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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. Still though. There's not really quicksand in the West either. Actually, quicksand was a major plot point in Prey.
  2. Why was quicksand such a thing in the 70s? Is there an equivalent now?
  3. I'm not an Olive Garden guy, but the breadsticks are objectively good.
  4. I thought the pumpkin pie mix was rancid and made them bonkers. The magnets made more sense. For all the aspects of the commercial, I liked how they interpreted that Tiffany's boyfriend was bad somehow. That was a lot pumpkin pie mix. On the morning show clips, one of the women was racing a giraffe. I don't know how old everyone is, but the VHS case with the diagonal stripes on it was spot on.
  5. It's an infamously stolen painting though. I don't know who would insure it without being obligated to report it.
  6. I don't think you can catch that lightning again, so you're going to have to expand the show somewhat. I mean, you obviously need strong chemistry with the two leads. I didn't like this at all. I didn't like Sam leaping into famous people either. I could buy he went past his lifetime into relatives once and a while. I wouldn't mind 'future' leapers running around, if say, the technology is stolen at a future date. So maybe that's a plot 'in the present'. (I'm totally unspoiled). Sam leaped into ladies a couple of times, but it was played a little for laughs. I'd like to see if they take a more serious angle.
  7. I'm surprised it's only $10M. Rembrandt only painted that single seascape.
  8. No, it's not like Dryden at all. That's why I'm skeptical. Earlier in the season, Dryden made it clear he saw Jackie doing the wife in a not so thinly veiled observation. Tv-wise, it has to be someone we've seen or heard already. Jackie always talks about the mafia bust, so it's natural to think that. If not, maybe someone associated to the woman he was doing the coke with in S1 that died. I doubt it would be anyone with the kid he whacked that got Bendrops to OD. The salty FBI guy cracked that he had a lot of enemies, but at that level? It's not like Izumi is going to send someone. Forcing him out was her victory. One of the mafia guys' kids saw Jackie put their dad and uncle in jail. It's over 10 years now. He wants to bring the family back and one way to do it is whack Jackie. That seems simplest to me.
  9. No way he actually shops anywhere. I used to to WalMart to get my dog's insulin there because it was the least expensive in the city. I think I bought ice trays there once too. (And they called *her* name when the prescription was ready). I think I bought the needles there too because I was right there. Everything else is close by, so there's nothing I really *need* that I would go to WalMart that I can't get somewhere else or order on Amazon if it's not a pressing issue. Lots of people use the pharmacy, but no one smelled. I don't know what he was going for there with the smelly part of it. I of course know of the L&O franchise, but I've never watched any of it. The clips of public figures saying "All I know is from Law and Order" is alarming. The dialogue in the clips was way overwrought. Is it like that all the time? That airline commercial was weird in the sense that they felt it necessary to say what kind of plane it was.
  10. Silver had a flyer for it so you know it's legit!
  11. That was the most ludicrous episode of television I have ever seen. I look forward to joining you all for a season 6. If you weren't hopping up and yelling at Johnny to Get. Up. You just ain't living. I feel like the 80s took television form tonight. It's actually kind of ironic that if Kreese held on, the new testimony would have freed him. Par for the course though. I actually thought this had more strategy to it than usual. If the Cobras weren't tipped off, they would have been in and out. I mean, they outwitted Silver. I also was standing up for that one. Actually, tbh, the block Daniel pulled on Silver after one of the cutaways was more impressive. But Crane. Come on. During the fight, it almost looked like the *actors* were just impressed with Macchio and Griffith. I would assume they did the fight and then edited in the movie scenes even if it wasn't one take. Brilliant. I didn't even notice. I'd like to see a possible season 6 more of a growing up and moving on denouement. The kids are getting older. They can't just live in their karate past. That was Johnny at the start of this series. The cartoon lady still owns Cobra Kai, and I get that she wants to teach her grandfather's style; Daniel wants to teach Miyagi-do. It would be nice if they tempered things and wound it down.
  12. Johnny Lawrence looking at the picture as it falls out of his jacket.
  13. I like how everyone is like, 'They're going to a *world* tournament? Hold on now.' That's what I was thinking. That they're basically going to fight juniors who are competing for the Olympic squads.
  14. I think part of the problem is that Kenny is kind of Hawk 2.0, so we've seen this plot already.
  15. Here we go - https://thecinemaholic.com/city-on-the-hill-seasons-3-episode-6-recap-and-ending-explained/ I'm still skeptical.
  16. Why wouldn't be the brothers though? They're out of jail. It stands to reason they would want to whack the guy that put them there.
  17. I don't know. Tory v Sam in last year's final was a toss up on paper. In the time out Sam even said the combined style was working better for her. It says more about Silver that he needed to pay the ref off than having confidence his teachings and training would elevate the students to victory. I don't know how he thinks they're going to win on the world stage. There's no way he can pay off that many officials. Kenny getting a point off a Hawk that was taking it easy on him from the advice of the others, ok; actually losing, he had to pay off the ref.
  18. I totally forgot Johnny saying "White Claw sounds bad ass!" Oh, no Johnny! It tastes like watermelon piss!
  19. I wouldn't have caught that if I didn't have captions on. I said 'who is Tar...ooooohhh'. It was the right character to say it too. He said it so casually and no one blinked, I'm thinking they've been calling him that for a while, which is even better. Maybe Sam will tell Amanda about what's going on so they can help. I mean, I know this show, and I get Sam flipping out, but you'd think she would call Daniel immediately about the ref being bought off. Did Tory say anything about the ref in the last episode too? That did affect Sam as well even though she won legit. He's much more calm now after having it out with Robby. "I'm, just trying to understand what's going on." When he was in Mexico, he got snippy on the phone a little quick. I also liked how him and Robby we're "You know about this?" "No, I don't know." After Sam was going at Tory in the beginning. Who takes down the cartoon lady villain? She's clearly a boss fight, but she's also genuinely good. It's going to take two, so it has to be Tory & Sam, no? See, I'm enough of a heel that if they told me I couldn't leave until I broke the rock, I'd just sit there. Ok, fine; then we're here all night.
  20. Well, you can't hand out the secret weapon to *everyone*. He was singling out Kenny for leadership and looking for someone already on the Silver wavelength. That is probably right, but they're still going up against competition that's been probably doing karate since they were 3. It's like why Europe and South America are so good globally in soccer. Or vice versa basketball, though it was easier for the rest of the world to close the gap then us with soccer. I can buy an athletic kid in the Valley can rise up quick, and you look at the dojo Silver just bought out, how many are truly focused on the competitions on top of that? I mean, I'm of course rooting for Miyagi-fang, but I can't see TPTB thinking they're going to sell us on any of these kids getting anywhere in a world tournament. Maybe it won't matter, as long as Silver loses. I suppose the point is that it's Silver's philosophy that needs to be repudiated. And it's a very Japanese concept in losing honorably and earning respect. I could see Robby and all them losing but the contrast of *dishonor* in Cobra Kai wins them respect.
  21. David Spade can do a Norm-adjacent voice.
  22. I had forgotten how much of a mess he was. So that's fair. He wanted to give up; using the secret moves probably didn't cross his mind. Besides, you know you don't use your BFG until the final boss fight. It's coming. Probably, but the show is going over the top to show *all* Cobra Kais just being unmitigated bullies at this point. I would think maybe Mr. Miyagi would see it more as some kind of imbalance. If we get a little more philosophical, Silver is using the kids as a means to an end, and that's just terrible for their personal growth as well as unethical. I think he'd care because Daniel genuinely cares about the kids. He did step in to help Johnny way back, so I think he'd recognize the widespread mental abuse.
  23. Are they still together? I just liked 'our side of the park'. Like it's the Rhineland. Sam wasn't involved at all, but I think she was so disgusted that she wanted to get away from everyone.
  24. I guess it's a fair cheat. They were clear from the start that the ref bought off. But then Sam calls time out like 2 minutes later and they grant it. I can buy the character development for Kenny (for this show), but it's hard to see him beating Hawk. I suppose that's why he used the bullet move *and* the ref was bought off. tbh, the guys deciding Hawk should fight was a nice scene to show everyone is on the same team, but Robby would have destroyed him. I like the show. It's ridiculous, but I don't care. I'm sure most share this view. However, I would really laugh if the dojos getting into the tournament and then just getting their clocks cleaned as a reality check. To be fair, the Miyagi kids sounded like they knew of it. One of them said, 'that's that clip of the fight I sent you last year' or something and another said a Taiwan team made a car commercial. Still though. It's high school kids.
  25. He sidled up to them with his Robby pissed off face too with the furrowed brow and opened with the 'So, what this is...?' when he usually is going to chew someone out. Great work for only a half a second to sell the joke, but he nailed it. I did like the editing between the two dojos when they were showing off to the tournament board. And the Rocky reference coming out of nowhere. The chairman just flatly stating how it reunited his fractured country was perfect line reading. I know the plot dicated Hawk was supposed to lose, but it was a stretch. I get that they underestimated Kenny; ok that costs you a point, and getting the wind knocked out of you isn't nothing, but it takes 15 seconds to recover. It's in no way the debilitating injury it was made out to be. Granted, the ref was in Silver's pocket, but still. It used to happen to me all the time in soccer. You just have to fold yourself over and heave a few times. Also, wouldn't Daniel insist on being in on the decision to pick the ref? Again, plot, but still. I did like that Tory was smart enough to figure out the ref was bought off, but the way the guy was looking at Silver the entire time, I don't know how the entire place didn't catch it. Chozen was great too; "this ref is a moron, forget him and just go win."
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