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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. As soon as I saw Roger doing it I knew what was coming. My roommates and I in undergrad would encourage each other to jump out the window so we could get As. Such an awesome joke. They've been doing a good job with continuity this season with Rogu, SubHub, and the van. Uncooked salmon is a very vivid color. 'Game respects game'. Great way to outdo one another. I loved how Klaus suddenly turned into a mechanic and Steve learned Spanish.
  2. Before she got whacked Daya was saying that by bringing in the sister, she was making a lot of money and would be able to get out from Hopper's place. I don't necessarily see how they're going to suddenly stop selling since they can't stand the guy.
  3. I thought it was going to be the other way around, where Daya took Aleida out. Wow were they both reprehensible people. Though, yes, I don't know how she's going to get the other kids out of the game. Her parenting skills consist of "I'm your mother!" and that's it. Maybe killing Daya will get her to turn a corner, but that's it for her for getting out. I was never interested in either of their plots tbh. I thought Doggett passing was a little much. She very clearly needed extra time. If she had just just failed I think you get the same result - she had a legit disability where more time would have helped her pass, but she still did really well thanks to T tutoring her. I'm more of a fan of 'life goes on' for a series ender (I particularly liked Monk), and I think this was the best fit for this show.
  4. Since the guest on Tuesday basically said that the media is looking for conflict in the 'debate', that's all I can see.
  5. Oh, Fig did say she was 9 weeks pregnant which was the same as the woman. That's a bit of a stretch but ok. I feel bad for Caputo having to have the surgery for nothing.
  6. I thought the finale was a little too much Piper, but Larry was spot on and Biggs delivered a great monologue. That was a little surprising to me but I think when she was asking whether she deserved to be there earlier in the season laid down that she was gaining self awareness. I think that's fair. I got the same impression. I mean enough people said that the relationship was toxic and even Alex knew it too. I can't see that Alex would take her back. I was confused about Fig and Caputo adopting. I thought Fig was actually pregnant and scammed the abortion pill for the women who got raped. Also they totally adopted that girl. Heilman well last 6 weeks tops. When a show ends, I always ask, was it worth my time? Yes, this was.
  7. I just think after 10 years on the show, everyone was exhausted.
  8. Regardless, she said she had a form of ID and just didn't bring it. Not bothering to get one at all makes more narrative sense to me.
  9. I thought Red went down last season when she was going to see her grandchild but saw Frieda on the way and attacked her.
  10. Morden really hasn't done anything but help Londo to this point, and it's more likely for Londo to think about long held rivalries first. The books later showed that Kosh was known to be fond of the humans (and I also think he had some foreknowledge from 'Valen') to make the decision.
  11. Other way around - if the guy lives alone and he's tidy then he has ocd.
  12. Plus it's a weird plot to pull this late. Alex had already agreed to opening up the marriage so this isn't that interesting to me. I hoped the guard just took the phone and threw it out the ride back. I was disappointed Caputo had to resign, but this seems like a great idea. All right, that sunglasses dude needs to get got, and Fig needs to do it.
  13. It was my understanding she finished the bottle not drank a full one. That's doable.
  14. The guard did get shot, but then when he was in the infirmary, one of them actually piped air into the IV and he technically died of an aneurysm iirc.
  15. That was his singular lead to the three bodies though. He knows how big the case is given that he's still trading on his last big one 10 years ago. I get he was mad about Ward going for the lesser charge because Jackie was the one who came up with the idea in the first place. Is that tv talk for a surprise pregnancy? I actually was behind Ward's wife. (Though I can't be bothered to spell her name). She did get the reverend ousted. I don't know what else the other woman was expected. Yeah, jail would be great, but in a lot of these cases the statute of limitations is out by now. She do not *play*. I also felt bad for her too. She was trying to be nice to the kid, and he calls her a bitch in front of everyone. Yeah, you lucky she only cut the ball. Again though we have more references to this mysterious Kinicki case. I figure it has to catch up to them soon. I thought it was going to come out in the grand jury, but I'm not sure Ward is going to go back to that any time soon. I figure he's going to have to at some point now that there's three bodies that surfaced. Jackie was taking a chance there that his CI was going to be alone and the brother didn't come with him. I cannot imagine Jackie would be so stupid that he'd have the reporter beaten up and thrown down the stairs. I think her boss was right - she made a lot of enemies. It will be interesting if Ward and Jackie close the case on Revere whether a damaging report to Jackie is going to stick.
  16. And then she dies and he quits because he has too much manpain.
  17. It is a real issue, so I guess that they figured they should include it at least once. Looking at the overall context of the show, the other guards are way way worse than Caputo, and given everything that's happened to him over the series (some of his own doing), it makes him look way worse than he already is. He's not a saint, but still. I mean, flirting isn't acceptable at work and especially between supervisor/subordinate, but a main accusation was that he gave her the night off to see his band. He didn't force her to go. (It was Side Boob, but I know that's not the point right now.) I know it's terrible, but Fig is the best - 'So what? You blackmailed me into a blowjob.'
  18. I was going to say, they're probably just going to dope her up, but I don't Linda will pay for that. I don't think it was a dream. She ended up at the hotel where they were going to get married and showed her feet were all cut up from walking.
  19. What I don't get is, as John showed with the quick clip of the EU leader, that the EU has been consistent in saying that the deal is the deal and that's that. That was the same problem under May, and it hasn't changed. I think John only mentioned it briefly, but the Irish border is a huge issue. So either Johnson capitulates at the last minute or they just totally do the hard Brexit. I don't see what else could happen. As John showed, he can politick. It's just now that doesn't seem like it's going to fly anymore.
  20. You could pitch an entire tv pilot just around these scene.
  21. I don't know what to make of the Caputo plot. The accusations are clearly legit, but being a bad CO is also true. I kind of feel like this is more of a 'give them something to do plot' when Caputo actually doing something seems like enough plot.
  22. I don't mind unlikeable characters, but she's always been just so dumb. I guess there's people who fail up or just land in the right place all the time. You'd think that would come home to roost at some point though. I really loved her fixing the light, and they were all quite impressed. I liked the scene with her dad where she called him on cheating on her mother and he kind of owned it. That was a nice turn because he was calling her a criminal in a very withering and condescending way, and then end up making fun of her for eating the cake. It was actually nice he said she was doing a good job. I love Fig - "I'll deny ever giving you a compliment but I'll do it now and that's it." I actually like that she kisses Caputo. She doesn't look like someone that is affectionate.
  23. I thought that was the chicken. I didn't know for sure. That retreat was definitely some 'white people shit.' It doesn't surprise me that Piper got rolled up into all that.
  24. I don't know if I'd lay that on her. You could argue that the conditions of the prison and the treatment at the hands of the guards also led to the deaths. Taystee did actually use the situation to get their demands, to be fair. She did screw it up, but the show is essentially a tragedy.
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