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Everything posted by BusyOctober

  1. dinkysquid, I think the answer to your valid question is "C B S". Other than "Big Bang Theory", I don't think I've laughed at any CBS sit-com since "Murphy Brown" & "Newhart". Yes, I am old...like Joel McHale old.
  2. Grace & Lace last week. Wicked Good Cupcakes this week. I'm calling it now...next week's "Beat A Dead Horse and Shove It Down Your Throat Update" will be Robert's damned Tipsy Elves and those friggin sweaters. Followed by yet another trip to check in on Lori's Scrub Daddy dude. These Updates have become their own Circle of Hell...wedged right in between "Trapped on Disney's 'It's a Small World' For Eternity" and "All Lines You Wait In Are Now Möbius Strips"
  3. I removed this show from my DVR. I tried but I can't get into it. I dislike all of the investors, especial Birchbox woman...hearing her voice is is auditory torture. I don't know why I can watch Shark Tank and be both interested and amused (and flabbergasted by some pitches/products to be honest), but this show is just boring to me. I know the same can be said of any of the various "make me a millionaire entrepreneur" shows on air, but the sock of the month club really irked me. The male investor (don't know names, don't care) listed several subscription and designer sock companies already out there. BIrchbox said she has "so many socks in her box". So why give this sock company a deal? They weren't compelling personalities. Their sales weren't crazy big bucks. Their product looked like any other patterned socks I can find at Target, Walmart or Macy's. They didn't pitch a charity purpose like other "product with a mission" company like Bombas or Grace &Lace (of Shark Tank fame as Shark Barbara Corcoran will tell you in every other damn sentence). Do we need that many more socks in the world? So while I won't be watching this yawn fest, I may drop in to lurk here to see if it improves...or read about its cancellation.
  4. Go Blue! That collection looked finished, stylish, chic, etc. Flawless. Red had a few pieces that were good to OK. They would have benefited from adding black (pleated skirt) or some purple/fuchsia accents. The red socks, red bags, red hair accessories brought the entire collection down to a juvenile level. I think my original love for Erin is circling the drain. As soon as she said she was making (another) oversized jacket/coat, I immediately said "One way monkey" out loud. Dexter was one of my favorites early on for his personality over his abilities, but the good will towards him is waning as well. I'm no fan of Cornelius - his attitude and constant bitchmode were exhausting. And I don't think he is as good as he thinks he is. However, Erin and Dexter were jerks to him, and that wasn't cool. Mixed feelings over Tim using the "Save" on Cornelius. I like the fact that it will screw with Dexter & Erin. It also means the Save is gone and can't be used to keep either one of them down the road, but it was kind of wasted on Cornelius. Jenni & Nathalia are the worst people to have to hear speak. Both of their speech patterns/mannerisms/affects are like nails on a chalkboard. Jenni's vocal fry & Nathalia's nasal Rosie Perez whine makes me want to poke ice picks in my ears. I didn't understand the popular vote for their blah, baby poop collection either. That tan dress reminded me of this vintage Girl Scout uniform. But the GS dress has a little more panache.
  5. Maybe it's the generation gap bias in me, but I think Taylor, Will and Jay all look stoned every time they're on screen. Blank, empty stare & mouth hanging open...I may be a "GenX-er", but I recognize that look from my own days in a dorm.
  6. I thought it was funny that Jason Ritter played Orville as being in love with his sister since he plays the same incestuous character in "Another Period". He is so good at being goofy and I think he is really talented with these absurd comedic roles. Gotta say I haaaaated him (as a character & actor) when he was on "Parenthood". I liked the Fox Sisters' story and how the narrator tried to snap his toes. I can do without the puking though.
  7. Other than the word "bee" in the dance title, what the hell did the mini duet have to do with Muhammad Ali??? How was that a "tribute"? Actually, I think most of Abby's tributes are ridiculous, but this one made no sense. I see her animal cosh-tumes, pigtails and hand under the chin endings are back with a vengeance. It is so obvious none of what goes on with the Jr team is real. Aside from the nearly empty auditorium every week, anyone who has ever been to even the most amateur dance recital knows there is no effin' around with the dances or the show runners. I'm over the Mom's lamenting every week that "Abby doesn't care! She doesn't pay attention to us! The dance isn't good/challenging enough!" Here's a thought...if you were really concerned about your kid's dance and future careers and reputations, drag your asses to another studio! In LA or PA there are literally dozens of dance studios that focus on technique. Most studios that have competition teams work on a few dances per season...no reputable dance company tells the kids to learn and perform choreography in 24 hours. Then again, Abby's choreography (or who ever does it it for ALDC) is just recycled steps from previous dances set to new music. I love how Jill goes on and on about Kendall's "career" in the entertainment world. Delusional til the end... The light up shoes looked cool, but I feel like I've seen them somewhere before...Shark Tank?? Definitely a great accessory for hip hop style dancing. I know people cannot help how they look. I know I should never snark on someone's physical appearance. I know I'm am no perfect human specimen myself. However...the dark haired Mini Mom (Wanda? Yolanda?) and her crossed wonky eyes are distracting. And so are her daughter's darkened Chiclets teeth. There, I said it and now I will just get in line for the Hell-bound bus.
  8. Aside from her immature and bratty behavior, I thought Jewel was a poor sugar artist. If there were a challenge for just sugar work, she would have been tossed out week 1. Very sloppy, not precise and not as clean as the other competitors. I was also sick of hearing her tell us in every TH "we don't have tiiiimme for this!" I really liked the shape and the coloring of the wedding gown (kudos, OtherLevelJ!), but I wish the top/Erin's bride sat a little lower into the voluminous skirt. Wherever the figure's waist was should have been the point of connection to the bottom. Overall, it was a cool story, but very glad the other team won. They were definitely more consistent. Maybe OtherLevelJ can draw a better (i.e.- anyone but Jewel/Erin) team next year and have his cool work appreciated!
  9. So the Today show "creative" team is officially out of ideas and instead of just letting it die with dignity, they launched a sad ass 90's theme? This year's costumes were just very sad icing on the poop cake of last year's Peanuts debacle. If they wanted to do 90's, they should have stuck with either TV shows OR movies. To be honest, I had no idea that Tamara was supposed to be Julia Roberts or Dylan was a Spice Girl. If Carson didn't give all the clues, I wouldn't have known he was Ah-nold/ the Terminator. I did live through the 90's but maybe all the bar hopping I did that decade took up way more of my time than I remember? The Seinfeld skit was the only remotely humorous bit. And why was poor Savannah hidden behind a magazine cover? I get the "iconic" cover reference, but I am positive more ideas could have been tossed around before they settled.
  10. Why don't they just rename this show "The Wicked Good Grace & Lace Cupcake Hour"? Every. Damn. Week. And Barbara wasn't even there this week! We still had to hear about those damn tacky boot socks? The Unpack guys...where to start. The idea is dumb, the pitch was dumb...so many variables to go wrong. Even if I was the type of person to "rent" used clothes (never gonna happen), how can I be sure the fit will be right? I can wear sizes 8-12 depending on the brand. Pants are always an issue for me; I am 5'3". Some petite lengths are perfect for me, some too short. How do I know the clothes were cleaned? What if the delivery is late to my hotel? And like the Sharks mentioned, I still have to pack a bag with my toiletries, shoes, pj's, underwear, maybe different bras with different strap configuration, socks, tights, hosiery, etc. Mark's idea of destination-specific packages was a smidge better, but still not for me. This is one of the stupidest ideas I've ever seen... ...then the Potato Putz's showed up. At first I thought they were part of another one of Jimmy Kimmel's "funny" skits.
  11. That was a runway full of suck. I didn't feel any love or like for most of what was up there. Meh all the way around. But, I am not their target "girl" by at least 25 years...I have no need or want to wear khaki or olive drab "safari with a twist" street wear. Nor would I be caught dead in a crop top or drop-crotch pants. Laurence is amazing, but another jacket? Well made, but so was Michael Jackson's...in 1983. Do the judges want new/fresh/edgy/never seen before clothes or derivative items or flat out knock-offs? They seem to flip-flop every challenge. Maybe they consult a Magic 8 Ball before each runway to decide how they will roll that week?
  12. I don't like any of these investors. They all seem like such arrogant posers. The Shark Tank group can get too full of themselves but for what ever reason, they don't irk me as much as these Fashion a-holes. And enough with the vocal fry and "Valley Girl" manner of speaking!! I was only half watching so I don't know which one of the women was talk-ING? With that annoying up-SPEAK? So every sen-TENCE? Sounded like she was asking a QUESTION? I know I'm an old lady with no sense of fashion, but a large part of my professional duties includes public speaking. I also do recruiting. I have told many young women (and some men) to try to retrain their voices in order to sound more professional and confident. I can't take you seriously or entrust you with multi million dollar accounts if you sound like you are asking me questions vs. stating emphatically that you know what you are doing. Yoga pants woman had a decent looking product, and I like that she is doing sizes beyond 10, but $80+ for workout leggings is just too much for my budget. I go to Marshalls or TJ Maxx and get very decent "athleisure" wear, thanks.
  13. Foggy couldn't get off the screen fast enough for me. All her "OMG, you guys! I'm so giddy and silly and laughing hilariously while covering my face in fake humility because I know you all think I'm so awesome and in a power couple and I have a boyfriend and I'm running this game and I'm so good at puzzles...but you guys, I'm really not as awesome as you all think! Ok, you're right...I am TOTALLY awesome!" Even her exit interview was delusional. Sparkle down, Sunshine. No one saw you as a threat. As for Taylor revenging his lady love, that kid doesn't look like he can figure out the complexity of of a tic-tac-toe game, so I'm pretty sure his rivals can rest easy over any "strategery" Taylor can come up with. Michala is still made of win. I saw nothing wrong with her shutting Hannah down during the challenge. She figured out a method to get the job done and she didn't need Hannah's nattering to distract her. She is a focused competitor and after it was over it looked like she hugged Hannah and offered an apology for being so intense. And I am positive that wasn't the first or fiftieth time Hannah has heard "shut up already!" She seems like a nervous talker who needs verbal validation...nothing wrong with that, but it certainly rubs some people the wrong way, especially in stressful situations. I did like her explanation of giving hints to Zeke's team over "FigTayls" (blurg). (just realized auto correct changed "Figgy" to "Foggy" at the top of this post but I'm gonna leave it as is. Sometimes auto correct has an uncanny instinct)
  14. Can "Dr. Phil" tapes be submitted in court to prove one's ex is truly Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs? That woman should not be the custodial parent. Her very limited visitation should be heavily supervised. I'm no expert, but that kind of delusional, egomaniac, attention seeking dimwit seems like the kind of person who could easily develop Munchhausen by Proxy, and try to make her kid sick for sympathy or "proof" that her ex husband is doing something to hurt her daughter (ergo, HER).
  15. The Toby character is really getting unlikable. I think the writers think they're being non-judgemental & politically correct by showing the audience how 2 overweight people can find love! They are desirable! They are able to have relationships! Just like all the skinny, more telegenic people! I find it condescending. I think they see Toby's unrelenting persistence as "proof" of his feelings for Kate. What was their pitch in the writers room? "She's super fat, but he super likes her! Look at all the stuff he does to show how into her he is! Crafty stalker cards! Kidnapping Whisking her off to the nursing home to sing against her will! Inserting himself in her private personal football tradition after being told repeatedly she wanted to be alone for one goddamned night! Making fun of every meal she serves to show her how stupid it is for her to try to eat healthy/lose weight! Invites himself to a fancy Hollywood party because God forbid she goes with her brother on a quasi work related event without him and his stupid fedora! Get it? She's FAT but he STILL likes her! A lot...like so much, he never listens to her... because she doesn't really know her own feelings, cos duh, she's fat, so, duh, no self esteem! We don't know if he even has a job because he is constantly in her face! Dude, that's love! What? No! Of course it doesn't matter that he's fat too...he's a GUY. The weight isn't an issue for men on TV. They can choose to be with skinny OR fat girls. Look at Kevin James...fat as fuck and both his TV wives are hot." Other than Toby's behavior with Kate, I do really like this show and every other character. I knew Jack was going to end up being dead long before the urn showed up, but I still was a little misty. Randall, Beth, William and the girls need to be on for the full hour. I love them all so much. Still waiting for that cancer cure to be revealed next week so William will be around to voice the Owl in Pixar's next movie.
  16. Can you imagine how different this show would be if Debbie Allen took over Abby's studio??? Real choreography, age appropriate themes and costumes, no more fake competitions in half empty school auditoriums...and maybe no more Mama Drama? No more Mini's? No more ridiculously Spackle-d on make up and hair extensions? Who am I kidding? The kind of show that a serious dancer like Debbie Allen would do is not a show Lifetime would want. Props to Jill for consistency. She's still showing what an abominable human being she is by leading the walk out during the Mini's celebration. Now if the jazz shoe was on the other foot, Jill would have caused a scene for WEEKS about how rude, disdainful, horrid, disrespectful yaddayaddayadda the other moms are.
  17. This one was the best of the season IMO. Taran Killam is perfection and Josh Charles is always good. I didn't even mind Kat Dennings as Sadie...and I loathe her & her co-star & that stupid CBS "comedy" that manages to keep coming back every Fall. I don't know who Chris Romano is in real life, but he's super funny as a narrator. Kudos to him and Jesse Plemmons for getting in the "Italian" accent and the plethora of f-bombs. I love when the actors incorporate all the burps and slurring. And I look forward to seeing the newspapers...last night's "Boston Newspaper" banner made me laugh for some reason.
  18. I don't know anything about fish other than it can be expansive to stock and maintain tanks with the fish the plaintiff had. How much disability can a 40-something nurse be collecting to afford fancy fish (and hundreds of gallons of tanks)? And she and the non- working, EBT card carrying, disability collecting defendants can afford to take road trips with coolers full of fish to sell or swap at trade shows? Both my husband and I have good paying jobs, but after all the bills are paid, it's still a stretch to save enough to take a 4-5 day, off-season vacation in a moderately priced motel, 2 hours from our home. The other case had a 20-something collecting SSI for a "learning disability" while he lives with his also non-working GF. I don't know what this young man's issues may be, but there must be some kind of work he could do if he is a) physically able to ride a skateboard at breakneck speeds, and b) intelligent enough to navigate his ass to the SSI office to pick up and sign and cash his check.
  19. The woman from Underbakers named Erin is from my neck of the woods. She has a bakery near by and quite the following for her cake art and cupcakes. She can definitely do amazing fondant and painting work. My sister ordered a "Fenway Park" cake for her Red Sox fan husband's 40th bday. It was a perfect 3D depiction & really detailed and very impressive (and crazy expensive). However, like many cakes that are so stunning on the outside, the cake itself tasted like nothing. It was dry and flavorless. Even though it was one layer of strawberry and one layer of lemon, if it hadn't been for the pink and yellow colored cake, no one would have guessed they were supposed to taste like something. My sister called the day after the party to say how great everything looked, but was a little disappointed that the flavors were not detectable. Erin got huffy and said something to the effect of she was an award winning baker and has been on TV several times. She wouldn't have the phone ringing off the hook if people didn't like her cake. That was 5 years ago and no one in my family has ever gone back. Another person I know went in her shop more recently to order a less extravagant, simpler cake and said Erin was very rude and dismissive. She walked out without ordering. Her attitude on this show isn't surprising to me.
  20. Three episodes in and I'm not warming up to it. SJP is playing more to the dramatic side and THC to the comedic. They both are capable of doing both, so it's hard to watch these actors working against each other. I wish the writers/actors/directors would have met in a room, together, face to face to discuss which way to go. This feels like the actors all picked a direction and went ahead without talking to anyone else. As it is, if THC is going for the broader dark comedy, but SJP is doing a Lifetime movie, this won't work. They've done nothing to setup the premise that these 2 ever had a romantic or physical attraction between them. They don't have ANY chemistry so I don't care anything about their relationship. Unless I'm supposed to watch this from the POV of, "God! He's such a tool! Poor Frances!" But even then I don't get it. That wouldn't make me sympathetic toward Frances...she knew who Robert was when she married him. His tool-ish behavior didn't just "pop up" in the last 3 years. I think I'm out. I'll just drop my HBO subscription until GoT comes back.
  21. I loved this one too. The dog shelter lady was great, "Oh, no! YOU don't have to kill them! We have a guy that comes in." Mateo cracks me up too. My only nit pick is how does Glenn (or is it Glem?) have so much money to spend lately? He bought all the Plan B pills for thousands of dollars, then co-signs a lease and fronts deposits? And even though I knew Cheyenne's 2nd choice was going to turn out to be a teacher, it was still funny.
  22. Maybe I am ready for my AARP membership card now. I do not understand the WXYZ girl's accessories. Cat ears and pyramid hats and bra overlays made from cocktail straws? For $400-$800?!? I know every generation has their gimmicky kitschy thing...I wore neon bangles, jelly shoes and I even had 2 of those shirts that changed color in the sun. But I know for damn sure neither my mother nor I would have ever laid out the equivalent of a mortgage payment for my entire sad fad collection. Hoodie dude was delusional. He was in front of the wrong group of investors. He should try Shark Tank... ....speaking of which, the young woman with the tank top bag was on Shark Tank with her folding boxes. I have a feeling that this show and Shark Tank are going to keep regurgitating "entrepreneurs" between them just like Food Network, Top Chef and all Gordon Ramsey shows recycles chefs.
  23. The Good- Laurence was robbed. That was chic and stunning and in Nina's word "impeccable". I didn't love Erin's this week, but I still think she is one of the more talented ones there. I also liked Dexter's! I don't get the love for Jenni's. It wasn't new, fresh or inventive. It was pretty, but I had a dress very similar to that in the '90's that I wore to a Roaring 20's themed New Year's Eve party. The color of my dress was more brown/gold than her's and mine had slight cap sleeves but slouchy. And what with Jenni's "free at last" melodrama about? How has her creativity been stifled until this week? I know last week was a team challenge, but other than that? Every other challenge was up to each designer to create and execute something from their own idea, no? The Bad- Nathalia. And Nathalia again. That was horrendous. Her first attempt was marginally better. The back of whatever that was looked like I sewed it, blindfolded in a darkroom with only dental floss for thread and a needle made from a broken plastic fork. Also hated Cornelius' dress, but I hate that he said "voluMptuous" even more. Another week, another unrecognizable guest judge. I am not familiar with this young woman, but I felt bad for her. It was obvious from her very sad demeanor and droopy body language that they pulled that poor girl away from a funeral of a beloved grandparent. Or maybe from an "Angsty Millennial Wednesday Adams" look a like contest.
  24. Re. Store layouts...there is science behind how, why and where items are placed in stores. Most layouts encourage customers to feel like they are "meandering" of their own volition, but truthfully most of us are being purposefully channeled or routed based on the positioning of display shelves and aisles. IKEA is the reigning champion for making me feel as though I'm freely roaming when I am actually another rat in their delightful maze (and I am always rewarded with the opportunity to purchase a hot cinnamon bun at the end!). But when I shop for leisure, I like to wander and look in every corner, especially if I know merchandise cycles frequently or if I'm in a new store. However, the science falls away if you never redesign your store displays or flip shelves around periodically. Repeat customers will learn quickly where the items they want are and bypass all the other stuff. If I am on a mission and want to get what I need and get out fast, I can be laser focused.
  25. Christian Slater needs to stop shouting and interrupting everyone. Is he vying to replace Billy Bush? He is so ON and over the top. Sparkle down, Sunshine. Your are a temporary (as in less than one hour of work) guest host, it isn't your show. I always hate the Today's show DIY Halloween costume segments. The person is forever saying how easy and simple it is to make costumes at home and avoid spending a lot of money at party stores. Um...I consider myself pretty crafty & I do have a child. But, I do not have jugs of sequins, jars of glitter or vats of glow in the dark paint just waiting for my creative spark to ignite. I don't have yards of muslin or extra pillow cases hanging around to be turned into cloud or marshmallow costumes. Their ideas are cute, but I would still need to spend money to buy supplies...and if my experience as a Brownie troop leader has taught me anything, I'd probably spend double on all the components to make the costume. Cheaper and faster (for me anyway) to just cough up the $40 at Party City.
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