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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. What's not family-friendly about Hooters Girls anyway? I'll often see parents with their kids going in or out of the Hooters along a nearby highway. I don't know what the producers were thinking in trying to portray having them as a "risk" (especially in NYC). Not that it wasn't a mistake to be sexist and fail to have some attractive men there too (the female passengers felt left out, according to the summary). Kate must not have ever watched CA to be harping on another contestant creating drama, as if Trump would think that was a bad thing. Kate sealed her fate with that argument.
  2. Never mind a keyboard; the @ symbol was long used in sales ads before it became associated with the net, and I'm sure was chosen for email addresses because of how it was already being pronounced.
  3. I think it's been demonstrated on The Apprentice numerous times that a team member can be worse than dead weight, Omarosa being the most famous example from that show.
  4. OTOH, Rob's home is a dorm, where he has convenient access to his university's gym.
  5. I didn't do as well, but like Colby, I would have gone with Godzilla; it's a much bigger franchise than King Kong. Thomas should rethink his look; there was a brony on an episode of Storage Wars and when a guy is talking about "Pinkie Pie" or "pegasisters" it helps to look a little more masculine.
  6. A topic that includes "creation of the universe" is usually called "cosmology"; "astronomy" is just what we can see out there, and that's all I heard for questions.
  7. He wasn't carrying any more than he was accustomed to carrying when he started, and the training he's had should have made it easier. What's important is the percentage, not the pounds. I wouldn't expect Sonya to do the same because it would be more than she weighs; it's not even close to that for Rob.
  8. Since this show has taken a page from The Voice in having the coaches compete as well as the contestants, we may see similar ploys to dump the least talented contestants. Laura may have deliberately put her worst team members on the monkey.
  9. Besides snagging some more camera time, Rob was clearly trying to disguise how slow he was with his sit-down-and-cry; I noticed that it only took a few seconds at the start for him to fall out of the shot as the camera followed the other contestants.
  10. If somebody's been at CC for a couple of weeks, how is the newcomer in a single week going to surpass what the other will have had three weeks to do? Going by percentage only accounts for having contestants of different starting weights. The only way to save CC may be to throw in some sort of challenge, so that who stays is not entirely based on weight.
  11. To some extent the problem is that he's too creative, so the season gets stuffed with far more ideas than can possibly be handled by the end of a thirteenth episode. This episode and last have felt like a rush to wrap up characters, but it was poorly done and there's still a pile of "what about...?"s. Maybe somebody should have RM reboot an anthology series so that he can spend a whole episode on a single idea or two. It worked for Rod Serling, who wrote over half of the Twilight Zone episodes himself.
  12. Since they were running two episodes at a time, they could have been pairing up a longer episode with a shorter one to make the ads fit easier. Put the longer ads in with the shorter episode and both run an hour without having to cut more from the longer.
  13. That might favor the person already at CC too much, considering they just won against someone else, especially if they've hung on a while. Either using their per-week average loss instead of their total, or including some of the newcomer's at-ranch loss would balance that out.
  14. The platinum designation wouldn't have existed yet, so even as a fantasy it's questionable.
  15. But, shouldn't there still be someone attending to it, like the Greek Fates?
  16. Movie heroes of the time had magic guns that never needed reloading and were uncanny at killing someone with a single shot, no matter how far away they were (as long as they weren't hiding behind something wooden). Dandy must have had one of those. I agree that the style of Dandy's death could have been chosen a lot better, but I think the writers were focused on having the group sitting eating popcorn while he died. If they had given Maggie anywhere near a plausible death, they could have saved the saw for Dandy, with newcomer Penny wielding it while the others watched, and applauded when she was done.
  17. He reminds me of Hymie the Robot on the old Get Smart series. One of their latest ads is dragging in the difficulty of paying up-front with a credit card. That's a false comparison because you're not doing that at Little Caesar's and don't have to at their competition either. BTW, they call their pizzas "$5 Hot and Ready"; but that shouldn't be taken to mean that they'll necessarily be hot or ready.
  18. I'm sure there are towns in the U.S. that never built a middle school and still have elementary schools that run up to 8th grade (high school being 9th-12th). 15 or 16 would still be a little old to be in with the younger kids, but plausible.
  19. Yes, he has been, but I'm not sure what role he'll have with the main Library and Flynn back. I'd prefer they make Flynn disappear again and keep Jenkins as the Artie.
  20. Why is a tax-prep company using what has been the theme song for The Apprentice for over a decade? And running the ad during that show?
  21. Flynn would probably be tolerable filling the role Artie had in Warehouse 13 of being a back-home information provider. It'd be unrealistic to think the others, even combined, would just happen to have the right knowledge when it's needed every time.
  22. Producers cast people that are willing to do what they ask, whether it's what she might of done regardless is the question.
  23. She often credits John Ritter for helping her learn while on 8 Simple Rules, but he had the same problem, so that's not surprising. And where else could she have honed that, Charmed? Isn't that part of why a casting director picks someone? Why would you want to have an actor for whom the character is difficult; that wastes time you don't have when filming a TV series. Maybe if you have a big-budget movie and want to have a currently-big-name star, but then you're taking a risk.
  24. Thanks to the poorly-thought-out way they did Comeback Canyon it shouldn't have been that much of a shock. They only brought back somebody who just "went home". In prior seasons they'd bring back a contestant everyone had a chance to think of as long gone and potentially had time to become a new contender for the win.
  25. It felt exactly like the past-season boardroom where Trump hated that Adam Corolla was PM for a car task when he wanted Michael Andretti. The argument that Adam was much better qualified went nowhere. Would it be that much trouble to tell the teams before each task who they'd like to see prominently (either PM or their right hand)? If you're talking about the season where the fix was in for Joan Rivers to win, that was Playboy model Brande Roderick, whom I don't think the producers expected to be more than eye candy, but arguably should have been the one to go up against Annie Duke in the finale. Joan reminded me of the Doctor Who episode where people were replaced by plastic duplicates.
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