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Everything posted by gingerella

  1. Thanks for the pup update, I'd forgotten that Ghost was also captured at Crasters...So Ghostie Boy made it back to Jon Snuh, and Summer went with the Scooby Doo gang...IIRC, Hodor is okay with the root peeps, right? Nothing bad came to him right? It's funny, as fucked up the ass as the Stark Clan seems to be, they've only lost one sibling thus far in all the madness. It's sad that they all pretty much assume the others are likely dead, but they are all surviving by their wits, even Sansa, which I suppose says a lot for their adaptable ways. If I'd been Sansa I'd likely have killed myself when Joff's was threatening to do unspeakable things to her.
  2. Well, in my personal GoT fantasies I would like to see all the Wildlings turn on Stannis and burn the bitch, I mean witch, Mel, alive. That? Would bring A Viewer great satisfaction indeed.
  3. Fellow Spitball Wall brethren, I have made no bones about my undying love of the direwolf pups. A Show disappoints me like a naughty frat house boyfriend - and repeatedly no less, so shame on me, eh?! - and yet, my love of the wolves knows no bounds. I think I may have wet myself in giddy delight when I saw Ghost gnawing on his après battle bone at Castle Black, good boy Ghost! I keep wondering where Nymeria, Summer and Shaggy Dog are. We know for sure right now, that Ghost is safe and sound with Jon, and I think we assume that Shaggy Dog is hanging out somewhere in the general vicinity of wherever Rickon & Co. are. But what dost thou all think about Nymeria and Summer? I sort of feel like Nymeria and Summer have to find each other in the forest somewhere, right? Since Arya is now across the sea about to disembark in Braavos, there's no way she will bump into Nymeria unless Ny was captured and brought across the sea as some sort of exotic animal entertainment, which could happen, though I doubt it. Summer could be anywhere near the Root People, yes? Or no? I remember Summer was caught and caged at one point (or was that Shaggy?)when the Scooby Doo Gang got caught out at whatshisplace. But IIRC, Summer was also released because didn't she kill one of the baddies by cutting a bitch in the throat? I have some vague remembrance of that...anyway, did Summer accompany the Scooby Doo gang to the tree root people or no? I cant remember... It always seemed like not only did the direwolves bond with their human Stark siblings in a psychic way, but that they might also be connected to each other as well. It makes sense to me that if they have such a deep connection to their human counterparts, then they ought to have a deep connection to each other as litter mates who almost perished at...never mind, and fuck you again Theon, you dickless wonder. Annnnyway, where do you think the remaining wolves are and do you think they will reappear again, either together or separately?
  4. janjan, you are not alone in your opinion. I was surprised at how much discussion has taken place about the brunette girl being Lyanna or Oberyn's sister, etc. I had no clue to any of that when watching A Show. I too thought it was a handmaiden or girlfriend of lesser social stature than Cersei. However, after reading the spec on her, I can see how it might be Lyanna...maaaaybe...but I'm not really sold at all right now. As for how Tyrion peed out the crate, It seems he would have to be laying on his back/side the entire time because it was not tall enough to stand upright in unless maybe it was standing on it's small end, and I think we were show the crate stacked in horizontal position when it was carried aboard the ship last season. That said, to your query, he could simply turn on his side and stick it out a hole, yes? Pesky dissection of details, eh?!
  5. I would like to add the remaining direpups, though other than Ghost (who we saw Sunday, yeah!) and Shaggy Dog, who else is still alive? Anyone else? ETA: Oops, I see Nymeria is up on the list already. I wish we'd find her again...sniff...
  6. *KABONK!* Hits 90Percent over the noggin with a big piece of wood. SNAP OUTTA IT! One word reminder: Roz.
  7. I rather like the above possibility, though you all have way more insight than I do on watching as I had no clue who the dark haired girl was, but knew rather quickly that the blond was Cersei. I liked having a flashback to better understanding of the characters and events we already know about, though it didn't exactly lead to better understanding...yet, because you know how A Show is...cheeky bastard. I gotta say though, overall I felt very 'meh' about this first season episode. It left me feeling like "what? is that all there is?" I just didn't feel any great 'Oh yeah, A Show is back!" other than when I saw Ghost gnawing on his après battle bone. I wonder if it was a human bone...hmmm. But overall, the scene with Tyrion out of the Box was okaaay, realistic even given what he'd just endured, and yet I was like, 'whatever' about his scenes. Sansa and LF scenes were so so, wondered where he's spiriting her away to, probably across the sea somewhere so she'll intersect with the others perhaps, or maybe with Arya... Oooo,Oooo, spitball!!! What is Sansa makes it to Braavos and actually meets up with Arya but Arya has face-shifted and Sansa doesnt' know it's her sister and Arya cannot tell her who she is? That might be interesting, but I don't want to lose the actress who plays Arya so I'm torn on that one... Where was I? Oh yes, Cersei/Jaime scenes were flat for me. The only thing I can say about Cousin Fucker is that he's either going to get Cersei killed or she'll kill him what with his newfound piety and keen memory of events between them. Dany and the Dragoons was not very interesting and we all knew the kids would be mad a mom after locking them up in a dark dungeon, apparently without food. How are they even alive now? Oh, they're magical, nevermind. And then there's Mel, I just cant with that witch. I loathe the character, her lines, her actions, I just hate her. She's tops on my Death List right now. She's so hokey pokey it's laughable, except it's not funny. I just hope A Show gets better next week because this barely kept my attention. Is it me, or is it A Show?
  8. Things A Show makes me ponder...if the sorceror has any holes in his box which he can push his shit through...
  9. GHOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who gives a shit about anything else in this episode other than GHOST! We have a live direpup sighting people, yeah!!!
  10. Big yes to this: So who's "on the move" right now down South? We've got Tyrion and Varys bound for where exactly? The Free Cities, yes? Again, shit for remembrance, that's me...And we've got Dany and her dragoons in Mireen, yes? And we've got Arya heading to Braavos, yes? Is Braavos considered part of the Free Cities or it's own city, do we Unsullied know that yet? I know it's the financial epicenter of Westeros what with all the cryptic "oooooo, Bank of Braavos will be pissed..." this and that. IIRC, those three distinct groupings are "across the sea" yes? Those on the move on the KL side of the sea include: Sansa & LF, the NW & Stannis and his F-Troops (please someone be old enough to get that reference...), Brienne and Pod, the Scooby Doo Crusaders, and Rickon & Co. Oh, and the Wildling and Northern Folks north of the Wall. But it feels like things in KL are proceeding status quo whence we last left A Story, as if the world Has Not Changed. ie: Cersei is still trying to fuck over everyone and acting all Queen Regent and puppet master-ish, Margie is still trying to give Tommen his first handy so he'll fall in lerve and marry her thus finally making her THE Queen, treachery and conniving continues in KL unabated or so it would seem. We're not sure what path Jamie is on yet until we see the fall out from Daddy Dearest's shitter of death situation. But overall, IIRC, things are coalescing both North and across the Sea, so folks are saying Yes To Change at The Wall and North of the Wall, and assorted "change makers" are heading to Braavos and the Free Cities zip codes, thus making KL sort of stuck in the past, eh? They either don't realize that change is in the air because they are smug fuckers who think their shite don't stink (well, at least until they find Papa Lannister on his shitter, I'll bet that stinks plenty right there! Hate to be the servant to clean that mess up, just sayin'!), OR their raven grams are getting stuck somewhere along Kings Road and overseas. I hadn't thought of this tri-area scenario until this morning, but I'm thinking all signs point to KL eventually falling because it wont recognize that the times, they are a'changin', and it'll come back to bite them in their asses...but that might not happen until Winter Comes, or Blackie does a fly over, whichever comes first, and that could be several seasons away as the crow flies (sorry, it was too easy to not do that...).
  11. When you first mentioned this idea I was thinking, "but, but, but how do we know Jorah and Tyrion will actually be on the same continent?" Again, I cite my shit for brains remembrance of anything related to A Show's past seasons! But seriously, if they do indeed bump into each other, this is an interesting and intriguing idea. Dany did say she'd kill Jorah if she ever saw him again, right? Though his admiration runs deep for her so I always sort of envisioned Jorah Mormont riding just out of view of Dany and her hoard, so, yanno, he could swoop in and save her lovely ass someday, should she require saving, and I'm sure she will one day the way she runs her mouth some times. You cant always have a dragon at your disposal when you're telling folks how sucky their lives are, yanno what I mean?! But I digress...Watching Dany banish Jorah was one of the biggest bummers that A Viewer has had with A Show thus far. That really hit me hard and I'd love nothing more than More Jor, and more Jorny or is it Danorah? ;) Jorah swaggering around with his giant sword hanging jauntily at the diagonal as he swarthily saunters around in front of Dany like a bird of paradise trying desperately to mate before he dies. I want those two crazy kids to do it - at least once - during A Show's reign. I don't even care if it's in the books or not, that is what I want, so there. *stomps foot and pouts*
  12. Yes White Stumbler, in as much as I agree with the above in theory, in reality - well, A Show's reality that is - at least Littlefinger is a repulsive, creepy yet quite intriguing character to watch on A Show because one never really knows what is behind each move in his life's chess game or what his end game actually is. The Bolton's OTOH, are just nasty, debased pieces of fetid shite, so I'm quite happy to see LF get more power if it means finally getting the fucking Bolton's off A Show and out of A Viewer's mind once and for all, thankyouverymuch!
  13. Visual condoms...heh...good rule though. Love the snake Dire!
  14. Choc, no, no, no! IMO Syrio was the whole reason that Arya became such a badass assassin-in-training! If it weren't for Syrio, her "dance master", Arya wouldn't have learned how to use needle in such a precise and deadly manner. I think he was an incredibly important person in her life at that moment and I don't know if she'd be where she was now if she hadn't had those "dance lessons" when she got to KL. But if we're talking Oberyn, yeah, I'm totally holding hands with you on that shameful event. A Story really let us down with that one.
  15. Ahhhh, welcome to the dark side shimp! ETA: I'm not writing off 'lil Sansa just yet...Methinks she is about to get the schooling of her life with Littlefinger (I wonder if that moniker is what's fueling his anger march?!) and that we just may see Sansa rise above her naiveté and become the most shrewd shrew that ever shrewed, I mean, just out of circumstances, not because she's a bitch naturally. Out of her entire family, she's probably been the most terrorized and seen the most awful shit and most importantly lived through it, and that level of constant tormenting and terrorizing, combined with her then thinking she had escaped only to experience her batshit cray cray Aunt Lysa? Yeah, I'm in a 'wait n see' with Sansa this season because I think she has the potential to be a professional mind fucker given the tutelage of her soon to be hubby (they are sort of heading that way, right? I cant remember, but I remember Robin got the heave-ho so they could "be alone"...right?) An aside...technically speaking, Sansa and Tyrion are still married, aren't they? I really hope they will find each other again and realign both powerwise and romantically, because I'm a suckah and I liked those two kids together.
  16. Pallas, ahoy! Ha, another reminder of how difficult it is for me to remember what happened in seasons past on A Show...I was just about to write that I hope Papa Lannister is our fallen Pater of the Month, then I remembered that Tyrion offed him whilst he sat upon his royal "throne", yes? But was that in the last epi? I don't think we've seen the fallout yet from anyone finding ol Tywin sitting dead on the shitter. That? Ought to be delicious to watch, particularly Cersei's freakout. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy if you ask me. Speaking of things I'd like to see/spec on...Since Arya is on a boat to Braavos, she cannot reconnect right now with Nymeria - assuming Nymeria is still alive and will reappear at some point - so wouldn't it be nice for the remaining direwolves to meet up together North of the Wall, and hang with/protect Rickon and Osha? That would make me happy. Those pups are so badass and they're really my fav characters of A Show and they've been nothing but sidelined and forgotten for many a season now. Bah! BRING BACK DA WOLVES!
  17. Salutations ChocoButt (do you mind if I call you that? It just floats off the tongue so easily. No, wait. That didn't sound right at all, nevermind...)! So yeah, I too remember that Drogon did the Very Bad Thing, IIRC, and then he promptly went AWOL, probably to go sit out some dragon gas until he digested that little sucker he ate, and in the meantime, the only bad kids around the neighborhood to punish were Greeny and Red, so into the dungeon they went, following Dany because they lerve and trust her. What I am now wondering is if they turn against her because she tricked them into the dungeon, then chained them and walked away while they were shrieking. God that was an awful shriek too, wasn't it? I couldn't listen to that all day long. Anyway, someone must be feeding them right? So maybe Dany visits them in their time out. I have a feeling we will see Drogon, but I wonder how far he can go away from Dany right now. It seems like the other two are always fairly nearby her, but Drogon is the bad seed who goes off...I wonder if he will fly across the sea and buzz KL one day, freaking the crap out of everyone there. That might be fun to see. Well, I mean, it would have been fun to see if he flew over and BBQ'd ol Joffster on his balcony, but since he's gone now, maybe I'd settle for a BBQ fly by of Cersei, put her out of her misery once and for all. As for A Man being both Syrio and Jaqen Hagar, well, if he can face change into anything, maybe he can body change too? I guess that's where that idea came from. A Man seemed very capable so I have no doubt that if Arya makes it to Braavos then so too shall A Man. Wouldn't it be funny if the ship captain is A Man? Hehe...Hey, it could happen! Gendry, where art thou? And what's our direwolf count right now? Who's still alive as far as we know, and where did we last see em? I think Shaggy Dog and whatshisface are still together with whatsherface, right? Hiding out somewhere, right? God, I cannot remember shit about past seasons...my brain is so challenged by A Show, which is compounded by the fact that I simply cannot re watch episodes let alone full seasons because I cannot bear to watch the hideous shit more than once. Some of it still haunts me...oy.
  18. Is it wrong that I imagine Eddy Izzard delivering the above and it cracks my shit right up?! Thank you.
  19. Does anyone else think it miiiiight be possible that Syrio and Jaqen are the same person? I mean, since A Man can change His Face and all...could it be?
  20. *slogs into the Tavern brushing cobwebs off the doorway, and waving dust out of facial area* Ye gods, you're still all yammering on about Winter coming are ye? Ha! I've heard that tale for many eons and don't give a good rat in a stomach bucket about it. It'll be another seven leagues before a flake of the white stuff ever drops down upon the sandy labyrinth that is Kings Landing! Argh (wait, that sounded more pirate-like than Spitball Wall keeper, sorry)... Slowly, the brethren of the Spitball Wall reassemble, finding their way back to the Wall and Castle East, to re-group, re-arm, re-nourish, re-animate (wait, not really, just a bit of WW joking!), re-strategize, blah, blah,blah, fishcakes for all you old timers. I hear Winter is Coming. And the nights will be dark and full of terrors...oooOOOO, eeeEEEE, oooOOOO. So put that in your live human bonfire and smoke it. Bah.
  21. "And now our watch has begun"...be careful out there Unsullied brethren! And remember, the night is dark and full of spoilers...see you all at the Wall very soon. BYOG.
  22. Black Squares S5 prediction: So, like, magic! Yeah, I have a feeling that since last seasons we were on Magic Lite watch, that this season magic makes a hearty come back. So far, from what I remember, we have teen age mutant ninja dragons in lock up, but their big badass brother is MIA last we saw yes? So where is the lil bugger and if he's flying around scorching earth and killing for food, I'm sure someone will have seen him and will be gossiping about him...and we all know how interested Varys has always been in the Targ's and their dragons, though I cant remember if Varys knows yet about the teenage dragons. What else? Oh, the Very Best Part! We last saw Arya using her coin from A Man, to gain passage to Braavos. Bravo to Braavos, that's what I say! I cannot wait to see what's in store for Arya and since she essentially used a coin to get her to Braavos and thus, closer to assassin ville, I can only hope, nee squee, that A Show will reconnect us with A Man very, very soon! Then there is Mel, who is forever hocuspocusing her way into Stannis's pants, so I'm sure she has some fire burning and leaching and weirdo sexing up to do this season, she's always up to no good, that one, though I don't really have that much interest in her story and would not be sad if she was a goner in the S5 death pool this year. Oh, and there is that baby alter that we saw, I cant remember if it was S3 or S4, but I'm guessing we'll see something around that weird stuff too. Though it's not that compelling to me for whatever reason. Green Squares S5 predictions: So green squares are environmental and well, we finally saw snow last season, so I'm expecting more snow, and more ice and more snow and ice reaching farther South too, though it is not clear if Winter actually ever reaches Kings Landing, it is not known...I am also unclear as to whether or not Winter hits other places like wherever Dani is, or if it's only an issue up North near the Wall. It seems like not many folks in KL mutter "Winter is Coming" or am I misremembering that? It would be interesting if there was some inverted heat-related opposing force that occurs when Winter finally fucking comes. Like wild fires across the Dothraki plains (not that they are even a part of this story anymore) or wherever else we are seeing pieces of this story take place outside of Westeros, like where the Free People live, etc. anywhere where one has to take a boat to, etc. Maybe it's like an El Nino, where there are other environmental issues that occur, even flooding from over snow/rain? Just guessing aloud on this as we've not seen anything to give us a hint that this will happen. Red Squares S5 predictions: Red is human nature, and I think we will see a lot of turmoil continue around the Lannisters, particularly Cersei who is still hell bent on revenge for the death of her disgusting off spring. But what will become of Tyrion and Varys, both spirited away on a ship to where? Will we continue to see Varys as the arbiter of what is right, with a whiff of "maybe he isn't a good guy after all", or will he do the right thing for Kingdom and Mankind, as he has mentioned in the past? And what will this passage to a new land bring for Tyrion? We've seen with the attempted assassination by wine of Dani, that spies and little birds are everywhere, so it is likely possible for an enraged and out of control Cersei to have a bounty out for Tyrion's head, though I still hold hope that he makes if far in A Story because I like him very much. I would like to see Tyrion, Arya, Bran and Dani as last (wo)men standing I think. They are fair minded in a world of immeasurable cray cray. I just remembered that Dani sent away her right hand dude what will happen to him now (god I forget names easily!)? Will human nature push him to really undermine her crusade, or will he be supporting her behind the scenes somewhere? And what will become of Stannis's daughter? Didn't we see her taken with him on some ship last we saw them? Didn't they all pack up and leave the Rock for someplace else? Why bring a child along on such a voyage? Unless it's for another sacrifice? Blue Squares S5 predictions: And what of Blue...religion? We have seen religion toppled by Dani pretty much every place she goes to. Idolatry or whatever you want to call it, is toppled when she rides into a kingdom. And what about Bran and company? Are they still hiding out with Root Dude at the bottom of that tree? And where is Rickon and his minder? Will we ever get resolution on the remaining direwolves? A Viewer wants to know! It has always felt to me as if Bran is being guided by both magic AND religion, or a spiritual other worldly divine force if you will. Like he is a seer, and thus has some cosmic connection to something that is more spiritual in nature, and though it looks like magic, might be more religious based in the end. Mel straddles - pun intended, sorry it was too easy not to - both magic and religion, but I feel her religion is more of a fire and brimstone "for show" religion to justify a means to an end, whereas Bran' religion is the "real thing". Powerful on its own because it's for good and not evil purposes. Though we don't know what purpose it serves yet, although one would assume it relates to trying to save mankind at this point. I think we will continue to see Bran work with The Old Gods, the Weirwood trees, etc., while the people of KL continue living in the land of the New Gods, which seems more like a debauched version of religion right now. And of course we still don't know if Mel's Lord of Light is Old or New or Magic or Bullshit. If Stannis ever does make it to KL or anywhere else that is not on a ship, perhaps Mel will force others to follow her LoL BS, but I think it will be short lived and at some point, if/when Mel bites it, Stannis will realize all her LoL stuff was utter nonsense. That's all I can think of right now...what are your Unsullied predictions?
  23. I am completely confused by this show right now. Last week, The Debate, was not shown in CA, we got a re run with Will instead. Why, I have no clue but someone else posted on that thead with me about being confused. Now tonight my Cox Cable schedule is showing another old episode with Will, something about Dianne defending the gun dude whom I think she ended up marrying though we never see him at all. Is anyone seeing a new episode tonight or are we all seeing re runs? I am totally friggin confused right now...
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