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Everything posted by Maharincess

  1. Thank you so much! The show is ok but you guys are my boredom cure.
  2. What?! Holy shit! Why? Where can I read about it? I wonder how Meri feels. Wow!
  3. What's the recent news? I don't keep up with these people other than watching the show sometimes and reading here. I must have missed the recent news you're talking about.
  4. I have a morphine pump I've had to press a time or two. Better than wine. Lol.
  5. I must admit, I was rocking the hell out in my hospital bed as I watched my long time favorites AC/DC. They sounded great! I've seen them in concert 6 times. No stupid back up dancers, no elaborate sets, just straight up rock and roll and I love it! Us rock lovers don't get much love when it comes to Grammy performances. My nurse had to come and ask me to turn the TV down when they were on. Oops!
  6. Nicole was on Wendy Williams recently and said that Vinny was at the wedding. Maybe he just didn't want to be filmed.
  7. Yeah, I picked my daughter up from a friend's house when she was young. The mom was cooking chitlins, the whole house smelled like she was baking shit. I politely declined when she invited me to stay for dinner. I liked this show. Things like the mom being young in real life don't bother me. I'll definitely watch again. I am so happy that those stupid laugh tracks seem to be a thing of the past in shows like this.
  8. I agree that she's come a long way. Snooki was always my favorite on Jersey Shore. Beneath the crazy, drunken partying I could see a decent person. It feels weird to say but I'm proud of her. I remember reading that everybody from Jersey Shore, except Mike was at the wedding but I didn't see Vinny. Deena looked good. I'm surprised she's still with her boyfriend. I wonder what happened to Snooki's friend Ryder. On JS Snooki said they'd been friends since childhood but I didn't see her at the wedding. Also thought it was odd that Roger wasn't in the wedding.
  9. Kate has never denied what was in that book. I believe every word. We've seen enough for it to not be a stretch. I agree with the comment that its hilarious that Kate is now pretending to be an animal lover. They do seem to have gone down the list of reasons the public hates her. Don't the Duggars do the same thing?
  10. Thanks, I'd read about the ATM business he owns. I wish I had caught the cops name on the show. It was creepy how much this guy sounded like Jionni. He was also shorter than the women on the show, much like Jionni.
  11. They both said they would do another show but their kids wouldn't be involved. Does anybody know anything about Jionni's family? Are there any cops in his family? I was reading and had the show Jail on in the background. I swear I heard Jionni's voice, it was a cop who was very short and sounded just like Jionni. When I checked the guide it said it was filmed in Wayne, New Jersey. There wasn't a lot of physical resemblance other than the height and voice but I'm wondering if they are related.
  12. I've seen a lot of guys in work boots in my life and I can honestly say that work boots have never stimulated me in any way.
  13. Zaldamo, my friend, I have MORE questions. "up top guh"? And "gawn"? I think "gawn" is go on, but "up top guh" has me stumped.
  14. Got it. Thanks!
  15. I apologize if this isn't the right place to ask this. I just saw a repeat I'd never seen called "Make ups and Break Downs". Todd and Kandi went to New York and Cynthia walked in a fashion show. Why can't I find the thread for that episode? I've looked everywhere. Can somebody please tell me where I can find it?
  16. Why was she so excited she had to squeal and take pictures when she saw,Mady painting with the bird on her shoulder?
  17. I seem to love what most of you all hate. I LOVE tomatoes, I grow them and will pull one off the plant, grab the salt shaker and eat them raw. I also love mayonnaise. Any time I order a burger or sandwich I get extra mayo. Love, love mushrooms. Raw in salad or in my sauces or pizza, I love them all. I'm on a mission to gain at least 25 pounds this year, I'm hoping to get some good food ideas in this thread.
  18. Stella MD, don't feel bad, I yelled "YESSSSS" when Tanishq beat her. Poor Ryan. If his mom is this bad with a camera on her, imagine the berating that kid must go through at home. What the hell was with his mother telling him to walk in front so he didn't look so small compared to his brother? Now the kid gets berated for being short? I love how he calls his mom on her bullshit, "you've never said that before...stop pinching me". Love that kid!
  19. Did she really look at the camera and say "you have to feel bad for me" at this point?! This woman is a piece of work. You had those kids and you created those monsters, I don't feel a bit bad for her. Maybe if she had treated them like human beings all of these years and not as a way for her to make money things would be better for her now. The poor boys are so well behaved and they get the most shit. Talking about how boys smell nasty pissed me off. I think those boys have been beaten into submission. She'll never see them again once they turn 18. I think the difference between Kate having the kids on TV as opposed to the Housewives shows, Alaska: The Last Frontier etc. is that those shows don't revolve around the kids. In this show, without the kids there would have been no show. I'm also pretty sure that the kids on the other shows never had television lighting or cameras installed in their bedrooms. There's no comparing this show to kids on the other shows mentioned above in my opinion. Let's give 8 kids paint and then freak the hell out when they get some on the floor. What an idiot.
  20. I agree. I keep waiting for him to talk about french fried potaters.
  21. Thanks. I wasn't paying close attention.
  22. I'm just now watching last weeks episode. Every week I hate her more and more. Animals don't have souls? My dog has more soul and more love inside her than Kate ever will. I'm tempted to sign up for Twitter just so I can tweet this twat and tell her what a twit she is. I would love to see these free trips and opportunities go to people who would appreciate them. None of them appreciate anything they're given. Poor Alexis. Kate can't deal with her own child, she has to send her to a different boat? Great mom she is. Wasn't the "Alexis wakes the other girls up" from when they were 3 or even younger? I don't recall that being mentioned in recent years. Its not just in the beds that she's excluded. I've noticed it at other times too. Alexis and Aiden have always been my favorites. I hope that family doesn't break Alexis' spirit.
  23. Yep, plus a lot of people don't believe in "the lord" and just think goddamn is just a great cuss word.
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