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Everything posted by gingerella

  1. Stumbler, I would love to see Marg conquer Cersei in the end, I'm not sure A Show would allow such triumph to prevail, but A Viewer can dream, can't she?
  2. While Bran using Hodor to kill Locke was weird to watch on many levels, I have always gotten the impression that Bran and Osha have a real fondness and caring for Hodor, they don't treat him like his only purpose is to carry around Bran, at least that's how I've seen Hodor. Yes he is simple or challenged or whatever you want to call him, but if it were not for Hodor, Bran would be mincemeat by now. He is an incredibly important character, and I find it fascinating that a simpleton is such a pivotal character in A Show. And count me in on finding Craster's Camp Rape far more disturbing than Hodor killing Locke. If Hodor hadn't killed him, Locke would have either killed Hodor and Bran in the struggle or kidnapped Bran. I'm okay with how it went down.
  3. When I heard they wanted to bring back this show after such a long hiatus, I thought they should just leave well enough alone, yanno? Damn this show, pulling me right in again. That scene where Jack's accomplice shoots a hole into the underground area Jack and Chloe and trapped in? Then tosses the fold out ladder and hoists them up and out again? I yelled at my TV, "No fucking way! That's AWESOME!!!" So yeah, welcome back 24, it's official - I am still your bitch...Booyah!
  4. BTW, did anyone else find it odd when Dany said she would "fix" the issue of the freed cities in Slave Bay reverting back to slavery by becoming their ruler/Queen? I mean, shit girl, isn't being a Queen a type of enslavement to those serving you?! HelLO?!
  5. So I'm thinking of the convo Jojen and Bran had a while back, when Jojen was trying to convince Bran he was "the most special one of all" and that Bran had powers that went way past what Jojen and people like him could do. Watching Bran not only warg Hodor, a human, but also appear to get Hodor to do things Bran could not do himself - Hodor calming down enough to break the chains holding him prisoner, then killing Locke before he hurt Bran - this is a big fucking deal, people! Isn't it? To me, what this means is that Bran can actually take over another person and have them do his bidding for him when he is physically unable to do so himself, unless it only works on Hodor because he has a simple mind and therefore is more easily taken over? I'm not sure, I'm still working this one out in my head, but it seems like it's hugely important as far as the Magic lining up one more click on A Show's Rubik Cube, yes? Also, we see Ghost, but did we see Summer at all? I didn't, but I wasn't watching the entire time because when it's really violent or gross tend to hide behind my hand. Or an iPad. Or a magazine. Or something like that. Is Summer still there? It would surprise me that Summer wouldn't stay with Ghost since they are siblings, but perhaps Summer is out there waiting to rendezvous with Bran? Last week, Summer only got caught, right? Not actually killed, right?
  6. Ha! No shit, right? I think this is a literal case of "killing her with kindness". As for the Lysa/Robin/Sansa trifecta of gloom, I see this playing out any number of ways: 1. LF offs Lysa (let's face it, he is a weak man who used poison as he weapon), that leaves Robin as King of the Vale, with LF as Regent and real controller of the Vale. This frees up LF to have his way with Sansa because what would/could Robin do about that? Unless...unless Robin developed a deep fondness/crush on Sansa and saw LF tormenting her and Robin made LF "fly", which to be honest? Would be super awesome. 2. LF offs both Lysa and Robin, thus freeing him up to marry the loudly proclaimed virgin, Sansa, as his Queen of the Vale. That? Would be a big ol jizz fest for LF considering he never got over not being able to schtup Catelyn before she chose the Stark's instead of him. Marrying Cat's daughter and impregnating her with his offspring seems like the ultimate "HAHA, I WON, I WON!" move from a vindictive, spiteful person like LF. 3. LF offs Lysa and Robin goes batshit crazy and makes LF "fly", thus leaving Sansa sort of a prisoner with Robin. Not sure she would know what to do about that situation or if she would be able to make a getaway at all. Perhaps she could tell Robin she was going to "get help" or something like that and he would let her go out of the Vale with a traveling party or something, who knows...Maaaybe, she stays put at the Vale and as the WW and Winter both move Southward, Jon Snow & Co. end up at the Eeryie at some point as they make their way South? I haven't thought through that last bit but perhaps Sansa ends up being a non-sexual Queen with Robin? Ick, just typing that last bit skeeved me out!
  7. Wait, what?!? Varys is a Targ? WTF, man, is this true? Because I rather thought it was "Kill all the Targs!" was standard operating procedure around Westeros. Wasn't he one of the whispering gruesome twosome discussing Dany's demise in the Dragon dungeon way back in like S1? Plus, regardless of his bloodlines, I don't think Varys is crazy at all. He was abused in the most horrible of ways as a child, but seems to have managed to keep his cool and is a smart, observant and cunning planner of various shit that I usually enjoy watching. But nutjob? No way.
  8. Thanks shimpy...I meant last week though. But yeah, glad to see Hodor not only lived, but saved Bran from Locke the evil fuck. It was sweet to see that , even though its creepy the power that Bran has. Then again, the level of power that Bran has seems to be escalating and I can see how someone could use that power for evil and not for good. Hopefully Bran will remain chaste in the "not evil" department and Hodor and crew will get him to the end game, whatever that is. I big puffy heart Hodor.
  9. So, uh, yeah. Some more good guys win the short game. I am still so damaged by all the carnage of the last few seasons that I keep expecting somone I like to get killed every scene. I have post traumatic show syndrome (did someone say that last week?). Anyhoo, I would like to buy a seat on the Cersei is fucking with Margaery train, please. I kept thinking Cersei was going to rip her a new one, then she arranges the marriage, and I immediately thought "oh, she's going to have Margaery killed on HER wedding day..and perhaps Cersei will off herself at the same time?!" The whole Lyssa Littlefinger story grossed me out. Lyssa is a very *cough unfortunatelooking cough* qnd her clawing at Littlefinger was so disgusting, but also weird because I almost think of him as very asexual because he seems like a watcher, not a do-er, if you get my meaning. And Robin and Sansa, just when the kid thinks she got a fucking break? Honestly? Someone needs to "fly through the hole" soon and I want it to be Lyssa and Robin, but that would leave Sansa alone with Littlefinger and we all know what that will mean...so yeah, I'm guessing thats whats coming down the road because its the worst thing that could happen so of course it will happen because A Show doesnt disappoint in that department, does it?
  10. I had to stop watching when they had Hodor chained to a post and were poking him...He didn't die did he? Though as I write this I wonder if a quick death is better for him, poor, lovely Hodor. I hate that those fuckers are fucking with him.
  11. shimpy, HA! Well that's a search one would NOT do on one's work computer, that's for sure! Can you imagine explaining that to the IT team and your boss, "...No, but really, it was a topic of discussion on my GoT thread and we wanted to know how correct, or not, the show was being in terms of vernacular slangs..." 90, I wonder if that street was a street for ladies of the evening, and hence the name shortening to refer to the part of a lady that one would purchase on said street. That would make more sense to me...and yes shimpy, now that you bring it up, I have heard the word "cunny" in the past, though I cannot thankfully remember where.
  12. I like to comparisons between Cersei Baratheon and Betty Draper, though where the two characters diverge for me is that despite them always making shit soup out of lemonade, at least Betty went out and tried to "find happiness" or "a better life" or whatever you want to call her having an affair with Henry and then marrying him like she won a prize at the fair. Sure, Betty has ended up being the same bitter, depressed, oppressed housefrau with Henry, that she was with Don, only it seems Henry doesnt go around town schtupping every woman he meets. OTOH, Cersei doesnt seem to have tried to improve her life one iota. She just roams the dank, dark hallways and chambers of the royal abode in KL, hissing venom and spewing hateful thoughts and lies at anyone who will stand still long enough to listen. I mean, if she married Loras and went to live in Highgarden, maybe her life could indeed improve. She could live in a place that has been described as a paradise. She would be free of the Baratheon legacy and the Lannister chains. And her husband wouldnt be wanting to sleep with her so she could twke a lover of her own choosing if she desired it. So yeah, Betty Draper seems positively proactive and functional comapred to Cersei, who standing next to Betty, comes off as a petulant, childish shrew. ETA: Does the word 'cunt' really have its origins going back to the Dark Ages/Medieval times? Because it struck me odd they used that phrase in "The War for Cersei's Cunt", but I cannot imagine A Show making such a mistake, so it must be a word that was used way back in days of yore, yes? I wonder if it simply meant a lady's ladybits, or if it was used in a derogatory manner, as it is now. Anyone know the history of this word?
  13. *claps slowly and in admiration* Dayum Pallas! That? Was a thing of beauty right there...Visceral imagery. Thank you.
  14. Ahhhh Pnina Tornai her infamous Stripper Fairy dress. Why would any bride want to look like a cheap ass hooker on her wedding day? I just dont get it.
  15. The only thing I want to add to shimp and Pallas' additional spitballs is this...is it possible in any scenario that Tommen would name Uncle Tyrion to be Hand? And is there a roll for Uncle Daddy as Regent? Because that? Would certainly push Cersei over the edge and I believe she is capable of taking her own life when push comes to shove...hehe, pun intended, get it? Push comes to shove? Oh nevermind... ETA: One more thought, if Tommen was under Marg's spell, could he appoint Olenna as Queen Regent? That would be wicked decent!
  16. *WARNING: spitball approaching at warp speed.....twaaaaaaack!* All this talk of A Show having it in for Patriarchies just dislodged a random thought in the old gray matter...what if A Show ends up having ObiePornKenobe: A. Vote with Mace that Tyrion is not guilty, And B. Immediately after the trial, ObiePornKenobe kills Tywin to avenge his dead sis. That would put Cersei right back on top of the power seat...again (and by 'power seat' I dont mean on Jamie's sword...and by 'sword' I mean, oh nevermind, you all know what I mean). seriously though, just when Cersei seems to be on her way to down n out ville, I could see thks happening, and her perverting the young Tommen away from being a kind, decent King, towards a vindictive, spiteful King, all because the Queen Regent says so. But wait, I am about to blow a hole in my own spitball...If Tommen and Margaery marr before Tywin got offed, then would Cersei still be Queen Regent, or is that title only reserved for her IF the King is unmarried? If Tywin were to bite it before Tomm & Marg were married, I could the definitely see Cersei canceling that marriage ASAP and sending the Tyrell's packing back to High Garden, where, if. was a Tyrell, I would have booked back to weeks ago....fuck Kings Landing, nothing good happens there. It's like the Detroit of the 7K (no disrespect to Detroiters here)...
  17. I am surprised so many of you think Cersei is incapable, or has not "killed" before. She is a vindictive, spiteful, mean, bitch who is becoming almost as mentally fucked in the noggin as her demented offspring was. In a nutshell, she is batshit crazy. To me, she posesses all the star qualities of a sociopath.
  18. If the Bastard meets up with Yara, I seriously shudder to think what he would do to Theon's sister, sheerly out of spite and fun. I think if Yara did not quickly win that battle she would be better off killing herself quickly. I canNOT deal with anymore fucked up shit from that dude. I think I would seriously have to consider bowing out on A Show if that is whats coming.
  19. Uh, Pallas? Given that A Show gave us a smoke baby and WWs, zomponies, and devil horned WWs...any of your above hypotheses could easily come to fruition. Just sayin'...It's gettin' all Its A Small World After All, up in heah, yo...*insert eye roll here*
  20. This whole necklace bullshit is, well, bullshit. Its gotta be one of the dumbest plotlines A Story had given us so far. So many holes in it, it must be Swiss. As for the rest of the episode, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. For starters, that last WW offering alter scene? A Show, please! That CGI'd nonsense just looks riDICulous. It's as hoakie and lame as the smoke baby crapola. I realize that A Show has magic and thus, some things are not "realistic" in the world as we know it, but come the fuck ON. Really? WWs with devil horns turning babies into what exactly? That stuff comes off to me as gratuitous crap and it makes me not want to continue watching A Show. Margaery "beginning to seduce" the Boy King, Ser Poof? I think not. That? Was a ridiculous scene too. Olenna suddenly laying out clearly and in great detail, how Joffs bit the dust? That is so unlike A Show to spoonfeed A Viewer with every.little.detail. It almost feels like someone else wrote and directed this episode because it felt so off to me. Brienne and Pod? Love it, but hope we dont lose track of them because I adore them both.
  21. I am glad to see the new Rubik's Cube seems to have more squares because, yanno, A Show has many threads to pull together under each element...
  22. I realize my opinion is not going to be popular, and I was a bit surprised at my reaction on a personal level, because I felt ZERO sympathy or empathy for Cersei. None whatsoever. In fact, I felt like she deserves every awful thing that life can possibly serve up to her. I know, as a woman, it is surprising to me that I didnt feel anything for that character other than, "She probably gets off enjoying this weird game." But to me, my reaction illustrates how well these actors play their parts if I can see a rape scene and feel nothing because the person in question is so vile and detestible. Somone said, maybe its on the epi thread**, that maybe this is their weird, demented game. Honestly? I find it difficult to accept that Cersei no longer wants to swim in the twincest pool anymore. Sure, maybe seeing how fucked twincest offspring can be (*cough*Joffs*cough), maybe she realized finally how screwed up her actions were, but this is Cersei we're talking about and, well, she doesnt seem to me like someone who learns from her mistakes in life. Rather, she seems like she just gets meaner, nastier, and sinks deeper into that shit sundae that is her life. So yeah, I dont buy for a minute that she's suddenly quit the twincest mambo. Hence part of why I having trouble mustering up any feelings for her when her twin decides to force himself on her. If I am being totally honest? I snorted when they cut to her hand clutching the fabric at the end of that scene because it felt like cinematically they were telling us that she wasn't so disgusted with Jamie after all, and all I could think of was how fitting it would be if Joff's dead corpse rolled off the table and on to both his incestuous parents. Come on folks, I cant be the only one who thought that, am I? **There are just too many damn threads right now here to have a coherent conversation. I wish we could go back to one long thread because at least everything was contained in that once place. Convos that start out about the epi quickly turn into spec and it is confusing to know whether to move the convo here or continue in the epi thread.
  23. Pallas, I feel that if this is the endgame of A Story, I'd like very much to see that Winterfell white tree (the one they pray to in the North) survive along with the other one's that have the faces on them - like the one Bran was communing with last week. I feel like those trees need to survive in order for the Stark's to survive and adapt into whatever awaits them once Winter finally shows up. For me, those trees are rooted, no pun intended, in whether or not the people of the North, and the Stark's, survive this long, dark Winter, regardless of what society looks like once Spring comes again.
  24. I was reading a post on the Unsullied Stark thread, which I hope Pallas whill copy over to here because it begs long term speculation... ...and it made me think of who will outlast most people, I like to call it the "Cockroach Theory" because its about who will outlive, outlast, outplay...WAIT! That sounds so familiar to me... Anyway, I think most, of not all of the Stark kids left will be left standing when all is said and done. Why? After I read Pallas' awesome Ode ToHouse Stark in another thread, I thought about her, Starkian theory and, well, it just makes sense. I want Ned and Cat and Robb and all those who faithfully served them to not have died in vain. I want the remaining Stark siblings (Arya, Sansa, Bran, Rickon and Jon Snow - thats actually quite a lot of remaining Starks when you count them all up) to end up reuniting somewhere down the line and turn out to have the most House left of anyone. I want the children of Ned-the-Good Stark to far exceed their father's goodness legacy by actually saving their entire world from WWs, giant spiders, and, well, Winter...because, yanno, it IS coming (yeah, right Winter, whatev). Anyway, that's what I'm thinking right now...maybe I will change my mind tomorrow.
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