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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I'm fine with Moore and Bill having a strenuous argument though. It's better than Bill having to parry talking points from some blowhard.
  2. I do have to agree with Bill on the universal health care. People aren't going to vote for having something taken away; i.e., private insurance. People going ballistic over the 17 people that couldn't keep their doctor when the ACA was rather a solid success imo. tbh I don't think people care about healthcare policy more than if they have it then they don't want it to change, but might be sincere in wanting more people to be covered. That being said, I'm voting for whomever they nominate.
  3. I'd counter with Eureka, and I'd offer up the SG-1 tv movie as well, but that's all that comes to me.
  4. I'm almost as emotionally drained watching the documentary as the actual show. And then they end it with footage of Henson himself. I could have gone another half hour with the voice actors talking about how/why they did the voices, etc. I wish they had more of them on. Interesting and salient point from Isaacs - Grimms fairy tales were also very dark and this is really in that same tradition. So maybe the Dark Crystal will also endure across the generations.
  5. *clutches pearls* Nothing will get in the way of the NFL sucking up that sweet sweet DOD money. I'm certainly not defending Goodell. Just looking at the whole legal context, I'm not sure what he can do here. There is a lawsuit, so due process is being served. The consequences of his behavior will be the court verdict. I'm not saying disparaging about the trainer, she is getting her day in court, which is huge progress from the scores of women who did not (not their fault), but there's not a video all over social media like with Rice, where you can say, 'ok you need to sit down while this gets sorted out.' To be fair, if he suspends AB then anyone accusing any player of anything is grounds for suspension. As to whether AB probably should have informed his employers, I don't know if there's a legal requirement under the CBA. Now, I certainly understand the morality of the issue, but honestly, that ship sailed a long time ago. And I'm on the side of rooting for a lockout/strike when the CBA runs out and the NFL being canceled for like years. The entire league is a mess, and this case underscores that.
  6. I think one of the reasons teams that are consistently good is because they don't outhink themselves. I mean can you imagine Brees not commanding that situation?
  7. It's a fairly easy explanation - she's not as witty as she thinks she is, and it's yet another chance for Bill to gripe about 'college kids' and 'cancel culture' which isn't really a thing.
  8. Going for a trick play and taking the ball out of the QB's hands on a 4th and game doesn't bode well for any team.
  9. The last segment was excellent. I felt awful when the woman said she was hit.
  10. I think a segment on the electoral college is kind of low hanging fruit. Yes, it's outdated. States can apportion electors however they want, so it could be more reflective of the popular vote. That's really the only actionable thing to do right now. There just aren't enough states that would vote to amend the constitution.
  11. I think the last two. I always thought of her as a H!ITG type actor. Which is totally fine. But you can still do other things. And of you're not getting work, writing and directing your own roles has some values.
  12. I guess it's a question of what the mystics have and what the urSkeks have. I assume that the split was 'unnatural', so either aren't technically supposed to actually be. I would bet neither can reproduce, but it also depends on how urSkeks do too. There's the added perk of knowing your other half too. There's no biological explanation to that. So anyone else talk to their pets like the Chamberlain?
  13. Even then, they've changed the ending the day of.
  14. Starr's become obsessed with revenge against Jessie, but I wouldn't call him a yes man. He is still wrangling Jesus and Hitler to negotiate the apocalypse. It wasn't his fault Humperdoo got lost either, that was in the aftermath of the prior allfather, really. He's been mainly getting beat up by god.
  15. There was an article about some books in Friends being dated, and I just thought it was never as funny as it thought it was. I really don't know why it was so popular. Or maybe it was because the jokes were so derivative. MadTv did a great Friends sketch of anyone remembers btw.
  16. Please let that happen. I actually hope Starr dies and takes over hell. I'm not sure what the point is of convincing Jessie to stir in the throne. It's not the actual throne.
  17. Do you mean, what is tagging? They meant that Trump just said 'his wife' and not 'his wife @ChrissyTwitterName' as if she wouldn't know. So the equivalent of talking behind her back.
  18. We have a plan of study that I have to approve for each student and then it goes up for final approval from someone higher up. They will send it back if it's wrong. But you do it in your first semester of grad school.
  19. I think it was last episode they showed that. Holy shit was this exceptional. Batshit off the wall. I mean, Holiday Road. I wish the show didn't drag so much in S2 and they went all out like this sooner. I didn't realize the grail had the wrong Humperdoo. I wonder if Humperdoo has any dialogue or if they just ask the actor to improvise. I swear he said 'uber driver' in the church. I didn't think Jessie was in heaven because Hitler said there was no way he'd be going up there. I love Featherstone. I'd love to see the show redone from god's pov.
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