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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I was SO RELIEVED that they walked away. I'm still incredulous about Donna. Clearly, Ryan had done a lot of thinking on the 10 months, but I was worried they were going to blow up the ship themselves (with them on it). And really, this is what the show should be - the companions travel with the Doctor, they grow and become better, and they're able to move on an put that out into the world. Yaz isn't ready yet. No problem. Though I'm slightly surprised given that they worked well with Jack that he didn't want to start up Torchwood again. I forget if it's still active. Then again, after the last Torchwood series on Starz, Jack might be over it. Graham and Ryan are clearly keen to keep 'doctoring' around Earth, so I would have thought Jack might have encouraged it. I don't know how they can afford to travel to Korea and Finland. The overall plan worked really well and went rather straightforward for a Doctor plan. Though the Daleks are ruthless, they are highly predictable. Great monologue calling them 'pets'. WE ARE NO PETS OF THE DOCTOR. They're so dumb sometimes. I love when Daleks are talking to one another with no one around. It's so silly. There's no way they'd be using sound, but I love the way they thought to design the shell so the lights go off when they talk.
  2. That's unfortunately likely. However, it doesn't change that she's still got 2 jobs and has to take care of her mother and brother, so I don't see how that much stress mellows her out. I'd actually like it of Sam beats here in the tournament and she decides she doesn't need all this extra drama and just leaves. My enjoyment of the show isn't ruined due to all the nonsense because I'd just stop watching. It's just silly and only requires stepping back a half step. And I don't even mind the fight in the house. I like watching all the fighting and the stunts.
  3. I'm not giving him that much credit because he's done a lot of bad things, but that is surely part of it. Additionally, Kreese never really listened to his input beyond suggesting recruiting. I feel like I'm remembering Johnny listening to the kids more when they spoke up. Eli also spoke up for Ass Face and talked about his 'loyalty', which amounted to nothing. I think that, coupled with Johnny correctly calling bs on him in school just added up. And really, most of the time, the best you can get is having most people act in enlightened self interest. You should not be ok with *anyone* calling you Penis Breath. This whole double agent theory seems way off to me, and makes more narrative sense that Eli is the source of Kreese's undoing because Kreese gave him short shrift. Similarly, with Johnny in the movie, when Kreese started choking him out for losing. Kreese always used the kids as a means to an end. That's going to unravel. I don't think he bought into 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' either. As trite as that is in general, I don't think it applies either, which is again a point that Kreese's undoing is his inability to adapt. These kids have histories and grew up together. The Cobras in the movie were insulated from the rest to a point where there were clear groups that just didn't interact for the most part. It's not like Daniel and Johnny used to have sleepovers when they were kids and now they're fighting every day in high school.
  4. It looked like a set menu because the waiter that almost ran into Johnny had a large number of pasta plates. For an xmas party at that venue, it's probably choose out of 2 selections, but they'd all come with soup, salad, pasta, then a meat or a fish.
  5. There's no way that little Asian kid is ever going to be equal in karate to the likes of Miguel and Eli. He's just too small. The other two aren't jacked, but they are of average size for their age. They beat him bad, and took the money. That's the situation where the kid is getting the gun. That happens to a lot of people and then they grow up. I think the point of all of that was - and it didn't need to be that long - was that Kreese never got over himself just like Johnny and Daniel. Except now - Johnny and Daniel have. I take the point they were trying to make, but Kreese is too far in the hole at this point that this serves him as a tragic character. He's always talking about 'enemies at the gate'. You know he's the kind of guy that blames everyone else for everything when he's the problem. I suppose that's the point of the next season, and that's fine. The whole buy in for the show is that these other two are in their 50s and haven't moved on. I could buy that within the context of the show. Those guys were big and couldn't move and probably thought Kreese would cave. He's wiry and still strong, and I don't think he'd have too much of a problem. I don't think it's that real he lasted as long as he did against Johnny, and Daniel flat out beat him with the new moves, so that's fair.
  6. And it wouldn't take that much effort to sprinkle that in. They kind of did in this series with Kreese getting the restraining order (which is a little ridiculous but ok), but it was more played for laughs. The problem is they're just saying Kreese is bad which the police can't do anything about. That said, I can buy the house fight way more than the school fight, and could see them not calling the police at that point. Beating up the kid and taking the money though is too much. I assume the adults didn't know about it. I'm surprised none of the kids grabbed a gun yet.
  7. I don't even have any furniture in my living room. I have three chairs and a table on the porch for the outdoor months. That's all you get. Or, you can come over and sit on a dog bed in the living room I suppose.
  8. Why not just the team to win 2 out of 3?
  9. I think it was only one course. If it's any Italian influenced event, you'll get a pasta course usually after salad or soup. Of course, there's always the antipasto to start if they're really doing it up.
  10. I can at least buy a big fight in the house way more than the school. I do think it's a fair cheat to hold the sensei (plural) responsible to a point. There's a lot the show is asking for a buy in, and this is just a bit much. I know Kreese is supposed to be badass, but he's old. It's hard to imagine that Johnny wouldn't mop the floor with him and then Daniel finish him in about 3 moves. I guess really Johnny beat him and Robby stopped it. I didn't really find his back story to be particularly compelling. You were in Nam. It was bad. I'm old enough to see all the tv and movies from the early 80s to understand that. You aren't special though. Plenty of people saw and did a lot of bad things and didn't decide to churn out bullies. Overall, I enjoyed the humor. Johnny still driving the caravan was a great joke. While I was hoping to see more Johnny/Daniel, I get the narrative that they wanted to end on that. I suppose with a 4th season guaranteed you have that freedom with the writing. I guess it made sense that Allie was the one to provide the push in that direction. It was cool that Sam saw the picture of Miyagi and was able to fight again. I don't know if that's entirely fair. It was a clumsy narrative to be sure, but after he broke De's arm, he clearly knew he went too far. There were several beats later on in the series where he looked conflicted. I loved the signing of the arm cast. Brilliantly high school. I still have a problem with 50 y/o men stuck in high school, but creating the character of Amanda was a smart move because she calls bs on all of it. She had great scene stealing lines too. I did like the councilwomanperson just flat out say that we all know the show is ridiculous. I had a hard time with Tory with the 'it is never over continuing plot'. I get her life is hard, and it's not her fault, but she just so constantly angry, it must be exhausting. One thing the writers and actors have consistently done really well is the Miguel and Johnny scenes where Johnny will say something ridiculously outdated or inappropriate, Miguel corrects him, and Johnny just keeps going. 'Chinamen, China *people*' just killed me. Good callbacks too with Daniel 'oh you finally figured out Facebook'. I also liked Daniel and Miguel rehashing the movie from Johnny's pov. "Well the hose was just there. It was teed up. Come on." It was important because Miguel realized that things were way different than he thought, but he was smart enough to realize they needed to move past that.
  11. I have to agree. Though, he did beat those guys up, so it's not like he was helpless. I don't need everyone to have an origin story in all of tv. He went of to Nam, was badass, and he's an asshole. Sometimes that's enough. I have to say, the show is ridiculous, but the Okinawa episode was good all around.
  12. Weird that they have some rule that teachers can't break up fights, but that doesn't preclude the inaction from Tory screaming into the PA system and then everyone pouring out from the classroom into the halls. I could buy the mall fight, but I think they went way too much with the school fight. It should have been off grounds again. I did enjoy the show at least winking to the viewers with the news montage. Karate Footloose should be greenlit immediately.
  13. I don't know why more people didn't watch. I found the show to be fantastic and hilarious.
  14. I kind of liked that the twins are fanboys now. Beth ran into them at Cincinnati and they all 'what up?' 'Us? We're getting killed?' I figured that this was the go-to given it's the 60s. (Like it still wouldn't be an issue today either). I'm pleasantly surprised so far.
  15. I think that was an important point. She still may have won anyway, but it still pointed out that he was a formidable opponent she shouldn't underestimate. So maybe that's some foreshadowing.
  16. I did like that he shook her hand and clapped after resigning though. Lesson learned.
  17. I think the legend is Lilith birthed the demons directly from her.
  18. Not that I'm a pro athlete or even played closed to that level, but I'm sure we've all played sports competitively. I was on just bad teams that lost a lot. It's not fun knowing going into the game you've got a slim chance to win. I can't imagine knowing that your organization is purposefully putting you out there to lose. It's got to be insulting. I'd rather go 0-16 swinging for the fences than death by 1000 cuts. Of course, the problem is teams tanking aren't going to get better anyway.
  19. The janitor does teach him though. He spends the last three of the loops hanging out with each of them.
  20. I don't why, but Hayley saying 'I have to a blast a shit' killed me. I feel bad for Stan because he just wanted a normal Xmas, but of course had to yell at them even in the time loop. The sequence getting through the rink was hilarious too. I'm glad it was a plot point. 'Motherfuck' wasn't barely bleeped.
  21. I saw the American one on FX. I know it was set on a bridge (obvs) between USA and Mexico, but thought it was El Paso/Juarez. The leads were really good, and I liked the show. (Not light fare fyi). The lead guy was Demián Bichir, and he was a mess. I don't remember the lead lady, but I think she had autism (the character). Still cracks me up - 'I know what a MILF is. I don't have kids.'
  22. Family presents were on xmas eve late, and Santa in the morning. My aunt and uncle threw mad xmas eve parties. Like they weren't happy unless it was like 50 people there.
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