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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. Erika herself packed up all those clothes and shoes in a van after dropping Tom off at work? I don’t believe it. That was some display.
  2. Yes, Welcome to the Cooking and BJ Show. Hmmm doesn’t Sutton always bring someone a gift for no reason? Why not at a Birthday Party? She comes empty handed?
  3. I think Braunwin and Kelly aren’t coming back on the OC, so maybe Leah and Ebony won’t either. These two are just as bad, or even worse IMO. Clean house why don’t you Bravo?
  4. I’m with you. Ebony, one question. How’s everything been going the last six months. Anything better after all your preaching?
  5. I don’t think he cares about N.Y. anymore. He has bigger fish to fry. I was so looking forward to seeing Salem. The hotel is the only pleasure I got for a few minutes. Then came Ebony with her schtik and ruined everything for me like a machine gun boom, boom, boom, and that ruined it for me. She is just so in love with herself and her cause, I just can’t with her anymore. Leah too, who now thinks she’s the star of the show.
  6. I wonder what kind of man would tolerate Eboni? She must be a joy to live with.
  7. Another kiss ass. She speaks her mind, then goes and sits on Ebony’s lap and starts hugging her. I wanted to throw up.
  8. Sonja, you are talking out of your ass. Stop pretending you are a Morgan. Why do you need an assistant? To open your mail? You are not important anymore and stop looking for a rich husband to support you. Go get a job and start paying for your food instead of stuffing your mouth at every function. Get out of LaLa land.
  9. So is this crap going to continue until the end? Leah, Ebony and Sonja have become super unlikeable. Get them off.
  10. They’re hoping to win the $.59 cent fan. Everyone carries one in their purse.
  11. I always wondered about that. Jerry is a nice guy, but a little bit of a yenta and motormouth. He just never shuts up. Rebecca puts the pillow between them in the bed. Who says that on tv? The old “ leave me alone trick”, hahaha.
  12. Today (Tues), she had a little of that attitude going on again. Geeze, it must be so hard to talk about everything going on, especially when Norman is researching and getting everything together. Then, she looked perturbed that the audience wasn’t their usual tacky outrageous selves dressed for a circus. Isn’t she happy she’s going on vacation the whole summer? Who’s taking her place? Jerry? I hope not reruns. Oh,I forgot to mention her pulling her skirt up to her who/ ha when she sat down. A lovely touch, especially with the sneakers, lol.
  13. True, hahaha, but I never watch the Bachelorette anymore, but I do think I’m losing my mind already. 🤔
  14. Monday .. I tuned in late, when Jerry O Connell was talking. I sort of like him, but he’s a kiss ass, especially with Wendy. Anyhow, I don’t know what they were talking about, but Wendy was rude to him. Her demeanor was not nice, and she was sitting there with what looked like an attitude. I can see why she can’t find a man. She must be a bitch to live with, always having to be right, and thinks who she is. I don’t know, but she just annoyed me today, and acted high and mighty. I missed what they were talking about before I tuned in. But, still. Then, Jerry got down on one knee and kissed her hand. Ugh ! Lowering himself. I hope Rebecca gives him hell for that display. He’s so thirsty.
  15. I never saw one interesting thing about her. Always acting like a lunatic screaming and yelling. Sorry about the Grandmother, but she chose not to be there, and the whole crying thing was way over done IMO.
  16. What ??? I don’t remember one best moment. This, I have to see. Is Bravo kidding?
  17. Bethenny and sober Dorinda .. PLEASE come back. New York needs you. Pay Bethenny anything she wants.
  18. Thank you. Just wondering about the Queen Elizabeth and the same type of bags she always carries. What kind could it be? I’m sure it’s the best.
  19. I am over the period a long time, but I swear I still have PMS every month, and nobody can tell me different, even doctors. Every month the week before the 10th, I have water retention, tired, headache and am bitchy. Totally miserable. People laugh, but I know my body, so they cannot tell me different. I am a freak of nature. Oh, and I get crampy too. WTF?
  20. What the hell is a Kelly? All I know is Coach, which are too heavy and sitting in my closet, Dooney & Burke ( Haunted Mansion I HAD to have and now only Vera Bradley totes and cross bodies. I don’t work anymore or go anywhere. I travel light now. What do I do with them now? My girls have their own. Plus, I bought a few in Target which are fine.
  21. Don’t feel like a failure. If a car salesman sees you coming, they Jack up the price with some bullshit and take advantage.
  22. This is the truth. I have single lady friends who are more active in that department than us marrieds. They have some wine, enjoy, then close the door good night. No fuss, no muss. No cooking, no laundry., etc.
  23. I feel all the fights have been exhausted. Some vacations, shopping in nice stores, and some husbands being accused of cheating would be good. Lol. I could name a couple right now .. but won’t. ( in my mind).
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