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Everything posted by Maharincess

  1. Leighroda, Lucy once pretended to be the Maharincess of Franistan as a publicity stunt for Ricky. And I'm the one with the chronic pain.
  2. Did anybody else laugh until they cried today when Wendy said she was progressive in terms of relationships? Then proceeded to spout that she picks out everything for inside the house because that's her job, and the guys can go buy cars because that's a guy thing.
  3. Lol, I'm always afraid that people will think we're the same person because I like and agree with just about everything SPLAIN says.
  4. What is BBW?
  5. I have a smart phone and there are no dots when the other person is typing. I've had a lot of different phones and none have had dots.
  6. I agree, just like the Butch love around here, I don't understand the admiration of Farrah's hustle. Doing what she does isn't hustle.
  7. Yep!See, I could buy that Farrah's attitude towards her parents has a reason behind it if she wasn't a raging asshole to EVERYBODY who has the misfortune of crossing paths with her. She's a bitch and she's always been a bitch and she'll end up a lonely, miserable lone bird and nobody deserves it more.
  8. I don't really understand this show, it seems to be all over the place. Maybe it's supposed to but I just started watching a couple of months ago, I don't watch regularly but I catch repeats. What are the girls supposed to be? One episode they're making t-shirts, the next one I watch Max is in school and Caroline works at the school, the next they're baristas, the next they have a cupcake shop. I just don't really get what the show is supposed to be, is it supposed to be all over the place because that's how the 2 girls are?
  9. That is sad that she was more used to being groomed than being petted. I bet you changed that though! I've always said that before I die I want to rescue a greyhound. This is the only time in my adult life that I only have one cat. The one I have is 3 years old but thinks she's still a kitten. I love her so much but she drives me crazy sometimes. 3 solid years of the kitten stage is just too much. She's an indoor only cat, I've never let my cats outside, and she has a couple of those big cat tree thingys to climb and a lot of stuff to play with but her favorite activity is to race up and down the wooden stairs every night at 2am. For an hour. I've had a lot of cats in my life and they've all calmed down by this age.
  10. I do of course thinks she loves and cares for her baby. What stands out to me though is that she would go into hysterics at the mere thought of sending 3 year old Bentley to preschool/daycare but she dropped infant Jayde off without a care. It just seemed kind of odd to me.
  11. I felt for her too, when she was telling me about it I could see how absolutely humiliated she was. We all urged her to do something about it, she did talk to her Dr about it and he said he'd call the ombudsman but I'm not sure whatever became of it. I do know that about a year later, I had to go to the ER and I mentioned her by name and said I did not want to be seen by her. They said she no longer worked there.
  12. Oops. Wrong thread. Sorry!
  13. I thought she was an asshole way back on 16 and Pregnant. Charmed1, I remember the cheerleading squad hating her too. She seems to have a (probably paid by MTV) new "friend" every season. Does anybody remember the 40 year old Asian hair dresser that was around for 1 season? Nobody seems to hang around Farrah for very long before the disappear.
  14. My friend had the same experience at the emergency room once. The only difference is that she had never been to that ER before. She had fallen down her stairs and her foot wasn't broken but it was purple and swollen up to about three times its normal size. The physician's assistant who examined her looked at her foot and said she was going to give her a motrin. My friend said she'd taken about 5 of them and they didn't help, she was crying from the pain at that point. So the assistnt ordered a Tylenol for her. She's lying there crying and heard the assistant tell the nurse "they always start crying when we tell them they can't have their narcotics". This was said loudly in front of all of the other patients, other doctors and nurses, the people who were with the patients and anybody else within hearing range. My friend is the kind of person who hates taking any kind of pill so she had to be in bad pain to need something stronger. She was humiliated. She called me afterwards crying her eyes out. Since then she's been hurt pretty badly but was too afraid to go to the ER so she suffered at home.
  15. My husband was a mover when we met. I worked there as a packer for a while. I loved being a packer. I love to pack and unpack when we move (yeah, I'm weird), plus I'm nosy as hell and loved getting paid for looking at people's stuff. My advice on using movers is to know that they're professionals and know what they're doing. The worst thing a person can do is follow them around and micro manage them. My husband never did this and being the lead man had to reprimand a few of his workers but I'll just say that the nicer you are, the more careful they'll be with your stuff. And always remember to tip. The drivers are well paid but the "humpers" as they're called don't make a lot of money. Good luck on your move! I actually like moving, probably because I have a free team of professional movers at my disposal when I need them as my husband is still good friends with the boss and the workers.
  16. I was watching an old episode this morning, it was the one where Tia went to New Orleans to adopt out Corey. After the adoption she and Moe were driving and just randomly decided to stop to look for dogs. I think this scene was fake as hell. First off, why just randomly stop somewhere and look? Second, they parked so far away from where they were going to look. Then there just happens to be a dog tied up under a bridge. The dog looks just fine, he's healthy looking, seems to be well fed and is friendly. Then just as they're leashing the dog, a storm hits and they have to dramatically run to the van they had conviently left parked far away. That whole segment read as totally fake and set up to me. Comparing a dog rescue to a hospital during a hurricane is like comparing well...a dog rescue to a hospital. I'm sure the people at the hospital were already there working when the storm hit. Completely different scenarios. I understand everybody's points but its my opinion that if I wasn't scheduled to work, my family was terrified and needed me, I wouldn't go in either. The guys who were scheduled that day are a different story.
  17. Something Tyler once said has really stuck with me. It was the episode where April was telling them what Butch had done to her. She showed them the huge bruise on her arm, the hole in the bathroom wall where he bashed her head and was telling how he wrapped a towel around her neck and was choking her*. Tyler said "that's a lot different than him 'just' slapping you around". The way he said it made it sound like he thought it would be OK if she had "just" been slapped around. *That bullshit, along with the fact that he's been a deadbeat convict dad is why I will never, ever understand the love that Butch gets. He disgusts me. Maybe it's the fact that I escaped an abusive marriage but I will never find an abuser like him charming or funny or anything. I wish he'd go away.
  18. That's me too, I'll only leave a message if I need them to call me back, if it isn't important I just hang up. I wouldn't ask why somebody didn't call me back unless I specifically asked them to call me.
  19. I've never understood the strip club jealousy thing, or jealousy when a guy/girl looks at somebody of the opposite sex and finds them attractive. If a person is secure in their relationship that stuff won't matter. My husband went to a birthday party at a strip club a few years ago, I snuck into the club and bought him a lap dance. I described the type of girl he finds attractive, paid for it and left. All of his friends told him that I'm the best wife ever. I also point out good looking women to him when we're out and about. I just think if you're in a relationship where you're constantly jealous, its time to get out of that relationship.
  20. I don't leave messages, I figure they'll see by the caller ID that I called. I'll leave a message if its something important and I really need them to call back, but other than that I don't.
  21. I don't think you're braggy at all, but you should be! Being a nurse is a huge accomplishment and you should brag about it and be very proud of yourself. Nusring school is tough but you did it, that's huge. Nurses are the best. I had surgery when I was 14, I'm 50 now and still remember my nurse Tricia. She made my time in the hospital much better. Sorry, I'm very off topic here, I just had to say it.
  22. I don't remember, but then again I don't remember what happened 5 minutes ago. We were still at TWoP back then weren't we? When I said people were up in arms about Jenelle but not Tyler, I meant the general public, not us here. People called Animal Services on Jenelle but I don't remember anybody talking about that with Tyler. I just really hope he has more patience with Nova than he does with the dogs. Is the baby's name Nova or Novalee? They call her Nova but I remember them saying they were naming her Novalee (Novaleigh?).
  23. It sounds like her son treats her like her husband does, like the bread winning maid. She's never come out and said the actual words but many times she's hinted that she would not be happy if he dated a white woman. I think I'm going to have to stop watching this shit. It's not even fun to hate watch her anymore. She acts like she's the authority on relationships and marriage. Knowing that the world knows that he cheated in her while she was pregnant, I'd feel like a complete idiot ragging on other people's relationships. How can she not see how ridiculous that is? I also hate how she thinks that marriage and babies are the main goal of every female. She's always saying shit like somebody wasted her "baby making years" or that a woman's eggs are all dried up. The worst though is when she advises women to "accidentally" get pregnant. She's said this quite a few times, if somebody is dating an athlete or something she'll say they should get pregnant then they'll get checks every month. Like I've said before, I hope that thing she's married to dumps her in a humiliating, very public way and takes all of her money.
  24. She does have a five head doesn't she? Catelynn does too which is why I've always wondered why she doesn't have some kind of bangs. I'm not usually a fan of bangs but I think they'd do a lot to improve Catelynn's look.
  25. I've seen the little bastards temper when he abused that poor dog. The way the dog would cower anytime Tyler got near it showed me that it wasn't a one time thing. I've never liked the guy, even say back when when everybody thought he was so great, I knew there was a total asshole lurking inside. I don't understand why people were all up in arms when Jenelle did what she did to her dogs but nobody said anything when Tyler did the same thing. He makes me sick, I can't wait for the day this show ends and he has to face reality that his life sucks.
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