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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. The only people I really like is Yara, Julia, Jovi’s mother and father and Jovie.
  2. All he did was boil some potatoes with skin on, open a jar of mushrooms and put some pickles on a plate. He’s just like his Mother. I’m with her. He is one big pain in the ass. Very confrontational and stupid.
  3. I feel very sorry for the kids. I’ve never seen her make a meal for the kids yet. I have seen her plaster on that eye makeup tho. The baby is always crying. Maybe from hunger. Then they go buy expensive Christmas decorations. WTF ?
  4. She’s lazy as fuck. Probably sits on her fat ass and eats goodies all day. Her ass is bigger than Ohio. Sorry, no offense to Ohio.
  5. I watched Friday, and it’s the last time I will watch. 90 per cent was of Tiffany whining “ I need help with the baby”. She has two kids and is always complaining. I just can’t take her. Get off your ass and do what you have to do. What is she doing all day? Too tired to change a poopy diaper? Women go grocery shopping with four kids holding on the wagon. He’s no bargain, but she is ridiculous. How about giving the baby some food or a bottle, or a pacifier, or a blankie? I’ll just read this thread. Can’t stand her.
  6. Sorry. Actually, that’s where I should be.
  7. Searously, I think Leah is full of shit about all her escapades. She wants to be referred to as woke from downtown.
  8. Yes to that. My Sister who is single, had a great job, owns an apt in the City, has two pensions, is a historian, has nice friends, travels all over the world, has cats and is very happy. I’m married, three kids, grandchildren, a good husband who doesn’t like to go out, except golfing, watches sports till the cows come home, but I’m not complaining .. grrrrrr. Different strokes for different folks. I’d like half of her life and half of mine.
  9. Yes, and if that’s the case, when interviewing, she should have told the experts exactly what she had to have. A Model looking guy, 6 ft tall, rich, new car, big house a 401k, stocks, sharp dresser, would do anything she wanted, travel all over, and didn’t eat steak. Oh, and likes drunk sex. Then there would be no show, lol. They want bad drama.
  10. One by one, all her girlfriends will get married and she will be at a table for one. I’m not even going by what I’ve seen .. I’m going by what her family said “ she’s a hard nut to crack” .. even her girlfriends said something like that.
  11. Whenever she laughs, it an uncomfortable laugh, not genuine. She’s pretending like she’s so happy now. She has turned down so many men, I doubt she will find someone who has zero faults. Changing the subject for a minute, I just watched “Two for the Road” with Albert Finny and Audrey Hepburn. One of the best movies I’ve ever seen on Fox. It was all about a marriage .. all the ups and downs a couple goes thru. One minute they love each other, the next they can’t stand one another, but love prevails in the end. Which proves a point .. you could just meet a person and learn to love forever, or go with someone a couple of years and divorce. If that makes sense. This movie was so on point. Men think differently than women. Women analyze everything, maybe too much, and men don’t. Marriage is a gamble. If Haley finds a decent guy, she should give it a chance and go out for awhile. She sort of makes up her mind instantly by the way he looks. I don’t think she gave it a chance at all.
  12. I’m older than you and I agree. I have married and single friends for many years, and we never talk that way at all. My husband watches at times with me and is totally embarrassed. Things have gone too far. That ass thing was too much for tv.
  13. Yeah, I thought she was so close with her Mother. I would have been beside myself. She announced it like it was just another day. Love your name btw.
  14. Jerry has a show? Getting down on his knees and kissing her ring was outrageous. I don’t respect a man who is a kiss ass. If I was Rebecca, I would have locked the door on him and much more.
  15. I lost my post. Anyhow, who goes thru someone’s underwear drawer? Pepper and hot to trot Viviana love to find sex toys. Vibrators, whips, chains, condoms .. you name it. Didn’t someone once say Pepper admitted to screwing a guy she just met in the Airport bathroom? What does that have to do with the show? These experts are crazy. I guess it’s the norm these days, but unnessary. I always say I’m not going to watch anymore, but here I am. This time tho, I’ll fast forward as there will probably be more commercials.
  16. I would never had thought it was that bad. I assumed he loved her. Guess money, possessions and her career, if you could call it that, meant more to her than love. I’m a romantic tho, and don’t know how she could be with an old geezer and do what she had to do. Yuk.
  17. What about Bethenny asking Red Scarf guy if he wanted a Bj across the floor? That’s Bravo for ya.
  18. It’s all very confusing, to me anyhow. I thought Pepper wasn’t coming back, but there she was. This bunch looked interesting, but if I was to pick, I wouldn’t match a few of them. I think we all could do a better job matching, imo.
  19. Right. Same couples returning each time. Once was enough. I don’t want to see every birth on tv also. I’ll bet those husbands don’t even want to be there. My husband checked me in three times, then I told him to go home and wait for the call.
  20. Another thing while we’re at it .. for a woman, black or white, getting down on the floor on all fours and gyrating like she’s having sex is disgusting. What’s it called twerking? Freakin disgusting. Is that supposed to be funny? And they all were laughing. What’s this world coming to? Is no one a lady anymore?
  21. Where is the July 7 th episode where we meet the couples they have chosen?
  22. I don’t know when Cristal came on the show, but why did they pick her? So far, I don’t see any personality there. She looks kind of dull to me.
  23. I’m not taking sides here, but why would Sutton bring Crystal her coat upstairs at night no less when they all were going to bed? Why not just leave it downstairs? It wasn’t a nice gesture as it didn’t make any sense. Did she bring everyone’s coat upstairs? Don’t people have a coat closet downstairs usually?
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