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Everything posted by Maharincess

  1. How did you injure your eyeballs? Ouch! Zoeysmom, what is FSS? Just when I think I have all of these damn initials down, I see a new one. I must be weird because I think I'm the only person who types whole words these days. Lol.
  2. I doubt if Graham will grow up and be mortified by saying that people who don't believe as he does are stupid. His mother seems to think the same thing. Her saying that she "knows" that her god created the universe really pissed me off. You don't "know" shit dear. That is what you believe NOT what you know.
  3. I'm putting this in the parents thread because that's where this kind of bigotry starts and its not the kids fault he spouts the crap he hears at home. That said, Graham was one of my favorite kids until this episode. I'm an atheist but have nothing but respect for anything anybody wants to believe in. When Graham said that anybody who doesn't believe that their god created the universe is stupid, I wanted to smack the crap out of his mom. Most of my friends are Christian, one is Buddhist, and one is Jewish. I've been to their churches, Temple and have chanted and attended Buddhist events with my friend Daryl Ann. Graham and his family are the worst type of Christian. They think that anybody who doesn't believe exactly as they do are wrong and "stupid". I also hated how his mother said her family "knows" that god created the universe. No honey, that's what you believe, not what you know. People like this make me say thanks god I'm an atheist. Rant over. Sorry. That stuff just burns my ass. Don't care much for Ryan's parents and Benyamin's dad scares the hell out of me, I like almost all of the other parents.
  4. I've never believed that Kim's only problem was alcohol. I think at the very least she's,addicted to prescription medication as well. Never believed it was strictly alcohol. Has anybody seen Monty? Maybe she has his body buried in the yard so she can keep refilling his prescriptions.
  5. Ryan cracks me up. Love that kid! "Ryan, you weren't number one" "I don't care". His parents are the worst. I'm happy they haven't killed that kid's spirit. Poor little Madison. She's such a pretty girl, I like her parents a lot. I loved the scene of the older girls comforting her. I like most of the kids and parents but Graham's mom pisses me off in the previews, asking him if "his" christian beliefs were more important than the competiton. No mom, those are your beliefs that you've forced upon him since birth. He was never allowed a choice in what to believe.
  6. I'm still laughing at the thought of anybody being jealous of her. First of all, Kate is reaping the rewards of her kids working, not the other way around. The kids got that show, not her. Second, I'm in no way jealous of anything she has because what she has was made because she sold her kids privacy and childhood. They don't need that huge house and all of that land, she didn't need plastic surgery, expensive hair extensions and expensive shoes etc etc. etc. I'd rather live in a shack and have a great relationship with my kids and my family and be a nice person than sell my kids to have what she has.
  7. So you think a woman shouldn't be offended by being called a whore if its not true? I'm not 100 percent sure what "butt hurt" means but I'd be hurt, offended and pissed the fuck off if somebody called me a whore. I don't care if its true or not. There is no creature on earth who has less class than Nene. I wonder how those "off the runway" clothes, size 15 ugly shoes and over priced cars are going to pay the bills once this show ends. There isn't one person left on this show that I like. Nene was my favorite during the first season but I can't stand her now. I used to like Phaedra but don't really like her anymore.
  8. Who is Oreo?
  9. Alcohol sucks. My bong is working very well. BoogieBurns, thank you! That guy looked so familiar. I remember Wesley Jonathon from What I Like About You. This movie is so boring, I got up and made brownies about halfway through. Now I'm ironing and that's more entertaining than this movie is.
  10. I have 2 kids and 2 grandkids, I know all about "This Little Piggy", I was trying to figure out how it was associated with the link. It makes no sense in regards to the link.
  11. What are we supposed to be seeing in that link and what does it have to do with pigs and roast beef? I'm confused.
  12. Aww,Ang's poor cousin. Committed a robbery where somebody was murdered and the poor guy gets 38 years in prison. Don't they know he's married with a baby?! How can they be so cruel as to give this thieving murderer prison time! Poor guy. These bitches are a joke.
  13. You've got that backwards. Kate doesn't support those kids on her own. Those kids have supported her in the lifestyle she thinks she's entitled to since they were born. She hasn't worked a day since they were babies. The kids have supported her. I hope they realize that as they come of age and sue her ass for back wages. The kids appeared to have fun, Kate appeared to not freak out etc etc. doesn't mean it didn't happen. Editing does wonders.
  14. Heh...she said grass. Groovy. Every name sounds weird if you smoke the good stuff. Lol. I love the Poo nickname. If I heard somebody being called Poo, I would think Pooh instead of actual poo. Its a cute nickname. My daughter's name is Amanda and she's always been Panda Poo.
  15. Wendy has said her breasts are implants and she loves them and won't ever have them removed. I think she'd look so much better with smaller implants but its her body.
  16. I hope that wasn't offensive, I was just shocked when I saw the commercials. Once Sane, I hope I didn't give TLC any ideas.
  17. I'm watching the RV trip right now. Every god damn one of those kids are way to old to be whining and crying when they fall or when they don't get their way. Does the Witch ever talk TO anybody? If she does, I've not seen it. She barks at people and issues commands but I haven't seen her have a nice, civil conversation with anybody. Especially her kids. I feel so bad for those kids. Cara crying over Ashley leaving being captured for entertainment probably went over great with her classmates. Those kids are probably teased so bad. She's the only TV person who I wouldn't be able to stop myself from smacking the shit out of if I ever saw her in person. I'm a peace loving hippie chick who's never hit anybody, but damn I really want to beat that witch. ETA. She was such a raging bitch to the white water raft guide. It was obvious he wanted to knock her into the water.
  18. Why is there a TV show celebrating morbid obesity? Its so unhealthy. What's next "My Big Fabulous Nicotine Habit" or "Lets Celebrate With Crack"? Hopefully the show focuses on her trying to get back to a healthy weight, otherwise its just celebrating something that kills a lot of people. Being morbidly obese isn't fabulous.
  19. I must have been on Kate Plus 8 too. I saw the episode and I've never watched Palin's show. Kate was shown in a magazine spanking Leah in their driveway. Apparently Kate was on her phone as the kids played in the driveway and Leah was making too much noise playing. So the witch spanked her. I wouldn't be able to be in the same room with this woman and not smack the shit out of her. I'll never forget her yelling at a hysterically crying 3 year old boy and threatening to throw his security toy in the garbage. That poor little boy was sobbing his little heart out.
  20. I like that name so much better. I wonder why they changed it. I miss this show. I wish they'd given it another season. A lot of shows get new viewers once they go into syndication. I can't stand Modern Family, this show was so much better than that stupid show is (same with that Big Bang crap show). Raising Hope was fresh and original, every other show is just more of the same.
  21. I love that episode. I sing the song to my granddaughter all the time. She thinks its hilarious. "When you're alone, when you're home all alone...." I can't believe there's somebody else out there who likes Yes Dear! I loved that show.
  22. 2 months off her sentence is still over a year in prison. The 2 months is no big whoop in my opinion. I go back and forth between feeling bad for her and feeling like she's exactly where she should be. I would give up good money to be a fly on the wall at that prison right now. I want to see how she's handling this. I just finished Piper Kerman's book. I'm trying to picture Teresa wearing clothes that so many other women have worn and sleeping on a piece of foam that hundreds of other women have slept on. For somebody who thought it was gross to live in a "used" house, she must be going crazy. I really think Teresa thought this would be like the "celebrities" who've been sentenced to 30 days for DUI or whatever, they turn themselves in then get released a few hours later. I don't think she ever imagined she'd actually do real time.
  23. I had an uncle in Vacaville in the late 70s and 80s. I saw Charles Manson in the visiting room. The visits there weren't as scary as they were in San Quentin where he was eventually transferred. I just read Orange Is The New Black and I must say again that I'm glad the only illegal thing I've ever done is to smoke my weed, and that's now legal. Even though where Teresa is is considered to be a "camp" its still prison and you can't leave.
  24. She made me want a Monte Cristo when she talked about that. I had never heard of disco fries. I agree...puke.
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