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Everything posted by glowlights

  1. Teddi works with at-risk youth? Yeesh. I hope she's less uptight and judgy with them than she is with her friends on this show.
  2. Fly vs Jizz had me rolling on the floor. (I'll be Switzerland on this issue.) I tried watching a bit of the British version on Youtube but wasn't feeling it. There's something about this U.S. cast that is so gloriously into their t.v. watching. They go for the ride, so to speak, and to see so much unbridled enthusiasm and unguarded reactions in these days of jaded scripted non-reality shows is just. so. great. When The Lady On The Right happily said she'd go crawling through the sidewalks of New York? Yay. I know some of them are trying a bit harder than others and Brandy and Julie are writers, but still. But the ladies in Burbank need better snacks.
  3. YIKES! So glad you are okay and sorry to hear about the awful neighbor, not to mention your parents' wind damage. Also, hail fellow Papa John's boycotter! I love you so much for this. I'm not a Sharon-hater but I'm no Sharon fan, either. Sharon and I haven't been on good terms ever since she showed up in GC. So come sit here with me whenever it gets tough. I have gingerbread! Welcome jewel! I see this board has already invaded your dreams. This place is like the Hotel California of soap forums - you can check out any time you like but your heart will never leave.
  4. I thought I was having a bad week... and then I came here and read there's only one more ep of this show and now I'm having the WORST week. Why is this not a regular staple like WWHL?!?!?! It's cheap to produce and its not like they would run out of tv shows to watch. Not to mention it's the best damn thing ever. I loved the comedy clip linked above. The end of civilization? Sign me up!
  5. Did anyone watch last night's A Crime To Remember, about the murder of Roseanne Quinn (which inspired the book Looking For Mr. Goodbar)? It left me shaking my head at the weird cherry-picking of details. The one good thing was having an academic discuss the "slut-shaming" that went on in the wake of Quinn's murder, and that if you think a woman deserves to be murdered because of her sex life, that says more about you than the victim.
  6. Details, please!!! FWIT, I admire people who consciously and prudently weigh the financial aspects of adopting more pets. And yes, it can be very pricey. We have the old credit card receipts to prove it. *sigh*
  7. Ah, memories. I loved** that moment SO MUCH. We started singing the old camp song: My eyes are dim / I cannot see / I have not brought my specs with me.... ITA with the change in tone from no-nonsense tough love to hand-holding and negotiating. Was there a change in protocol for the way hoarders are dealt with in the mental health field, or did they just try to soften it so people would continue to agree to be on the show? ** and by "loved" I mean wanted to throw the remote through our tv screen
  8. This sounds a lot like my mother! Stuff placed impractically or not organized. And then she complains there's no storage space in her house or there's no room for anything. Meanwhile, she has the same amount of space we do... Actually she has more storage space because we don't have a utility room full of built-in shelving that she has totally squandered by not organizing it. She's more of a disorganized complaining pack rat than a hoarder (what's the boundary between the two?) but I wonder if you're on to something about conceptualizing space. Meanwhile, she has no trouble pointing her finger at other people for having messy homes. WTF. A thread about the psychology of hoarders would be fascinating.
  9. The latest ep of Dr. K was a real eye-opener. I have never thought to ask how one would x-ray a fish, let alone do surgery under anaesthesia! lol That's (one of the reasons) why I love her show so much. It's so educational. And yeah, I felt terrible that the goldfish had been struggling like that for months, not to mention the ferret's tumor had been allowed to grow and possibly metastize for a year. Sheesh. Thank heavens for the student who brought her turtle in at the first sign of trouble! I also felt bad for the woman whose rabbit got his foot broken while being crated. You could tell she wouldn't have intentionally hurt him for the world. So, yay for good pet guardians.
  10. You get your filthy squash out of his lap! Ray will be mine. MINE, I tell you! (Dear Ray: xoxoxoxo) Rodlu, I know what you mean about family trying to stalk on FB. I don't use personal social media accounts so I just tell family I'm not on FB or Twitter. But that doesn't stop the emails. Oh, the emails....
  11. Awwww. I kind of have a crush on most folks here, because PTV is full of awesome users and mods, so right back atcha! :) Btw the guy in my pic is the wonderful and talented Ray Wise, who I hope to never meet because I would just stand there grinning at him, all starstruck and moony-eyed, until he got scared and called security. Oh lordy, I'll cosign on this peeve! THANK GOD we don't have to be with my husband's family this Thanksgiving. Yeesh.
  12. Not a body language expert - or any sort of expert lol - but here's a little nugget for spotting a con artist's lies: when they pull out weirdly specific details while evading hard answers. He can't give a single straight answer regarding this entire cancer storyline, but he's taken the time to calculate the percentage of visits - not just the basic number, the percentage - that Vicki joined him on. Bullshitter bullshittin' about bullshit. ^^ THAT is why I refuse to watch any more. I assume we're not allowed to talk about the big S in the room, so all I will say is everyone involved in allowing Dr. Z's practice (including his little detox cohort) to be highlighed on television for dollars and ratings should be driven off the nearest cliff. Andy has crossed a terrible line this time imo.
  13. Thank you guys for posting all of these highlight quotes! They have me giggling like a maniac and trying to avoid stares. I've only seen two eps so far but it's introducing me to so much extra tv joy, such as Coach Charming and the live exorcism. The look on Papa Resnick's face when one of his daughters talked about being stoned, then tried to walk it back and say she's never really been stoned. A little piece of his soul died that day. Can I change my username to Princella?
  14. You're right this is the best show Bravo has! I swear it's the best thing to happen to me since Pants Off Dance Off.
  15. walnutqueen, I saw two eps yesterday and am already addicted! (PTV is the only place where I will admit to watching Bravo during the day - lol). Did you see the one with the exorcism and the pageant coach? Lordy this is some FINE television...
  16. Thank you for posting this! (a "like" didn't seem sufficient) Nope, I'll sit at that table. I haven't seen that full ep, just the clip that was shown on the reunion, but I heard about it irl when it first aired and my immediate response was to guffaw and ask if Vicki's acting has improved or if it was just as ridiculously over-the-top as I would imagine. The person who was telling me looked sort of taken aback and swore it was all real. Whatever - here's the thing with Vicki: she has done so much attention whoring and "me! me! me!" since she first appeared on my screen that her credibility is zero. It's her own fault imo if people roll their eyes when she slumps to the floor and has a grand dramatic display over allegedly being shocked at the news of her mother's death. Her reputation precedes her. Sort of like Brooks and all his weird tales and convenient "misstatements" about cancer - I'm not saying he's lying, but I'm saying I don't have any reason to believe a word of it. :) The fact that she has followed up the news of her mother's death by making it all about her ("I wanted to go first!") only adds to my skepticism.
  17. How did I manage to get through life without this show until yesterday?!?!? (Kicking Y&R to the curb has really broadened my tv horizons.) And there's a cast member named PRINCELLA so it's automatically going on my dvr. Julie and Brandy and their dogs are my faves, as well as the three guys. "Don't you think he's a few sandwiches short of a picnic basket?" "No.... I just don't think they're very fancy sandwiches." haaaa
  18. glowlights

    What's That Book?

    Hi Marge (god how i love your username), I looked at Nicholas's entry and some of the details are very similar. I may have conflated two different stories, because in the one I recall the victim died accidentally from being tied up and left in the van. Thank you for the lead!
  19. glowlights

    What's That Book?

    Here's one: Pretty sure this was published in the 90s. Nonfiction account of "nice" middle-class suburban kids in Southern California who ended up kidnapping someone's sibling (I believe it was to scare him or her over a drug debt? or to impress a drug dealer maybe?) and unfortunately the abductee ended up dying, which was not their plan. IIRC they used a van to transport the victim. The kids tried to cover it up, but of course things fell apart. Format was large trade paper. I think the cover was black with some white and red print. The author was a woman. Help?
  20. ^^^^ I can't believe I made that typo!!! And now refuse to fix it because HELL YEAH we get down to the PBS. It's how we roll. ;)
  21. Last night I watched an ep in which she did orthopedic surgery on a baby... macaw? Anyway, a baby tropical bird. She broke, pinned and reset his deformed "knees" so that he would be able to walk and perch. Amazing. Of course I burst into tears when she determined that the surgery had been a success and he could have the pins out. And I agree - she would be worth choosing over most of the doctors I've known simply for her caring nature and determination to help. Can't wait to watch Dr. Dee but will have to do it when I can cry freely... *sigh*
  22. crowswork, was it Correcting Christmas? The blurb has me in stitches: A woman travels back one year in time to the Christmas before her broken engagement and tries to repair what went went wrong. She discovers that this is a challenging undertaking. One would imagine that time travel is a bit challenging...
  23. ... and gloated as she said it. What a piece of shit. Horrific. IIRC the school resisted the idea of having a memorial tree planted on school property because they didn't want any reminder. :(
  24. That? That is weird. Were they buying two carts full of Halloween stuff just so they could get bags? (sorry you got stuck behind their mess) "American = Caucasian" makes me grind my teeth. Add me to the list of people who are peeved by the sentiment that every minor child-related errand is sacred, but those of us who don't have children are never supposed to take time off or have commitments outside work. Someone who was forever taking off during the work day to do stuff for his kids once told my husband that our planned weekend trip was just a non-essential "choice". As if that guy's wife's uterus was a Pez dispenser set on auto, squirting out kids with no "choices" involved. Bah.
  25. radishcake, I can certainly appreciate that it's an odd relationship with all sorts of boundaries to navigate. And I did think the book gave some insight into the impossible position of Agnes being asked to educate/discipline/nurture someone else's children while at the same time having all authority undermined by the parents. Or being in that position when the parents have very different values, such as allowing cruelty to animals. But then Agnes just seemed to have a real lack of self-awareness (beyond her young age) that I found off-putting. The lord and lady of the manor didn't cancel their plans and stay in to greet you upon your arrival? Honey, you're an employee, not a guest. And then she asks the wrong person about having her bags sent up and seems surprised about getting a stare. Some of her characterizations are so self-serving and two-dimensional that I ended up giving her the side eye, not the characters she intended me to dislike or disapprove of, such as Rosalie. Agnes is such a stick-in-the-mud little Puritan that I very much distrust her over the top portrayal of Rosalie's "shocking" flirtations. Basically, I detected a strong odor of eau de Mary Sue. But I did enjoy the simple, spare prose style. And the narrative moved along at a good pace.
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