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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I know. I was speaking as someone who has one. The people in my circles wouldn't do that.
  2. I watched the Challenger in real time. When Ruth said her dad watched with the class, I knew exactly how that went. The cerberus joke killed me. Even though they didn't show the show, it sounded like they were getting a lot of laughs.
  3. I liked that the woman brought up TPP. It was for exactly to deal with what is going on with China now.
  4. I think that's kind of the point. You'd think the PO would take the time to learn that about her and provide advice.
  5. To be fair, she has to pay $200 to the PO for every visit, and she couldn't work more lucrative later shifts due to curfew. Otherwise though, she could be a more diligent. You could work 5 or 6 jobs.
  6. I already have Hulu, but I'm maxed out on additional services. If I didn't have it, I doubt I would get it for one show.
  7. I doubt Linda would spring for paying a teacher.
  8. She still is an idiot. She had protection under Daddy, but after what happened she kind of failed upward so now everyone thinks she's a badass so that's why she's boss. She clearly has no idea what she's doing though.
  9. Ironically, that was the initial draw for cable. It used to actually not have commercials.
  10. Why bother having Lyonne on at all if you're going to ask two questions and talk to her for 3 minutes?
  11. The only reason I knew who was who on GOT is because of memes. I had no idea who was who on Westworld until an hour in.
  12. That was worse on Real Time if you can believe it. I don't really fault her for running. As she said here, I'm not really sure people want to listen to wonky policy debates, and there is a case to be made for saying, "I'll bring moral leadership back to the office." It's just far too early to listen to anyone at this point, which is why we're saddled with her in this interview.
  13. They did try to address the age issue earlier. It wasn't a strong argument, but it was there. Keep going. I need someone else to finish this.
  14. I think knowing where the kids were was the key point. If he reports them, they still know.
  15. I have no idea, but she's got the stump speech down. I could have filled in for her I've heard her say the same thing over and over. Excepting Longoria, the guests have been lackluster as of late.
  16. That's fine and it's a good exploration to have, but they aren't really writing in that subtlety and the actor doesn't have much to work with. I don't recall Jimmy being in on the heist when they shot the guards. Even if Jackie assumes Jimmy was an accomplice he's not going to do anything. He sprung the other CI out of jail and he was guilty too.
  17. Was it though? Cindy lied to get out of jail and T is in for life because of it. Doesn't mean Cindy isn't redeemable, or T is completely innocent but still.
  18. I think the scene was to show how Ward was more calculating than to be someone who just reacts. We saw that bear fruit here when he finally got the grand jury to ask the questions he's been waiting for. Also the comeback was brilliant - you wanna try the other cheek?
  19. There was a chicken they all saw that seemed to be able to come in and out of the prison grounds at will. Red had some years long Elmer Fudd obsession with hunting it and cooking it.
  20. Ward could have filed charges on him easily enough and maybe even a restraining order. He probably wanted to avoid another barrage from the wife.
  21. Also it was hilarious on Airplane. Wife makes husband sleep on the couch if she's mad. Uh no. You that mad, you go.
  22. I don't even think it went like that. Ward was working with the chief of police and she was saying the chief was slandering the reverend at the time. He didn't go handle it for her. And the reverend busted into his office age took a swing at him. It just seems like nothing ever is good enough unless she does it.
  23. I don't either. What does she want? First, she gaslights the girl. Then she gets rid of the reverend. Now she doesn't know if she can work for the chief of police. I doubt he really cares. The actor's doing a great job - the character just loves to pick and pick and pick - drama, drama, drama all the time. Ward was right - where was she when her good reverend called him the house n-word? I can buy that the brother let it slip out. These are some dumb ass criminals. I like that Ward & Co. is on to him now. I'm fine with a clean slate with these two taking on the city. I do want Ward to come out on top, but he's the reason Jackie "gets away with it" in whatever form that takes. Ok, I'm never going to win Man of the Year, but I was like 'oh fuck yeah' when Jackie unceremoniously ended the conversation with Clay. Soon as the wife said 'Clay' like Bacon's face - uh oh. That was awesome.
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