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Everything posted by PBnJay

  1. This episode was much improved over the premiere IMO. I thought the whole thing was pretty good. As suspected, Desmond does have "something" going on, which is fine with me. I also caught the salt Easter egg, and thought that was appropriate and clever at the same time. Now I have a housewarming gift for all future home-buyer friends. The only part I don't like is every scene with Jenny. Man, I don't like anything about her, especially her being a cop and wearing freaking HIGH HEELS on the job. She can run and keep silent wearing those clunkers? She sounded like a herd a elephants "sneaking" around in that house. And maybe RuPaul can run fast in heels but no other person I know can. She's suppose to be a cop, not a runway model. Reba's face only distracted me part of the time this week, so that's good too.
  2. I don't know. This is kinda like, to me, everyone gets a trophy, you get a trophy, you get a trophy, YOU get a trophy ... It's like no one can be a "loser" any more.
  3. Neither can this lifetime Midwesterner. Oh, man, I didn't even catch that so thanks for your post!
  4. Indiana isn't in the song. All the correct responses can be found in the lyrics to "Kokomo". Maybe so, but Kokomo, Indiana is what I think of every time I hear that song. Maybe it's just a Midwestern thing. Plus the fact I've been there.
  5. To use text speak, that's such FBS.
  6. I wasn't shocked, I was glad because it gave me a chance to say "X!" to my tv and feel smart. For a few seconds.
  7. Andy discussed this over at TJF for anyone interested in betting strategy. His site is amazingly interesting with lots of inside scoop on how best to play the game.
  8. I was happy to see Shin Lim and his hair make an appearance. He doesn't even have to produce any magic as far as I'm concerned. I was surprisingly LOL at the Simon roast. The science comedian was hilarious and hit all Simon's nails on the head. I really enjoyed that segment, something I did not expect. Well done. I listen to country and sort of had heard Drake's song but never heard of the singer who joined him. Drake kicked him to the curb though in singing, made me appreciate Drake more. Darius Rucker, however, brought it. Someone needed to tell the saxophone kid to suck it up and be gracious when losing. It won't be his first time hitting the bottom of the barrel so get used to it kid if you want to be in show business. I was wondering how the Mayyas were going to split that free Kia. Will they all have to share a room at the Luxor?
  9. To help clarify my upthread joke for any youngsters out there.
  10. Phone: ring, ring, ring ... Man: "Hello?" Smart ass kid: "Do you have Prince Albert in a can?" Y'all know the rest of that one.
  11. I was flipping between this and a show "on another channel" and figured I'd catch everyone on the weekend rerun. But OMG, I did see and unfortunately HEAR Chapel Hart. Holy cats, my ears were hurting. They SUCKED big time. It wasn't even the acoustics of the auditorium, they were just flat flat. I hope that puts us out of our misery of having to hear them again. That was truly some ear torture last night. I did flip back to see the Elvis impersonator at the end. I thought yeah, Vegas has a spot for him what with all the Elvis love there and all. He could perform Elvis weddings when he's not playing a gig.
  12. I was glad the player from Riverside, Illinois rang in first to answer "Lake Michigan." Well done!
  13. Same here, but Ken hesitated just a bit before ruling so my thought was judges okayed it in his earpiece. I also looked up the Sutro Baths thanks to Fisher's post. So DCalley and I are ready for that Jeopardy category.
  14. Luigi played a great game, a summer off only helped to sharpen him up it seems. I also love how his last name is pronounced so I hope he sticks around for a while. Cool for the other two to be on the first show of S39 and with Ken now an "official" host. So kudos to them as well.
  15. My takeaway from this episode was the judges wanting Sonic's 2/$5 takeout. I wonder if their double cheeseburgers were flatter than a pancake like mine was. I've never had a fast-food burger from ANYWHERE that the whole thing, including bun, looks like it's been run over by a car. Glad the ventriloquist made the wild card but I wish the science comedian could have been included too. HATED Simon's choir and the GB singer. In fact, I don't like any singers on this show so there's that.
  16. Thanks for the trip down memory lane. I remember every one those guys, they were why I watched every week, and why I can only stand a few minutes of this show now. I did get a kick out of this week, Matt (or someone) saying only two ninjas have won in the past, but no names mentioned. LOL!
  17. While watching the ultra-professional RiverDance, I was waiting for Simon to buzz them. I'm not a huge Piff fan, but he was especially good last night. The Rubic's bit was a nice twist and I enjoyed it. I also agree with Neet that the mugging woman served no purpose and was not welcome. I'd rethink seeing his Vegas show if she's on stage during it. I've already forgotten who was put through. ETA: I was especially irritated by the ventriloquist's hyper ADHD rabbit puppet that didn't stop shaking and head bobbing the entire time. The guy's hand must have been exhausted by the end of the show.
  18. I really did not like the ventriloquist. Simon loved him. I skipped all the singers. And the comedian after he started telling the same jokes he told last time. I don't get what's so horrible or funny about a sandwich made with the two bread end pieces. I knew the judges would LOVE themselves singing opera. Plus the guys got a plug in to make sure Heidi and Sofia will push them through via America's voting so they get to see themselves sing next time.
  19. Curious, I looked up one-way flights from Chicago to Barcelona ... $319 was best, $450 highest. From Miami to Chicago, $36 one way. That "free" cruise just could be a cool deal if someone could get away for a vacation. Not sure if people would have to pay taxes on the cruise itself, like Price Is Right winners have to pay taxes on the cars and other things they win. That could be a deal breaker.
  20. I stopped what I was doing to watch the dancing magician, and I watched with a huge smile on my face. I also thought, at the same time, Simon will hate this act. Score!
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