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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. Also it's the target audience too. Babylon 5 was for adults. Star Wars always was for kids really. I'm saying more of an adult plot. But you could have had a good plot of Leia being a senator.
  2. I'm going to disagree with the 'there's nowhere to go.' I'd say the whole plot of "We won. Now what?" can be very interesting if done correctly. Now, the sequels essentially rehashing the OT probably isn't the strongest narrative direction. However, I'd point out that Babylon 5 pulled off the "now what?" quite well. I mean, here, we're talking about a galaxy's worth of individual governments throwing off the empire. They're all going to have ideas on what to do next. There's plenty there in the right hands. I've always been all about the Force. So just breaking the cycle of Jedi-Sith, and I'm there.
  3. For me, the prequels are just a missed opportunity but with some good moments, almost great. Backlash against any of the actors always struck me as very disturbing.
  4. To be fair, when Addison first hit up Ben, she ran through what was going on, and Ziggy said Dean died in Mexico alone. They thought that must be it, which prompted Ben to get them all to go on the treasure hunt. I do like that Ben is working off his own hunches more. The episode where he didn't have any hologram help was really good. Sam was on his own on the OG at times. Ben is doing the same thing; knowing to look in the mirror, checking his wallet, looking for a newspaper.
  5. Are they not going to have a show in the ensuing 2 years?
  6. I hope it's in the past again, like the Old West or the Civil War.
  7. If tptb come out and say they had sex, fine. I just didn't get that impression when I watched.
  8. Sorry, just a mistake, not intentional. I'll fix it. I think from the gist of my post in supporting the scene with Dean, that it's clear I'm really supportive. I even reread the post before submitting and still missed it. I think I originally had it as he, referring to James Frain. Then I wanted to make the joke about not calling him (Frain) by the character name. The actor uses they pronouns too. I wasn't doing it on purpose. For some reason I don't slip up when I'm talking to people irl, but this is the second time I did this in writing. Sorry to offend, but, again, not on purpose.
  9. It was a little heavy on the delivery, but I think it should be. People like Dean have always been around, and there's still a lot of problems for them to just live their lives. Just getting the older sister to accept Dean could have been the whole point of the leap for me, and I would have been fine. The leap kind of was in a way. Broadcast shows aren't really edgy much anymore, are they? This is quite the leap for the show to take in terms of social awareness. Yes, I did that on purpose. Thank you. I don't think Ian acquired the chip illegally. I think they made a deal with James Frain (and we're going to be calling him that, yes? None of this Gideon nonsense. No one is named Gideon. It's James Frain) to allow access to the data via the chip for whatever is generated during leaps. Ian and Rachel shut that down. So, basically, they violated the terms of the deal. Yes, it was probably illegal from the DOD side to install the chip. I don't think he really cares about that and just wanted the data.
  10. I don't think Ben and Hannah ever had sex, so why would he wonder if the child was his? People were coming to kill him and the object of his leap at the same time. There's a lot going on.
  11. Or when in Miami, on Dexter, there were mountains in the background.
  12. Jeff and Richard Lewis and sometimes JB can usually get Larry to break up, but I don't know how he can hold it together with Ullman. He has to have a tack in his shoe.
  13. In addition to all of that, it was my understanding that Disney gave her a mulligan on her tweets, and then she doubled down on a really bad analogy and that was the straw.
  14. We did a bingo card for giving out drinks instead of playing for money. I made jello shots (Pats-Panthers). It escalated quickly.
  15. I don't think they had sex either, but I thought it was funny that Addison beamed in with her eyes closed.
  16. Larry didn't get back to the bathroom until then, no? That would have been the first opportunity to fix them.
  17. I think Larry arrived *that day* and the clothes were all over the place. I'm actually quite tidy in the hotel rooms. I even make the bed in the morning. Hang clothes up after I wear them; fold them and put them in my bag when I'm not going to wear them anymore. I always hang the do not disturb sign; usually because I'm with my dog. I'm surprised Larry actually lets housekeeping in and touching his stuff. I'm not cheap; I tip really well at restaurants, bars, taxi. I just can't with the housekeeping though. What am I tipping for? I'm barely in the room itself to just sleep and shower. So, do not disturb; no need to tip.
  18. I thought JB taking the cake was going to lead to Larry not being paid. The dog jumped on the coat at the aunt's house. They still paid it off. I saw the gig as Larry figuring out was in Atlanta and why not go visit Rae? So it was kind of just the excuse to go. Or, Hulu could have leaned on him to go for pr for the show. So he wasn't just doing the gig. This is also why I don't let house keeping in the room.
  19. Larry amped up the volume for the final season for sure. Although with Maria Sophia around, I would have blown a gasket. Larry and JB looked liked they were having a lot of fun together though. Susie totally got Larry at the beginning. I thought he was going to do the spit take. That was kind of wacky for a Curb episode.
  20. Half the book is just a glossary, and by this point, I barely know who they're talking about. The first half has good content, but I expected the book to have more of that. Just get it from the library.
  21. That's what I was thinking. It's not that the other hosts weren't capable, but it's a certain kind of show and he seemed the best fit of that model.
  22. Did they not make an offer to the guests or just couldn't get anyone to take an offer?
  23. The origins of the wheel of time book has a lot of that information, though I wouldn't recommend buying it.
  24. Antiques Roadshow is in Alaska, and they had a bunch of Bob Ross paintings. They talked about his time in the Air Force!
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