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Everything posted by Maharincess

  1. I just hope she's having him professionally trained. A dog that size that isn't properly trained and socialized is a disaster waiting to happen. I also hope she's had him neutered but her husband doesn't seem the type to do that.
  2. I do feel bad for those people. They are missing out on one of the best kinds of love there is. There is nothing like the love of a pet. DeLurker, I need to dig out a picture of my old tuxedo cat Boogie. He had a spot under his nose that everybody said looked like a big booger, hence the name Boogie. Orange cats are my favorite but tuxedos are a very close second.
  3. I baked a ham and made macaroni salad yesterday, so tonight's dinner will be my scalloped potatoes with ham. Tomorrow I'm boiling the bone and making bean soup. Friday I'll make ham and cheese omlettes. Then I'll be sick of ham.
  4. Having the kids spell the words is a great idea. It's not fair to deduct points because of their accents. I just can't like Adrian, I've tried but I can't. I don't know what it is but the whole schtick just doesn't seem real. He's the exact bratty, nerdy kid who would be the annoying next door neighbor on a sitcom or something, straight down to his clothes. It's hard to explain but when I see the other kids, I see regular kids, when I see Adrian I see a character, not a person.
  5. It looks like Ryan and his dad shared a box of hair dye before the show. Larry's kind of looked like a toupe at some points. I barely watched Maci's segment. Farrah's is next but I think I'll skip that one. I had enough of her fake whisper, no tears crying during the commercials. I did notice Maci's last jab at Ryan about him not having a job. Shut up Maci. Maci is one of those women who show their pregnancy in their faces, her face was obviously a little puffy to me. I don't know who she's trying to fool?
  6. Oh my god, Sir Robin is awesome! I adore that mustache. I had a tuxedo with markings like that, we named him Stash for mustache. He's adorable. I'm glad it's working out with him. I'm always happy to see older animals get adopted. Bosawks, flying egret and JTMac, thank you so much for posting pictures. They are all so cute. I just can't get enough of all of your pictures. JTMac, I'm so sorry for your loss. It's so hard when we lose our pets. So many people don't understand when we grieve for our pets, I can't tell you how many times I've heard "it's just a dog/cat". We understand, you're among animal loving friends here. RIP Carl.
  7. Hoosier, I so agree about awards shows these days. Now we have the pre pre shows which start about 5 hours before the awards, then the pre shows, then we have all of the red carpet arrival shows, then the "who are you wearing" shows. Then we get to the actual award show and have 4 hours of that, then after its over we have the post shows. It's ridiculous. They do all of this extra crap but they only end up showing maybe 5 or 6 awards actually being won. At the 3 hour Grammy show I think I read that they only showed something like 6 awards.
  8. That's my issue with the show. I just started watching it about 6 months ago in reruns and I was so damn confused. They had a different job in each episode and then the job was never heard of again. What happened to Sandra Bernhard and her pastry shop? What happened to the t-shirts? I just couldn't figure out what the show was supposed to be. Now I think I've seen all of the episodes in repeats and I still don't understand what its about. It's sad too because it has a lot of potential. The 2 Girls have good chemistry as do the rest of the cast. I think all of the characters are funny in their own ways. It's an unpopular opinion around here but I love Sophie and Oleg. I'd watch a spin off with the 2 of them raising a baby.
  9. Oh god, can you picture Farrah as your landlord?! I think I'd rather live in my car.
  10. I haven't seen anybody here judge Earl at all. I've seen nothing but people being compassionate and wishing him the best. That's a terrible thing to say, nobody is judging him.
  11. They may have gotten special permission from Butch's parole officer in order for them both to attend the wedding. There are certain things like weddings and funerals, one of a kind things like that where they'll grant permission for them to be in the same room for a certain amount of time. They won't grant the permission for a birthday party though.
  12. I don't think anybody but Farrah believes it was a real sex tape.
  13. The house flipping is funny because I just watched Amber's 16 and Pregnant episode and she and Gary were putting their 15 dollar crib together and she told Gary "we don't got no screwdriver, here's a butter knife". I feel bad for whoever buys that house. You know Matt and his " contractor" used dirt cheap materials so they could scam more money. They probably found stuff at the side of the road and used that.
  14. I haven't watched it but I checked in to see what happened with Earl. That breaks my heart, living with chronic pain is a bitch and its so easy to become addicted to those damn pills. I wish Mr. Earl nothing but the very best. It takes a big man to admit to those problems.
  15. I swore I would never get another dog after losing my Harley. The end just hurt too damn much. Then a friend sent me "A Dog's Last Will And Testament". After I was done crying after reading it I adopted my girl. I felt really guilty when I would even think about getting another dog because I felt like I was replacing him, but once I got my girl home and she got acclimated I've never regretted it. They don't completely fill the void left in our hearts, those spots are reserved for those we lost but she really helped heal my heart. JTMac, Making that call was to this day the hardest thing I've ever done in my life but I know now that it was my last way of showing him how much I loved him. Even though I knew my pain would just be beginning, I needed to end his pain. I didn't see it that way at the time and felt tremendous guilt but after some space I realized that making that call was done purely out of love for him. I hope everybody's 4 legged babies are doing well tonight. I agree with 33kaitykaity, we're here for you JTMacc99. We're here for any of you who need us. This place has helped me through a lot, there are some great people here.
  16. I noticed she hasn't mentioned her husband at all. I never bought the "it wasn't his stolen property" excuse but she did apparently. I've been wondering what happened to him. I haven't seen every New Orleans episodes so I have a question, what happened to Mondo? The last I remember seeing him he and his wife had moved to New Orleans because his daughter was sick. I don't remember seeing him after that.
  17. And just like Matt, this guy just dropped his life to join them in Indiana. Is Amber really that dense that she can't see how strange all of this is? From him tweeting other Teen Moms to the ex boss, everything about this guy stinks like an old, smelly rat. How can she not see that?!
  18. Count me in. I can't wait for Matt to take her for all she's worth. If the "ex boss" becoming involved didn't raise about a million red flags nothing will. She's an idiot and I feel ZERO sympathy for her. I just have a suspicion that Matt and the "ex boss" had a plan for this all along. Once Amber started responding to Matt on Twitter they probably tried to figure out the best way to get her money. I seriously doubt that Amber came up with house flipping on her own. She can barely manage to flip her couch cushion when she spills food on it.
  19. I agree completely. I actually yelled at my TV "don't just stand there looking stupid, defend Josh!!!!" There are so many shows where the wife's friend or whoever constantly cuts the man down and the wife says nothing. If anybody said anything about my husband I would go the hell off. My husband and I were at the grocery store years ago and some woman said we took her parking spot and started insulting my husband. I weigh about 99 pounds soaking wet and this woman was at least 300 pounds. I got into her face and dared her to insult him again. I would never EVER stand for a friend doing it.
  20. Don't feel bad. I once had a big old orange cat named "Stoogly". It stood for stupid and ugly.
  21. We lived next door to my mom for 6 years when my kids were little and they still didn't spend as much time at her house as Nova spends with April. My grandkids come and visit a lot and my granddaughter spends the night after school on Fridays. They think my house is Disneyland. I have a shelf full of snacks and grandma rarely says no.
  22. Same here. My cat's name is Trixie but her full name is "god dammit Trixie you little fucker".
  23. I can't believe she told the caller today that she was crabby. Just because the woman wasn't acting like an over excited idiot because the great Wendy called doesn't mean she's crabby. I LOVED when Wendy did the stupid how you doin' crap and the caller replied "I'm fine, how are you?". Took the air out of Wendy's sails. She also referenced Jon Benet Ramsey when she was talking about a picture of Jessica Simpson's daughter, which I thought was way out of line. Even for Wendy. After talking about the picture Wendy said she's glad she doesn't have a daughter and I thought, yeah me too. If she did that poor girl would have such a warped view of marriage and relationships. Suzanne just gets worse each day. I feel bad for her sometimes but other times I can't stand the lunatic.
  24. What is GoT? Never mind. Figured it out.
  25. It's Rebecca Shaffer and Theresa Saldana that I think about when I hear of celebrity stalkers. So sad.
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