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  1. At the end of Ep. 6, I really thought Taylor was going to call the whole thing off (if I recall, the "coming up" scenes didn't show Taylor & Daniel), so color me surprised that they appear to be one of the stronger couples. I thought it was weird how David was determined to find out if any couples had had sex in Honduras. I like Monica. I liked Monica & Joey together until his OCD/clean/neat freak tendencies came out. I honestly don't think he could handle being with someone who has a "sock bin," and I thought he was going to lose it when she dumped his clean clothes out of the laundry basket onto the floor. I loved Ben & Sara together, but the TikTok women's story was a little strange. They're still my pick for the couple that I hope actually go the distance. My guesses (subject to change 🙂) without any spoilers: * David & Lauren will not get married -- things are already too difficult and these are the early days when presumably everyone's still kind of on their best behavior. * Joey & Monica will not get married -- they just don't seem like a good match and I think he knows it and her sister knows it. * Devin & Virginia -- based on what we've seen so far, I think they will get married, but I'm not sure they're the greatest match. She seemed worried about his debt and love of buying sneakers. * Taylor & Daniel -- I think they will get married. Daniel's parents were my favorite of all the "meet the friends and families" scenes we saw. I was surprised Taylor's mom came around so quickly; her level of disappointment at not having been personally involved in the engagement was... telling. I think Daniel was smart to ask for their permission; that might have been what won her over. * Ben & Sara -- this is the question mark couple for me. I like them the best of all the couples, so I'm pulling for them. If I had to guess now, I think they won't get married (we haven't seen either of them meet the families yet, if I'm remembering things right, and the editors seem to have made a point of bringing up the possible Catholic/religious/faith differences at multiple points). But, I hope I'm wrong.
  2. If I recall, when she asked, he said "I don't follow you on Instagram" (present tense), which allowed some wiggle room for whether he had previously followed her, then stopped following her. I guess this is technically veering into "spoiler" territory, so to be safe:
  3. Kind of sad that they showed Nany talking about needing money for her wedding with Kaycee when they announced they had broken up the weekend before this episode aired.
  4. I just went back and rewatched it because I'm not always paying 100% attention, so I thought maybe I got the context wrong. Aneesa said to Rachel, "Maybe I do need to be more selfish. Maybe I need to hold more grudges. You did what you had to do in that moment and that's probably why you won this show and I didn't." That's what initially planted the seed for me watching the reunion that Aneesa was touting her own abilities...perhaps too highly. It suggests that Rachel only won because she somehow acted in an underhanded way and also suggests that Aneesa believes she could have won the whole thing. After seeing the types of activities required during the final challenge, I think Aneesa would have been at a real disadvantage with anything athletic. Then, she said, "...I have to reframe it....that Jenny almost lost to me. Because it kept me up at night and proved to me all of the things that I'm capable of. More than I actually thought I could. So, though it was upsetting to leave early, it was so powerful for me." So, I can see how you might have interpreted it a different way. Although, I still don't hear it as "wow, I almost beat Jenny, who's so good." More like, "yeah, I'm really pretty fantastic," which -- great for her self-esteem -- but still a little delusional, I think, if she believes her Challenge-winning abilities are right up there with athletes like Jenny. Aneesa does okay in some of the challenges, but I can't remember a season where she came close to winning it all in any of the last 10-15 seasons (if not longer), except for All-Stars 1, where she was in in the Final, but came in 9th, although, again, my memory might be affected by my general dislike of her.
  5. Aneesa suggesting that Jenny was lucky to beat her was laughable. Less Amanda, please. Announcing "the queen has arrived," while strutting in....? Um, queen of what exactly? //rhetorical// Couldn't they have edited all the Nehemiah-getting-stick stuff out? 🤢 Dipping my toe in the shallow end of the pool: Michele looked beautiful.
  6. Did Chelsie** deserve to win? Absolutely! Was I rooting for Makensy**? Also absolutely. I was slightly turned off by Chelsie basically declaring herself practically the greatest B.B. player ever. She claimed she won when she had to. Well, she didn't win the final HOH, which is arguably the most important one to win. I was waiting to see if Julie would pull the Jeff Probst/Survivor move and ask the jury who they would have voted for if Makensy had brought Cam to the final. I can't believe it would have been anything other than 7-0 for Makensy. I thought she was gracious in defeat. **How often must each of them have to explain to people how to spell their names? Sigh...
  7. I thought I heard at the beginning someone (Julianne?) say that, because it was hair metal night, they could add something "extra" or "special" (or something like that) to the dances. Whatever they said, my takeaway was that they weren't going to be super strict about no lifts, technique, etc. Did anyone else hear anything like that? (I almost always am multitasking while watching, so I can never trust my memory 100%.) Gene was terrible. It seemed like when his first score was high (a 9) and all the other judges had lower scores, he then overcorrected by underscoring several pairs. His scoring was all over the place and his comments were not helpful and were generally observations on each woman's looks. Yuck!
  8. Ugh…. Tucker’s gloating. I’m so annoyed he won.
  9. I believe so that the Islanders in the other place (Casa or the Villa, as the case may be) will immediately know who was chosen and it might stir up drama. All the girls know that Kordell is the shortest boy, for example.
  10. Yes, to all of this! I'm frustrated with the entire season. I miss the old days with 12-hour pit stops (this season, they clearly just start each episode in the morning), with teams leaving in the order they arrived (I can't stand the bunched starts), with a clearly established amount of money for the leg (I can't even remember the last time I heard, "We have $X for this leg of the race" -- has it happened at all this season?). The rally car/map challenge was boring -- once it became clear it was about putting 9 puzzle pieces containing only lines that clearly needed to line up. Some of the attempts were pathetic. I feel like this entire season has a lot of teams with that seem to be thriving with little athletic ability and that are not mental giants! Knowing Spanish has been a huge advantage this season -- it seems pretty unfair. Part of the charm of the Amazing Race is jumping from country to country, the language and culture differences, etc., except we've pretty much had none of that this season....
  11. I was greatly amused by Jay's sulking. Flat-out denying what everyone witnessed....including Olivia, who admitted to participating in whatever went on...was pretty ridiculous and just made him look like a liar on top of being a cheater. I was impressed by Melissa's apology to Raven (for throwing the drink at her), which seemed very genuine. Will it stop Melissa from going off on someone again? Probably not, but she did seem contrite. Berna seems like a very high maintenance friend. It was sweet to hear Tori singing Jordan's praises when it came to the greatest Challenge champion ever. And, it's interesting that the consensus seemed to be Laurel for greatest female champion ever. I think Evelyn should have been mentioned in that conversation. ETA: For a split second, when they asked Cara Maria for her thoughts, I almost thought she was going to say herself (and, legitimately, a good argument could be made that Cara Maria has performed better than Laurel). I think she just didn't want to come off as egotistical.
  12. Despite her gratitude for the experience, Katie confirmed that she and Vince are no longer dating. “That’s what everyone wants to know,” she said in an Instagram Story Q&A on Saturday, December 9. “No. That being said, if I’m ever asked to go on reality TV to date again, please just cancel me. Three times and [it] doesn’t work out? Maybe reality TV isn’t where your husband is, just a thought.” https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/katie-thurston-ends-vince-xu-091736369.html#:~:text=Despite her gratitude for the,Q%26A on Saturday%2C December 9.
  13. For anyone else whose DVR, like mine, cut off before the nominations were revealed: Felicia and Cirie are on the block.
  14. What I heard them say was the last three couples were "not necessarily the bottom three," but that the final two were the bottom two.
  15. Perhaps I'm not following the drama -- entirely possible.... I generally multitask when watching. But, what exactly was the great sin that Bergie committed against Victor? I get that Victor is embarassed that Carmen is, essentially, choosing Bergie over him (which has to be a huge blow to Victor's ego), but Bergie going to confirm with/confront Carmen about what Victor said seemed like a logical thing to do. So, if I'm following, Victor told Bergie what Carmen (allegedly) said about only being interested in a friendship with Bergie, and Bergie is (1) supposed to 100% believe Victor (who is not exactly an uninterested, neutral party in all this), and (2) never breathe a word of this to Carmen because "guy code" (or whatever)...? Oh, and (3) Bergie is supposed to feel 100% indebted to Victor and the rest of the guys for their initial coaching on how to interact with the gals? (For my money, Hannah's been giving Bergie the best advice.) In any event, while I appreciate the dramatic! need for a cliffhanger ending, I'll be floored if the result is anything other than Carmen staying. ETA: Although it would be interesting to see what Bergie would do if Carmen is dumped by the rest of the islanders. I could see him possibly leaving also, since he was willing to do so on Day 1 and therefore seems like he might have come on the show less for the "exposure" than the others.
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