. We know that the Duggars don’t consider the Greek Orthodox people, along with Catholics, Christians. Does Jeremy’s church feel differently? If not, then I think the Greek writing on the cover is hypocritical. If so, then I think it is funny because it is kind of a slap in the face to the Duggars and their beliefs.
  9. You said it much better than I did, lol. Your friend and the people in your fb group are much better Christians and much better people than Jill will ever be. Your sentence that I bolded summarizes my feelings about all these fundie families perfectly.
  10. Exactly. Suddenly they want to be relatable, but because they are so sheltered, they just aren’t to most people, like this post of Jill’s or Jessa with the dirty diaper pile on the dresser. Jill seems to miss with the majority of her posts, including her awful recipes, yet she keeps trying. She’s kind of like the definition of insanity, lol. Jessa just gets defensive and now posts preemptive snarky comments on her posts.
  11. I actually have a bee/wasp phobia so I kind of empathize with Jill. What annoys me about her posts (and Jessa’s) are the “who else?” questions at the end To me those questions just seem like they are just trying to get people to comment to raise their social media profiles and potentially make more money off of them. Disclaimer: I am barely on fb, so I have no idea if social media really works that way, but it seems like they want comments for some reason. I posted my opinion on fundies and social media in the “sweet fellowship” thread.
  12. I can empathize with this and with @Christina87. For me it was over about 5 years, but I also gained about 100 lbs. I finally started to lose a little weight and then got a terrible upper respiratory infection and had to go on several rounds of steroids and gained the weight back. Of course it doesn’t want to come back off. It doesn’t help that I have arthritis and can barely walk these days. I need to see an endocrinologist and start swimming.
  13. Just by posting this rant on social media, Jill is contradicting herself to me. She talks about keeping separate from the world (paraphrasing), yet uses social media which seems very worldly to me. She talks about sports clouding focus, yet she is spending time on the internet that she could be using to pray, read the Bible etc. She talks about guarding what we put before our eyes, yet again spends time on the internet where, when she doesn’t disable them, she must see some not-very-Godly comments on her posts. The excuse that all these fundies use about their social media being their ministry is a load of bull crap.Their posts are no more a ministry than anyone else’s on FB, instagram, or twitter. They are just an excuse to draw more attention to their ignorant (see Jill’s comment about birth control) and narcissistic selves and, in some cases, make money without having an actual job. I doubt God is a big fan of the internet anyway. More likely it is the work of Green Bean Can Satan. And while I’m at it: Jill criticizes women for both shortening their skirts and no longer wearing them (another contradiction), yet wears an ungodly amount of makeup on her face. (I changed my original, less charitable description.) In short, Jill, like the rest of these fundies, does not practice what she preaches. Not that anyone cares what her ignorant-self preaches anyway.
  14. I always tell my kids that George Orwell was only off by about 20 years. ETA: I’m referring specifically to “Big Brother is Watching.”
  15. Someone must have told Jill. She mentioned it when she posted her recipe for ice cubes.
  16. My birthday: Naked man on drugs falsely claimed he planted bomb in Daytona Beach airport My oldest kid: Florida man attacked by a ‘crazy squirrel’ gone nuts. And it was raised by a neighbor My youngest: Florida man convicted of killing former FSU mascot in gumbo spice dispute
  17. Besides the previously listed migraine triggers, my other triggers are: Any Social media rants from Derrick Dullard and Jill Rod. Something about these 2 especially drives me crazy which leads to nasty headaches. Arrogant little fundie girls making ignorant comments about my Greek heritage. J/k. I know migraines are serious business. I get them occasionally, but I couldn’t resist.
  18. Tammy Faye Baker School of Cosmetology/Jill Rod School of Cosmetology. Tomato/Tomahto
  19. I love that my kids and some of their friends have become fans of the show thanks to Netflix. This conversation happened in my home a few weeks ago: My husband made a comment about a coworker’s “Flock of Seagulls” haircut. My 23 year old son and his girlfriend: What’s a Flock of Seagulls haircut? Husband: Flock of Seagulls...the band....I Ran... Kids: They’re from Iran? Husband: No, it’s one of their songs. (sings) I ran, I ran so far away.. Kids: OK, but what’s a Flock of Seagulls haircut? Me: Chandler’s hair in college. Kids: Thank you. Mom knows how to translate for us!
  20. And here is Tony Ortega’s response: https://tonyortega.org/2019/02/25/no-the-national-enquirer-has-not-found-scientologys-shelly-miscavige/
  21. @Scarlett45 Can you or your boss complain to the building management?
  22. Ok, then nvm. Gabrielle Union was one of only 2 black women to appear on that show (that I can remember) so you would probably remember her if you watched it. I saw her on a talk show recently (maybe Conan?) and she was pretty funny, so hopefully she will be a good addition to the show.
  23. I just started binging this show a few months ago. I’m finally almost caught up. I just watched this episode. I loved the twist that Scully and Hitchcock used to be “studs” when they were younger. Anyway, fwiw, I say “Hitchcock isn’t heavy” (at least compared to Scully) to remember who is who.
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