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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I'm not sure that's the case. In the movie, he is The Alpha always up front on the motorcycle. I would dispute Iron Eagle is second best to Top Gun as well.
  2. I'd call bs on the whole fight with the two of them and don't buy Robby would do that given he came clean about the medal, had a good talk with Johnny and tried to stop the fight in the first place. It looks to me like TPTBs had the ender in mind and just worked back without connecting much to the prior development. I think they kind of forgot the show they had. I mean, I have enough interest to watch S3, but this was contrived at best. Great use of Cruel Summer though.
  3. This was just patently ridiculous for your reasons. Also, there's no adult in the room for morning announcements? When she makes the threat no one is close enough to stop her. They're all in class. No teachers stop the kids from leaving? I could see if it was outside before homeroom. Taking that out, I'm not buying Miguel and Robby fighting. They've been fairly level headed with the girls' beef. Given that 'nerd culture' is cool now, it's silly that it's used as an insult. Although good for all the actors with the choreography.
  4. First of all, Trapper Keepers are cool. I'm finding the second half of the second season to rely too much on not talking like people because plot. I certainly understand Daniel being frantic, but the fight was ridiculous. Johnny really wanted to fight? 'Sam crashed here. She's in the back.'
  5. I give the show credit for creating a character that is consistent in calling it out. They are asking us to stretch that disbelief very thin, but they're like, yeah we know.
  6. Amanda is fantastic. I mean, come on, the restaurant has the only two tables. So she pulls right off 'oh they have warring dojos - get me all the margaritas in your restaurant please.' But again, I think I'm correct in my assertion that Amanda is key to whatever resolution they're going for. Credit to Johnny for being clear about pushing Kreese away. Whoa Moon/Piper unexpected. I loved the Doctor Who conversation, but Hawk is getting exhausting. I also like that Robby and Miguel aren't getting into the girls' bs. Miguel looked positively *tired*.
  7. 70s party is easy though. Just go as a streaker. No cost.
  8. What could possibly go wrong?!
  9. Yeah that's what I'm saying. I lived the 80s enough though I skew young to know what '80s clothes' are, but I wouldn't have anything on hand. The girl had figuratively the exact same material girl dress from the Madonna song. Where would you get that? Who thinks of that for an 80s costume anyway? I mean now I can look up 50s clothes on Google so I guess there's some fair cheat, but having the perfect brand new outfit is a bit much.
  10. I'm sure it will come out that Miguel returned the medal at some point. Credit to Robby that he wasn't all jerkish to hook at the rink. And he seemed to know the beef was with just the girls. I mean, I can suspend my disbelief enough to enjoy the show. I don't know why they have to be friends at all though. I think the show made a narrative misstep in that this was the first time they crossed paths in so long. Had they been back and forth more over the years and now, enough is enough, then I think the premise has more heft. Inside reference aside, Iron Eagle totally fits his character and I didn't question there was some Easter egg about it.
  11. Correct. Also very lame not to go meta af and have the kids dress like they did in the movie. However, my assertion is accurate. That would be like me going to my high school dance in 50s clothes. I don't even know what the hell that is. Like the Fonz or something?
  12. On TV, kids can go to costume parties, 70s, 80s, 90s, whatever and everyone has a time period appropriate costume.
  13. No, I know because there wouldn't be a show either. My observation of the scene was that the guys can level with one another, so if the show is going to some resolution, I think she's going to have to be critical to it. I just wonder if the show is stretching out plot too thin for the sake of nostalgia. For someone who just got a phone, Johnny can sure text. I have zero problems with dating apps, but I did like like that it was the old bar trick that worked. I'm liking the 80s theme of E8 though. It's a little bit of a break from everything.
  14. Ok, in all seriousness, the Whitesnake video was worth investing in the show. Do they train everyday? It looks like it but never really say.
  15. He's alive in the show universe so I'm good with that.
  16. There is zero problems with letting the dog lick your ice cream cone. I actually love trains. When I was in Tokyo, I was on the train all the time. I wish we could travel by train here more. I took the best train ride from London to Edinburgh. I totally know the 'ass to ass' scene.
  17. There's a fine line there though that toes the 'don't ask obvious questions because plot'. Credit to Johnny, he had an 'oh shit' look on his face about the theft of the Medal of Honor, but when he also said 'I didn't have anything to do with that (wrecking the dojo), an actual person naturally asks, 'what happened and how to do you know?' I know there's an S3, but this dance is starting to wear thin. Given that they've never interacted at all for 30 years until now, Johnny all having a complex about Daniel in the meantime isn't really on Daniel. So what if Daniel is kind of an asshole (up to that point - jacking the rent was a dick move on Daniel's part)? To be fair, when Johnny came over to Daniel's and his wife (Amanda?) called them both out for being idiots, Daniel invited him inside for breakfast. Johnny explained about the car and did accept that Daniel didn't have any involvement. So maybe it's going to get to a point where the wife has to step in and get it all resolved. It's not like they can't talk. There's only so much of this dance you can dance, and it's starting to repeat. Honestly, they both need therapy, but then there would be no show. And in the 80s therapy was karate! And has Lou Gosset Jr. It's way better than Top Gun. Which I assume the rampant hoyay would have turned Johnny off anyway.
  18. To add - because the actors both had a Scottish accent, they did a line where Van Gogh thought Amy Pond was speaking to her in Dutch. Farscape got around it too.
  19. I get the point of Demetri as a character, and I liked that he got the point of painting the fence. Oh boy the mouth. Part of painting the fence is keeping quiet too. We saved your chicken! Ha ha ha ha ha ha. As dumb as shit as getting into a fight in a MALL in 2020 is, I was glad to see the wheel defense pay off. Has Daniel been a 'thorn since high school?' Since they hadn't seen each other until Johnny went to the dealership to get his car? Though I'll give Johnny credit for catching on that stealing the medal was a problem. And that's really not on him since Kreese egged Hawk on. Daniel's accurate GoT analogies are killing me.
  20. I'm enjoying Robby this 2nd season. He seems way chill. For me, I'm seeing Miyagi-do is a good influence and having one adult in his life that gives two shits is healthy. I'm crossing my fingers he's not looking to hook up with Sam. I'm rolling my eyes a little at Tory With A Y though. She's a bad girl! Who steals vodka! I'm not particularly interested in Kreese's garbage. Breaking some mouthy 15 y/o most doesn't strike me as compelling, though I'll concede I appreciate Johnny developing some insight to follow him.
  21. From what I've watched, I think that's the point. It's starting to grate. I doubt revisiting this particular universe would have had legs if they just rehashed the movie formula. I would bet the actors wouldn't want to have signed on unless there was more story to it.
  22. Yeah I don't see an issue there with Lucifer knowing or being responsible for her transportation. It's not even a hard fanwank to assume Maze showed up and told Dan she's taking Trixie to game night.
  23. This was a good scene, but it was motivated more by Kreese taunting Johnny that Daniel was going to scoop Miguel, so I'm having difficulty how genuine he was. Also, conceding Johnny's issues with his mother passing, it doesn't address his absence in the ensuing 16 years. HASHBROWN COBRA KAI
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