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Everything posted by gingerella

  1. Speaking of the hideous waste of carbon that is known as "the Bolton's", I have a sneaking suspicion that Sansa is going to have yet another marriage on her hands where it is also unconsummated. Why? Because lil Bolt is like Joffrey in that he seems unable to have normal sex with normal people. His fuck buddy girl, she looks normal but she's as demented as he is and I suspect she wont let him go, nor will he let her go. I think Sansa will end up in basically the same marital situation as with Tyrion, except the no sex wont be because he is respecting her, it'll be because he's a demented fuckwit. And...the "kill the boy" thing, could it refer to a baby boy that Sansa might have - should they actually have sex - that lil Bolt would kill because he would feel that a child with half-Stark blood would become the darling of Winterfell and the North, and he'd never be able to take over from Daddy Dearest? And speaking of Roose, anyone else think that his bastard kid would kill him in an instant if the opportunity presented itself, so he could take over the North, at least in his addled mind?
  2. Okay this I can totally understand! I don't think the Boy is anyone we know of, that would be too obvious, though I've no clue what Boy the title refers to.
  3. So Pallas, are you saying that Mel is planning on using Greyscale Barbie as in infectant to others she wants to take out? I mean, it seems that she is no longer contagious but...just wondering if that is what you were getting at...?
  4. Yes, that would be nice, and I totally understand the sentiment, however, do you really think TPTB who put A Show together ever anticipated that there would be a group, or groups of viewers who refused to read the books, or wall themselves off from any back stories and/or spoilering of this story, other than what A Show shows A Viewer? I highly doubt they counted on having viewers like us. They probably expected everyone to run out and read the books so hey, who cares if they have to cut out huge swaths of important shit or totally re write stuff to make it more interesting for a TV show? The point is, we have chosen to become entangled with A Show, and only A Show, and I just don't know that anyone in show-runner land cares about the fact that large chunks of this make no fuckin' sense to us. We Unsullied are a small wee clan right now, we are less in numbers than the Dothraki Dany hauled across the sea (well, maybe we are actually larger than that crew, but who knows since we haven't had a Dothraki headcount in a long time). I just don't think the gaps in the story are necessarily a problem for others, I think they are an issue for us because we only have to go on, what A Show shows us. Man, that entire para had the word "show" in it way too many times!
  5. I think it bears remembering that technically none of us knows what the fuck is going on in this story, nor what might be contained in the books that is not being shared in A Show, so some hypothesizing just might actually be revealed in the books, but we don't get to know that in A Show. Yes, that sucks, but it's also the deal we made by taking our Unsullied oath. Ergo, IMO everyone's theories here have validity until proven otherwise. And now, for something completely different: I was thinking about this issue of being a bastard and the whole Roose "I now anoint thee my legitimate heir..." bullshit. Did anyone else smell something rotten there, I mean aside from the stench that is the Bolton's? I mention this because it seems that one can just suddenly anoint a bastard to legitimacy just like that. It apparently doesn't even have to be the father of said bastard because Stannis offered to do the same for Jon Snow, nee Jon Stark. It seems odd that one can make a bastard a non-bastard just by saying it is so. Either you are, or you aren't, how can you be one then suddenly the other? It makes no sense to me, and in the context of A Show, it makes even less sense because one thing we've learned in these worlds is that people have long ass memories and just because someone suddenly says, "Nee, ye are no longer a bastard!" doesn't mean that the people will accept that person as now a legitimate heir to whatever family they are attached to. That's some weird ass shit right there, IMO of course.
  6. Wellll...if Tommen were killed or imprisoned for being the bastard of incest, who would technically be "in charge" in KL? If it would be Cersei, as the Queen Mother, then I would put nothing past her at this point, though she does go on and on about her "dear boy" so, it's all a bit confuddled.
  7. Well, to be fair, that isn't exactly his fault now, is it? Its the fault of the story. If I knew that these sort of queries would eventually be answered, I would have more faith in A Show, but I'm not so sure they will ever be answered, and that? Will piss A Viewer off forever. Just sayin'.
  8. Well, if we take it in that direction, isn't it more of a threat to Cersei and Jamie if people are hissing about Tommen being the child of incest publicly? I mean, it's not his fault, it's his parents fault so yeah, bitch hasn't thought this through very well, has she? She is basically saying, "hey, let's reactivate this religious moral police squad and enforce it on those who engage in immoral behaviors...oh, wait, incest isn't immoral if you do it with your sibling, is it?!" Janjan, believing anything LF says? Hahahahahaha...
  9. I absolutely LOVE this! Thank you for remembering that line and tying it to such a poetic thought! Yes you're right, he did mention that to Sam. I sort of knew that but wasn't sure he actually implied he did anything or just went in and left. But I cannot imagine him going in and just leaving so you're probably right, he learned "other ways" of pleasing women that would not result in a bastard. Speaking of Jon Snow's sexual prowess, I lerve him even more now that he's rebuffed the repugnant Mel. That? Was totally awesome because what dude in Westeros would turn away a free fuck that was literally handed to them on a platter? Only Jon mofo Snow, that's who!
  10. Yes! I also saw that and thought, "Oh, that's dragon glass right there, don't drop that, you're gonna need it later!" I was one of the crew that thought she was trying to covertly make another SBB, but, if Jon Snow isn't a Baratheon then it's moot unless she can produce one of those things on the fly with anyone. Who the hell knows with her. I also didn't get a kinky vibe from Mel, all we've ever seen is her getting it on on a war strategy table, but other than that, I dunno, maybe table banging is considered tres risque in Westeros? OTOH, Jon Snow did do the 'ol oral with Ygritte and that did seem rather risque at the time (I wont go into the hygiene of it all because I would require sufficient buckets of brain bleach), and I remember her being shocked he was going there. So if anyone is risque, I'd think it would be Jon Snow, though I'd like to know where he learned his mad sessy time skillz from since its not like there's porn channels to watch in Winterfell or Castle Black!
  11. Look, here's the thing, Kim Richards isn't just a substance abuser, she also has a personality disorder. Many have talked about her being a narcissist and I think that is what Dr. Phil was alluding to when he mentioned mental illness disorders and wanting her to go into a dual-diagnosis facility. I think we've all seen that side of her when she is stone cold sober and acts like a viscous pit bull (ah ha, that makes more sense now with her dog, doesn't it? Kingsley acts out how she feels, and does things she wishes she could do, like bite people. And yes, I'm serious!). The way she spoke to her children when she left the interview, we've heard that dagger-like, angry, nasty tone from her behind closed doors before. She is a viscous, mentally ill person. When you put together a narcissist - which really is the biggest and most destructive sort of fame whore there is when you think about it - and a substance abuser, you get Kim. And without the substance abuse Kim Richards is a has-been nothing. I mean, she is a has-been, but in her pickled and drug-addled mind the substance abuse gets her the fame and headlines she craves so deeply. If she gets sober, truly sober, she wont be in any headlines, nobody will be watching her every move, nobody will care who Kim Richards is nor what she is doing. She will fade into obscurity, and to a narcissist like Kim, fading into the obscurity of an everyday life like the rest of us schmoes is not something she would ever want. So yeah, I don't think sobriety and Kim Richards can co-exist, at least not without substantial, ongoing, deep, deep psychotherapy. And honestly, I've met some great, amazing therapists over my lifetime, and nearly all of them refuse to treat narcissists because they feel it's a waste of time. So good luck finding someone willing to treat the most destructive part her problems. I think the substance abuse is a much smaller and more correctable issue, compared to the narcissism, which is nigh on impossible to "fix". All I know is, get this sick person off my TV screen because watching a mentally ill person isn't what I consider "entertainment". Bravo needs to get its head out of its ass and do the right thing, even if Andy Cohen wont.
  12. Last week's epi title was High Sparrow and even though the epi ended with not much about the High Sparrow, this week's epi was very much about the Sparrow's. So I am thinking that since this week's title was The Sons of the Harpy, I am guessing next week will be very much about the aftermath of the Harpy Massacre we saw. And speaking of, is it just me that thinks "Harpy...really?! Is that the best name you guys could cook up for yourselves?!"
  13. My ears did prick up a wee bit when he said to Mel on the outside stairs, "And what do you need?" It felt like there was some sort of suspicion in his voice as in "you cannot possibly only exist to further my cause...what do you really want lady?"
  14. So...last night I really disliked A Show. I felt disinterested and bored most of the time, and the violence was just too much for me, I didn't watch most of those scenes, I muted them and watched the corner of the screen between my hands until it was over. Most of it was just annoying as hell to A Viewer. The whole thing with these Harpy peeps killing so many Unsullied? Stupid. We've been led to believe that the Unsullied are supposed to a nearly invincible killing machine with huge numbers. Yet they patrol the windy alleys of Mereen in small groups with giant long-ass spears? As someone said upthread, how is that a helpful weapon in such tight spaces? Stupid plot line. Cersei reanimating a "religious killing army"? How utterly stupid! Nothing says devotion like planned fear mongering and forced worship or else.. Again, stupid to me. Jorah being a fucking asshole to Tyrion, why he gotta do like that man?! That was not the Jorah I have grown to like so much. Stupid. Mel trying to seduce Jon Snow? Stupid. It's like her only game card is flashing her lady parts. I mean, yeah, she's got great tits, I'll give her that, but come on, it's like all her scheming always seems to be led with "hey, check out my great tits and cooter, you know you want some 'o dat, dontcha? Go on, touch it, you know you want to..." It's getting stale. And stupid. Mrs. Stannis glaring at her daughter like she's about to off her enough already. We get it. You wish she was a scale-less boy, we get it! Move on already, cause your husband doesn't care if she's a boy. Let's change that tune already shall we? Sansa thinking LF was going to stay at Winterfell with her forever? Stupid. Really Sansa? You thought he was going to deposit you at the doorstep of the Bolton's and then hang around to protect you? And another lip kiss? It felt to me more like a Soprano's style kiss of death. As for Ser Trout, yeah, I'm thinking that Arya's going to wet herself when she learns he's in Braavos. And I'm guessing she is going to do an unsanctioned opportunity killing and get into big trouble with Jaquen over it. And I could totally see her getting kicked out of the House of B&W because she took a life without being properly trained or following whatever rules they follow there about taking a life. ETA: Exactly Choc, that's what I heard too, and why I thought 'oh no, not this again?!' As for Mrs. Stannis,I think she is both a bit simple in the head, and easily manipulated by Mel because Mel is scary, and because Mel pretends that Mrs. Stannis is really a wife to her husband. She treats the Mrs. with a sort of fake respect if you ask me, and I think the Mrs. eats it up.
  15. Dear Show, Fuck off and die. Sincerely, A Viewer *********************** Seriously? I was both bored and grossed out. The storylines just did nothing for me, and some of them were so tired already (I'm looking at you Mel, trying to schtup Jon Snow and make another smokey? Fuck that shit man. Fuck.That.Shit. You cant do that crap more than once in a show's life cycle. Anything more and its gratuitious nonsense.). To those spitballing about Cersei's inquisition backfiring on her, did I hear this clearly when Tommen was stopped on the steps to the High Sparrow, a few people in the crowd below started yelling at him "perversion", and other stuff like that? If so, then that is the beginning of Tommen's end because as the product of incest he will likely be killed because they will think he s a monster of sorts, and there is no way Cersei can get out of that either so... As for LF returning to KL, I am rather surprised because SOMEone has to have seen him with Sansa and reported back to her, no?!? And one would think with the time it takes to ride from Winterfell to KL, someone will have sent a raven to intercept LK and let him know whats going on there before he gets there. I could see that news having him turn around and head back to Winterfell. Though as I write that I also think he doesnt want to actually be anywhere where the fighting will be so maybe if he finds out whats going on in KL he will hightail it elsewhere? Speaking of Sansa, I think she has Stockholm syndrome and trusts and loves LF because she views him as her protector and savior, when in actuality he has more or less enslaved her to a batshit crazy freakshow, all while telling her sweetly to exact revenge, use her wiley ways to control Roose, and essentially wait for LK because he will be back. And yet, I wonder if by saying he will be back, it actually means he will never be back. Either he will be killed in KL b the morals police or he will head elsewhere. Dorne, perhaps? As for Ser Barrister and Grey worm, shit man. I guess its the only way for Dany to allow Jorah back into her fold but still, shit man...
  16. Okay, this is confusing me now. So the High Sparrow and his Sparrowettes also believe in The Seven? I do remember the Septon was selecting from Whores R Us, one woman who was presented as The Maiden, and "The Maiden" is obviously one of The Seven. I cannot remember what the other woman was presented as but was she also named after one of The Seven? Anyway, I digress, my question is, this seems to point to the Sparrows not being of a different religion per se, but a different interpretation of The Seven, yes? If that is so, I am feeling that the Sparrows are basically a fanatical/orthodox off shoot of The Seven, responding to the debauched life styles and attitudes they have seen displayed by the ruling class/family. So if Cersei joins them, even if it's just a façade to gain her power back, it indeed is looking more like she will lend credibility to discrediting Marge and Loras for their respective previous marriages and wanton/lustful perversions - at least from her fake new orthodox mantra. What sayeth my spitball brethren? If I were Marge I'd pop out an heir real quick!
  17. Honorable White Cloaks, protectors of the Unsullied, we thank you for inquiring as to whether or not to post the titles of the upcoming episodes. I, for one, am neutral on this issue. On the one hand, we have no clue what's coming if there is no title posted prior to air time. On the other hand, I rather like thinking about what the upcoming epi title might mean because A Show is nothing if not fickle. For example, I would never have figured out what "Red Wedding" really referred to so, yanno, I don't necessarily think A Show's titles are dead giveaways to A Viewer. I leave it to my fellow spitballers to weigh in on this and see what the majority have to say on the matter. Again, thank you for asking. *fancy a grog?*
  18. All hail Janjan and her expectorating dragon, pinky.
  19. 90%, I would agree with this if we didn't know Cersei's background behavior. But knowing what a conniving, nasty bitch she is, and that she is a brother-fucker, I just have to think she's got something brewing in her noggin' and it aint gonna bode well for ol Marge. We've yet to see Cersei fall to the bottom of the power ladder, I just don't see it happening but hey, ya never know.
  20. Hmmmm....yes, I think what we saw last epi was Cersei sussing out in person, who/what this High Sparrow nonsense was all about, and how she could use it to her advantage. WARNING: Outgoing spitball...I remember being perplexed when Cersei said twice to Marge, and very clearly too, "Please come to me if I can do anything for you..." or something to that effect. She was VERY clear, Come.To.Me.For.Help. But old Marge, remembering Cersei's cunty past behavior towards her, smiled as insincerely as she possibly could muster, and said fakely, "Oh yes" or "Oh of course" or something like that. She was placating Cersei quite plainly yet Cersei was trying to send a message, or so it appeared to A Viewer. Then Cersei goes to check out the High Sparrow. She doesn't take anyone else's word for this phenomena, she goes herself, walks right up to the head dude and inquires as to what he's doing, what he's all about. Interestingly in that exchange, Cersei is not her usual dismissive, utterly bitch self. No, instead she comes across as bemused yet mystified, perplexed yet impressed by "The People" and their reaction to this High Sparrow. She sees a reverence that I think she thought was only reserved for the uppermost rulers of the Seven Kingdoms, with her "class" at the top of that heap. Yet here amongst the gutters and the destitute, she sees a reverence that is perhaps more pure, and hence stronger in its purity, because it's not driven by greed or trying to one-up the guy next to you. It's about serving those most underserved. So what does this all mean? What does it translate into for A Show's future path? I do like the notion that Cersei has seen the writing on the wall and knows that the public currently loves Queen Margaery,and they fucking hate the Dowager Queen, so how to regain her power? Ingratiate herself with this powerful and ever-growing "religion" and become their inside connection to the Crown because what religious order hasn't been seduced and then bastardized by the power of a Crown head of state taking on their religion as "The" religion and propelling them into both popularity and power, which will eventually lead to corruption, happens in pretty much all religions when they attain the highest levels of power, particularly within a monarchy situation (can you say Spanish Inquisition*). I can see how she could indeed use this against Margaery with the whole "she was not a virgin" storyline, along with the story that Marge actually did the deed with Joffrey before they were married. Don't ask me how she could prove such things, but we all know Cersei is nothing if not resourceful, right? Definitely, Marge better get knocked up with a boy and damn soon, otherwise I think "The" Queen is soon to be toast. Much like LF, Cersei is the female equivalent to his male cockroach in that these two fuckers will outlive everyone in A Show no doubt, because they are always thinking ahead of the Game. * "...noooobody expects the Spanish Inquisition. Our chief weapon is surprise. Surprise and fear. Fear and surprise. Our two weapons are fear and surprise. And ruthless inefficiency. Our three weapons are fear and surprise and ruthless inefficiency...and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope. Our four, no! Amongst our weapons...amongst our weaponry...are such elements as fear, ah, I'll come in again..."
  21. Me too, me too! That said, even though Davos did the needful by giving Jon the necessary justification to take back Winterfell with Stannis (for the good of the realm, to quote a favorite character), Jon is nothing if not stubborn, and it'll take a gigantic shoe horn to pry his fine ass out of Castle Black and towards Winterfell. I think it can be done, but it'll take more than Davos' speech, IMO. I also think he will need to get his little squire kid under control because I could see that kid pulling the same shit that dude did in Mireen and then Jon would have to behead a child. That? Wouldn't go over so well with he Wall brothers, IMO, and I feel like that kid is a loose canon, or can be under the right circumstances. Or should I say circumStannis's? ;) One thing we've not talked about this episode is its name - High Sparrow. I find it perplexing that the name of the episode comes from perhaps the scenes with the least attention and story history. We only two episodes ago learned that Cousin Lannister became a sparrow, and he appeared to be "uber holy and righteous" but not sinister in any way that I caught whiff of. Now suddenly, his sect is busting into brothels and dragging clients out into the streets naked to shame them publicly (heh, gotta love spell check because it wants me to say 'pubicly'), and then Cersei goes to see the "High" Sparrow...It felt like the name of the epi should be related to something more prominent in A Show thus far, and yet the name of this episode is taken from the storyline A Viewer knows the least about right now. So it gives me pause to consider that the Sparrows are about to play an enormous role in A Show very soon. Discuss...
  22. Nay! I propose making a box of Animal Crackers composed of decomposing characters from A Show...;)Or you could make some GoT Dead Folks Colorforms, remember those?
  23. I wonder now if A Girl at the House of B&W - the girl Arya is at odds with - is really even a girl at all now. Perhaps she is A Boy, who can already change their face at will? Just working up the spitball muscle here, you know, use it or lose it, right?! Annyway, I kept wondering that the other night watching A Show. Is that really a girl, or is it a person with the face of a girl, meant to make Arya feel less alone amongst what appears to be mainly men right now. You know who else I could see somehow stumbling into the House of B&W? Rickon, that's who. Because he's the wild child in every sense of the word and maybe he has the killing gene in him too. But then again, I also agree with Choc or whoever it was who said it would be sad if we lost Arya's spirit and moxy. I too, think girlfriend needs to learn humility and patience and cunning, as in learn when to coil back and observe and when to quietly strike like a deadly cobra, not this out of control on-the-rampage anger that she always has just under the surface. The fact that she did not toss Needle into the sea bodes well that she will retrieve Needle again at some point in time. I don't think her decision to bury Needle vs. toss into the ocean is meaningless, I think she will need Needle again, either when deciding that Ja'quen's way is not her way, or when she is ready to go back out into the world as a Nobody.
  24. I think we have discussed this in past seasons - probably when he and Varys have had convos - that LF thrives in chaos, nee, it is his raison d'etre for living. I think more than settling down with actual power, he loves the chase of power and the plotting and the scheming and he inches forward during the chaos he creates, slithering like the snake that he is, in between the cracks that his chaos creates amongst others. Whoa, I just blew my own mind, man. So, uh, anyway, are you guys inferring that LF will help Sansa poison or kill the Boltons? I mean, they would have to kill both Roose and Ramsey, right? I know poison is the obvious method, but it seems that in A Show, disgusting monstrous people like that Boltons never get theirs, or it take forfuckingever for karma to show up.
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