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Everything posted by gingerella

  1. I know Choc, right? We are a motley crew here at the Spitball Wall but we each bring our own gifts to this ongoing conversation...let it continue until the end! Grog for all! Lywela, we need more voices here so think of this place as the scene from Jon's being voted into Lord Commander, everyone should voice their opinions regardless of whether another has already done so because how each one of us contributes to the conversation makes this such a great place. Well, that and our amazing White Cloaks watching over us! Anyway, about Arya...I am so torn about where she is in all of this right now. Arya has shown that she is a good fighter, fearless, and can get the job done when the chips are down, just ask pedo bear Meryn Trent...However, if Arya has released all her rage in her recent killing, then perhaps there is hope for her to in a sense rest her mind for a bit with this current blindness. Being unable to see would, in essence, allow her to finally perhaps relax and regroup and reevaluate her life...? Or am I being too Pollyanna?!? Lest we forget, there must be a reason going forward that Arya hid Needle, instead of throwing it into the sea, right? That can only point to Arya reclaiming Needle and venturing out into the world again, as Arya Stark though. I dont think she could steal a face forever, and I dont see Arya giving up the essence of herself to become Nobody. A Girl is Arya Stark, after all, hardly a nobody! ETA: Pallas, cross posting! I love what you just wrote and it is soooo true! A Show had such an amazing moment to deliver and it just crapped on us and gave us a romcom instead. We could have been given Shakespeare and instead we got a cold, congealed serving of A Weekend at Bernies! It pisses me off to think how amazing that scene could have been, argh!!!!!! And speaking of pfffts...Why the fuck would Sansa open her door and drop a potential killing weapon???
  2. So...as i gather my thoughts after the s5 finale, I find myself asking the question, "But who is worthy to rule the Seven Kingdoms? Is there anybody who is up to that task?" Here are my thoughts in no particular order: Dany - Although she has been set up from the beginning to be THE QUEEN OF IT ALL, homegirl truly lacks the innate skills of a ruler IMO. She seems to make mistake after mistake after mistake, imposing her idea of fairness on whatever city she inhabits. It feels like the only thing she is bringing to the table is dragons. Which to be fair is - huzzah! - quite a damn lot but still, its only firepower...can she grow into a great ruler? Dont know. But it seems like if she wants to break the wheel, I am guessing she is referring to creating a societal structure where nobody is an absolute ruler...does anyone else think that's what she meant when she said "I want to break the wheel"? Stannis - I know some of my brethren feel that Stannis is not quite dead, and I want to ask why you feel that way because I have a bad habit of muting the tv and hiding the screen behind a raised hand when things get too grisly for my tastes. What I saw was Stannis stumbling through a spares,y wooded forest amongst all his dead men, looking more or less about to die, then two Bolton men attacked him and I didnt see where they stabbed him. Then I saw Brienne "sentence him to death" - which just cracked me up because yanno, he is basically about to BE dead but Brienne had to avenge her true wub Renley *insert eye roll in Brienne's direction here*. I saw Brienne wind up and start to swing her sword so...how is it some of you are spitballing that Stannis is still with head attached? Annnyway, overall, I thought Stannis was the only person who was worthy of the Iron Throne but the whole buring of one's child sort of makes him persona non grata for me so he is out of the running, literally and figuratively. Tommen - What is there to say. He is a child still and acting as such. Can he grow into a man worthy of his current crown? I daresay he cannot. He is to me, weak of mind - nice but dimwitted on a good day. If they had fraternities in KL, poor Tommen would be a pledge at Delta Jackoff Douchebro, their words would be "We do it with girls!" Their sigil - a hand with thumb and pointer finger touching in an tunnel "O" shape, and their other pointer finger poking inside the "O". Let us just assume he is not King material. Roose Bolton - Seven gods of hell, could the story ever put his crazy ass on the throne? I would like to think he and his kid would be killed eventually. But no, obviously not worthy of being King. Jamie Lannister - Is it even possible that he could become King under any scenario? I dont think so, but he might make a decent King, oddly enough. He does have a level head in hot situations, he has shown compassion, dare I say warmth at times, could he be a decent King if given the chance? Littlefinger - I dont see any way he could ever become more than a power seat on the Kings Council but he is a crafty little fucker so...but yeah, NOT good king material at all. speaking of which, how is it that the Sparrows have not arrested HIS ass for crimes against morality?! Jon - I know, I know, but I dont believe he is well and truly dead! e is compassionate, dedicated, can do the unpleasant job tasks when need be (Mance's mercy killing), but does he make good decisions? I would say that yes, he does. It is just that he is surrounded by shit men. His posse is thieves, murderers, rapists and the like, so its not like he has a smart inner circle anymore, at least not with Sam, Maester Aemon and the former Lord Commander around him. When Sam left CB Jon became a lone wolf, figuratively speaking. He really has/had no other allies within CB. In fact his closest ally at that point was/ us Red Beard Wildling dude, ironically enough. But to answer my own question, Jon feels worth of the Iron Throne. Tyrion - The only other person left I can think of that miiiiiight be worthy of the throne would be Tyrion, and interestingly to me, I think he vies with Jon for best candidate for King. He has good common sense and understands the public sentiment fairly well. He is calculating and brave in the face of war and certain defeat. He is thoughtful in his decision making and seems to make good sense when discussing complex issues. Between Tyrion and Jon, Jon has a warmth and sincerity that Tyrion often lacks, while Tyrion has a sense of humor and cunning that Jon often lacks. Hence the tie between them. I cannot think of any other people in this show who would make good rulers, the rest are shit IMO, including Dany.
  3. Janjan, thanks for that info though not sure I want to read it. Are you sure it will not break our oath? That said, I think enough of us are staying Unsullied and remaining in our little Habitat because, well, the night is dark and full of terrors and people unwittingly give you information you do not desire to possess, ergo, best to be safer than sorrier. I still enjoy the concept of us spitballing together without the knowledge of what happened in books. Yes, we suspected heavily that this season went off the rails because the showrunners mucked it up and veered from book story telling, however, there is still, I fear, so much we do not know that is contained in the books, so our speculation is still Unsullied, as it were, if that makes sense. Anyway, my head is still spinning from Sunday night with many "but whys?!!"
  4. Indeed WS, indeed. You summed me up quite perfectly, thank you! Do you also see the Stark finally coming through Sansa? I did. I took her stance last night as she was willing to be brave finally, and stand up for herself. To me, she was a bit Ned like and a bit Cat like last night in facing off with crazypants Miranda, and then jumping to whatever fate she jumped to with Theon. I felt like at last she 'woke up' and saw that she could indeed have some agency over her life despite terrible odds. Here's hoping she makes it far far away, otherwise death will be her best option. The more distance I get from last night, the more questions I have, but it's too late, and tomorrow is another day ~
  5. It is interesting to me that Jon is more like Ned Stark than any of Ned's own children really. He stands up for what he believes is the right and honorable thing to do, above all else, even when it puts him in deep shit as with his current fate amongst an angry NWs. It seems also that we're all pretty clear that Jon is not really Ned's bio son, but nonetheless, he ended up being more of Ned redux than even Robb to some extent. Robb always was a bit aloof, Jon has that softer, more emotional side that we've seen. Maybe that side is from Lyanna if she is indeed his mother? That said, I did find Sansa's leap off the turret to be very Starkian too. I mean, this woman was an annoying as fuck tween when we first met her. She believed in fairy tales and princes and living happily ever after with Joffrey and floating around KL in chiffon scented with unicorn farts and fairy glitter shit. And she has had the worst time of it, and finally, FINALLY, F.I.N.A.L.L.Y. she took a stand last night, and Theon took a stand last nigh with her, his true sister, and they literally took a leap of faith. As Sansa said, she'd rather die now while she is still her, than wait to be dismantled bit by bit like Theon allowed for himself. That said, it's easy to say what a useless sack of shit Theon became as Reek, but he was the victim of terrorization through mental and physical torture. So I have to say while I don't appreciate him not saving Sansa sooner, at least something inside of him was still Theon and he rose to her call ultimately. What the fate will be of that call is anyone's guess next season, but I stand by my original thoughts from last night - she will live and run away somehow, and Theon will be killed by the dogs. Though perhaps they wont kill Theon because he lived with them? Perhaps they feel he's one of their pack? That would be weird and wonderful at the same time. I think at the end of the day, I'd like to see Ramsey pulled apart by his own dogs...maybe this will be it next season? It's enough with the Boltons. Oh, and although they didn't show it, I hereby spit this ball that Mrs. Roose Bolton will give birth to a baby boy and Ramsey will either try or will succeed in killing him off.
  6. Pallas, I am going to think in this direction too for now. I cannot bear to lose another direwolf. I love them more than the human characters. That said, we know that Bran's and Summer have a warging connection, and Summer seems to mentally connected to Bran all the time. While Ghost has always seemed much more independent of his human counterpart, he did show up just in the nick of time for Sam and Gilly, and he's done the same for Jon in the past too, hasn't he? So even if he is roaming free outside somewhere doing wolfish things, it seems like he's connected enough to Jon that he would sense that Jon is either injured or has been killed (temporarily please because he cannot be dead for real!). I just feel that Ghost must know Jon's current fate/predicament...
  7. Shadowlass, it's not dumb, but...where the fuck ARE the Wildlings in all of this? And where is Red Beard dude? I thought he and Jon were compatriots now. And WHY didn't Jon call an all-Nights Watch meeting and have him and some of the Wildlings tell what they saw at Hardhome? I mean come the fuck on people! WWs can raise the freakin dead so yeah, they have a huge army amassing. JesusHChrist on a cracker, how hard is it to debrief folks as soon as you come back from an encounter like that?!? As for Olly, WHY didn't Jon call him up to his chambers and have a 1:1 heartfelt talk with the boy, reveal some of Jon' own vulnerability and personal history, and help Olly see why this alliance with the Wildlings is urgent and necessary and is in no way denigrating the memory of Mr. & Mrs. Olly? Shit man, these people all need some good old fashioned interpersonal communication training! They need a Nights Watch Encounter, like Marriage Encounter for the NW! Arghhhh. One thing I'm still rolling my eyes and having a WTF moment over is how easily Jorah and Darios can just saddle up and saunter right on outta Mereen like it aint nothin' and they're off for a picnic or something. I mean, they just got the ambush of a lifetime, barely survived and somehow the Unsullied Army are suddenly able to hold back the Harpies to the extent that two of Dany's closest protectors can just ride on outta dodge? And where the hell are they going?! I mean, damn, did you see that expanse that lay outside of Mereen? What are those two numnuts gonna do, just ride in whatever direction the wind blows (I mean that literally) and hope they bump into Dany? Stop at taverns along the way and inquire of the locals, "excuse me my good man, have you perchance seen a woman riding atop a black dragon recently and if so, which direction were they headed?" It's a stupid, nonsensical plan. Someone mentioned that Drogon looked full and tired amid all the bones but I think that's where he's been hiding out most of the time, and that was leftover bones from past meals he's had. I mean, he went missing for quite a while and maybe that's where he was hanging out, you know teenagers, they like their super sekrit hidey holes and all that.
  8. Choc, I don't know that we will know what happens to Jon next season anyway...It's possible he is on ice, literally, and we find out instead what Bran's been doing, and maybe where Rickon is and what he's up to with Shaggy Dog. I'm willing to stick it out one more season and see how it goes, it's not that hard to stay Unsullied, just don't click on anything related to the show! ;) Maybe we need a Spitball Wall 12 step club where we have a partner and when we feel like we're going off the Unsullied wagon we call them to talk us down...no offense to 12 step programs everywhere...
  9. I just changed my vote to Not Ready To Leave The Spitball Wall yet...Who is with me?!?
  10. I feel you 90...I think there's no reason to make a rash decision today, but that's just me. I'm torn...in my heart I don't want to stop doing this even though it's been awful this season. We've come this far, yanno? But if it's just you and I talking to each other...I am making no concrete decisions yet, and I hope those who want to do the group Unsullied read will wait a bit before doing so, so others can sit for a bit and decide...
  11. I am unsure right now. I mean, no point in talking to oneself if a critical mass is deciding it's time to leave our watch. That said, IF I did want to join an Unsullied Read of the books I would want the following to make it feasible, enjoyable, and not feel like a chore: A. Do it in bite sized chapter pieces with reasonable time to read each chapter so as to make it fit into a real life schedule since reading takes up a lot more time than tuning in one hour a week. B. I would want to set up a set date for each chapter to begin discussing (with the mods creating that chapter thread and locking it until said time, like they do with episode threads). So like Sunday evenings, for example, we'd begin posting about that chapter, so that we don't have some folks posting throughout their reading of said chapter, thus making the comments thread unbearably long and impossible to catch up on once we all finish a specific chapter. That would make keeping up with the conversation more doable in a real life situation of balancing life and reading. C. I would prefer for such a thread to be over here in our protected Unsullied Habitat because we would still require a certain amount of Unsullied-ness as far as what happens in the books we hadn't yet read, if that makes sense. D. Lastly, I think it would be good to have a nice break in between books so we could not always be reading and commenting because I know with the show, I feel a certain amount of relief when a season ends so I can get back to other things, yanno? Not a year of waiting between books, but a few months would be nice! Anyway, those are the things I'd like to see in such an endeavor and are what would make it feel more feasible to me so I don't get far behind in both the reading and the commenting. ETA: It would be nice to know who else is on the fence or still committed to remaining Unsullied! I'm on the fence, depending on how many others stay or leave. Right now 2 leaving, 2 staying, 3 undecided.
  12. I am not ready to make that concrete a decision, and I hope others will wait a bit and see how they feel in a few weeks, you included shimp.
  13. shimp, as I said at the other place to the above, it feels like the show and its showrunners are treating us viewers as if we are a character in the actual show now. Fucking with us to see how far they can push us before we break, then gut us in horrible, awful, soul depleting ways so that we too cry, shriek and moan for it to all be over once and for all. Don't get me wrong, I don't want our band of brethren to disband, but I also am at a loss as to why I/we should even give a shit about this show anymore IF indeed Jon is dead, Sansa is dead, and Arya is really blind. So we root for Tyrion & Varys until they too are disposed of? Like you all, I feel that whatever was fucked with in the TV vs. Books this season has pushed this story into territory it can no longer recover from, and not for the better either. I feel like the TV - as in many TV shows - has been bastardized to the point of no return now. Are we wrong about this? I hope we are, but I don't see how we are right now.
  14. Pallas, I adore all of what you wrote above. I believe too that Sansa and Theon will survive the fall, but as you said, they will need to flee swiftly. I wonder how long it'll take Ramsey to find Sansa missing, then Theon. I am guessing he will find his side piece dead first, then run to find the other two and send the search parties out for them ASAP. They don't have much time to get a move on. I could see Theon being unable to walk and Sansa trying to help him, but him sending her onward to safety while he gets killed by the very dogs he lived with. Is it enough for redemption for Theon? Only - and that is a HUGE 'only' - if Sansa makes it to safety is never gets harmed by Bolton again. As for your thoughts on Arya, yes, I can now see that too. She got away with murder, literally, but not so fast Miss House of the Dead trainee...I'm still not sure though, if she is paying for her sin or if it's a case of she is having a bad reaction because she wasn't ready. Either way seems like punishment for jumping the gun. And while we're on the subject of Arya's killing...It was awful, grostesque and brutal, and I felt all the rage and frustration and grief that Arya Stark has carried with her since she say her beloved father beheaded. It felt like ALL her wrongs were focused into the murder of Meryn Trent and it was cathartic. Transformational in that she is now blind post-murderous haze, but I think it's temporary. As for Jon et al, does Davos know about Thoros' ability to raise the dead? If so, great, he can push Mel to do the right thing and try it. But if not, how will he convince her to do it if he doesn't know it can be done? Of course he could guess or suggest it based on his bearing witness to the birth of Smokebaby Baratheon...That said, what about Ghost?!?! Where is he?! And why would he allow Jon to get caught alone like that? Ghost always seems to save Jon's ass at the last minute, or Sam's for that matter. So unless they've already locked him up or killed him, where is he?! Please, to the Seven, the Old and the New, the Lord of Light, the Great Stallion, and any other deities I'm missing, PLEASE DON'T LET GHOST BE DEAD! Oh, and lastly, I do think that the horse riders were Dothraki, but I was confused because that terrain didn't seem like the arid terrain they usually roam in, or that we saw Dany and Khal roaming around in. I always thought the Dothrak area was a desert. But yeah, remember when I said recently that Dany was the only female lead who seems to be having loving sex? That hoarde makes me fear for Dany's ladyparts big time! Drogon better wake the fuck up! ETA: Janjan, I think Ellaria drank the antidote after her nose began bleeding as a cheap plot point so we'd know it was her. It's the damn necklace all over again except the Estee Lauder version...
  15. So...yeah...that happened. Oy vey. Motherfucking show. Fuck you show. Fuck.You. This times a million! I thought the same thing Pallas. Mel's King picker was off. Off by miles. She picked the wrong horse and finally realized it and ran away, like a common thief. What a piece of shit she is. But Davos is still there at CB, and I also believe that next season we will see her heal Jon, or bring him back from the dead. It might have consequences in how he is when he's brought back from the brink, but I think that is the entire purpose of Mel and Davos being at CB right at this moment. It's the ONLY thing that makes any sense. Well, that and Davos becoming a NW leader...maybe. I also didn't get that Sansa was jumping to her death, but that they figured, "...it's worth a shot, and if we die it's better than living in this hell hole of Boltonworld..." But yeah, I don't think the will die. It is indeed a hellishly long jump but I think they will be rescued by Northerners and hidden - because you know Ramsey will go looking for them to flay. Maybe only Sansa survives, and Theon dies trying to save her? Anyway, she is also not dead. Not Dead. NOT.DEAD. Arya is not permanently blind, she is just being punished for going off script with the Many Faced God training program. She will regain her sight when she redeems herself. So to recap: Arya will regain her sight, and Jon and Sansa are not actually dead. And if they are - I'm not sure what's left will be enough to keep my interest another season. Maybe this is a case of showrunners ruining a good book series? All I know is, this show has really beaten me down.
  16. Make that a few untrained revolutionaries in Mardi Gras masks!
  17. Choc, Dany had an army! It is totally unclear if she has any army left at this point and if so, where are they? It seemed when Dany and the Unsullied army marched on Mereen, they were humongous, no? Where are they all now? It is [not] known...
  18. I don't think Serise deserves any mercy or resolution re: Shireen because up until the poor kid was engulfed in flames, she was all for it. Bitch.
  19. Pallas, this bit above I particularly loved about your post! Although this show (I am hereby downgrading to no capital letters on a show until/unless it redeems itself tonight) rarely gives us 'feel good' moments, it has occasionally done so in the last season episode. Last season we were elated when we finally saw Arya pull that coin out of her pocket and utter those infamous words "Valor Morghoulis!" It was a stunning moment and I remember we all had goosebumps over that. And while raising the Stark flag over Winterfell would surely be a wonderful thing to see again, I am not sure it would be as swoonworthy as Arya's moment from last year, though I do like very much if this show chooses to end again on a note of hope with a Stark heir. They did it last season with Arya so in that context maybe I would feel like it was all worth it, don't know until/unless it happens. But here are my predictions and spitballs for the season closer, what are yours? 1. Boltons/The Reak Show We are all fed the fuck up with this storyline - it reeks, pun intended - so sadly I don't think it will end here with vindication for Sansa. We all know how long Joffrey was inflicted on us and he was heaps more interesting than either Bolton has been. The way this show goes, I have zero hope that we will kill off either Bolton or Reak, and I am so over this storyline it's not even funny. Which means that Sansa is brought down a step lower than even we thought possible, perhaps knocked up with the spawn of satan? Maybe she finds a way to abort it? 2. Brienne I feel like she will do nothing tonight, she is becoming useless, and I don't care about her as a result. Surely everyone in the area knows of Ramsey's sick ways so what the fuck is she waiting for, an engraved invitation from Sansa, "Dear Brienne, please come help, sincerely, Sansa Stark." 3. Night's Watch The writers of this season's shit stew couldn't have been more OBVIOUS that Olly will either shank Jon in anger for seeming to align with the Wildlings OR Olly will shank Red Beard dude and set off a mutiny of Wildlings against the NW. Either way, it's obvious that Olly will do something stupid tonight in anger against his perception of Jon going over to the Wildlings side. And we know he's a good aim with an arrow...That said, I cannot imagine them killing off Jon Snow, he seems to have "savior of the world" written into his story DNA so I hope IF anything happens to him, it's not permanent. ETA: Hmmm...maybe Davos plays a role in saving Jon's ass tonight? I mean, he's headed to CB and all, and he's a badass who also does the right thing so he and Jon would make good "brothers". I would love to see Davos hear about Shireen, decide not to go back to Stannis, and have him stay with Jon now and work beside him. 4. Stannis Really have no clue here what's coming. I hate him, but I want him to prevail and stamp out every Bolton, I would be fine with Mel burning both Boltons at the stake, quite frankly. Though the fact that I want this badly points to it not happening, see first point above. 5. Dorne I think at best we'll see a royal sendoff of Jamie, Bronn, Myrcella and her Prince on a ship back to KL. Not much more to say there unless Elaria tries to kill Jamie or Myrcella one last time and Doran kills her off. Bronn might bail at the last minute to save his "show me your tits" snake girlfriend, but that would be out of character for Bronn, so no, I think he will accompany them back to KL. 6. KL: The Sparrow Show This whole thing is so out of character for Cersei, so I have no idea what will happen. She would never have been stupid enough to support a group who would so obviously turn on her so I'm at a loss here. If she did confess I don't think it'd be her sexing it up with Jaime, probably only her cousin fucking escapades. I could see the Sparrows arresting Jamie as soon as he arrives back in KL, and isolating him and getting him to confess to sister fucking because they will tell him Cersei already confessed, thus tricking him into confessing the worst of their crimes, and, well I don't know what the Sparrows actually do with infidels...do they kill them? Wow, I am tired thinking about this. ETA: Wouldn't it be awesome if Shireen was a Targ and walked out of burning and set fire to Mel instead? I know, there is no way Shireen is a Targ, she is a Baratheon, but still, it would be delicious, wouldn't it?
  20. WS, here is something that came to mind when reading your above post: 1. If Dany does not free the other two dragoons, what good is one lone dragon? And yeah, when Drogon was in the killing arena he still looked quite small overall, I mean, clearly the Harpies weren't very scared of him after their initial reaction, and they started throwing spears at him, so it wasn't like everyone cowed to one lone teenaged dragon. 2. Also dragon related mysteries...If the other two are freed and saved, AND assuming they grow a helluva lot bigger than they are now, how are three lone dragons going to conquer Westeros? I was mentioning last week I think, that I was curious if there was some way that Dany could propagate baby dragons with her dragonettes...like there would be some magical way they would lay eggs,and Dany would do the fire thing and they would hatch and bring her more dragons...Just spitballin' here because it seems like she will need more than 3 dragons to accomplish her raison d'etre, no? 3. Re: Grey Scale, Valyria, and Dragons...What I am confused about is that it seems like a very,Very, VERY long ass time since anybody actually lived in Valyria, so how are there still men living there? All the men who attached Jorah and Tyrion's boat seemed like middle aged men, so how is it they are still alive with Grey Scale so long after the last Targ's lived there? That's the Targ seat, right? It looked abandoned for hundreds of years from what we saw, completely overtaken by forest, yes? So why is there anyone still alive there? Does Grey Scale make you live longer? I'd say maybe it makes you immune to fire but then I remember poor little Shireen and well, nevermind on that one. 4. Wasn't Sam reading about Dragons at some point or am I misremembering that? 5. Lastly, remember how large the dragon skulls/teeth were in the dungeon when Arya overheard Varys and whomever talking about that stuff way back when? I seem to remember Varys saying that the dragons became smaller and smaller over time, and were not so big when they became extinct, so maybe Dany's dragons will not get very big?
  21. Okay, now I'm refreshed, thanks shimp! One last pesky clarification, so does Ramsey and Roose know that the boys were not actually killed by Theon? I seem to recollect Theon telling Ramsey this but I cannot be certain...thanks.
  22. Brothers and Sisters of the Spitball Wall, I am having a confusion: 1. Is Grey Worm still alive and have we seen him since right after his fight with the Harpies? I thought we saw Missandrei nursing him afterward but I cannot remember...we have not seen him since though, have we? 2. When looking through the Unsullied Character Guide, I noticed that next to Rickon's name it said "presumed dead". WTF man?!? Presumed dead by whom? I didnt think he was dead. He was sent to the Umbers and maybe he's there and maybe he isnt but I never thought he was presumed dead, did any of you think that?
  23. My dear White Stumbler (see, I even typed out your entire moniker in your honor!), I wish you would at least reconsider and stay with us until the end of this seasons since it's only one epi left. Other than that plea, I'm with Janjan in that I agree 100% with everything you've written, and don't know how much interest I will have to remain Unsullied and watch next season at all. I agree with you, it's not about wanting everything to be sunshiny rainbows and unicorn farts, it's just that it feels organically very off and wrong. And IF this is because the show runners are making shit up and moving pieces around that were not so in the books, then a motherfucking POX on their houses. Yes, for real. Because once you start fucking with the narrative of a story, there comes a point where you are so deep into your fake story, that you have to start butchering the original narrative to support your newly made up one. Again, IF that is why we've felt so off this season, then I too am not sure how much investment of my time I want to give this show next season. We'll see...Like Janjan, a lot hinges on the last episode of the season... Lastly, WS, you know the road to Castle East, should you need to meet with your brethren whenever...we will be there...
  24. Great post shimp! What particularly resonated with are these bits: To me, this is really fascinating because it points to the Rubik's Cube theory, but in the context of two sides melding into one side now. Where does the religion thread leave off now, and where does the magic thread pick up? They appear to now be intertwined with each other, two threads of a story, now braiding themselves into one tangled thread, messy - more like a single dreadlock as opposed to a neat and tidy braid - and it's unclear to me where one starts and finishes now...interesting...and something to think about other than the depressing shit of any individual storyline right now!
  25. Pallas, duude, you should write this show instead of the current show runners! For real. Maybe Stannis thinks as he conquers those along Kings Road, that he will amass all the men and arms as he goes, so by the time he reaches KL he will be with a humongous army?
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