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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I forgot that Dream wasn't the object of the capture. That's a fair argument, but I still think you do what you can to get out of the bowl and figure it out later. I got the Chaucer reference! Obviously, 'Will'. I would have been the same - chimneys! Wow! And we blow our noses! So much to see. I didn't buy that he totally lost his fortune, but I guess losing the wife and son turned him to despair, but he still kept on. I wasn't expecting Constantine to reappear. It sounds like there were some easter eggs in the dialogue for the comic readers. This was a lot of fun. Like 2 episodes in one.
  2. Just that he knows how to actually work the app to find the fare is boggling. He'd be so much better in a cab but it's not like that anymore. I still take cabs.
  3. I think we're missing a scene with Corben Bernsen in the apartment with Dominique that led to the suicide that Jackie will uncover this season.
  4. We actually had this kind of discussion with our bartender today. They are getting an HR degree and we were saying how bartending provides significant experience. It's how you look at it and what you want to do.
  5. He also voiced over about the sleepy sickness and how being stuck in the bowl was adversely affecting humanity. Were we to take that he didn't care that humanity wasn't set right because he was in the bowl? Clearly, 100 years is a lot because his realm decayed and just about all of them left because they thought Dream abandoned him. So is it a lot of time or not? For him to not consider that leads one to ask how much he really knew his subjects. He was spiteful and it cost him. That's fine. It's more interesting.
  6. Thank you. I mean, you're taking a friend to Logan to do them a solid; just throw the day away. I agree though; Sib isn't getting agency outside of 'Something that was never mentioned before until now and why won't my husband mourn his father the way I think he should.' I mean, Jenny is a stay at home mom whose daughter when off to college and beat her dad while also toeing the line with the priest. I'm not that interested, but there's stuff going on that fits the character. Sib and Decourcy were shown to be career driven right off the bat, and she's got a great plot now with the big dig. Are you long enough in the tooth for the Thornbirds? It's from there. They didn't call them milfs yet though.
  7. What's the other option though? Stay trapped in the bowl for a 100 years out of spite while people can't sleep or can't wake up?
  8. When she got shot, or the accident on the case she is putting together on the Big Dig?
  9. I think a free two years worth of community college is fair. You can earn professional certificates, like for CAD, Autodesk, etc., and that's all you need for a skilled job at an engineering firm, for example. Or, you can get all the basic classes, chemistry, physics, whatever, and transfer those to a 4 year place and save a ton on tuition. Incorporate that into the equivalent of vocational. That levels up a ton of people for technical and skilled jobs. In general, this is not a scientifically literate country. That starts from the ground up, but I still think the scientific community as a whole needs to work on communication.
  10. I think the problem is the lack of understanding the process of science, and that's largely on the scientific community to communicate that better. Again, I think the key point is being able to communicate uncertainty effectively. That's the problem. People aren't reading the New England journal of Medicine in their free time. It's hard to put it all on Fauci, who I do think did the best he could, but his primary job is figuring out how to beat Covid and that was changing by the day. On top of that, he's got to be on every tv show explaining everything. You'd think there would be a public health secretary like a press secretary to just deal with that. It's not entirely fair to say, 'well, they got this wrong, so who's to say their not wrong now?' What are they supposed to do? If you're acting in good faith, conducting the experiments right, you get what you get and that's what you act on. Again, though, you have to talk about uncertainties in the findings and recommendations. I honestly think if they did during covid much of this derision wouldn't have happened.
  11. I like that the show uses the crawl with the cut scenes as the 'previouslies'. Please tell me someone else watched Warehouse 13 seeing Myka in this role. Did they ever say what Benny is studying at NYU? I like that the DA has a New England Patriots sign in the office. Back then they just were not good. No offense, but Doyle was way out of line bringing Jen's father to the house. He's got nerve mouthing off to Jackie. I don't think Jackie was out of line blowing up about it. Jackie better not find out the good father is a switch hitter. Bacon just murders the dialogue. That's a compliment. They can just throw whatever lines at him, and they land all the time. They're throwing a lot at Sib on top of the ptsd. I'm not sure we needed this Lulu plot when the Big Dig is far more interesting. Why does Decourcy get the case plot and not her? Wow Jackie's 90s ties. I had a few. I'm actually liking Cayden's plot this season. I like the actor, and it's good to see one cop on the up and up. No, but Jackie has a loyalty to him from back in the wild FBI days. It seemed clear to me from their first meeting this season that Corbin Bernsen probably covered for Jackie a ton. That's going to be a lot for Jackie to just shake off after a couple of decades together. It's not like Jackie hasn't put bad guys away.
  12. I read an article on EW and they said it was. I don't remember Predator 2. I think I only watched the first one. What I liked what that Naru wasn't a good hunter, but had to be clever to beat the Predator whereas the guys thought they could just dudebro their way through it. Making the cord for the ax; and then coming back to the quicksand to trap him in the end. The actor did a great job without talking when she was alone; you could see her absorbing information every time she saw the predator. The visuals were great too.
  13. I think Hanks' statement is a little disingenuous. Sure *today* he probably wouldn't take a role like in Philadelphia because there's lots of really good gay actors who could play that part. Back then, what's he going to do? He wasn't in a position that he is in now to turn down roles. There weren't any out gay actors of his quality then. I mean, you do want, fundamentally, a *good* actor to cast. The flip is also true; gay people should play straight parts if they're a good fit for the role. Clearly, you don't want a John Wayne cast as Ghenkis Khan; that's way out of line. I don't think there's anything wrong with Franco playing Castro because in the picture Bill showed, he kind of looks like him. Sometimes it's ok to cast based on that. With real life figures, that is a factor. They're not casting Franco to play Mike Tyson. I don't think anyone would argue that. But, you need a more diverse cohort of casting directors. Is there some sort of policy that you have to take auditions from as many actors as you can or something? Maybe that's what's needed. I think the error with Hanks is that it's read too broadly; acting isn't like any typical profession because you're essentially marketing yourself, and not, like, I'm a good coder and you want to hire a good coder so it really doesn't matter if they're black, gay, trans. Acting is a profession where 70% of the workforce is unemployed at any given time. I don't think it's fair to put it on the actor as to whether they should decide the morality of taking a part. There aren't a lot of actors that have the luxury of turning down roles on principle.
  14. Morgan correctly pointed out that the seizure of the documents needs to really land a big punch because it could blow up in Trump's favor, so we shouldn't be declaring any victories yet. I think that's fine, but he kind of undercuts himself by calling it a 'raid'. It wasn't a raid. A warrant was lawfully obtained after presenting it to a judge. There was a list of inventory that they were allowed to collect. The FBI didn't just tear into the residence and take whatever they could get their hands on. This all occurred *after* agents were sent months ago to request cooperation in having the documents returned. So, in calling it a raid, he's almost setting the operation up to fail because unless there's a video of Trump ordering the Code Red, then it's 'overreach', when that isn't the case. To be fair, Morgan did say that if there's evidence of violation of the espionage act, then this is really serious. I don't know how that's going to land in the public discourse though. I think Bill also has a point saying that Trump probably just took the boxes without knowing what's in them.
  15. I don't know how well spoken she is if she can't say 'nuclear' right.
  16. That's where she lost me. I didn't mind her talking about her experience at NYU. It didn't seem to work out for her or just not the right fit; that's no problem. I don't particularly subscribe that college isn't for everybody more than you need to find the right college for you. That aside, after ranting on Biden because he's old, Bill did call her out on it correctly by pointing out Biden being old really was what got the bill crafted in the first place. I think he stuck the landing in saying, 'well, the younger generation is always saying their concerned about the climate. Here's really a sweeping climate bill. What do you want?' Of course, nothing is ever going to go far enough, but that's not an argument imo. You know what's good for that? College. That's where you can do internships and learn from people who do. I was disappointed in Morgan (I mean) taking Bill's justified ire at religion because his friend was brutally attacked and turning into something about wokism. That wasn't Bill's point. There was a much larger context I inferred Bill wanted to talk about. I'm getting a little over everyone piling on Fauci too. Not that he's above criticism. The problem isn't that Fauci et al. don't know what they're talking about; they're reporting what they know at that moment. One part is that they didn't (or weren't allowed) to communicate uncertainty. "We're 70% confident wearing the mask *right now* will help." I never felt Fauci was speaking in absolutes though. He was always saying 'we're processing the data, it's going to take some time, we're always 2 weeks behind.' I get that Bill wants to point out that doctors don't know everything, but I never experienced a 'I'm the doctor do what I say' so I don't know where he's coming from there. The guest though parried some of that well enough.
  17. "Charles Dance is in this? Uh oh." To me he's always Tulkinghornin Bleak House. As soon as I saw him in Game of Thrones I knew we were in for it. I'm only generally aware of the source material, so I figured I'd check this out. This episode probably should have been Episode 0 than the first episode because basically at the end they said what the show was going to be about. I I liked it fine. I was hoping the show would be staying in the 1920s than in modern times because I like the look and feel of the era. I liked the actor who was the 'middle' Alex and was hoping we'd be staying with him longer; like, he actually freed Dream and Dream somehow needed him to clean up the mess the father made. I started watching American Gods when that came out, but I never ended up finishing. Dropping some of the more compelling characters from the first season fizzled the show on me. So I hope that doesn't happen here. They wiped out the entire plot from the first season. What's up with the Corinthian's eyes though?!
  18. That's really the same now in 2022 too. Kelly also pointed out that some people just study art, music, or write, etc., so it's the doing of something that she was emphasizing not necessarily what you were doing. I certainly would like to sit around and write all day or learn to really cook fancy, but that isn't paying the bills, although I have no problem with my job, and I am actually writing a lot. That's not the same as just spending five years writing a sci fi novel and not having to worry about food, electricity, so on.
  19. They were also giving out Gut Milk in the lobby, so might as well just hang out there with everyone and have a drink.
  20. A quick search showed that Jones still has to go to bankruptcy court where a ruling will be made whether he can declare. I only heard he declared bankruptcy on NPR last week.
  21. I think it was just meant to show us right away that it was the same TARDIS.
  22. He actually declared bankruptcy to get around these trials. Has he though? John showed that he's still allowed to do his 'program'; and, presumably, sell more snake oil. John also showed him slandering the judge. The $4M award is peanuts for him, and I unfortunately think the $45M is going to be litigated ad nauseum. He clearly looked like an idiot in court when the texts were dropped on him, but I haven't seen any contrition or embarrassment on his part.
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