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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. With Penny's drinking habit, she should probably stay away from anything requiring good manual dexterity. I'd suggest she could try teaching next, but big-name universities care so much about academic credentials that would be even less plausible. :)
  2. If they're not going to be made of something horrific, they're likely to stand in contrast with something that is.
  3. Even before those landing errors, on Rose's first trip there's a scene where she realizes that she's somewhere completely alien and dependent on a guy she hardly knows to have any chance of getting back home. You can't blame someone for doubting how much they can trust the Doctor before agreeing to a trip. Even going on board is a risk (as Ian and Barbara found out a long time ago). It's the alien equivalent to getting into a windowless van with a stranger holding high-tech candy.
  4. Did Taffer and his spies not grasp the name of the place? Going into "Jack's Ale House" and ordering a Harvey Wallbanger made as much sense as going into a place called "Cristy's Martini Bar" and ordering a Fosters.
  5. For most professions, what is a college degree but a certification that you're more likely to be successful at a particular type of job than the average person? It doesn't mean that you can step right in and do a great job - that takes training and experience - but it's important to somebody trying to pick from a sea of job applicants. If Penny can get someone to vouch for her instead, great (although it's a little inconsistent with all the digs Bernie takes). I suppose you can call it unfair to anyone who got their job "the hard way", but it's not insulting, and she's hardly the first to take the same route.
  6. Bob is running the ranch's checkout desk. Contestants hang around a week while the arrangements are made to send them home.
  7. The glue scene was a bit odd because it seemed like it was directed and acted as though we were seeing drunk!Penny, but some of the dialogue suggested it was written to be dumb!Penny. An example of non-alcoholic dumbness was her asking Prof Proton if he used a trick clock or a trick potato. Actually, they also dumbed down Sheldon in that one; the real Sheldon wouldn't have said that the egg would be sucked into the flask because it technically gets pushed in by the air pressure in the room and he's a stickler for details like that. Nobody's character is safe from the hunt for a quick laugh.
  8. Do you have any examples? I thought her problem was with her vocabulary.
  9. When Missy told the Doctor "you left me for dead", I immediately thought of Jenny (the Doctor's female clone) who could have gotten angry with him for skipping out, especially if her adventures took a bad turn.
  10. The challenge dictated that the two tattoos were supposed to mesh. If Josh was going to ink what he wanted, he should have still been giving direction to Julia. It was clear from the poor quality of his work why he was afraid to do so (but covered that concern with arrogance).
  11. Isn't Liam the only guy Karma has slept with? With no circle of friends to clue her in, along with her obsession with him, Liam could easily get away with putting his own satisfaction first and Karma wouldn't know if she's missing out.
  12. I didn't hear anything to suggest she needed to flirt. She's choosing to do it because she's new at her job and wants to turn in the best results she can (at least at first). Penny once commented that it was just as okay for engaged people to look around as single people so it's in character for her, and Leonard is accepting who she is.
  13. If the Kremlin was crushed you wouldn't see it in the picture, but you would see nearby landmarks. There were pictures of NYC after the twin towers fell that were like that.
  14. True, but if your boss says you need to do it and you don't get more money/staffing, that's the kind of thing that happens. Just speculating, but the kind of brass who might say the show doesn't look sci-fi-enough so add more special effects may not know that much about creating a show either. No, but there's an iterative process with someone up the line with broader responsibility so that kinks can be worked out.
  15. They could go with the Japanese internment during WWII.
  16. Her death may not have been the point of the film. At the time, the gas-powered chainsaw was a fairly new invention, so there would have been a novelty factor in seeing someone getting limbs chopped off by one. It wouldn't have taken much rewriting to make that scene the production of a sales film for doctors.
  17. I'm having a flashback to Hee Haw's "hey Grandpa, what's for supper?"
  18. Is there a rule that both halves of a rivalry can't be on the chopping block at the same time? I haven't seen a contestant skate so much since The Apprentice, but if the judges can't go after Josh while Jason is still there as a target, it makes sense.
  19. I thought Cig's looked pretty mundane too, at least compared to Dina's.
  20. It could be that the production staff's time is maxed out and putting more effort into special effects means taking time away from other things like script development.
  21. And often misquoted, although If the Earth is covered in greenery, maybe it's okay to say "forest" instead of "forests".
  22. How so? The team that had no trainer all week won the weigh-in. The team that had their trainer all week came in last. Losing a trainer seems to be more inspirational than counterproductive.
  23. FWIW, in The Date Night Variable, Leonard lifts up his shirt to show the "GO SPORTS!" he has written (thus ending the idea that he wears layers to hide a too-fit-for-a-nerd body on Johnny).
  24. That very much depends on regional standards, and she's from a part of the country where it certainly may. If this were a normal reality show, contestants would want to moderate such behavior, but the IM producers are looking for rude and aggressive. If anything juicier had gone down this week, nobody would have cared.
  25. Nothing is going to rampage through a city all that quickly anyway. There are too many buildings and other objects to limit speed. Of course, if the monster is still out on open land, and somebody yells "the giant sloth is coming this way" you're going to have more time to evacuate than if it's one of the classic Japanese monsters.
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