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Everything posted by gingerella

  1. For all this chatter on the show about Sansa becoming the "Wardeness" of the North, I never once remember Cat being referred to as the "Wardeness" of the North, do any of you? That is a phrase I think we first heard recently from LF to Sansa, yes? It's like suddenly there are these ladies called Wardenesses, but...um...we forgot to tell you guys that in the first four friggin' seasons...oops, our bad! *Grrrrrr* said with Ghost-like anger
  2. suomi, glad I could clarify for you and others. As a trained gemologist specializing in diamonds, it's always best to examine a piece in person with a loupe (jeweler's magnifier), but one can clearly see things like inclusions if they are large enough and/or prevalent enough in a close up, which they are in that photo. That stone is so included to the naked eye (inclusions are natural imperfections that create a less-clear/crisp look to a diamond, and affect its clarity, one of the key aspects a stone is graded on to determine it's value), it is apparent that the clarity is off, which I find rather odd if Monty is this high roller. Then again, rich folk can be pretty cheap ass cheap too so...
  3. this, This, THIS! And again, sorry to sound like a broken record, but when you lay it out like that, I also question if Marg's behavior here was actually in a Story, or just something the Show cooked up to propel us somewhere else? We don't know right now, but - and history is behind me on this one I think - there is a neverending parade of "once great" TV shows that sunk to the level of a shit sandwich quagmire because they had showrunner's whose egos got the better of them...I'm looking directly at YOU JJ Abrams (you great show deserting piece of shite). Even the Sopranos and Mad Men, both shows I adored, sunk to rock bottom at times, seemingly at the whims of their creators. It's like Frankenstein creates his monster, people ooh and ahh so much that he gets a big fat bone for himself, and starts getting distracted by the fame and accolades and forgets that his monster needs constant attention and nurturing or else it runs amok and turns into a smoking hot disaster of a mess. And that's how I feel about this pile of steaming, festering excrement right now. Yessssss! Thank you Janjan, I was thinking the same thing. Nowhere in their dialogue exchange did Sansa say who told her to put a candle in the damn tower, so unless Ramsey only allowed that one woman to interact with Sansa alone since she's been there, something happened off screen. And let's be real, writers who create a big "thing" and then attribute it's genesis to an "off screen" happening because they wrote into it poorly and couldn't pull it off without doing an off screen attribution are shitty, lazy writers. End of story, literally and figuratively. That is some low brow writing ploy that they use currently on the soap opera, Y&R, because it's writers are essentially feces-flinging monkeys sitting in a room pretending to writer a "story" but without the experience and/or talent to do so. In this show's case, we know they can write a good story, so why does it all of a sudden suck sweaty donkey balls pretty this season? The only thing I can think of is that the showrunners have decided to take liberties with the story to make it "better TV", but it's not better, and not knowing the story, we're all pissed and disgusted with it. I think that one thing we can all agree on is that there is a long list of "once great" TV shows that fell from grace because the show runners got too egotistical about their greatness and left the wheel house to attend too many accolade parties (yeah, I'm looking directly at YOU, JJ Abrams, you show-deserting sack of shite), and they stop giving their show the attention they gave it at the beginning. That could also be happening here. If you give too many bravos and toasts to a showrunner, it's like complimenting Dr. Frankenstein on his creation. They get such an ego and swelled head, and start swanning about at parties and hobnobbing and such, and they forget that their creation needs constant attention and nurturing, otherwise it turns into a monster, right? Duh. Way to fuck it up showrunners, because either way, you've either departed from the story and fucked it up, or you've stuck to the story and you're now making poor choices in deciding which parts to show us vs. which parts to jettison for TV. Nodbody wants to watch meat rot in the sun, it's just not that fun, yanno?
  4. Not to crap on anyone's parade but that diamond Monty is bragging about about is 10 carats of the crappiest quality stone I've seen in a long time. It is included beyond acceptable (all the fuzzy crap all over the stone when you look into it), nearly opaque, and the chain looks like pot metal or cheap silver - not platinum or white gold, and not made just recently for his daughter. A great stone - that a "millionaire" would gift his wife - should be of the highest clarity without any of the inclusions that made Monty's diamond look muddy and fuzzy. That stone is a dog, and I call bullshit. I know high end bling and that aint it.
  5. This, the bolded part a millionth percent! I guess this is mainly my point, in a nutshell and all that rot. That and IT'S JUST NOT WORKING WRITERS, FIX IT.
  6. Thanks to my fellow Spitball Wall brethren for the moral and emotional support! Most appreciated...and remember, an Unsullied Never Forgets... Choc, I hear you on the books, I guess I also felt the same way about Theon's torture, it went on much too long. I wonder when they drag out and rehash over and over and over again, "is it like this in the books?" because if so, how could so many people slog through them willingly? I suppose that's when my bullshit detector goes off. But perhaps the tedium is to force us to feel how awful and dire these people's lives are. Who the fuck knows, all I know is, it's not entertaining right now and yeah, they need to pull a rabbit out of A Show's ass STAT! These last three episodes better rock the fuck out, that's all I'm sayin'. I better get a shred of comeuppance related to Sansa; some forward movement from Stannis; SOMETHING from Brienne (see: Sansa); and I wanna see Jon again at least once this season. Other than that, I don't care about Cersei, really. I don't care about Dorne right now. In fact, I sort of loved that Myrcella is like "screw you Uncle Jamie, you made me come here, now I like it and I aint goin' back to that shithole know as KL, so suck on that Uncle!" That? Was actually the best moment last night for A Viewer.
  7. It was indeed a corkscrew type thing that Sansa pocketed and I hope to motherFUCKINGhell she uses it to corkscrew right into Bolton's heart, or anyplace that could kill him rather instantly. As you all know, I too am well past the point of caring about the abusive Sansa Tales of Rape and Torture. But even more than that, it just does not make sense as part of the story to me. Not at all. And I begin questioning if this is where the Show departs from the Books. And if so, why, because like I said, it makes so fuckin' sense. To torture and rape the last known living Stark in her own home castle just is idiotic. And if the Northerners are all that, why don't they fuckin' rise up and burn the House of Bolton down. Or take the father and son out simultaneously. Those Northerners need to put on their damn sneakers and Just.Do.It. already. Enough with what a hearty bunch the North is. Right now they've been nothing but a bunch of dirty pussies and I mean that in a dirty with dirt sense. Brienne, useless. The Night's Watch, pretty useless without Jon. Sam, useless unless Ghost is beside him. Speaking of which, GHOST PUPPY!!!!!! I love that Ghost seems to be watching over Sam in Jon's absence, that is beyond groovy, something I can totally get with, compared to the rest of this shite we're being served up this season. Back to my useless list...Theon, beyond useless. The general inhabitants of Winterfell, useless. Jamie, useless. Bronn, useless. Stannis, useless. Mel, annoying and useless. The snakes, useless, except when showing their youthful tits and sharing anti poison antidotes. The fighting pits, useless and disgusting. This show has gone off the rails and again, I question whether the actual books are like this too because it makes no sense how so many people can love this series if THIS SHIT is what it really is. If the show runners have fucked with things to the extent that even an Unsullied can detect bullshit without even knowing what said bullshit actually is, then that does not bode well for the remainder of A Show. OTOH, I don't know why anyone who has half a fucking brain would change up a story to diverge from the real story to the point where it pisses people off, you know what I mean? That is just stupid and moronic. Either way, I will be hella pissed when this shit is over - assuming I stick with it, and that's iffy right at the moment because it's no longer entertaining - I will be seriously pissed off of I find that a lot of this never happened in the books because it will have meant I wasted my time with this crap. And speaking of entertaining and not entertaining, I think TPTB need to get a big ass REALITY CHECK and remember that it's not entertaining to watch any show, story, series, whatever, when there is NObody to root for anymore, and that's nearly where we're at right now. I can barely root for Stannis because of that idiot witch, Mel, and his horrible wife, and his bad decision making - he should adopt George Constanza's philosophy and adopt backwards day because right now, his decisions other than riding to rescue the NW, have been utter shit. The NW are starting to revert back to their original recipe rapist/killer modes and that's not a crew worth rooting for. Assuming Jon is off the canvas en route to the Wildling encampments for the remainder of the season, there is nothing at the Wall I care to root for. Definitely NOTHING at Winterfell to root for anymore. Cant really root for Brienne when she'd doing fuck all twiddling her fucking thumbs waiting "for a sign" from someone who is a tortured prisoner. Cant root for Rickon because he's MIA. Cant root for Bran because he's literally with Root Dude, maaaaybe, we don't really know. Nothing to root for in KL, pretty much everyone there is a shithead so who cares who dies and who lives there? Torch the entire place with pigshit for all I care! Mereen? Who gives a shit?! They use human beings as cock fight participants (pun semi intended because it was just too easy not to). Dragons? Whatever. They're in a time out so who knows what they're up to other than BBQing random humans when possible. Dorne? Doran seems useless and ineffective, Ellaria has become psycho 2.0, her "children" are useless and in the clink. Dorne isn't worth rooting for right now either. So where does that leave us/me? Not very entertaining when you lay it out like that, is it?
  8. Hmmm, well Cersei finally got herself into a big pickle didnt she? I was rather hoping she was being thrown into the cell with Marge because that? Would just be fun, right? Lancel is creepy as hell, isnt he? Just because you carve some devil symbol into your forehead does not a saint you make. Just sayin'. I just cant discuss Sansa right now, other than to say I bope she fucking kills both Roose and Theon ASAP. Castle Black is blacker than ever with Jon gone. And you know that Gilly will be knocke up with a lil Sam soon, right? Like, that was telegraphed from a shit ton of miles away. I just hope that Gilly doesnt get attacked again, I cant take any more raping, its just not entertaining in any way, at all. At.All. Dornish women DO have great tits, dont they? No wonder songs are made about them! I miss Jon Snow already...sniff... ETA: Pallas, great call on how Jon and Sam might end up leaving the Nights Watch.
  9. As a founding member of the Spitball Wall, I normally stay far away from such things, but I ventured in with caution and trepidation, on behalf of my fellow Unsullied and I can report without reservation, that this is both entirely non-spoilery (if you view it from the link in this thread, therefore avoiding any unsightly comments likely present on the YT site version) AND it is, to be perfectly honest, fucking hilarious! My favorite part has to be the Jon Snow portion, I needed a good laugh and that was spot on! gingerella gives it 3 thumbs up!
  10. I seem to remember somewhere in the beginning someone chanted that phrase but I cant remember when, where or whom.
  11. I really like this description. Cersei is no more than a middle school mean girl who went all the way with her own brother and is terrified people will find out, though they already know. The exercising in a field...it's like she was this beautiful horse who foundered in a small stall, to small for her to do anything but turn around and around in smaller and smaller circles until she was so dizzy she couldn't think straight, except she didn't know she wasn't thinking straight anymore. I wonder what will happen when she has to send her precious boy into battle to lead his troops. If Kevan is no longer leading them, who is? Surely the King is expected to ride into battle leading his men, yes? Tommen has the battle acumen of a flea, he wont last one second, though I don't think he will hide like his useless sack of shit older brother. I think he will stupidly ride into his death, and not too far off. Though if Tommen dies in battle soon, who would be ruling Westeros? Surely a Dowager Queen is unacceptable as a sole ruler. That leaves the door open for Stannis to finally be "the" King.
  12. Well, let us not forget that Tommen done got hisself hillbill blood...so maybe he got purty on his face, but doofus in his noggin.
  13. Well now that we know 'cock merchants' exist, anything is possible, yes? At least that made me chuckle, though it was from your post, not the show. ETA: And yet, just knowing that this show told us that cock merchants even exist, I mean, are you fucking kidding me Show?! "Here ye, here ye, get yer freshly chopped off cocks here! Cocks two for one special! We got midget cocks, giant cocks, whatever your cock needs are, we can fill your request!" I mean honestly, how ridiculous does that sound? *pffffft*
  14. But the problem with A Show is now, I don't really care anymore about anyone actually in A Show. And that is the series fault I suppose. I am already over Ayra and House of Death, it's been too drawn out. And I'm over the continued torture of Sansa, it's not in any way entertainment, it's disgusting. Although I want to know what happened to Benjen, I don't think we will ever know with the TV version, perhaps the books tell us, but we don't know that so it's moot for us Unsullied. I sort of no longer care if Arya kills all the fucking assholes in A Story, and I don't care what fate befalls Cersei at some point, though I wish her all sorts of bad shit. This show and how it's being told on TV is turning me away as a viewer, and to me, that stinks of poor story telling. Is it the TV version alone? I have no idea because it's all I have without any real comparison, but it's sad we keep getting this same old storylines being played out over and over and over. If the moral of the story is, men never change, the world is a dark and fucked place, well I get it already. I'm full up.
  15. Hmmm, I wonder if the books are so poorly written too, or if it's all been bastardized by a TV producer/director team, which if truth be told, usually fuck up everything they touch, it's how TV production and directors usually work. And they are usually that egotistical that they think they can improve on the original recipe. If the books are this poorly written and there is that much masochistic shit in them over and over and over, it says a lot - and not in a good way - about the state of human beings right now, since this series has/had such a huge readership/fandom. Count me disgusted right now with the TV version and those who created it.
  16. A cock merchant? Did I actually hear that correcty?! Lancel is fast becoming a derranged psycohypocrit, eh? I grow tired of the holy inquisition already, though Diana Riggs is always good to see, though rather emasculated right now. You know, I am also growing tired, VERY FUCKING TIRED of the masochistic shitfest that this show has become. I am not sure just how demented and fucked in the head someone has to be to come up with this shit ad infinitum, but its no longer entertaining, not that it ever was. I am nearing my limit.
  17. Pallas, have you forgotten that this girl was responsible for that awful, gruesome death-by-dogs of her supposed friend she took into the woods a couple of seasons back? AFAIC, her being ripped apart by the dogs would be fitting since she has helped others meet that same trrifying fate. Bleh, dont like the bitch.
  18. Hmmm, this is interesting...Have we ever seen any of the Direwolves interacting with normal dogs? I ask because it would be cool if Nymeria was in the surrounding area of Winterfell and somehow knew Sansa was there, and went to protect her. She could integrate with the dogs in the kennel and since bitchy mcbitchster is the daughter of the kennel master, that would be sweet, sweet justice for her to be killed by all the dogs, goaded on by Nymeria somehow...A Girl can wish indeed!
  19. So, like, does that mean that the old family slave holders/owners are NOT the SOTHs? I'm confused, I thought that referred to the ruling slave owner class, but then again, the heads of the old families that were taken to the dragonettes nursery didn't seem like fighters at all and definitely seemed like men who would pay someone else to fight their battles.
  20. Don't know, but 'tis curious, no? I could see her having a chat with LF re: the brothel vs. the Sparrows sitch, but OTOH, isn't it common knowledge that he fled KL with Sansa in the confusion after Joff's death-by-frothing? So why on earth would LF walk back into KL? It seems too odd, to say the least. Especially when lately he's seemed fairly open about having Sansa under his wing. He wasn't passing her off as someone else like he did when she first arrived at the Aerie, and the Northerners she's come into contact with know exactly who she as do the Boltons, so it's not exactly super sekrit right anymore. One would think that alone would put LF on the death list with Cersei, but those two have a tete a tete relationship so perhaps she has another angle? Perhaps she wants to enlist LF's more nefarious skills in doing harm to Marge? Unless Marge actually did go away to High Garden, which if she did, I would find quite odd since it seems like most royals never really leave their marital digs once the yoke is locked in place.
  21. Dire, I don't think we're getting deprived of Arya, I mean, she just arrived at Jaquen's Training Camp for Holy Killers, so I'm sure we'll get to see where she's at with her apprenticeship/training soon. We have to, I don't think A Show would FINALLY reunite Arya with A Man only to backburner them for the rest of the season, no way.About the only thing I really, REALLY want an update on though, is where Nymeria is! I know Ghost is with Jon at Castle Black, Summer (is that the right name) is with the Bran Flakes, right? And Shaggy Dog is with Rickon, or in the nearby vicinity, probably, though we don't know that for sure...but we did last see Shaggy with Rickon when the boys, Osha and Hodor were hiding out at that rocky tower place, right before they separated, yes? Or am I misremembering that? Wasn't Rickon with them at that point in time, then they separated into the two groups, one Umbers-bound, the other bound for the Wall?
  22. Could Sansa be so lucky that she avoids sexual contact with a second unwanted and forced-upon-her husband? That would be amazing, wouldn't it? She would then still be "pure" for a third-times-the-charm union down the line...well not that far down the line because she aint getting any older, yanno? Though ol Walda seems a bit long in the tooth and she's knocked up so...Annnyway, I know that Kill the Boy is now what Maester Aemon says to urge Jon to become the man he can be, but I wonder...if Sansa could not avoid having sex with Ramsey (I throw up in my mouth even thinking about that prospect) and does manage to get her pregnant, I could totally see Sansa killing the baby if it was a boy, just to prevent another Bolton from living and taking control over Winterfell. I know it's out there, but I think Sansa is becoming pretty shrewd nowadays, though I still wonder what would have happened if she'd told LF she did not want to marry Bolton...One thing I know, I can't wait until I see that candle burning in the tower!
  23. I could envision Jon arriving at this riverside encampment and finding that Benjen is not only some sort of leader there, but that he has a family now too. Hey, the dude was hot IIRC, you can only withstand the Ygritte's for so long, yanno?
  24. So...that one Harpy head of family muttered "valor marghoulis, all men must die" when he thought he was next to feed the dragonettes...hmmmm, what does that mean? How would he know that phrase? And why did Dany act like it was no big deal muttering that phrase? WS, your guess was...whoa, dude. I dont want Jorah to become a Stone Man! If Shireen was cured then he can be too, right? Right?!? At least old Jorah started to come back tonight. Jon Snow finally sacked up, good for him, but man, Olly is going to cause some snafus at some point soon. I dont like that possibility. I DO love Samwell Tarly getting deep into dragon glass again though. I predict now that Sam will succeed Maester Aemon as the Maester of the Nights watch. You heard it here... Oh, and Dany marrying whatshisname? Huh?!?
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