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Everything posted by truebluesmoky

  1. There's no way the producers don't know everything. Nev and Max don't have the same information each time... they have specific information and do the specific types of searches that will get them the information the producers want them to have for the story they want told, no more and no less. They've never asked for Facebook log in information before, at least not that we've been shown.
  2. I raced through this series as well because it was just so sweet and charming. I definitely think Bluebell only makes sense as a series finale. At this point, you couldn't re-break up Zoe and Wade or Lavon and Lemon, and poor AB doesn't need any more drama. I prefer to think that she and George figure it out and stay together. Sweetest show ever, though. I'm sad I discovered it so late and sad it's (most likely) over!
  3. As with many reality TV families, the weirdest thing to me is thinking about how many of their life choices are related to their fame. Would Michelle have been quite as desperate for #20 if they hadn't become a household name? Would the kids be considered as good catches for courtship and marriage in their circles? Derrick, Ben, and now Marjorie... after seeing Anna's entire life get turned into a TV show, how much did that affect their desire to join the family? And, specific to Jill, how much did it affect her birth plans? After announcing every last detail of her pregnancy on social media and having it filmed for future episodes, how much longer did it take her to adjust to the idea that she wouldn't have the homebirth she wanted both for herself and her baby but also for her adoring public? I can't even imagine all that weighing on me when I was in labor. Full disclosure: I personally did have a horrible experience with hospital birth with my first child... awful Pitocin induction, awful OB, awful, avoidable injuries to my own body. And I did have a wonderful homebirth with my second child with a textbook healthy pregnancy and a midwife with access to oxygen and medications and a philosophy conservative enough to promise to recommend hospital transfer at the very first sign of trouble. (My homebirth baby, born a day before his due date, was over 10 pounds!) There are pros and cons to different birthing choices, and there are good and bad eggs when it comes to both midwives and OBs. But one I thing I know for sure is that, while I would have been really sad if my homebirth hadn't worked out and I'd ended up in the hospital with a c-section, I can't imagine anything other than the safety of my baby weighing into my decision. I can't imagine worrying about what "the fans" would think.
  4. I'm pretty sure that's one of the twins. Jeremiah? He got the better Duggar boy look for sure.
  5. I laughed a lot. It didn't do a lot of plot advancement, especially with Jess, but everyone was really funny. Jess even made me laugh more than usual. Lamorne actually wrote this one, which is pretty cool.
  6. I'm not saying I didn't already know this show was mostly fake, but it's becoming more clear when they search for different things in different episodes based on what they want their mystery to be. In the last episode, they did the Spokeo reverse phone number search so we could see the different names and wonder if it was the real guy or one of his brothers. In this episode, they didn't even search the phone number. They just did a Google image search and checked out the weird social media profiles. (Side note: I am OLD. I had no idea either of those weird sounding social media platforms existed - they sounded like made-up Law & Order SVU sites.) They could have done a phone number search and possibly found this girl or her mom, but I guess that's not the mystery story they wanted to tell this time around. Overall, though, SUPER boring. I would have liked Chitara if she didn't spend so much camera time playing with her tongue ring. Ashanti was awful but in a boring, no interesting story, evil but not comically evil kind of way. The guest host was 100% useless. He served no purpose whatsoever... less annoying than the beauty queen but at least she participated, even in an "it's all about me" way.
  7. This has happened at least one a season. I think this case was just a regular ol' "He's not that into you". He was probably happy to text with her in his free time and happy to receive gifts but not interested beyond that. He also looked dirty... crustiness in the corners of his lips when they first met and just grimy looking in general.
  8. How old is Howard supposed to be? If he's thirty, she could have easily been in her early 70s.
  9. I had trouble with the timeline. So, the party was the evening after Cece and Jess had their hair done. Was everything else the next morning? Did the stuff in the loft with May inviting Coach and the guys to the art gallery and then the whole scene actually AT the art gallery all take place while Cece and Jess were doing their "walk of shame"?
  10. I thought parts of it were pretty funny but didn't enjoy the overall plot. As usual, Nick's facial expressions are my favorite - his face while duct taping his slipper killed me!
  11. The sauce gag killed me. The first shot of Nick just talking while squeezing a never ending stream of mustard into the pot... I was dying. Among all the condiments, he was also holding a jar of sprinkles at one point!
  12. Some of their junk food is microwavable crap from the market. I assume Rory grew up on cheap microwavable mac & cheese, burritos, frozen pizza, pizza bagels, pop tarts, etc. until Lorelai started making enough money to upgrade to restaurants and take-out.
  13. I like the dog phobia! It goes with not liking Thanksgiving in my brain. It also gives us "Ross doesn't like ice cream" and Ross's funny reactions.
  14. I'll have to watch it again for the exact quotes, but I laughed the hardest when the woman from the Indiana Organization for Women was at Leslie and Ben's house, and while Leslie was trying to defend participating in the Pie-Mary, Ben came out and made all those "Get in the kitchen and make me some pie" jokes all in a row, including funny voices and gestures.
  15. But haven't we more or less just seen them during traditional business hours when their kids would be with the nanny? There have also been a couple nighttime moments after the kids are in bed. This show isn't about Leslie and Ben as parents. It's started out as a workplace comedy like The Office, in which the majority of the main cast shared a workplace. We didn't need to see much of Jim and Pam parenting CeCe and Philip, because The Office was about their Dunder Mifflin lives. We don't need to see much of Leslie and Ben parenting the triplets because, even though the workplaces have changed, Parks & Rec is about the main characters' professional lives and friendships.
  16. I agree that adding a baby to their family will be stressful on Julia and Joel's marriage, but Joel really said it all... she was essentially their family's daughter as soon as she was born and her bio mom decided not to keep her. How could you deny your adopted son the chance to grow up with his biological sister? It gives both Victor and the new baby girl a chance to both be part of a wonderful adoptive family and also still share biological ties to a sibling within that family. Also... Shermie, you win for what I'm declaring the best thing in the history of TV message boards.
  17. I do their whole "Peacock Panel" thing where they email me surveys, and every single one in the past year has had a lot to do with binge watching, so you might be on to something there.
  18. I think Hank and Sarah will hire Max as their wedding photographer, giving him his first real job.
  19. Assuming she has clothing, diapers, and wipes, what else does she need? How else would her apartment need to change, other than the whole leaving the door open issue? Her dad sent a crib, so she has a safe place to set the baby down. If breastfeeding doesn't work out, she can cross that bridge and get some formula and bottles when she gets to that point. I don't understand what else people think they need to see in her apartment.
  20. AuxArx, if you follow the show on Twitter or Facebook, they will post an episode soundtrack by tomorrow afternoon.
  21. ...so I think a popular theory on how it ends is true.
  22. Lauren Graham has said in interviews that Sarah's ending is satisfying, so I don't think she, Hank, Amber, Drew, or Amber's baby will die. I really think it has to just be Zeek. Nothing else would end the series in any kind of a satisfying way. Death is always sad, but the family has at least had time to get used to the idea of the oldest member of their family dying.
  23. Sarah's situation this season is so confusing. Is she still the super at that apartment we saw last season? The only "home" set we've seen her sleeping in this season is Hank's apartment. Is she still having success with photography and using Hank to help with her jobs or is she back to helping him? Or are they partners? It's frustrating to see the conclusion of her character's on-screen journey be wrapped up in the romantic partner she chooses, as opposed to being about being confident in who she is as a person and a mother.
  24. They broke up a few episodes again. She did mention to Joel in last night's episode that she'll still be working with him. Joel said something along the lines of he'll just have to deal with it. Also, their talk about needing work in their relationship gave me hope that they will go to therapy. They need couples counseling and family counseling.
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