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Everything posted by glowlights

  1. Thank you! I will check the CW listing. On a slightly gross note... is anyone else fascinated by some of the, um, biological things displayed on Dr. K? There was a snake with a nasal infection and until seeing that ep I had never thought about what infected nasal mucous would look like in a snake. Poor fella. I'm sure he felt sooooo much better after he got that treated! I also admit to being a little curious about what rotting tortoise eggs smell like after they've been stuck inside the tortoise for months. If it's bad enough to make a vet gag, it's probably pretty bad. But I'd hazard a whiff. For the sake of science, ya know.
  2. I had no idea this forum existed! Thank you, walnutqueen, for the link! I have found my people... people who won't think I'm crazy for bursting into tears when a tortoise needs a ventilator. Can you tell me which channel you're getting Dogtown? I can't find it by searching on Comcast and would dearly love to watch it.
  3. walnutqueen, I was surfing around for his mule deer doc as you typed! :) We also forego the turkey at Thanksgiving (and the rest of the year) so you have given me a wonderful idea for a new viewing tradition. Thank you for the link to the forum, see you there. :)
  4. Jeez! Thank you for heads up - I had that on the DVR and now know to delete. :( Last night I watched a truly wonderful Nature episode called My Life As A Turkey. I balled my eyes out at the end, but I ball my eyes out watching Dr. K's Exotic Animal Hospital so... ymmv. Anyway, it scooped up a well-deserved Emmy and is available to watch online for anyone who missed it and loves animals. It's based on the book Illumination In The Flatwoods. I was absolutely blown away by this man's experience: http://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/my-life-as-a-turkey-full-episode/7378/ After a local farmer left a bowl of eggs on Joe Hutto’s front porch, his life was forever changed. Hutto, possessing a broad background in the natural sciences and an interest in imprinting young animals, incubated the eggs and waited for them to hatch. As the chicks emerged from their shells, they locked eyes with an unusual but dedicated mother. One man’s remarkable experience of raising a group of wild turkey hatchlings to adulthood.
  5. peacheslatour, No spoilers, please! I don't want to know in advance if Erin Walton was the extra shooter on the grassy knoll. I'm kinda hoping, though. Best. Thanksgiving. Ever. movinon, Has Pratt got you sulking, too? I'm ready to throw in the towel again. :(
  6. I know it's early in November, but is anyone else reading Agnes Grey? I find myself losing patience with her (she comes across as whiny to me), but that seems to go against the general consensus that this is a great portrait of the conditions faced by young women who went to work as governesses... Maybe it's just me...
  7. ^^ She grew up right outside a mid-sized city in the United States, in the olden days of 1988 when no women went to college and all the men were Andy Griffith.
  8. I refuse to consider Christmas until we've had Thanksgiving. To prove how serious I am about that, I recorded A Walton Family Thanksgiving and I intend to watch it. Drunk.
  9. Okay I have a pet peeve this morning... people referring to "good old days" or "the olden days" that never existed. The latest person to offend my delicate sensibilities went off on a tangent blaming her current unemployable situation on the fact that in the "olden days" when she was coming out of high school, young women didn't have the opportunities to further their education by attending college and their only option was to get married and have babies. The time in history she is referencing? 1988. Sorry, but I distinctly remember all kinds of opportunities for young women to go to college. In fact, every single female friend of mine went on to college. Others didn't want to, or couldn't afford to, but that's a different thing. Glass ceilings, wage inequality and chauvinism, sure. No women in college in 1988? GTFO. This is on the heels of waxing rhapsodic about the "good old days" of her youth when all the men were good as gold, everyone was a good Chirstian, music was great, and society was just like a Mayberry episode... her youth in the 70s and 80s. FFS. With all due respect to the men here, there has never been a golden period in history when all men were good, just as it's ludicrous to say that in 2015 no good men exist at all. Gah. This bugs me so much...
  10. I'll look for that one! Does your husband get annoyed when you heckle his Hallmark movies, or does he tune you out?
  11. This man was filled with way too much self-pity for someone who publicly created a violent cannibal fantasy around real women in his life, who found out and were emotionally impacted. And HE's the victim? And his mother's b.s. goes way beyond denial, imo. Oh sure, lady, the divorce caused this. Yeah. Here's a thought: maybe being the sort of parent who makes excuses for extremely vile behavior had something to do with this.
  12. Oh god. I can't breathe... We enjoy those Hallmark holiday movies, but by "enjoy" I mean drink wine and laugh our cynical asses off. There was one about a blizzard and a widow in a house on the side of a mountain and a city slicker got in a car accident and had to stay at her place. A sheep gave birth. There was a helicopter involved. It was glorious.
  13. And no tangerines! For the love of god, no tummy-bloating tangerines...
  14. WOW. That's some heavy-handed tactics. :( I'm so sorry you're being put in this situation. If it helps to have company, I was once told by an Aetna rep that "patients like me" are a huge burden on insurance plans. Aetna: Satan's Own Insurance Company.
  15. Thank you! I was really shocked to hear he had a work schedule, although VICKI WORKS YOU KNOW so thought maybe he picked that up from her. There was no need for him to show intrusive healthcare records or bills to clear up the hinky-ness surrounding his cancer claims. All he needed to do was get his oncologist to furnish a brief letter to Bravo stating the diagnosis and treatment plan. It's not a big deal. Or he could have not told so many weird tales in the first place, and no one would be wondering. Also, I have received my fair share of healthcare bills and they show the original charge, what the insurance negotiated rate is, the adjustment, and what I owe, if anything. What Brooks showed looked more like a basic itemized billing history. Maybe he asked them to generate one like that so his insurance info wouldn't be made public. Gah. Who knows. I don't know what to make of Vicki and her abuse claims. She comes across to me as a Narcissist who employs a victim narrative where and when it suits her, but shows classic Narcissist rage when someone doesn't go along with her (such as allegedly calling her daughter a fucking bitch, which I sincerely hope didn't happen... or getting a family van to the airport). My impression is that she fell in with Brooks because his smarmy love letters appealed to her endless need for admiration, and then she got played by a con artist. For his part, he didn't realize that he would lose control of the story because she is such an attention whore that she would start exaggerating and braying about his cancer. "He's dying! He needs an emergency IV! Omg where are the casserooooles!" In a way, they cooked each other's goose. Just my impression.
  16. Deductibles usually "reset" from the beginning of the plan date, which is usually January 1. For instance, I've met my rx deductible for 2015 but will go back to 0 as of January 1 2016 and will have to start with the co-pays again until I've bought enough meds (hopefully I won't need them!) to get past the deductible. I don't know about the discount, but they shouldn't be pushing you to Medicaid if you don't want it - that's a tactic that Kaiser Permanente likes to pull. Furthermore, they can't increase your premium just because you're pregnant: https://www.growingfamilybenefits.com/maternity-insurance-under-obamacare/ http://www.webmd.com/health-insurance/aca-pregnancy-faq The sytem is byzantine and weird. Hopefully you can get your plan sorted out. And congrats on the pregnancy! ETA: I'm not an insurance expert (obviously, lol), just went through open enrollment last month and read about more than I cared to on this topic.
  17. I would have preferred a dentist handing out toothbrushes to what we got on Halloween: a guy going door to door amidst the trick or treaters fundraising for an alleged charity to help find missing children, complete with flyers showing the faces of a bunch of missing kids. There's a time and place, asshole. Time and a place. To make things worse, I went online and can find almost no mention of this "charity" except that it was a private corporate entity now dissolved, NEVER a non-profit. Scam. :( (Hate posting in the Y&R forum? Guilty as charged. Sorry.)
  18. Thanks guys! Just went ahead and downloaded Adblock Plus. I held off on that because some know-it-all told me it would cause all kinds of problems with certain sites, but whatthefuckever. My Gawker and PTV experience just got way better, and those are the only sites I care about. :)
  19. Hello, folks. I broke my NO MORE HOUSEWIVES rule and watched this damn reunion. (Why, self, why?) Out of all the sheer idiocy that was spewed, including but not limited to home colonics, the thing that most stood out to me was Brooks telling Andy that he couldn't make the reunion because it conflicted with his busy work schedule. lol Can someone please explain to me what he does? His twitter says "healthcare sales". Is that insurance sales? Selling medical supplies? Or... ? I was always under the impression that he's a grifter - this busy job thing is A Revelation (tm Gretchen) . The reunion had 100% too much Briana for me.
  20. Matkat, thank you for sharing your experiences. What did you think of her courtroom collapse when she was found guilty? Sincere, or acting? I wanted to strangle the detective who said that he didn't believe she was a killer because she was a married middle-aged woman and thus didn't meet the profile, and then kept wanting to believe her cockamamie story. Talk about working with blinders on. I wonder how many other cases he's let go because someone doesn't "look" like a killer? Gah.
  21. Haven't seen The Hypnotic Eye, will look for it! Isn't it fun to revisit our childhood cinematic traumas? Yesterday I watched a bad (in the best way) flick from 1972 called Tower Of Evil. Terrible special effects, hilarious script. At one point zip is used in place of fuck. "Yeah, zip me. Zip me, baby, zip me." Oh, how I love a bad film before dinner. WARNING: The Glow was a boring piece of made-for-tv junk. Avoid. (anyone else having trouble with video ads in this thread? they keep freezing the page and then crashing my browser)
  22. Some Val Lewton films on TCM today, too! Last night I tried watching Eye of The Devil with David Niven, Deborah Kerr, and... Sharon Tate. Holy smokeballs was it sloooowwww. I bailed at the forty minute mark. Yeesh.
  23. bilgistic, that is just so maddening!! I've heard it's even worse trying to cancel service. Hopefully you can get the pricing straightened out. And I share your mail carrier grief. Ours is so bad we gave up on home delivery and changed our address to a P.O. Box. :(
  24. Yes! I watched that last year during my annual pre-Halloween movie marathon. I started out all huddled up expecting to be scared (I am a sucker for "strange noises in the house"), but got bored about half-way through. Maybe I was in a bad mood. Raines told an interviewer that she's never seen it because filming was such a miserable experience. She claims the director was abusive. :( I just recorded The Glow, which seems to be along a similar line, although it looks cheesy so I don't have high hopes... Has anyone seen Hausu? WOW. If a young Jean Luc Godard teamed up with Sid and Marty Kroft to make a Japanese horror film, with a very drunk Heidi Anne Heiner consulting on the story, this is what you'd get. !!!
  25. We were at the store last night and the front is full of treats and candy, while at the back they are selling eggnog and some Xmas-themed foods. It's a retail mullet: Halloween in the front, Christmas in the back. Delurker: Chrishallomasween?
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