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Everything posted by gingerella

  1. I'm not really sure what all this kerfluffle is about The Wall & The Night's Watch VS. The Wildings. I mean, aren't they ALL going to be toast if Winter actually, yanno, comes, and brings WWs with it? Why wouldn't the Wildings be talking to the Night's Watch and sending an envoy to explain what's coming to a Wall near you soon? I just don't get this animosity between two factions that need to band together to survive the WW invasion that is allegedly coming South any season now... Also, we know there are humans or whatever people South of Wall are considered. And there are Wildings living just North of the Wall as well. And there are White Walkers. And apparently giants too. But what is the difference between a White Walker and a wight? I occasionally hear you guys talking about wights and I don't know if they are WWs or something entirely different. And is there another type of being in between a Wilding and a WW? Someone help A Viewer out please, I am confuddled as hell! Lastly, who the fuck IS Mance Raydar? I am totally confused on that one. We see this dude with a big red beard and long wavy hair, is that Mance? I thought that was one of his underlings. Have we actually seen Mance yet and can someone describe him to me? And who the hell is the really fugly dude who enjoys killing and eating people, the guy with the weird scars on his bald head? And how does he keep his head shaved so close when they're always on the move? That bunch must stink to seven hells!
  2. ChocoButt (hee!), I was thinking about the issue of The Hound's festering wound, and I envision a scene where he is obviously dying, and Arya has to put him out of his misery like the Hound taught her to do to that farmer earlier this season. That would be quite poetic...I could even see him begging Arya to kill him and she not wanting to because she cares about him, she really has nobody else at this point, but in the end she has to kill him to help him die with a titch more dignity. As for Tyrion escaping, YES! What a great scenario, Tyrion saves KL from The Assault of the Lobster: Part Une, only to be able to use the same labyrinth of tunnels to hatch his escape when The Assault of the Lobster: Part Duex occurs...this is sheer genius and indeed poetic justice. In this scenario, if Tyrion had not saved KL initially, a second assault would never have happened, hence his escape would be impossible...Tough if Stannis has won initially, I doubt any Lannisters would still be living so in a sense its all moot, but what a great escape this would be! Great thought! I am still distraught over the demise of my beloved, bisexual beast, Oberyn...sniff...dabs eyes with hankerchief...
  3. Jack, you crazy, glorious bastard! When the end of epi clock ticked out, I let out a sigh of relief and said, "Shit, I'm exhausted after watching that..." That? Is a classic 24 episode response.
  4. This is what I was thinking even before last night's episode. It doesn't make sense. Cersei should have called this charade off because of this. It is wrong that it would bring me joy to have Dorne send Mycella's head back to Cersei and the Lannisters?
  5. Just a clarification on castration - what it is and what it is not - from a former horsewoman...When they castrate a male horse (he is then called a gelding, so you know it is a male castrated horse), the remove the balls, IIRC, pretty much entirely, because it settles them down a lot, but they still go all weird when they smell a mare in heat so even no balls does not kill certain natural desires, it just makes them less aggressive. I doubt very much that they removed the penis, that does not make sense. How would you pee?* *wondering aloud, how does Reek pee? Nevermind, I don't give a shit about him. RE: the feathers on the shoulders of Lyssa's and Sansa's dress...an Aerie is an eagle's nest that is high up with an advantageous view point for the eagles to spot prey. So I assume that the word Eyrie is a bastardization of that word and thus, there must be a bird in their sigil somewhere, hence the feathered shoulder pads, which look very Alexis Carrington/Dynasty to me. I hadn't thought about the fact that since LF has seen firsthand how Sansa faked it with the Vale council people, now he knows she can fake it, period. That does not bode well for Sansa... I am worried for Elaria. Thank you for the clarification that the Mountain actually was indeed dead. Good riddance to a nasty character. Lastly, I am starting to think, and agree with some above posts, that GRRM is actually NOT that great a writer/storyteller because it's just gory death redux over and over and over, like the bloody, gory version of "Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!" We get it already. For this circular drivel you needed to write how many fucking books on this shit? Unless the books are way, Way, WAY better than A Show, I fail to see how this constitutes good story telling.
  6. I know I am repeating myself here, but it bears repeating: Fuck.That.Shit. Seriously. WHY couldnt he have just stabbed the fucker in the head and finished the job? WHY did he have to be a showoff and push it further? WHY couldnt he just have stabbed the fucker in the throat, the heart, whatthefuckEVER?!? ARGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGH! I am so fucking frustrated with A Show. If Tyrion does not escape, I just dont know if I can keep watching. Its just not fun nor entertaining to always see the bad guys win. A Viewer is so disappointed in A Show right now...
  7. To honor House White Cloak's bannermen rising together to protect us, we bequeath you our keep South of the Wall. Use it wisely.
  8. Thank you Silver, for sending us that ravengram, much appreciated by the Spitball Wall Watch. And now please excuse me, I must sharpen my Valerian steel sword, don my armor, and begin my watch beside WhiteStumbler.
  9. Chocofly (is it okay that I shortened your name out of sheer laziness?), I dont think Sansa knows Robin is batshit craycray, didnt she mention when she first met Lysa that her mother had spoken of her often or some such rubbish, but it seemed like she had never met Lysa or Robin, so she wouldnt know of Robin's predelictions of teen breastfeeding, and irrational flying games. As for Sansa falling in love with LF...hoo boy, that is unclear. The GoT's Magic 8 Ball says, "try again later"...The thing is, I can see both sides here. I can see her buying into the fact that it appears that LF has saved her and protected her from evil, crazy Lysa, etc. But...yeah, she ought to know better by now, though at the end of the day, If Robin doesnt get offed, I can see hom killing LF because Sansa tells him LF is hurting her, or something like that. Just a hunch right now. The big question for me in this is will LF deflower her before this plays out, or will Sansa be rescued, either by Robin's propensity for irrational behavior, or by Brienne and Pod (the latter option would make me super excited). ETA: Regarding The Hound and his speaking up to support Sansa..l just thought about it and really, these moments we have seen of him protecting Sansa (pulling her back from killing Joffs and herself, rescuing her from the rapey alley gang, offering to take her back to Winterfell, etc.) and his moments with Arya (protecting her from those Lannister soldiers or whoever they were, showing her now to put the dying farmer out of his misery, opening up about his miserable childhood to Arya while she is tending to his wound, etc.) - these moments are the softer side of The Hound, and for someone who is as damaged as he is, I reckon this is about as warm and fuzzy as he can get. I hope that Arya can find a way to release his name from her list soon. The fact that we can feel empathy and sympathy for the man who senselessly killed Micah back in S1 boggles my mind, but there it is.
  10. I finally watched this last night, great season finale, but I too, am perplexed as to what exactly Rose's diagnosis is. I thought at first it had to be TB, which is why she was going to the countryside to convalesce but it seems fatal now? So what, cancer? Yes, Loxley has hit her, and IIRC there as an implied off-screen rape earlier this season, wasn't there? He was menacing her, and dragged her to bed, or they were in the bedroom and the scene was left off with forced sex/rape being implied. I think right after that, Mae had the locks changed on her bedroom door, that was what precipitated the lock change. And yes, Mae's lady in waiting was with her at the Selfridge's house, Rose mentions them both being there safe and sound, I think her name is Pimple or something like that.
  11. Very true, but in that instance that applied more so to Sansa, not The Hound, seeing as she's the person who had the guts to speak up in the first place. Providing backup is not the same thing as leading the charge. I must agree with the first poster that while yes, Sansa's courage was speaking up first, often, without the "first follower", change never can never take place, and without The Hound speaking up and supporting Sansa's comment, Joffs would have likely just killed the poor bastard anyway since he had no respect for Sansa. Quite frankly, I have been the "speaker upper" in many professional circumstances where I thought I was speaking for "us", and then "us" just moved into the shadows and did not support me publicly, and no change occurred as a result.
  12. Well you know what they say about assume, so, yeah...There is no known reason that they couldn't have asked about the last TC to use any HIIs. They're just stupid.
  13. This times a thousand! I kept yelling at my screen, ASK PROBST HOW LONG THAT THING IS PLAYABLE! But no, even though those dumbasses talked about whether or not it was still usable, nobody asks the one person who would probably have had to give them a straight answer. They all deserved to lose to Tony, not because Tony was such a stellar player, but because the rest of them were so fucking dumb. Just about every person who was going to blindside Tony backed down at the last minute so they have nobody to blame but themselves for losing. I honestly loathed Tony, I hope to never ever see him on another Survivor, but I would have grudgingly voted for him too, just because the others played so incredibly stupidly. Oh, and Woo? Duuuude, you're an idiot. Kass, you kept me liking, then disliking you. But in the end you were indeed a solid player and you did deserve to go to the end. ETA: They need to never ever do that live alternating with the final epi crap again. It was stupid, superfluous, added nothing other than distract us from the final episode, and I don't give a rat's ass about Tyler Perry and his dumb super fan ideas. Just, no.
  14. Probably not. I don't need minutae details of the horror that A Show has shared with A Viewer. The level of utter disgusting, violence fucking shit that's on A Show, I assume is written in painful, drawn out detail in the books...It is known...so probably not.
  15. And yet, he's quite dead now...just sayin'...come on over to Team Jaqen...before we have to force A Viewer to do so...:)
  16. Without question, Jaqen because it is never a question of if he can do the job, it's only a matter of how the hell did he do that?! when he finishes the job. He seems incapable of missing his mark, ever.
  17. How could Alicia even run for SA if her husband is the state's Governor or whatever the hell Peter is right now? I mean, isn't that a huge conflict of interest that would disqualify her from even running? A husband as Governor and his wife as State's Attorney? WTF show! That's not remotely feasible.
  18. "Damn it Chloe! I need those schematics NOW!"
  19. Like many viewers, I would prefer A Show sacrifice Elaria and keep Oberyn, if it is a choice that must be made between one of these characters. But I do hope both stay for awhile as I would like to learn more of Elaria as she appears to speak her mind to higher ups, which I find refreshing in uptight KL, and she does represent the heart and soul of Oberyn. A man with so many children, has many wives or lovers, and for him to have chosen Elaria to accompany him to KL means something. But what, I'm not yet sure. Does it simply mean he brought his deepest love with him on an extended journey, or does it mean she is more than a lover, perhaps a co-conspirator who can help him seek the justice he craves for his sister?
  20. I'm with White Stumbler on this one, but perhaps instead of removing the Hound entirely - because let's be honest, he has to pay for Micah - I could totally see Arya making him kill some folks off her list in order to pay penance for Micah's death.
  21. Sorry Mr. Mic, but I gotta piss in your cornflakes on part of this one...We have never ever seen blood sacrifices from the Stark clan so I don't think this can be possible. The part about it being a tree that a lot of people prayed at making it special, that part I could see, because the regular face trees are usually in a forest, that white one is alone inside the walls of Winterfell, so yeah, the praying part maaaaybe, but because of blood sacrifice? I just don't see that part at all because we have never seen blood sacrifice from the Stark's or really any Northerners that I can remember.
  22. Pallas, I think at the end of the day, Tywin wants to be King, period, end of story. And since there is really no legit way for that to happen, the next best thing is for him to be the Hand to a King that is in name only...enter Tommen, boy King with a mild mannered personality, and who takes direction from his Grandfather Tywin without asking questions or batting a lash. All hail the King...uh, and would that be Tommen or Tywin?
  23. Without going back and looking again, I think the Weirwood that Bran communed with two weeks back was a regular grey tree with a subtle face on it. The white Weirwood at Winterfell looks "special", but I dont know if its different from the other face trees.
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