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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. Another thing that I noticed about Agnes Nixon is that she created two protagonists on two different shows Erica Kane on All my children and Victoria Lord on One Life to Live who had complex relationships with their father because Agnes was abandoned by her own father in real life.
  2. I think that they did that to accommodate Kate Collins who reprised the role of Janet who did not want to work with James as Trevor. This is probably an unpopular opinion but I was never a fan of Janet and Trevor falling in love becoming a happy family with Timmy and Amanda. I always thought that they were better as antagonists.
  3. I could also see Victor enlisting Ciara's help to get Bo to see him as a father. Victor has always wanted Bo to love him like he loved Papa Shawn. Bo has always kept Victor at arms length. So many stories could have been written but we just got rubbish..
  4. Chad/Ciara just creeped me out due to their age differences. Not to mention that it was not that long ago that Ciara was a 12 year old girl. I would have had no problem if she had had a crush on him like her mom Hope had a crush on Roman as a young lady. A simple crush that went nowhere would have sufficed. Ciara should have been the female Victor challenging the Kiriakis men for power. Ciara's main motivation should have been about power and not getting a man. I remember laughing my ass off when Lauren Boles Ciara blackmailed Sami for diamond earrings, even Sami looked appalled..
  5. I think the original star trek had an episode about the extras and they were called red shirts. This is what they did with Ben. Ben should have remained evil and if Ron wanted to bring the actor back then he should have given Ben an identical twin since he loves doppelganger stories.. Eventually, Ben would have switched places with his twin and wreak havoc.. She is terrible and she makes my skin crawl.
  6. I often wonder how Bill Bell would have written Adam aka Victor Jr, had he lived? The writers who wrote the show after his death ruined him for me.
  7. It is funny how Nene is now all about protecting and defending Black women on social media when she spent years trashing demeaning and targeting Black women on the show. Go to hell Nene! Nene did this to herself and it has nothing to do with racism.
  8. If I remember correctly, Will's kidnapping brought Austin and Sami closer together and that left a neglected Carrie to fall for that boring vanilla Mike Horton..
  9. I love Sunny but it always bothered me when she used to try so hard to get Whoopie's approval but I get it though because Whoopie is such an icon. Plus, Sunny saw what happened to people that got on Whoopie's bad side. Paula, Jedidiah Rosie were mistreated by Whoopie..
  10. I remember when Will was kidnapped as a toddler and his kidnapper put sunglasses on him and his grandmother Marlena did not even recognize him...lol.. Days has been doing this stupid stunt for years..
  11. I hope Peter and Kristian were promised a good story in writing by Ken Corday because Ron likes to bait and switch with the actors. The actress that came back to play Laura was shocked with what Ron did to her. She thought that Laura was just going to have a simple story with her family. We all saw what Ron did to Laura for that creature Gwen..
  12. Don't forget he put Will in a garbage bag and dumped him in his apartment that he shared with his young daughter like he was nothing. He did not care about how that could have hurt Arianna, had she seen her father like that..
  13. I can't believe the devil story is still going on, does Ron have an end date to this nonsense.
  14. Look at how he "redeemed" the serial killer with the abs. He vilified the mother of one of his victims. So that should tell you what type of writer Ron is..
  15. I loved Brenda Epperson as Ashley. The Blade/Mari jo/Rick/Ashley storyline was dynamite with the twists and turns. Brenda was spot on as Ashley during her tenure on the show. She brought a sweetness and lightheartedness to Ashley that I enjoyed. I loved Eileen's version as well but her Ashley seemed more like a vixen after she came back to the role after having played Kristen for so many years on days of our lives. Fun fact: It was Eileen that suggested the producers and writers cast Brenda as Ashley since she and Brenda looked so much alike after she left the role.
  16. How can you say that Sunny is a fake ally to the LGBTQ community. Sunny was talking about the fact that the guest who is a gay Black man said that he was more fearful of Black women rejecting him after coming out as gay. Sunny was surprised by that as was I. Being Black, I know that in general Black women tend to be more open minded about a lot of things. Black women are loving and empathetic especially when it comes to issues that pertain to Black men. That was Sunny's point when she was having that side bar conversation with the guest.
  17. You are indeed correct. I was talking about Joan's shenanigans on celebrity apprentice. Reality TV brings out the worst in people in my humble opinion. The producers put you in stressful situations with the sole purpose of creating drama and people fall for it every time. I adored Joan's comedy and I loved how she called out Whoopie over her staunch defense of Mel Gibson on the view. Whoopie was not happy about that and even doubled down. I loved Joan even more after that..
  18. Joan was pretty vicious too. The apple does not fall far from the tree.
  19. Tricia Dennison. What a character and written beautifully by the masterful Bill Bell. The actress riveting performances left an imprint in my mind. Bill Bell took his time to craft this story and he delivered in spades.. What a great time that it was to be a fan of his work..
  20. Same here. JLO just loves to be with a man full stop. There is nothing wrong with that but with her track record, I would stay single. You don't have to have papers on a man to be with him but like everything in life mileage varies..
  21. Same here, it would hurt me to my soul to see JJ singing the praises of the man who stalked tortured and murdered his girlfriend.
  22. Chase should have had a crush on Allie, setting up the Ciara/Allie rivalry when they became young adults that was hinted when they were still kids. Allie would have been the good girl taking after her aunt Carrie, a contrast to her mother Sami. While Ciara would have been the bad girl a contrast to her mother Hope. We could have had great character-driven stories between mothers and daughters. Bo seeing Ciara embrace her Kiriakis roots would have been another story to tell given Bo's aversion to his biological father Victor. Lucas and Sami's thorny history with Austin and Carrie could have also come into play as they try and protect Allie from Ciara's ruthlessness. This could have motivated Sami to reach out try to make amends for her past awful behavior and have a real loving relationship with her big sister Carrie. The Theo/Ciara bond would have been essential in keeping Ciara from going too far in her schemes. So much history could have been mined but we no longer have any writers to do that sort of thing.
  23. To each his own, I enjoyed the nicknames back in the day and it worked for me. Steve called Kayla sweetness because he was genuinely blown away by her sweet nature. She was not running a scam to get something out of people. Steve also called Shane "governor" because he was so regal and carried himself with class. He called Justin "dimples". Bo also gave people he loved nicknames, Hope was "fancy face" and Carly was "princess".
  24. Ciara and Chase should have grown up in real time. I thought that the Chase/Ciara friendship was the best thing that came out of the Aiden/Hope relationship..
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