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Everything posted by pitchy

  1. I was just looking at the National Geographic Traveler photos contest, when this photo lept out at me. The caption is: --- "Rivers forming tree-like figures in the desert of Baja California, Mexico" Here's the image:
  2. Well, there's always the possibility of a deranged 'Pat' who's used Bill Eckert's aged body for venting on 'Luke,' blaming him for what happened to her. Maybe Helena doesn't know it's Pat nor just how demented s/he is and gave reassurances that they took whatever was in the basement out of it and not to worry that Dante was headed there. Maybe real Luke is still sitting somewhere else. RC will stop at nothing to try to 'surprise' us.
  3. The book's marketing team may have used stories like this one from EOnline: http://www.eonline.com/photos/14632/the-official-ranking-of-the-best-and-worst-bachelors-of-all-time/ This particular line was written by the Washington Post book reviewer. I liked the gist that Sean's painful earnestness allows for almost no sense of irony in his makeup.
  4. Whitney, during wedding-crash episode reminded me of Cate Blanchett during some darker lighting. I couldn't remember Megan's face before but noticed this last week that she looks like a combo of Elizabeth Mitchell (Lost) and Elizabeth Hasselbeck (The View + FoxNews). (I just saw that one of the gals who got non-Rosed early was a cadaver-tissue saleswoman !)
  5. I somewhat mischaracterized that in saying it was something they do there all the time (though it well may be the way he described it). Here's the whole quote about it and also the URL to the blog itself, which is somewhat more entertaining than Chris S . is on TV: === "In contrast, Kaitlyn was clearly having a blast. Now, I know there's been a lot of reaction to Kaitlyn's little mooning trick off the dock, but what you don't know is that the whole group of us was playing Truth or Dare. She was dared to do that and took on the challenge, as did Ashley I. with her bikini top. It's a classic camping game, and it was all in good fun. Come on people, it was just a tush!" === http://www.people.com/article/chris-soules-bachelor-blog-episode-4http://www.people.com/article/chris-soules-bachelor-blog-episode-4
  6. HIs excitement was expressed for a June 2014 issue of TV Guide after one of his Luke vs Fluke scenes. When he says, Geary is saying he didn't consider Luke's causing his grandson's death while drunk 'black hat' enough and that going "this far and this dark has been a real joy after 36 years" (during which Jake's death apparently didn't quite count much though it did allow for quite a bit of dark acting). I guess he means that this is SO dark and creepy it's fun or joy to do - and in the interview he does know who Fluke is (whatever it turns out to be). It's not a joy for some of us to watch and hear though. I miss the old sense of real adventure with people I could side with (Scorpio, Anna, Sean, Holly, TIffany) and i find the sadistic quality of Bill/Pat just too much for too long. The chewing of scenery and the never-ending weird accents and threatening tone is like a parody to me and then we have the alternating scenes with Anna and Jordan being so incredibly clueless, meeting breathlessly 'in secret' in open hospital spaces or in the park on back to back benches while turning around to talk with each other or 'furtively' on the open dock areas by the water, visible to anyone ambling past a place where questionable freight is often being offloaded. There are always a few moments to enjoy or I wouldn't be watching, but to have Sonny, Julian, and Franco winding up conspiring in the same spaces, while taking turns with the cell phone, to see Madeline and Ava in the same jail space, and then watching Nina and Heather as roommates in their own confined area is like watching a play written by kids in junior high. I'd never imagine any other show being quite this ludicrous with the bulk of their lead characters! And yet, there are things that make me laugh, including these very scenes, so it ain't all bad.
  7. And the actor will be a year older if they do eventually decide in May to greenlight it, because THEN they'd have to begin shooting the episodes.
  8. Or the result of his victim not having showered for a month and his food scraps all over the floor.
  9. From all I read, this 'crap' is his reward for re-signing this year. A quote from a Yr 2014 TV Guide interview with Geary at http://www.tvguide.com/news/anthony-geary-luke-1083604/ "TV Guide Magazine: You're clearly having a ball with this story and your work — especially in the scenes where Fluke met Luke — has been spectacular. I haven't seen you this turned on by the writing in years!" "Geary: Thank you very much. That's wonderful to hear. Doing Fluke has been a real cleansing after all my years of complaining and wondering what happened to Luke's black hat. To be able to take something this far and this dark has been a real joy after 36 years. Of course, we had to do it with a different character, since Luke is not a sociopath." Not to say that Geary hasn't tried this for Luke, but some of the writers and, I've read, "directors," have been disquieted by some of his ideas while RC and FV love them, at least as shown via 'Fluke.' Geary once said, in an interview, that he wanted them to use his idea that Luke would reject Lulu because he hated the idea that Nicholas' blood was now also flowing through her veins (from some life-saving transfusion). I guess the writers back then may have felt that this idea was probably a bit much. I'm bothered these days by what seems to be a sort of lovingly sadomasochisic focus in the several sequences now showing Fluke threatening to bash Luke's head with that bat. There's entirely too much of it. The associated hamminess in these scenes is also getting to me. ' While they keep dropping anvils that this is where they're going, you'd think that Bobbie might remember that 'Pat' looked just like Luke and Bill :-)
  10. Pastor 2 said that the baby inside had 'known only death' -- but wasnt it that Rachel was pregnant with Tom's baby before she apparently killed herself? If so, the baby knows both life and death -- and whatever the expectation of all those cicadas at the window, maybe it has to do with the usual birth and possibilities -- it could go either way. Bad Seed might be correctable. Nature vs Nurture :-) Jacob himself already has one or two features the other Returned don't have -- he can sense their (unseen) presence or hurt when they hurt. "The Sensitive" ... Pastor 2 thinks he's now a good 2nd-chance-seed, but his ways of manipulating and controlling others are very reminiscent of his original methods. In this show, second chances don't seem to result in more self-insight or improved relationships.
  11. That matches my take (including the fact he became so incredibly inarticulate over it). Chris S's blog says that where he comes from they do this all the time -- yell for those in that situation to 'take it off' ... and they're considered 'good sports' I guess. That 'explanation' doesn't exactly make a farm life in an isolated town in Iowa more attractive ... but you're right that Kaitlin shows more personality and flexibility than most of them. She's just so good humored. And Britt's involving the OTHER gals, saying they also were questioning Farmer Chris's sincerity and morals, really was the last straw. It's fine to say what's on YOUR mind when you see roses being given to another gal, but don't blame your take on "the other gals" claimed to be voicing the same doubts about his integrity. The way she then stared at or through him with those googly eyes, demanding some correct answer, just gave me the creeps.
  12. 1. On Twitter, while much of the cast was hoping for renewal support, Frances Fisher tweeted responses: a. https://twitter.com/Frances_Fisher/status/559672588503244800 "Not enough people care about #Resurrection That's the truth. We were killed by a bad time slot. RIP" b. https://twitter.com/Frances_Fisher/status/559681021231132672 When asked "Won't it be back?" Fisher answered, "Won't know till May." 2. An article on the showrunner team responsible for both Marvel: Agent Carter and Resurrection http://variety.com/2015/tv/features/a-day-in-the-life-of-resurrection-agent-carter-showrunners-tara-butters-and-michele-fazekas-1201410004/ 3. Ratings show the "Season Finale" (ABC has been calling it that rather than Series Finale so far) up 25% over the previous episode. And Revenge's ratings for that night were below Resurrection's...
  13. With Andi, one person was asking about the nature of their own relationship (which at that point was one-sided) and how, while he felt he was 'in' - that she was acting. And of course it's her job to act interested in all of them. With Chris, Britt was complaining about his affirmation of Kaitlin's apparently unseemly conduct and confronted him as to why he'd give a rose to another contestant she didn't approve of and then added that the OTHERS were also asking this and questioning his intentions in general and what kind of guy he is. She seemed to me like a jealous, confrontational girlfriend complaining about favoritism (rose) shown to a lesser contestent when there was no basis for her to act like a girlfriend he had to answer to. Involving the others in questioning his *character* for approving of the Rosed One's actions. Add that her smile is always so pasted and fake, and I just didn't blame him for his defensiveness. Eric Hill didn't say to Andi that the others were talking about her favoritism to one contestant and questioning her character or integrity because of it and demanding she answer his charges.
  14. Good points, whimsey98. While I agree with most of them, I'd still tune in weekly, to see what's going on with those people, so for a few of us (which of course isn't enough!), they're doing something that works for (on) me despite the inconsistencies and dropped ideas... Strangely, I wish they'd renew it. I think I love the acting (though not Omar Epps's woodenness in the 'relationship' with Maggie).
  15. That's what I thought too -- and also, when pressed, Jacob said that when the baby hurts, HE hurts also. He also said that this was all happening because of him (Jacob). So, it could be argued that if the baby is hurt or killed or the baby disappears, Jacob might hurt worse or disappear also. Here's the thing that gets me. This is a story about dead people returning after years of being dead. That's a premise that makes no sense, and yet the common complaint is that the writers were making NO sense out of this, while discouraging the writers' use of usual silly sci fi ideas or a new religion-based 'rationale.' (What's left?) And if writers wanted to try to make 'sense' or something 'rational' out of any of this fairly early on, then (because of how humans have always treated the idea of resurrections) it would be something which would normally cause a new religion (with the usual subsets squabbling among themselves over which one was part of 'the true' religion) and we'd also have characters who would try to kill the spreading of that religion when it expressed thoughts disagreeable to preferred beliefs -- Or, we'd get a crazy science fiction plot about extraterrestrial powers trying to 'take over' life on earth etc. I was interested in the series mainly as a set of character studies -- how different types of people might react to their loved or hated ones coming back with no explanation (how can there even be one?). I do like that we have no idea whether Preacher James is (w/o knowing, himself) on the side of The Darkness or The Light. What we know is that in his 'first' life, he'd always wanted to fool people into paying him for his magic tricks but now has come to feel that he prefers the feeling he gets from doing Good (saving baby Bellamy) and the idea he's now God's representative on earth and that other (or 'too many') Returned are 'evil' or 'false.' The ending was obviously tacked on -- giving some kind of chapter resolution but with a hint of writers' scant hopes of renewal. Many who liked the opening series wanted "answers" after only 4-5 episodes or so during the first season, but there was really no way, with this kind of story, to do this and make much rational out of it. I'm one of the few who didn't look for a story like the French one that most have liked, with more scary episodes. I liked the quiet, disoriented reactions that highlighted a lot of unresolved dynamics in those experiencing the Return of loved ones. I came to like once-hostile/paranoid Fred quite a bit (but did think the writers could have addressed a natural wish by Fred that with all those Returning, Barbara might have had a change of heart while 'on the other side' :-). . One of my favorite scenes was from last week, with brothers Henry and Fred just sitting outside, and suddenly realizing why their lousy father enjoyed sitting out on the porch by himself. That was a scene that could go nowhere, but I really liked it. I don't think that every series addressing dead people returning has to be action-packed or come with early answers, at least not for a long time. And if the official ratings monitors saw interest dwindling because it was 'boring' or "doesn't make any sense" then there's no way the show will be kept on - and then you get a sudden implanted finale with the usual ending question. Interesting that some HOPE this is the end and that the series is cancelled. If I didn't like a show, I'd just stop watching it, so I get a feeling that there may be something remaining that might keep some 'returning' to watch it for another season even if it isn't rewarding. Even if I laughed with the entertaining takes I read tonight here, I've become fond of the characters, for the most part. Often enjoyed the underacting (even if at times, some of it could be mistaken for sleepwalking). Liked that BG was a bit grayish in the end and that Henry had no easy reconciliation with her. We often have regrets about interactions with those who have died, and it was interesting to see the writers present us with scenes that showed things might not be better and could be worse with a second chance.
  16. I think this already happened, and we're seeing the result... As for Whitney, I kept wondering who she reminded me of when they kept showing her in 3/4ths lighting, with part of her face in shadow, and I finally realized it's Cate Blanchett...
  17. Thanks for getting that wording!
  18. Well, after Grey's Anatomy, Scandal, and HTGAWM had season finales, I thought all the prime time shows were done for awhile too and it didn't occur to me that they'd still be going on. I happened to tune in at 9:30pm Sunday night to find there was a new episode and then realized there'd been one the week before then. Just caught up with them on Hulu Plus. Despite directing that seems to have inertia as a focus, I really want to just follow the story to see where they have been going with this and I wouldn't have missed an episode had I known it was still on.
  19. Does anyone have this recorded and can rewind that shop sequence? I could have sworn that Helen thanked Alison for saving her daughter and then Alison said something like "But I didn't" and then Helen said something like, "You're right, you didn't" and then smiled and walked away. That would be a strange recollection by Alison but I may have heard this entirely wrong.
  20. Didn't Gunnar get a check for something like $400,000 for his first song? Who was it from? Then he bought that house.
  21. tiger, loved that full name! And it WAS satisfying to hear even a fleeting denial of bail. Carly spoils grown men as if they were babies (and in fact they usually are) -- Sonny, Franco, Michael et al -- but when her current favorite explained to her with his upturned eyebrows (showing sincerity) that he ALSO had to kill her fiance Franco to protect them both, she was all understanding and sort of OK with it if that's what Sonny needed to do. It all depends on her current emotions and needs. An amoral character with -some- sense of 'right' that's easily overridden. No idea if my cousin will show up again -- she's been on duty several times for the hearings, including AJ's, so I imagine she will be back. Saw her in a nanosecond part in Revenge during the time Victoria was giving up her baby. And on ER during which I thought she looked like my cousin and wondered why she didn't get that part (and it was her). They change the makeup a lot for all these shows.
  22. Just when things are finally coming to a head for Sonny, and I'm all into it, I look up and see that the judge saying those words to Carly is my cousin. :-) I'd forgotten, But it did take me out of the story for a bit, interested in how she was doing.and wondering if it was fun playing those scenes. Except for Marvel: Agents of Shield, I never see another Chinese gal on a show who's anything but a 3rd sidekick and usually in a stereotyped role, so this was fun to see. She was in Argo but even as the wife of the Canadian ambassador who was the one who decided that her husband should accept the Americans and risk their own lives there, she was given barely a word to say. The writing for Scott is so funny. In no way would he have done something that would get really dumb Carly jail time for keeping a secret about her sons' father, especially when Scott was dating her mother. But it served to script a deal that would cause Sonny to plead guilty when he'd said he wanted to, in the first place. Of course, Sonny also thinks he should be let out to help find his latest child or grandchild because that wouldn't happen without him.
  23. Well, at least that is soap-writing based on what can actually happen in life too often and we'd not know about most of them, but then we have two very varied guys who did this to much public knowledge -- Schwarznegger and Robin Williams (who married his). So it makes sense at least, for a sudsy serial. I am most (un)amused by Jonathan Jackson bringing his weepy, whiny, yelling, blaming "Lucky Spencer" to Nashville. I think that for two years running his eyes were never free of water nor the script free of his boozed or drugged wailing. Maybe the writers like to capitalize on the talent for doing that. My greatest hope is that he and they just stop this.
  24. However, Sadie was upfront or forthright with Rayna, telling her at first that she was going to sign with the bumpy golfer, because "I want to BE you" and told Reyna she thought that Jeff would help her get there. Eve's whole approach was furtive, with deadly sweetness.
  25. I thought Marty's body was much younger than he is now and that he realized that the body shown him was a previous one. Whatever it was in the car, it didn't look like him. And so I figured he was upset to know that he'd already been a returnee. But I didn't re-watch and rewind, so this was just an impression. This has nothing to do with the show's story, but Tom and Jacob look like father and son. As for Tom's lack of a demonstrative personality, I've seen that with some pastors in real life, so thought it was realistic. The actor does quietly horrified, conflicted, and perplexed very well ;-) Gotta add that this episode was too low-key and slow even for me ! But that doesn't mean I'll stop watching... I've gotten fond of some of the characters.
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